
The Autumn Tower

by Scripture

Chapter 2: Ground Floor

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PLEASE READ: This is a THOUGHT based story. Everything in it is centered around THOUGHT or IMPLIED SPEECH. It will make you use a bit of imagination at times but that's where the fun is, eh?

Chapter Two: Ground Floor

What… what the hell is HE doing here? Who the heck is he? I wonder if he knows anything about the tower… but that mask he is wearing… its creeping me out big time…

How the hell did I know to call that a mask though? I never saw one in my life… well, at least, from when I woke up today…

And my head…urgh…

WHOA, WHAT THE BUCK! I blink once and he’s gone! I can’t see him anywhere now but I KNOW he was there… that creepy smiling blue and green mask… Maybe I should just go back outside. I honestly think that I have better chances with the wolves at this point…

Wait, what? Where the hell is the door?! It was there just a moment ago! I mean… how? This wall is solid, like nothing had ever even been there before! My hooves aren’t even leaving a dent in it! Could that plaque have actually been telling the truth?! Oh this is wonderful, just WONDERFUL!

Well, what now… I suppose I could look around again… seems that every time I turn, there is something new to-

Annnnnnnnnd there is a staircase across the room now. Perfect. My confused-o-meter just cranked up another level…

I just hope that this place isn’t booby-trapped or something… I could get killed! Wait, that’s the point of this place… ‘Death or Treasure’… that would be such a nice slogan for the Autumn Tower…


Whoa! When in the world did he get behind me like that?! At least I get to have a better look at him… He honestly doesn’t seem like much with his green coat and blue mane, but the mask is REALLY weirding me out and the staring… Maybe I should just back up a bit. He could, I don’t know, bite or something…

Urgh… that laughter… it chills me right to the bone… that stupid pony is so bucking creepy… Hm? He’s talking now... better listen up for a bit, maybe get some information from this bub…

How the hell did he know I have no memory?! God I wish he would stop laughing so much… it starting to really aggravate me!

Alright alright… each floor is a challenge, unique in its own regard, several ponies are among its levels and… dead? They died? Urgh… the shivers… Makes me wonder what could have killed them… Actually, never mind, that’s not a good idea…

He vanished again the bucker! And on cue, his freaky laugh, coming from nowhere... Oh? A parting word this time? I wonder what he-

What the hell did he just say? What does he mean I’ll be seeing familiar faces around here? Come to think of it… he was talking to me as if he knew exactly who I was… Just who in the world was that guy?

Man this is so confusing… no memory, this weird tower, wolves, magic, treasure, a freaky clown pony thing… Maybe I should just sit down for a bit and weigh my options…

No! What am I saying? There ARE no options here! I have to get to the top of this bucking tower! So far, everything seems pretty legitimate… so if the ‘no exit’ thing is true, then I would certainly feel that the time limit is also true!

Whatever the heck ‘autumn’ is anyways…

Oh, wait, never mind, I know it now!

Alright, I guess my only option is to climb that staircase and see where it leads. Sticking in this room any longer and I might just get anxiety… Or boredom. Whichever kills first.

Man, the steps just seem to keep on going up and up in this place… I doubt it’s actually this wide though… Maybe this place has some magic to it? I sort of recall something about magic… Something nagging at me, like I should know something about this, but I can’t remember it at all… Ah well, better start walking…

Well hell-lo, what’s this? A red box? Why would someone leave a box halfway up the steps? Hm? A tag? Let’s see here… ‘To Miss Loosewing; use wisely. -JR’ JR? Who the hell is JR? Maybe it was that pony back there… but how could he have gotten past me already? Ah well… free stuff is free stuff, right?

Hm? What have we got here… a saddle bag, nice, but of course empty. Go figure.

One wrapped up… sandwich? Ugh… I hate learning new words like this… its feels all tingly in my head whenever it happens… hopefully there isn’t much more to-

And a dagger. Nice. Tingle sensations a go-go! Well, this should be useful… and it fits my mouth perfectly! Hi-yah! Ho-yeah! Let any marauder and bad guy mess with me now, for I am Loosewing, champion daggerdeer and first person to reach the top of this stupid tower!

…What the buck is wrong with me…

Well, might as well get a move on, no use just waving this thing around… Oh! The sheath! Sheath… that’s an odd word altogether! Sheath sheath sheath… Anyways, just tie it around here and… alright! Nice and tight around my front right leg! Hopefully I won’t have to use this thing though…

Alright, saddle bags in place, dagger to use just in case, sandwich randomly obtained… And door, straight ahead. Hm. Kinda expected a grand door to this place, but its just oaken and plain… Oh well! Time to open it!

Whoa! It’s so bright! Wait, what the HECK is THAT thing?!



Oh my~ what could be on the first floor of the Tower? OoOoOooOOoOoOoO~ :P Anyways, like always, please enjoy it~ :)

Next Chapter: First Floor- Attacked! Estimated time remaining: 39 Minutes
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