
Evil Belle's Revenge

by Akumokagetsu

Chapter 1: Demon Belle


“So, you want it, or not?”

Sweetie Belle stared at the lumbering demon, eyes as wide as dinner plates. The Taurus pony picked his nose in boredom, his enormous golden nose ring clinking against his teeth.

“You’re kinda gross,” Sweetie Belle said conversationally.

“Look, kid,” the demon reclined on Rarity’s sofa, kicking his gigantic hooves up on the ottoman and flicking off dirt. He spoke in a rumbly, deep voice, and even the golden rings on his sharpened horns quivered with his booming tone. “I know you really want to be evil and all that, but I’m a very busy guy. I sincerely doubt that you’re about to freeze over Tartarus with your sheer evil.”

“But I am evil!” Sweetie stamped her hoof against the floor, furrowing her brows. “I am a very evil filly!”

“Of course you are,” the demon rolled his neck. “Look, twerp, I’m not going to keep fighting a losing argument. Take what you can get, or scram.”

Sweetie Belle seethed, furiously staring down the unblinking demon.

“Very well!” Sweetie threw her hooves out. “I’ll take it!”

“If you say so,” the demon picked his nose again, before sticking the results to Sweetie’s head.

She squealed and backed away, flailing her hooves to get it off.

“Ew, yuck!” she scowled, failing to pull off the gargantuan demonic booger. “Even Snails doesn’t do that!”

“Whatever,” the demon rumbled and shrugged, slowly burning through the air as he disintergrated into ash, starting with the tip of his tail. “Thanks for the soul, I guess. Can I come back Tuesday for tea?”

Sweetie frowned hard at the demon before finally dislodging the blackened lump from her head, but eventually sighed.

“Only if you bring more cookies next time.”

“Whee!” he clapped his hooves together, bursting into flame and scorching Rarity’s couch. She was bound to be very angry about it when she got back home.

However, that was the last thing on Sweetie Belle’s mind.

Without warning, a blistering heat rippled over her head where the black lump of concentrated evil had been. It slithered down her spine, and she could feel the enormous amount of evil coursing through her very veins!

Sweetie Belle then promptly sneezed.

Perhaps it had simply been an enormous sneeze coursing through her veins.

Sweetie Belle was thoroughly disappointed when she did not sneeze fire. It was just an average little sneeze, except mildly cuter than the average sneeze. Ergo, it was an averagely cute sneeze, and this displeased Sweetie Belle greatly. The new supreme overlord of everything should not sneeze cutely. She should be blasting billowing bursts of lava from her nose.

On second thought, that sounded quite painful, and Sweetie Belle blew her nose with gratitude that her sneezes were only mildly cute average sneezes.

Of course, were Sweetie Belle not too focused on her unbearably adorable achoo, she would have noticed her latest additions a bit sooner.

Sweetie flapped her new pale white wings in amazement, gawking at them in shock. They flapped – well, adorably – but with a certain hint of evil to them. It was either that, or the lighting.

No, it was definitely radiating evil!

Sweetie crowed in victory, doing a little dance of joy through the house as she displayed her newfound evilness to absolutely no one. But of course, it simply wouldn’t do to go about being evil all by herself, so Sweetie Belle barged out of the front door and into the sunlight, flapping her wings hysterically as she ran.

As opposed to simply flying, of course. Sweetie Belle still didn’t quite have the wing motions quite down pat.

But she could worry about that later!

For now, the Great and Very Evil Sweetie Belle had returned, and in full force!

Sweetie Belle was already descending upon the poor, unsuspecting denizens of Ponyville when she realized that she had left her very evil black cape in Rarity’s very far away workshop.

Sweetie moaned loudly, wailing at the loss of her ‘S’ emblazoned black cape. It would have made an excellent addition to her takeover. The only downside would be trying to flap her wings.

But what was the good of flapping her bat-like wings if she couldn’t fly with them?

Sweetie was deep in this internal debate when she was approached by none other than her sister, carrying a basket of what looked like carrots and celery.

“… Sweetie Belle, when did you get the Nightmare Night costume?” Rarity asked with a small sigh, earning a miserable look from the distracted filly on the sidewalk.

“I sold my soul to a demon from Tartarus,” Sweetie Belle whined pitifully. “And I forgot my cape back at Carousel Boutique!”

“… Right,” Rarity patted her on the head, walking calmly alongside her as they traveled home. “Well, I’m glad we were out of eggs – I hadn’t even thought of the celery until I saw it, can you believe it?”

Sweetie Belle marched evilly beside her elder sister, throwing long shadows over the road that doubtlessly caused many a pony to flee in terror. Sweetie didn’t actually see anypony fleeing in terror of her… terrifying… ness.

But that didn’t mean that they weren’t still fleeing, of course!

They were probably just running away when she wasn’t looking, hopeful that if they remained out of her wicked sight, they would remain out of her wicked mind, as well.

“Yes…” Sweetie mumbled lowly… “I shall spare them.”

“Spare whom now?” Rarity asked as Sweetie pushed open the door for her sister.

“The fools!” Sweetie Belle cackled manically, evidently warped by demonic magic as her eyes glowed with a monstrous red light. “Fleeing in fear from the might of Sweetie the Demon!”

“Right, of course,” Rarity carefully began washing vegetables. “Be a dear and help me with the potatoes, would you, darling?”

“Okay!” Sweetie chimed chipperly.

And so, fruits and vegetables were washed and prepared for their dinner.

Albeit, in a very evil and probably scary manner which put the fear of Sweetie into potentially rebellious vegetables.

Rarity had just begun to set plates for the pair of them, and Sweetie was busy tying her black cape on with a bit of difficulty (it is surprisingly hard to tie a knot with hooves,) when she first began to suspect.

“… Sweetie, you can take off the costume any time now,” Rarity deadpanned, giving the filly a helping heap of steaming greens.

Aw…” Sweetie Belle’s face became downcast. “And I just got the cape on, too.”

“Well, I meant the plastic fangs,” Rarity explained. “Those aren’t going to be easy to eat your dinner with, now, are they?”

“Fangs?!” Sweetie Belle gasped in surprise, hooves flying up to her face. And, sure enough, just out from beneath her upper lip jutted to very wickedly pointed fangs.

“Ohmigoshomigoshohmigosh!” Sweetie clapped her hooves together, jumping up from the table. “I didn’t even notice them! Do I look eviler because of them?”

“Yes,” Rarity nodded with a clearly mock-serious tone. “Doubtlessly, you could scare the pants off of anypony with a mean look.”

Sweetie Belle gave Rarity the meanest look she could right then, even squinting her eyes a little for effect.

Rarity stared at her for a moment.

“Oh! Right.” She cleared her throat dramatically before letting out a significantly unconvincing shriek of terror. Rarity even wiggled her hooves in the air a little for emphasis. However, this seemed to please Sweetie Belle greatly.

“Hang on…” Sweetie scratched her chin in confusion as she seated herself at the table. “You aren’t even wearing pants!”

“Of course not. Pass the salt, please, Sweeti- what in the world happened to the couch?!.”

"I'm kind of surprised you're only just now noticing," Sweetie Belle admitted.

"My couch!"


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