
Old Spice Guys invade Equestria

by MarineMarksman

Chapter 30: Chapter Thirty (Fucking 502 errors! edition)

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"Hmm... let's go on to FiM Fiction dot net and write the latest story of my story, Old Spice Guys invade Equestria." MarineMarksman said, as he opened Google Chrome and opened up FimFiction.net.

"Why the fuck are you talking to yourself?" MarineMarksman's roommate, a First Sergeant named Chad, asked. He occasionally sits beside me and talks about random shit with me while I write this story.

"I don't know man." MarineMarksman stated.

"Are your experiences in Afghanistan starting to catch up with you?" Chad asked jokingly.

"Shut up Chaz. You of all people should know that you shouldn't joke about shit like that." MarineMarksman scolded, still waiting for FimFiction to load.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Take a fucking joke." Chad stated. Chad can be really fucked up at times, for your information.

MarineMarksman and Chad sat there in absolute silence for about two minutes, waiting for the page to load. Finally, it loaded, but what was there shocked MarineMarksman to the core.

"What the fuck?!" MarineMarksman cursed as he noticed that the site was down. "FUCKING 502 ERRORS ARE BACK!"

And all the while, Chad sat back and laughed and laughed and laughed...

Dear Knighty,

Regarding your constant 502 errors; Fuck you.

Nah kidding, I fucking love you, bro.

Love, MarineMarksman.

As Celestia’s sun fell and Luna’s moon rose, the ten Huey’s rose over the hills surrounding the Harmony Compound and descended towards it.

“Yo Connor, wake up man!” Murphy shouted at his brother, barely audible over the sound of the helicopters blades and the music that was being blasted through the P.A. system (the song is Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones).

“Huh…?” Connor muttered as he sat up, before checking his watching. “Five hours… I was asleep five hours. I was dreaming about me drinking a chocolate shake… dafuq does that mean?”

“I don’t know man. I don’t know.” Murphy said, tossing his brother a pair of M9’s, which were equipped with laser sights, extended magazines, and suppressors. He then slid a pair of identical M9’s into the two holsters that were strapped to his waist and picked up a G36K.

“Lock and load mentlegen!” The pilot shouted from the cockpit.

“Get ready to disembark! Wait for the green light!” Rambo Jesus shouted.

Everyone grabbed their weapons and gear, then waited eagerly for the red light illuminating the cabin to turn green.

“Now!” Nicholas Cage shouted right as the light turned green.

“Impressive.” Liam Neeson commented.

“GO! GO! GO!” Rambo Jesus shouted as he opened the Huey’s side doors. The team scrambled out and the Huey lifted off, only have its tail rudder sheared off by an air-to-air missile. It lost control and flew around in disorientating circles as the pilot attempted to reclaim control of the aircraft, but it ultimately crashed on its side.

“Enemy fast mover!” Rambo Jesus shouted as an A-10 Thunderbolt II screeched overhead.

“Must be from the nearby Air Guard unit. Shame that there is some ponies still loyal to Celestia.” Nightwing’s voice stated over the radio.

“Shit! It’s coming back around!” Liam Neeson shouted, as the A-10 started to turn around.

“Take cover in the forest!” Rambo Jesus ordered, as they, plus the remainder of First Platoon, entered the forest between the Landing Zone and the Compound, desperate to escape the A-10’s strafing.

“How much farther to the hotel?” Bruce Campbell asked the driver.

“Not far. Maybe a couple of blocks. Not like that will matter in this traffic.” The driver responded, motioning to the various cars and carts that they were surrounded by.

“Shit, I don’t like this.” The soldier in the passenger seat stated, “we’re surrounded by buildings, we are trapped in this fucking traffic, and we have no air cover. It’s like we’re asking to be fucking ambush.”

Rarity gasped at the pure vulgarity of the soldiers statement. “What kind of gentlecolt uses such language in front of a mare?” Rarity inquired, shocked.

Before the soldier could apologize, the Humvee in front of their limo exploded into a large fireball, its flaming occupants rushing out of the humvee and rolling about on the ground in a desperate attempt to put out the flames.

“Shit! RPG on the rooftops!” The soldier in the passenger seat shouted.

“Out of the car! Go! Go! Go!” The driver shouted. Bruce Campbell kicked the door closest to him right of its hinges (which went flying into the car beside the limo) and jumped out of it, pulling Rarity out behind him. He looked up and spotted another rocket heading for the limo.

“RPG!” Bruce shouted, before pushing Rarity to the ground and shielding her with his body, right before the RPG hit the limo, causing an explosion so violent that it ripped the limo into two and killed the two soldiers who were inside the limo with Bruce Campbell and Rarity.

Rambo Jesus weaved in out of the dense forest carefully, followed closely by the rest of his team, plus a few members of the Lunar Special Forces that decided to form up with his team.

Suddenly, the silence that was currently occupying the air was interrupted by the crack of a .50 cal. One of the Lunar Special Forces operatives went limp and fell to the ground, missing part of his head.

“Pika!” Pikachu cursed in shock.

“On the ground now!” Rambo Jesus ordered. Everyone happily complied, dropping to the ground.

“Shit!” Connor MacManus cursed.

“Fuck! I didn’t sign up for this!” One of the Lunar Special Forces operatives howled.

“Get your fucking shit together, soldier!” Rambo Jesus shouted at him, causing him to turn from a sniveling little bitch and back into a special forces operative. “Swiper, take that fucker out.”

“You got it.” Swiper the Sniper responded, setting aside his M4 and unstrapping his Intervention sniper rifle from his back.

“We’ll lay down suppressing fire while you get in position.” Rambo Jesus said, hefting up his M240.

“Right.” Swiper responded, getting ready to run.

“Suppressing in three… two… one… SUPPRESSING FIRE!” Rambo Jesus shouted, rising from the ground and opened fire, firing wildly in all directions. The other followed his lead, as Swiper ducked and weaved through the dense underbrush. He dove into a random bush and deftly set his Intervention up on its bipod.

"I'm in position." Swiper whispers into his headsets mike.

"Got it. Take out that fucker." Rambo Jesus's voice responded. Swiper slipped the butt of his Intervention under his arm and peered down the scope. He adjusted the rifle ever so slightly and found the sniper rather easily. He zoomed in on the snipers head and imagined that the sniper was that god damned Mexican bitch who ruined his life and her saying "Swiper no swiping, Swiper no swiping" over and over again. He took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. The Intervention kicked back as the round rocketed out of the rifles barrel and passed right through the snipers head.

"Target down." Swiper said coolly.

"Good job, Swiper. Regroup with the rest of the team, post haste." Rambo Jesus ordered.

Next Chapter: Chapter Thirty-One Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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