
Shepard's Adventure

by ed2481

Chapter 33: Background Fluff

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Background Fluff

Background Fluff

“Mordin now that we have the support of the Dragon Council is your device really necessary?” Miranda asked the pony standing before her.

“Necessary, of course it is necessary! Even with the Dragons’ support how else will you separate the parasite from its host? If not for my device this war is a pointless loss of life with no satisfactory winner!” Mordin said rapidly, Kaidan sighed and got more coffee.

“Are you sure that we even have to separate the two, it would be like killing two birds with one stone?” Kaidan asked once he’d returned to the table.

“You do not kill gods! The Illusive man isn’t a god no matter what he thinks; his partner however is very much a god. Thus it will be very difficult to kill him while she remains inside of him.” Mordin replied heatedly.

“Ok so how long until your device is complete?” Kaidan asked Mordin waved away his question.

“It already is. I’ll be sending it with you once you head out today.” Mordin said handing him a small device that looked like a small pistol.

“How do I use it?” Kaidan asked, although he was pretty sure he knew which end to aim down.

“Aim down the obvious end. Attempt a headshot, that’ll cause the most rapid method of desynchronizing their minds. If the head is not viable, aim for the chest, the target shouldn’t be hard to hit.” Mordin gestured to the door; Kaidan began his walk out, stopping to give Miranda a kiss before walked out the door.

“I hope you know what you were doing Mordin.” Miranda said Mordin shrugged.

“I don’t get a chance to kill gods every day, when I do I make sure I’m far away.” Miranda glared at him.


Discord and Screwball stood on the bluff overlooking the enemy positions, instead of thousands there were millions. The squirming mass of griffins seemed to Discord to be nothing so much as a pile of brown and black worms who weren’t worth his precious time. Screwball let out a nervous breath and Discord scowled at her slightly.

“There’s no reason to be frightened my student, they can’t hurt us while we reside in my head.” Discord said placing a comforting hand on his student’s shoulder.

“Master it isn’t fear that makes me anxious, it is paranoia. What do they possibly gain by throwing this many troops away, there has to be a trick that I can’t see.” She sounded concerned, which worried Discord greatly; no student of Chaos should be concerned over something as trivial as the future.

“I doubt that you see something that I cannot my student but please carry on with your observations.” Discord told her as he opened the ground underneath the approaching enemy which let out a satisfied belch once it had finished its meal.

“The more I think about this the worse it gets, master I suggest that we retreat to your castle immediately!” Screwball was very worked up over this; Discord decided he would humor her. With an errant thought they were back on top of the ramparts of his castle. To Discord’s surprise the air was filled with the cries of his jellyfish warriors as they launched exploding fireballs into the ranks of the enemy who had formed up outside the walls of his fortress.

“Well well it seems that your concern wasn’t as unnecessary as it first seemed.” Discord said while scratching his chin, with a hand gesture he released some of his other minions to inflict terror on the Cerberus goons massed before him. The plant monsters were his personal favorites, they ran at the enemy with big smiles on their faces bouncing happily as they went, but once they drew even with the enemy they exploded in large explosions of multicolored lightning. “You see Screwball if the enemy had managed to take this citadel then my mind would have no place to center itself. If that had happened I would have become even more insane, which as you know would be a very bad thing.” Discord said around the straw of a milkshake he had inadvertently created. Seeing the wounded look on her face Discord sighed and made one for her as well, she smiled happily and slurped up some of the peanut butter and dark chocolate banana milkshake.

“So master what do we do now?” She asked, although it sounded more like ‘o aster wh we d ow’ thanks to the fact that she didn’t bother to move the straw.

“Now my faithful student we see how long we can hold out against an innumerable foe that seems incapable of understanding how badly outmatched it is, this is going to be fun!” Then it rained molten chocolate as the enemy screamed in despair.


Celestia looked at the situation and let out a groan, her army was surrounded on all sides by Cerberus troops. This situation had been playing out over and over again over the last week, Celestia’s forces would start out and destroy a Cerberus army while barely losing a pony, and then the next day they would be surrounded by another three armies. The only thing keeping them from being massacred was a combination of Celestia’s magic and the tactical support offered by Arsenal, Ash, and Legion. Well that and the Wonderbolts who thanks to the training that Joker had given them were able to shred their way through the griffin air force like a hot knife through butter. Even so they just couldn’t keep doing this, the counterattacks took a heavy toll on the lives of her troops and they were getting weaker and weaker. What Celestia really wanted to know was where could the Illusive Man even get this many troops, she was certain that they’d shot, stabbed, and exploded their way through more griffins then there were in the Griffin Land itself.

“Celestia we have incoming on the western air zone, permission to engage?” Joker asked her from two feet away, his wings allowing him to hover in place with ease.

“Permission granted Joker, be fast.” Celestia replied turning her head back to the action, she heard EDI whisper to Ash.

“Jeff is always fast…” Ash looked at her for a few seconds “…That was a joke.” EDI clarified, Ash who had apparently been confused as to whether it was a joke or not before broke into laughter. Celestia joined in herself while she sent a bolt of solar energy through a column of enemy soldiers incinerating the entire column without showing any effort.

“Celestia Princess we have a problem.” Legion said.

“What is it Legion?” Celestia asked him in concern; she didn’t know how many more ‘problems’ she could take.

“There is a large aerial force incoming; they appear to be large dragons dressed in armor.” Legion said uncertainly, Celestia broke into a dazzling smile.

“That is our backup.” Celestia said, she rose into the air and yelled “Ponies of Equestria know this day that when we called for aid the Dragons of the Council answered!” out of the clouds descended dozens of dragons led by a monumental white one and a colossal black one, this may be overkill, but then again there’s no kill like overkill Celestia mused silently to herself as the dragons swept through the ranks of Cerberus ranks clearing them with tooth, claw, and fire.

This is the final chapter before the finale which will either be released tonight or tomorrow, thanks for all of your support, oh and there will be a sequel at some point soonish

Next Chapter: So long and thanks for all the… Estimated time remaining: 32 Minutes
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