
Starlight in a Broken Vessel

by the-pieman

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Hello, Princesses.” Twilight smiled wide. “I think I’ve made a breakthrough.”

“I suppose so. Or at least made our new arrival very angry.” Luna began inspecting me, looking over my body as she levitates me closer to her. “And what a strange new arrival this is. I must admit, when my sister told me about you, I assumed she was exaggerating.”

“Uh, could you put me down, please?”

“Oh, of course, my apologies.”

“So.” Twilight returned everyone’s attention to her. “This discovery I made was executed with the help of a spell on my part, so I’m not sure exactly how accurate my notes would be in a natural occurrence.”

“Yeah, so what’s the spell? What’d you do to me?”

“It was, er... an emotion spell. It temporarily enhanced your emotional reactions, so when you got angry, you got very angry.”

“So you did that, and then started messing with me to rile me up and get a reaction?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“Don’t do that again, please.”

“May we know why?” Luna was still inspecting me, though this time without any magical interaction.

“Because I don’t want to be that angry ever again.” I get a little sad. “I was... so... furious. I’ve been angry before but... this is the first time I ever seriously considered hurting someone. Specifically you, Twilight.”

“Oh...” Twilight was at a loss for words. I don’t blame her. No matter how angry I’ve gotten, I’ve never hurt anyone. Caused some property damage, sure... but never hurting anyone. “And, a few moments ago... I was ready to strangle you. Please, never do that again. No more magic spells on me without letting me know what it does and why.”

Celestia ponders for a moment. “I suppose that’s a reasonable request. Very well Anthony. Anyways, the reason why I’m here. With a guard.”

Twilight immediately brightened at the chance to share her knowledge.”Well, I’m not sure how safely we can replicate the events that caused it, but-”

“I started glowing.”

Twilight was upset at the interruption. “Yes. He glowed.” I think she might be mad. “Anyhow, I took some notes-”


“Could you please stop interrupting me?”

“Maybe for more ice cream.”

Twilight let out a frustrated groan. “Just be quiet!”

Suddenly, my mouth felt tingly. I checked it and my mouth felt fine. I ask what she did. Wait, no I don’t. I can’t speak! I gesture wildly at Twilight.

“That was just to help things go a bit smoother. You will be able to talk once we are finished.”

I stomp the floor repeatedly in anger.

“My, I never would have guessed something this large would act like such a child.” Luna’s words stung. I pull up a chair and sit it the corner quietly. Not that I have much choice in the latter case.

Twilight brought her notes out. “Now, as I was saying...”

“This is quite interesting.” Luna mused. “And a bit strange. As trustworthy as you are, Twilight Sparkle, I must admit I am skeptical. I have not seen any evidence of this creature being much more than a large hairless monkey.”

That’s it, she could be Princess of the whole galaxy, but that was too far. I get up and walk towards Luna. Once I’m within arm’s reach, I give her a smile and flick her nose. Hard.

“Agh! Impudent welp! I will give you one chance to apologize!” She is now holding me in her magical grasp once more.

Apologize she says? But I can’t possibly do that with the muting spell Twilight had placed on me. I convey this by holding Luna’s ear up, and screaming into it with as much volume as I could muster. That is, to say, none at all.

“You have quite the nerve.”

And you use quite the shampoo, is what I want to say, but obviously I make no sound.

I raise my hands in a ‘bring it on’ motion, holding my fists in front of my face in a comedic manner.

“Surely you jest.” Came her curt reply.

I rush at her, a bit faster than she could react, and throw myself onto her, giving her a big hug and a noogie.

Luna is not amused. “You are sure this creature is not the product of Discord’s antics?”

“We checked the garden, he is still encased in stone. I assure you, sister, he is doing this of his own volition.”

Luna pursed her lips. “How annoying.”

I give her a kiss on the cheek and hop on top, riding her like, well, a horse.

She immediately bucks me off, sending me into the wall behind her.

It seems Twilight’s spell has worn off, because I actually make a sound with my reply. “Did anyone catch the number on that bus? It must’ve hit me with, like, one horsepower. Maybe half that.”

“I liked you better silent, but not by much.” Luna was fuming. I was having a blast.

“And I liked you... hold on, let me think.”

“Spineless creature! Feel the wrath of your superior!”

“Really? Chuck Norris is here!?” Since I spent my time making a retort, I don’t have time to move as Luna shoots a dark blue beam of magic my way. “Oh, this is gonna hurt.” I hold up my arms to protect my face, hoping I’d come out of the ordeal unaffected.

And I do. I lower my arms tentatively, and I see Twilight and the Princesses staring at me in shock, Luna with her mouth hanging open.

“That’s it! That’s what happened when we used the Elements of Harmony on him!” Twilight spoke up.

“I see it, but... I don’t believe it...” Luna was still completely shocked. “How could you possibly?" Luna turned to Twilight. “Not even the Elements?” When Twilight nodded, Luna sat down on her haunches, unable to think of what to do next.

“That is quite the power you have, my little pony, er, human.” Celestia blushed at her slip of the tongue.

“Yeah, and I glow in the dark, too! Now I’ll save tons of money on candles and lanterns!”

Luna still hadn’t said anything. She looked... completely defeated. It broke my heart to see anyone so sad. Especially her, for some reason. I was kind of a jerk. I kneel down and wrap my arms around her.

“I know I seem like a pain, but I honestly don’t wish any ill on anyone. I just... I like to laugh, and sometimes, I have to be my own source of humor.”

Luna nodded, returning the hug. “You will need some instructions on what constitutes good humor... but I suppose  you are a decent being at the very least.”

“We seem to have one matter unresolved, still.” We all look towards Celestia as she continues. “Where will Anthony be staying while here in Equestria?”

Suddenly, a bright-pink blur rushes in, and is now in the center of the room, shaking in excitement. Pinkie Pie. Of course.

“Can he stay in Ponyville with us!?” Pinkie was grinning like she shook a few screws loose when she made her mad dash. Not wasting any breath, if she even needed to breathe that is, Pinkie started on a mantra.

“Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? Can he? puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeease!?”

“Well... I suppose that couldn’t hurt.” Celestia admitted. “Plus, getting some ponies to get to know him would probably benefit the populace. I fear strange rumors about a monster in Equestria may have already started to spread.”

“Alright, I’ll stay in Ponyville.” Pinkie, overjoyed to hear this, starts saying something about a ‘Welcome Party’ a ‘giant cake’ and something about a rubber chicken. “On one condition.”

Twilight facehoofed and groaned. “Not more ice cream...”

I fein astonishment. “Twilight Sparkle! I’m surprised you consider me to be of a one-track mind. I’m aware that there is more to life than frozen desserts. My condition was that I get to stay with you in your library.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight was noticeably confused. “Why Golden Oaks?”

“Because I like to read, and if I live in a library, getting a book isn’t as hard as, say, going outside.”

“You are one of the strangest creatures I’ve ever met, Anthony.” Luna responded.

“Awww, I love you too!”

“That... wasn’t necessarily compliment...”

“I know that, you silly pony. Hug time!” With that I squeeze Luna in a bear hug, Pinkie Pie jumping in between us to join in the hug.

"So it’s settled. Anthony will be staying at the library with Twilight for the time being.” Celestia had moved us to a proper conference room, calling in the rest of Twilight’s friends.

Nods and murmurs of agreement fill the room.

“On the upside, I’ll be able to study you easier.”

I turn to Twilight. “Upside? You imply that being in my extended presence could nonplus you in any way, shape or form?”

“Yes. Yes I do.” Twilight deadpanned in response.

What!?” I yell. I decide to accentuate this by increasing my size once more. In the much larger space of the meeting hall, I have the chance to become much larger than before as a result.

I pick up Twilight, my form making her about as large as my open palm. Twilight gulps as I hold her close to my face, eyes narrowed. I contract my fingers around her, making her fully aware I could squish her by simply making a fist.

I bring her as close as I can, and whisper “I lick you.”

“What?” Twilight confused once again. This is too easy. And fun.

I do as I said I would, flicking my tongue out and sliding it along Twilight’s back, earning a disgusted exclamation from both Twilight and Rarity.

I put Twilight down and return to my normal size, smacking my lips.

“What the hay!?”

“No, not hay. You taste more like raisins.”

Luna spoke up once more. “I again feel the need to check on Discord’s statue...”

I get back in my seat, a guard bringing Twilight a towel. “So, who exactly is this Discord fellow you all keep mentioning?” Next Chapter: Chapter 6 Estimated time remaining: 33 Hours, 40 Minutes

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