
Shepard's Adventure

by ed2481

Chapter 32: Foreshadowing level-brick

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Foreshadowing level-brick

Foreshadowing level-brick

Shepard woke up from an interesting dream, something odd about fillies and foals was all that he could recall of it, that and a strange sense of things to come. Stretching he yawned enormously and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. All things considered from what he remembered from the dream it was much better then chasing a little dead boy through the woods, so he was happy with his dream all things considered. Scratching the back of his neck Shepard walked out of his room and into the main habitat that the Dragons had given them, he found Fluttershy and Dash talking to a large dragon known as Flamma Aurora; she was the dragon that Parthensus had attached to their little group.
Flamma was almost as big as Parthensus himself and colored a deep red that reminded Shepard of blood soaked rubies. The fact that it was Fluttershy who had started up their friendship wasn’t lost on anypony; Dash was talking to Garrus and Tali, something about the Wonderbolts. Thane was sitting alone at the table sharpening one of his knives and cleaning one of his pistols, when he saw Shepard he nodded before going back to his cleaning. Twilight was talking to Princess Cadance and they were in deep conversation, Shining Armor was standing on the balcony overlooking the great magma chamber of the volcano.

“Shepard, come join me I want to talk with you about some things.” Shining Armor said when he saw Shepard enter the room, with nothing better presenting itself Shepard made his way over to the stallion. “My sister says a lot about you, but I’d like to and forgive the expression hear it from the horse’s mouth.” Shining Armor told him when Shepard was next to him looking out over the magma chamber.

“What would you like to know?” Shepard asked, keeping his voice neutral. Shining Armor turned to regard him with his steely blue eyes.

“I would like to know what you intend to do with my sister.” Shining Armor said protectively.

“Keep her safe, make sure she doesn’t do something stupid, and give her mental advice and therapy if needed, the same thing I do with the rest of my crew and friends.” Shepard replied calmly, Shining Armor nodded.

“I don’t mean to come on strong; it’s just that my little sis has had issues in the past, and I don’t want some idiot throwing her mental health away and using her as a tool in a game.” Shining Armor said, there was a slight edge in his voice, Shepard raised an eyebrow.

“Has this happened before?” Shepard asked Shining, Shining almost nodded, but stopped in the middle of it.

“In a way, I love Princess Celestia, but she’s used Twilight to get things done that she should have been more then capable of doing herself. For example she vanished twice when other gods attacked, and at my weeding she was defeated by a low ranking demon queen, leaving Twilight and her friends to clean up the mess. Let’s just say that I don’t buy it.” Shining was looking back at the magma chamber now watching the lava bubble and flow.

“Don’t worry I will do everything in my power to keep your sister alive and mentally well during our upcoming engagement.” Shepard told him kindly, Shining nodded.

“I suppose that that’s the best I can ask of anypony in command.”

“I’ve been wondering something Shining, why can’t I feel the heat from the volcano, I’m no scientist but I seem to remember magma being hot enough to kill me through convection even this far away?” Shepard asked quickly changing the subject.

“It’s an old kind of magic, the Parthensus invented it himself and passed it along to others once he felt that they should have the power. Other than that I never asked. It’s more Twilight’s department of expertise then mine.” Shining replied easily turning to look at his sister with love in his eyes.

“I should have known; a wizard did it.” Shepard said with a sigh, Shining chuckled.

“A Dragon actually, but I guess the same principle applies either way.” Shining said with a slight smile. “Any other questions?”

“I was wondering when we’d be leaving.” Shepard said, Shining nodded, he’d been expecting it.

“In a day or so I would guess, Parthensus needs enough time to marshal the forces that he’s sending to help Celestia in the field before he’ll let you leave.”

“Why” Shepard asked in slight confusion.

“Because once the dragons have joined the fray this Illusive Man should be too preoccupied to notice your arrival on his doorstep.” Shining answered easily.

“We are brining Flamma with us, are you sure that we can make it without drawing his attention?” Shepard asked in skeptically.

“Flamma knows more than enough magic to keep her presence from being noticed, she’ll also be making your journey go much swifter.” Shining said and laughed when he saw the look on Shepard’s face. “I should get going Commander; I have some negations left to make with Parthensus and the wily old Dragon still knows his way around a legal document.” Shining said, he walked away leaving Shepard to look out across the chasm.


Fluttershy was talking to Flamma learning everything that she could about the old female, not that old implied weak of course.

“…and that’s how Parthensus and I repelled the first Paladins, it was quite a battle.” Flamma finished her tale, Dash let out a low whistle.

“Shika says told me that the original Paladins were more powerful than anything born in the last ten thousand years, I still don’t see how you could have beaten them.” Dash said skeptically.

“That’s because I’m a little over twenty thousand, young one, and Parthensus is even older then I am.” Flamma smiled down at her, Dash inhaled heavily.

“Then why are we coming, it sounds like you could beat the Illusive man with both arms behind your back?” Dash asked her, Flamma chuckled.

“Because it’ll be your job to draw him out, besides I’m sure something will stop me from actually doing much, it’s the way of history you see, and after twenty thousand years I know the rules of the universe.” Dash looked confused, but Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

“You’re constrained by some of the same limits that affect all incredibly high powered beings aren’t you? If you actually use most of your power you end up destroying everything around you.” Flamma regarded Fluttershy with newfound respect.

“Oh how I wish everybody at your age had your insight little one, the world would be a much better place.” The Flamma said, apparently lost in thought. Dash and Fluttershy crept away.

“Well that was interesting.” Dash said once they went back to the table.


Ex-Prince Blueblood wandered the streets of Canterlot looking for a meal, however everypony had heard what had happened to him and nopony was forgiving to the idiotic former prince. During the first night Blueblood had tried to get back into the palace, all that he’d been rewarded with however was a hard buck to the face. The next day he’d gone to a crowded market and stood up on a small box that he’d brought with him.

“Those who have slighted me will all pay! Maybe not this year, maybe not for ten years to come, but eventually all of Equestria will feel the wrath of PRINCE BLUEBLOO…” Unfortunately his yelling was interrupted by a well thrown tomato that hit him in the head sending him tumbling backwards into the street where he was pelted with vegetables. Seething with anger and rage he fled from the scene, managing to only fall three times despite the fact that this was the fastest he’d ever run in his life. The ponies around him were wondering why he was having trouble at a brisk walk.


Luna sat at her desk in her tower with her Arrow and Saber standing at the door to her back. After several hours Luna let out a slight cheer of happiness and flashed her two friends a radiant smile.

“I’ve done it!” She exclaimed to them.

“That’s great Luna, what is it?” Arrow asked her, saber quiet as usual only raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve successfully developed a spell that’ll allow me to see kernels at their natural level!” She said excitedly, Arrow sighed.

“Let me rephrase that, what I meant is, in layponies’ terms what does it do!”

“It means she can understand how things are put together, and how to take them apart.” To Arrow’s surprise it was Saber who answered for Luna.

“Yes that’s right Saber, how could you have known that?” Luna asked him in astonishment, Saber shrugged.

“My family has always been smart.” Luna fixed him with an odd smile and rolled her eyes.

“Fine don’t tell me, I’ll find out on my own. Anyways what Saber said is correct, being able to see kernels at their natural level allows me to play with the building blocks of creation; there are technically almost unlimited possibilities of things I can accomplish with this power!” Arrow and Saber looked at each other hard for a second.

“Not that I doubt you Luna, but this is starting to bring back bad memories.” Arrow said concern entering his voice. Luna waved away his concern with an idle flick of her hoof.

“Don’t worry I’ve learned my lesson about trying to kill my sister, besides covering the entire world in everlasting night wouldn’t work very well, everything would be dead within a few weeks no matter what kind of spell I used.” Luna told them, causing them to relax visibly.

“So just what are you going to do with this new spell?” Arrow asked Luna, she shrugged.

“I haven’t the faintest idea; Twilight will be able to think of something useful I’m sure.” Luna replied, both Arrow and Saber let out relived sighs they were glad that they’re friend wasn’t going through another mad scientist phase.


Sorry for the shortness of this chapter, I’m juggling school stuff too and haven’t had much time tonight to write

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