
Shepard's Adventure

by ed2481

Chapter 34: So long and thanks for all the…

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So long and thanks for all the…

So long and thanks for all the

Flamma flew down towards the enemy ranks roaring in challenge as the griffins rose up to meet her. With a quick breath of fire she extinguished their lives leaving nothing to fall to earth but ash and bones. The ponies tied to her back were offering their own assistance by way of their guns but they werent making much of a dent and eventually decided to let Flamma handle it. The sheer number of griffins took Shepard by surprise, there were several thousand of them attacking Flamma, and there were several thousand more waiting in reserve.

This is hardly sporting; there are only twenty thousand of them! Flamma shouted to Shepards crew in-between blasts of blood red flame. Shepard found himself enchanted by her majesty as she spun and swooped through the air demolishing griffins by the dozens until she was hovering before the entrance of the volcano. This is where I leave you my friends, if I dont stay out here then youll be swamped under a horde of these flea-bitten mooks before you get ten feet. Shepard and his crew dismounted rapidly and wished Flamma luck before she launched herself back into the air.

Alright team we dont have much time for speeches but I want to say this. Ive been in Equestria for around a month, and I love it here, it isnt a perfect world but its as close of one as Ive ever encountered. The Illusive Man wants to destroy all of that, he wants to rape Equestria of all of her values, I wont let that happen! Today we fight not just for ourselves but for everypony, dragon, free griffin, and zebra in the land. Today we kill the Illusive Man the man who has almost destroyed two dimensions through his stupidity and arrogance, today we show him what happens when he messes with ponies! Shepard shouted the last word as he turned and shot a griffin who was running towards him in the head, the resulting blood splattered across his face. The group made their way down the first corridor until they encountered an enemy patrol, before Shepard could give an order Fluttershy charged her way through them quickly decapitating three before stabbing another in the stomach after eviscerating another lengthwise. The surviving griffins were too shocked to do much as Shepard and company took them down with well placed headshots.

Fluttershy wiped the blood and gore off of her sword on the feathers of one of the dead griffins before, she looked up and smiled, it would have been creepy if she wasnt on their side. They continued down the corridor till they met another patrol, Shepard used his shockwave to send them smashing into the ceiling where they impacted with a sickening crunch. A bullet whizzed by Shepards head and impacted against the wall behind him, Shepard looked up in time to notice a catwalk that ran above the corridor that they were in. Thane shot the shooter in the head before running and doing a vertical front flip that ended with him on the catwalk where he plunged his knife into the neck of another griffin. Thane rolled under the claws of another before blowing his head off with one of his two Carnifex pistols. Another griffin tried to get near him but Thane rolled under his guard sprang up to snap the griffins neck before kicking the dead body into another approaching griffin who stumbled backwards exposing his chest for five rapid-fire shots that landed within an inch of each other.

You carry on below while I keep them off you from up here! Thane yelled ducking under another talon slash, Shepard nodded and pressed forward sending griffins flying as he went. Tali held up a hoof telling them to stop.

Theyve got motion sensors set up going down this hallway, hold on a sec.


The Illusive Man wasnt happy, he wasnt happy at all. A large dragon was outside his volcano tearing bloody gashes through his forces and it was all he could do to supply more. Furthermore Shepard was inside his base wrecking havoc as he went. I told you, you should have put more automated guns along those hallways! She said from inside his head, the fact that an evil spirit called the Nightmare had taken up residence inside his head the moment hed come to Equestria still bothered him slightly. Suddenly one of his technicians held up a talon to get his attention.

Sir the motions sensors all over the base are going crazy, somepony must have hacked the! The Illusive Man grimaced.


Yes! Tali cried triumphantly I hacked their motion sensors! a bullet struck her in the chest but bounced off harmlessly. Tear out their eyes Chiktikka! Tali shouted as she launched her combat drone, Garrus rolled his eyes; Tali could be overly dramatic sometimes. Throwing caution to the wind Tali ran to help her drone demolish the enemy. She shot her way into the enemy formation turning all the while; she fired pointblank into the head of one before she turned and fired into the chest of another. A griffin tried to shoot her but she ducked and the griffins bullet slammed into one of his fellows, Tali smashed the butt of her shotgun into the offending shooters testicles causing him to squawk in pain before she casually electrocuted him. The other griffins began to back away, but Tali was upon them before they could get two feet. She emptied ten shots into one of the griffins before ducking under a dodging a claw that was coming directly towards her. Before she could kill the last griffin her hooves slipped on some of the blood and she fell over backwards landing on her back. The griffin stood over her preparing to smash his talon through her head but even as his claw was descending Garrus jumped forward and tackled him rolling the griffin onto its back before firing his sidearm into its face sending blood everywhere.

Thanks Garrus. Tali said as he helped her to her hooves, he kissed her on the cheek before they both caught up to Shepard who had pressed ahead. Even with Thane above them providing occasional fire support the enemy was still starting to wear down Shepards group. They were caught in a a particularly tight engagement, they managed to get completely surrounded, Shepard wasnt sure how long they could hold off the rush of griffins crowding them. Out of the blue Twilights horn exploded to life sending off sparks of magic in all directions, the griffins were pushed back from them by a purple field of magic, when the enemy touched the barrier they were burnt to ash by a strong shock of electricity. Twilights eyes were glowing purple as she sent out the field killing dozens of griffins and giving them back their breathing room, when the field vanished she sent out two fireballs that roared with unquenchable hunger that quickly devoured another twenty five griffins. Despite this display of power Twilight looked fine and completely rested.

Twi, how did you do that it was awesome! Dash shouted over her rifle before she shot forward and smashed a griffin in the face with a powerful kick.

My brother taught them to me! Twilight shouted back. Dash somersaulted in mid air and became a shooting, kicking whirlwind of death. The griffins around her didnt just die they exploded outwards in massive blasts of blood and gore as she tore through them. Fluttershy joined her and in incredible symmetry they cut a path through the griffins. Eventually they stopped in front of a massive doorway, from behind the doorway a voice that sounded like nothing so much as that of a reaper yelled.

SHEPARD COME AND MEET YOUR DEATH Garrus turned to Shepard and with a large smile on his face he said.

Well with a lovely invitation like that how could we not accept?


The battle still raged, even with the dragons considerable aid the enemy were simply to numerable for it to be decided within the first four hours of their arrival. Joker and the Wonderbolts flew holes through the enemy and grinded them to a bloody pulp, the feeling of the wind below his wings made him cry out with joy as the pure feeling of happiness hit him in the face, this is how he should have been born! A griffin dived at him but Joker easily barrel rolled to the left before snapping off a quick shot from one of the canons mounted on his wings, the Griffin spiraled away a bleeding broken piece of discarded garbage. Spitfire and Soarin joined him and together the three of them blasted through more griffins then they could count.


Legion and Ash were standing back to back surrounded by on all sides by the corpses of griffins who had sought to challenge them. A new wave charged forward yelling and squawking obscenities at the two soldiers, they quickly turned to meet each others eyes before they nodded and began to fire into the mass of feathered flesh. A griffin closed with Ash and she shot it in the face as Legion threw a throwing knife into one who had begun to aim at Ash with his rifle. The two spun and killed in companionable silence until all of their enemies were dead, then they smiled at each other and prepared for the next rush.


Apple Jack and James entered the fray yelling as they shot concentrated bursts from their assault rifles into the enemy with deadly precision killing dozens in a matter of seconds, carving a path to Rarity who was fighting with an odd sword made up of shards of diamonds.

Darling its marvelous to see you here, but Im rather busy showing these brutes how a lady treats those who disrespect her, Ill talk to you later! she flourished her sentence by quickly beheading a griffin and magically sending the head flying into another.


Celestia realized that this was her time to shine, and she did. Her entire body was bathed in liquid fire and she swept through the enemy like a lava flow. Suddenly above her a bright flash of light distracted her. Above the battlefield nonchalantly drinking a milkshake hovered Discord and his student Screwball, appearing next to him was her sister and her guards.

Tia dear I thought it best to bring along your sister, after all I think shes old enough to come to this party! Discord yelled down to her, every griffin on the battlefield stopped to look up at Discord who smiled a large maniacal smile and shouted Think you can fool me into wasting my time on astral projects did you? Well prepare to be surprised! together he and Screwball launched out balls of chaos magic which left terrible holes in the enemy, many of whom looked like they wanted to flee in terror. Celestia supposed that seeing your best friends turned into chocolate replicas could do that to somepony. So my dear I miss much? Discord asked her alighting behind her and with a bored gesture sending out a spray of toxic cotton candy flying into the mouth of a griffin charging her.

Not much, well weve been fighting for our lives, but you probably knew that. She said as she shot another wave of fire out and roasted dozens alive.

Do I smell chicken? Discord asked with a smile.


Luna have I ever told you how much I love our job? Arrow asked Luna as his foot forced its way through the back of a griffins skull with a small pop. Luna smiled, she herself was already coated from head to hoof in blood, but this was her element.

You may have mentioned it once or twice. Luna said while she delivered a blast of sheer cold into a platoon of griffins turning them instantly into ice where they began to melt rapidly.

Fighting is truly the best stress relief method, now if only Blueblood was here Arrow said as he drove his sword into an approaching griffins stomach.

Shut up and fight. Saber said as he diced his way through twelve enemy troops with a flourish of his sword, he wasnt named Saber for nothing.


This is worse than clinic duty! House yelled as he sewed a ponys stomach closed again. Liara rolled her eyes and blew another enemy away with a blast of her gun.


The first thing that hit Shepard was the heat of the room, the second was the fact that there were around eighty armed griffins aiming guns directly at his head, the third thing he noticed was the gigantic black dragon that stood behind them smiling evilly.

Shepard so nice to see you again, you know its been a long time, when was the last time we talked? Oh thats right its when you shot me! The Dragon yelled the voice of the dragon had the same reaper like quality, except there was a darker female undertone to it.

Well would you look who it is, Illusive Man howve things been, you know besides me killing you and all? Shepard asked him a large smile breaking out across his face, as the Illusive Man shook with rage.

Do you really think you can stop us Shepard? We are a god! The Illusive Mans voice had a decidedly more feminine quality to it now, Twilight, Dash, and Fluttershy gasped in surprised recognition.

Twilight its the Nightmare! Fluttershy yelled, she didnt sound frightened, she actually sounded exited.

Weve kicked you butt before whats to stop us from doing it again! Dash shouted at the dragon who chuckled.

Oh I dont know the fact that I have you surrounded? Is it the fact that there are only three elements here? Oh I remember its because Im going to kill you! Then Im going to bring about eternal night and rule this little world! Before things could go any farther Garrus broke down in laughter. Why are you laughing foolish pony, does your imminent death amuse you?

Im laughing because your plan is flawed on so many levels that Im surprised that you can even talk. If you bring about eternal night every plant in the world will die, everything that eats or in some ways gets energy from plants will die. The only things that youll be ruling over will be some lichens, cave fish, and possibly spiders. When Garrus finished the dragon let out a roar and spat a large fireball directly at his head, Tali tackled him to the ground and the fireball past over their heads.

Why can you never shut up?! Tali yelled as the griffins opened fire; luckily Twilight used her new elctrofield attack to kill them all leaving nothing standing between them and the Dragon.

You think that you can kill us Shepard? Even if our false shadow soldiers are all dead we can simply fashion more, WE ARE GODS! The dragon screamed in anger and breathed out a great burst of fire at them.

So you keep telling me. Shepard yelled back as he ducked behind one of the destroyed computer consoles, even so he could feel the heat from the flames. Shepard heard a great battle cry and looked up in time to see Fluttershy fly into the air and charge directly at the Dragons head, her sword held high. She smashed into the Dragons head with the force of a bullet stabbing her sword deep into its forehead, the Dragon just laughed and plucked her up by her wings.

Youre the one who killed Leng arent you? Your bones will make an excellent trophy! The Dragon said holding Fluttershy in front of his face and preparing to immolate her in flames, before he got the chance however Dash flew by and grabbed Fluttershy out of his giant fingers. Um Shika could you take over; I think Im ready to use my powers to their full potential? Dash asked hoping that her grandmother would finally be able to help. Thats when Dash felt her brain move to the passengers seat. Shika/Dash placed Fluttershy behind one of the consoles before gazing back at the Dragon with hatred in her eyes. Dash flapped her wings and sent out a storm of power at the Dragon who was buffeted by wind and lightning along with hail. Her eyes became glowing rainbows as she rocketed towards the Dragon and kicked it in the stomach sending it stumbling backwards into the far wall. She followed this up with a haymaker which let off a burst of powerful electricity as it struck. The Dragon however was not injured and it simply swatted Shika/Dash out of the air with a casual slap that sent her plowing into the side of the volcano causing lava to erupt from the spot. Shika/Dash used her magic to cool the lava before she streaked back towards the Dragon.

Shepard, should I feel guilty that Im hiding back here taking potshots? Garrus yelled across to Shepard as he shot another bullet into the dragon.

Shut up Garrus! Tali yelled forcing him down as another fireball passed over his head.

This isnt working; nothing that we have has touched him! Shepard yelled as Shika/Dash smashed into the ground next to him.

We need a way to separate the Nightmare from the Dragon, once we do that we can kill either one! Twilight yelled as she sent a blast of magic at the dragon, it stopped several feet in front of him. Behind them there was a loud POP, they turned to look and saw Pinkie, Kaidan, AJ, and Rarity standing there, Pinkie was smiling happily.

Hi guys I thought now would be a good time to show up; you know a good old fashioned dues ex machine! Pinkie said nodding to Kaidan who fired a weird looking pistol directly into the Dragons head. The dragon let out a roar of pain and torment as Mordins projectile rammed into its skull, slowly a black smudge began to ooze out of the Dragons head.

You may have separated me from my host but I can still kill all of you! The smudge shouted evilly, Pinkie giggled.

No you cant, we have plot armor so thick that a Deathstar main gun couldnt pierce it, besides girls its time to use the elements! Pinkie shouted, Twilight and her friends began to glow until suddenly they shot a rainbow of light straight into the nightmare, it died screaming. The Illusive Man roared in anger and charged. Fortunately Garrus and Thane both shot powerful sniper rounds into its eyes. The mighty beast fell forward, its head landing in front of Shepard.

ShepardyoullneverwinIllkillyouifitsthelastthingId he was going to say do, but Shepard shot him in the eye with his shotgun point blank.

No you wont.


One year after that Ash and I had you, Hackett, and five years later we had you Wrex, and thats the story of how I came to Equestria. Shepard finished reading to his two children.

But dad what happened to all of your friends and crew members? You never gave any in story closure! Shepard chuckled

They live right next door, besides Im sure youll learn what happened next eventually... now its time for bed. His two sons looked sad but sighed; when their dad told them to do something they did it. Shepard smiled and took a drink of his glass; it felt like hed been reading for five weeks straight. Suddenly Pinkie appeared in a hole floating in space in front of him; Shepard raised an eyebrow and asked What are you doing Pinkie? Pinkie shook her head and then loudly yelled



And so marks the end of my first completed fan fic, the sequel will be out soon so watch for it, I may also announce it by adding a reminder in here so thats what it means if the chapter notice goes off. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it, btw this is just a random request but could someone make a picture of all the main good characters for me?

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