
The Autumn Tower

by Scripture

Chapter 1: Outside

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PLEASE READ: This is a THOUGHT based story. Everything in it is centered around THOUGHT or IMPLIED SPEECH. It will make you use a bit of imagination at times but that's where the fun is, eh?

Chapter One: Outside

Ugh… where the hell am I? Ow! Why does my head hurt so much? In fact, for that matter, who the hell am I in the first place?

Hmmm… let’s see… my body feels kind of different… And, what’s this? Hooves? Hmmm… so I’m a pony, huh? Alright, that’s kind of cool… Oh, wait, what? Wings?! All right, now we are talk-

OW! My head AND my wing! What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell HAPPENED to me?

I feel so scared… but why? I can’t remember anything that would scare me… I can’t remember much at all! The only thing I am sure of is my name… My name is… is… Oh yeah! Loosewing, my name is Loose-

YOW! Yeah… my name fits that pretty well right now…

I wonder what all this is… The leaves are all brown and orange, the trail in front of me beaten in worn down, as if a thousand ponies had trodden across it year after year… Wait, maybe there is someone that can tell me who I am then! It’s a path after all… it has to lead SOMEwhere!

Man… this path seems to lead on forever! I can’t even see an end in sight! But I have to start somewhere I suppose… but now which direction do I choose? Hmmm… eenie, meenie, miney… MOE! Alright, right it is!

It sure is a nice day out though… even if the sun isn’t fully out from the clouds. It’s slightly chilly with the wind but the sun keeps warming me up all snuggly-like… Now that I think about it, I wonder what I look like anyways… Ah! A puddle, perfect!

Drat, I hate it when I make the water ripple… Now I gotta wait a bit and… Aha! Oh... well, I didn’t expect that. Female, huh? Oh, but a nice short cut chestnut brown mane and tan body color… I do like that. And my eyes… such a pretty orange! The red bandana on me though, that I didn’t notice… I wonder what’s on it?

Hm… nothing much, just a weird looking gold triangle… I wonder why it has all those points sticking out from it… it was on me though, so maybe I can figure out who I am with it. Maybe. Highly unlikely though.

I probably should still keep on moving. No sense in looking at a reflection for answers! I just honestly wonder what could be at- WHOA! How did THAT get there? I know for a fact that this wasn’t here a minute ago! Was this magic or something? Maybe I should turn around and-

Hnnn? What was that noise? It sounded like… wolves. Many wolves. Too many to fight against wolves. So many I should probably rethink about entering that place… yeah, probably the better idea at the moment…

This tower looks so incredibly old… I wonder how it’s even standing right now! I mean, it’s just brick on brick on brick… no windows, no cement, and it’s certainly not wide enough to hold itself very well… I can’t even see the top of this thing! Just how high is it?!

Man… maybe I should have taken the other way instead… Hel-lo, what’s this? A plaque? By the doorway? Odd place to put something like that… wonder what its about…

‘The Autumn Tower, a place to have your wishes fulfilled! Treasure beyond belief, power beyond comprehension, love beyond compare! If you succeed to reach the top floor before the end of Autumn, you will have every and any wish granted! But be warned… If you enter the Tower, you may not exit! If you don’t reach the top floor before the end of autumn also, you will crumble away like the Tower, only that the Tower will be returning alone the next year. Enter, and hope to succeed!’

Well… that was informative… sort of. I don’t fully grasp it yet, but maybe after awhile I will… Although, not exiting isn’t exactly the best reassurance, and that last part… does it mean what I think it means?

Oh my… The wolves are closing in… I think they can smell me! The door is already opened a bit, and I could just keep it open a crack until the wolves go by… right? AUGH! BARKING! I’M HEADIN INSIDE!

WAH! I don’t remember shutting the door, or even touching it for that matter! I really hope that the plaque didn’t mean what it said, because I really don’t want to disappear without knowing who I am…

Wait, the plaque said something about having my wish granted if I reach the top of the Tower… Hm… yes… If I just get to the top of the tower, I could wish for my memory back! Simple as pie! Maybe even sweeter…

Wait, what IS pie anyways? I know the name, but I can’t think about it straight… it’s like all hazy in my mind… I just can’t seem to focus on the image… I know it’s great tasting and my favorite dessert, but what IS it? This is starting to bother me…

Huh? What was that? A chuckle? But where could there be one… the room is bare! The white tiles and the white walls are certainly bright and shiny but I can’t see anyone… So how can there be laught-




Alright, this is a new style I am working with... trying to make it LITERALLY all in Loosewing's mind and her adventures looking out from her thoughts! Something different, you know... but anyways, please enjoy! :)

Next Chapter: Ground Floor Estimated time remaining: 43 Minutes
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