
The Autumn Tower

by Scripture

Chapter 3: First Floor- Attacked!

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PLEASE READ: This is a THOUGHT based story. Everything in it is centered around THOUGHT or IMPLIED SPEECH. It will make you use a bit of imagination at times but that's where the fun is, eh? Now with colors to differentiate the characters! (WIP)

Chapter Three: First Floor- Attacked!

Is that…? No, it couldn’t be… but it really does look like one… Naw, I bet its fake… But if it was fake, why would it be here? Seems kind of fishy to me… Although, this tower IS all around nutty so far…

I mean, where in the world would I ever see a real live dinosaur, much less this humid rainforest?

…Dinosaur? Rainforests? So new yet nagging at my brain… this memory thing blows big time…

Hmmm… now, where to go from here… Oh! Well, that’s UNsurprising… the door which I came into here is gone now! Wonderful! Well, at least there isn’t any turning back around here… not like I would need to all that much…

Wait, whats that? A trail? What would a trail be doing here in the rainforest? Oh… well, there must have been other ponies travelling here too, so they probably eventually wore the trail down… Perfect! Less work for me!

Ow! Stupid branches, keep getting caught up in my mane… I do wonder what it’s going to be like though, without friends or people to talk to… I mean, all I’ve really done so far is talk to myself in my brain… almost as if I was telling my story thus far…

…Naw, it couldn’t be that!

Yeah, I mean, really, what Pony could read mi- WHOA! What the HECK was that thing?! It’s some kind of weird flying lizard thing… and it’s looking at me hungrily… and it squawked in my direction… and now its flying straight at me… and oh MY GOSH ITS TRYING TO EAT ME!

GAH! That swoop barely missed me, if only by a few inches! I swear my tail looks a bit shorter now… Guh, no time for that, I need to get going! If I can just reach a bit into that path, I am sure to-


… Of course, I didn’t recognize the fact I was VERY high up already from that lizard… Oh wait! Wings! OWCH! Er… WING! C’mon wing, work, work, please work already…

Crap! Its slowing me down but not enough! I’m gonna crash and burn! It’s been a short, nice life, but it’s been worth it… I only just wish I had some memories to look back upon…

...Dammit I hate crying…

…Am I dead yet?

It certainly still FEELS the same… its humid as all heck, the air stifling with heat, and my lungs still gasping for air… Well if this is heaven, what the HECK did I die for?! Might as well see what it’s like…

…Ok, now this is disappointing… Heaven is a prehistoric jungle, just like where I died! Oh well isn’t THAT just great! Now I have to live my afterlife in a hot mess of-

Why can’t I move my body? Maybe if I just tug a bit I could- Nope, no use… I wonder what the heck has got me so stuck in place here! It probably broke my fall and helped me survive! OH YES! I’M NOT DEAD YET! Thank you whoever is watching over me and- Hey, wait, is this a spider’s web I’m stuck to?


UGH! GET IT OFFA ME! I REMEMBER WHAT SPIDER’S ARE NOW AND I DON’T LIKE THEM ONE BIT! And if one built a web this big, it must be a HUGE spider, and with a HUGE spider, that’s big jaws, and big jaws lead to big bites, eventually leading to-

Hey, where is this big old hairy thing? WELL THEN! Am I not delectable enough to be eaten or something? Hmph! I’ll show that spider what’s boss when I get free of this web! Now how to get out of this- Ah ha! My serrated dagger! If only my mouth could reach it…

Hnnn? What the hell was that?! It wasn’t a spider all right, but it sure was freaky, whatever the hell passed by… That silver colored thing… I wonder what it is really… Maybe it’s a silver speedy spider! Urghhhh… the shivers… I really hope it isn’t…

Hm? Who the hell is THAT?


Oh great… another one… Honestly, I was hoping to get a longer lasting meal… but I suppose that she will have to do… too bad though, she is quite the looker in all regards, even if her orange eyes are staring daggers at me now. Heh. It’s always cute when they fall into my trap. ‘Oh no, save me! Help me! Wait, please, don’t eat me! Ahhhhhhh~!’

Yeah, right. Either pain or your life. Let’s see… Your life! Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner!

Hmmm… it’s odd though… she hasn’t screamed or anything yet… lots of struggling from before, but it’s odd… She hasn’t even called for help yet to me… I wonder what’s going through that little mind of hers…


If he doesn’t get me down soon, he is more than likely here to kill me. If he does help me down, I can’t say I fully trust him anyways… he looks more ravenous and desperate than anything else I have seen so far here, which hasn’t been much in all honesty… Its just that, I didn’t expect two things about this guy…

One, that he was an emaciated grey coated, black mane earth pony.

The other was that his grin showed devilishly sharp teeth… teeth that I know ain’t for having a salad with…

Salad... now that's an appetizing thought…


Ahhhhh so she finally saw my teeth, eh? Better give her a little chat, see how she likes them… After all, tenderizing the mind tenderizes the meat for me… Mmmm my lips are already smacking…


Oh gosh he is licking his lips… And great, he feels like he should entertain his dinner, well done… Well, I can’t say he wasn’t a gracious host or anything. At least he had the decency to talk to me before eating my limbs and-


Wait… did he just call my body luscious? Well that charmer! I bet he got a few fillyfriends in high scho-

FOCUS! Being eaten soon, remember? Alright… think, think, think… He is hungry obviously. He needs sustenance. Food. Sandwich. My sandwich! Maybe… Maybe he would like some of it? I mean it’s my only food, but its eat or be eaten, right? Well, better now or never…


Hm? What? Wait, is she actually serious? Hmmmm… A sandwich… well, honestly, I would love a sandwich… and she IS a pretty mare… it would be a waste to eat something like her…

URGH! Ugh… no, not now… I still have some time left! I shouldn’t be feeling it for a little bit still… GAH!


Well… Offer a stallion a sandwich, and he keels over in pain. Glorious. I didn’t know guys hated home cooking that much these days! I mean, come on, he could have just said he didn’t want it or something…

Whoa, I don’t think he is kidding… He’s screaming now! Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what do I do? Uhm… Uhm…. OH! Dagger! I have to reach it…

Come on, come on… just a bit further and I can just reach for it- Oh god. Was that squawking? OH SHITAKE MUSHROOMS! REACH LOOSEY REACH! You are so close just a bit further and…

There we go! Got it free! There! Alright, got that one, and that one… OW! That one is in my hair… Oh hell I can hear flapping now… I have to get out of here soon or else that freaky bird will get me! Just a few more now… Finally! FREEDOM! Now, where to bolt off to…


Guh… lucky little mare… urgh… Didn’t know she had the dagger on her… uh… Well, I suppose it’s time for Karma to have its little bit of fun with me like usual… Argh! This goddamn pain! It’s just… just unbearable!

Hurm? What… what is she doing? She’s not- no, she wouldn’t! There is a pterodactyl around here! She couldn’t carry both of us and outrun it! What is this, suicide? At least- OW!

I better not say anything else to her… urk… unless I want a jab with that knife…. If she wants to carry me, fine. Her own damn fault for dying… Nnnn…


Sometimes, I am such an idiot…

Why the BUCK would I try and help this guy?! I mean, he isn’t very heavy but he was going to EAT me! Man… why did that stupid flying thing have to show up now? I could have just left him there and not cared but noooooo… My good heart shone through! Gah… I know this is going to bite me in the flank later on…

I just hope not literally…

ACK! OR RIGHT NOW! Damn that lizard bird swoops down fast! Nearly got my tail again! Alright, I gotta get under some cover like before… except, well, maybe this time I won’t be dropped upon a giant spider’s web with a mad, cannibalistic po-

AH! Alright alright! I better get moving! That bird doesn’t wait for anything! How rude of it honestly…

Okay, just a bit a bit further now… Oh crap, I can hear it flapping behind me! Oh dammit it’s getting closer! Dammit dammit DAMMIT GAH!



Holy buck she actually beat that bird up… well, made it collide with the tree, but either way she- UGH! The pain… Will… Will I be able to… to tell her through this?

GUH! Urk… I really should tell her now, while the pain is… is… bearable…


I don’t give a buck if he is in any kind of pain right now, we need to MOVE!

Honestly, this stallion better stop moaning soon or else he is getting dropped… better tell him that before he does it louder…

Heh… one scared face later and there is silence, except for my speeding hooves. Nicely done Loosewing, nice.

Hm? Doorway? What does he mean by doorway? Hm… oh, OH! Well, that’s convenient… alright, that sounds like a great idea! Hopefully, we can get there in time… He isn’t looking very good even though he isn’t whining anymore… ‘Myeh myeh myeh!’

I can’t STAND whining! And I’ve only known about it for bucking 2 minutes!


I can’t believe… she would even THINK about dropping me and leaving me behind! ME! Of ALL the people in here, I would have to be the most resourceful of ANY of them! OUCH! Too much moving…

I probably should barter with her… she’s been running along this trail for awhile now and all it does is loop around… Thank Celestia that the door is nearby!


Hm? A door? There’s a DOOR to this place? Well… this helps out a lot for me! Uh oh… The ground is shaking, but in a beat-like rhythm… I wonder what could make the ground do that kind of-

Why did I look behind me…?



Just who is this mysterious new Pony? why is he in so much pain? Why am I asking you these questions? Oh, right... i already know them~ ;D

Anyways, like i say from time to time, enjoy~ :)

Next Chapter: First Floor- Food! Estimated time remaining: 31 Minutes
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