
Wishes granted backwards

by Write Holiday

Chapter 8: The Finale

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"When were you going to tell us?!" Rainbow Dash is yelling in my face.

"I can not believe you darling." Rarity is just doing her whining thing again.

"You're from, where?" Fluttershy is in the back, quiet as a mouse.

All of the voices were coming at me too fast, I'm ready to snap. "Listen!" It goes quiet. "Now, am I from a different dimension? Yes. But are we any different? No."

Rarity sets herself up for an argument. "Write, or should I say Jacob, I'm terribly sorry but how are we alike at all? You were a human, we are ponies."

"You care about others, right?"

"Well, yes but-"

"So don't humans. You are loyal to others, right?"

"Well of course! But-"

"Humans are too. And you are kind as can be, correct?"

"Um, yes." Rarity stops, realizing it's a lost battle.

"So aren't humans. Honesty, laughter and magic are all part of life for humans along with the other elements. So why am I here? Because you are a tv show for us humans."

"We are a what?!" Pinkie Pie runs over with Applejack.

"A tv show. Its like a play in a box. It's why I know so much about you all. You're all everyday characters for us to watch and make us feel better about our lives. We love the unity and love you all show, and it makes us feel happy."

"Excuse me sugar cube, but we are here. We are alive."

"I know, and that is why I am confused as to how I'm here. I made a wish to meet you all, but I didn't expect it to come true, let alone be transported here. Most fans of the show wish for something like this every day and night, and they just might deserve to meet you all more than I do. As to why my wish just so happened to come true, I'm not sure. Who I am right now is my OC, it stands for Original Character and I made it. I gave him the name of Write Holliday because I loved writing fan fictions including all of you."

"So how did Discord know all that he did when we went to see him?" Twilight walks up to me, a serious expression on her face.

"I'm not sure. You know because I told you, but unless if you told him I don't see how he knows." It's quiet again. "Look everyone, I know you hate me right now and you have the right, but this is a dream come true for me. What ever happens from here on out, I just want to thank you all for such an amazing time." I walk down and to Fluttershy's cottage. She follows me there and I stop in front of her door. "Fluttershy, where is Discord?"

"In there." Just what I wanted to hear. I walk in and look quickly around the room. I hear the poof behind me and a shadow grows.

"Why hello Jacob. So nice to see you again."

"Discord! Tell me how you know about my past life."

"Now now Jacob, let's not go and get upset over something so small." He does his thing where he goes to a very small size.

"Discord, how did you know?"

"Come now." He goes back to his usual size. "Every wish has a star, yours just happened to be shooting when you made yours."

"Stop talking in riddles and tell me!" He snaps his claws and it brings us to when I was just getting ready for sleep back on Earth. There is a spark in the sky, the moon flashes three times, and my body disappears.

"See? I had nothing to do with this. I know all of this because I am The Lord of chaos, and this predicament that you are in is considered chaotic. And helping with that chaos is always fun."

"Bring us back." We go back to Fluttershy's Cottage. "Fluttershy?"


"Is Twilight still at the center of Town?"


"Ok, thank you. Discord, it's been a pleasure." I run down to the middle of town, not believing I'm doing this. "Twilight!"


I almost run into her. "Oh, hi. Listen, is it possible for you to send me back?"

"What?" The rest ask in unison. I'm suddenly surrounded by ponies asking me to stay and this and that, I just listen to it all.

"Listen, this universe is a special one. It shows humans how to be happy, loving, caring, tolerant, and overall nicer people. You all give so many inspiration and have saved so many from self harm, it's something that shouldn't be messed with. Your lives are so important to so many, it would be careless to mess with it."

"Are you sure Write?" Twilight sounds almost depressed.

"I'm positive, and please, call me Jacob. I don't want to do it, this has been the greatest few weeks of my life, but I don't want to test fate anymore. When I look back at when Zecora gave me the potion that erased all of my memories, it made me realize that every moment is special, and when you give another a good day, it's worth it, even if you don't get affected by it. I knew that my old world was happy that I was there, but when I forgot about it I didn't even realize I was originally a human. Even if I stayed like that forever though, they would still be affected by me, they would still remember the good times we had together, and I left my mark there. Now I left my mark in the second world that I love so much, and I met the ones who showed me how to be a great person. There are so many who wish for this every day and every night, I have been granted the chance of a life time. So Twilight, I would like to go back."

"Wow. Jacob, I didn't realize how much you care about it that much. If you're positive, then I'll send you back. We would just like to say thank you though."

"Yes, thank you Jacob. You are truly a good friend." Fluttershy a hugs me and keeps walking. They each hug me one by one, and I'm about to break down. I may be throwing away the opportunity that only happens in dreams, but I'd hate myself if I were to do anything that could make the show something it isn't.

"Goodbye Jacob."

"Goodbye every pony." Twilight bows her head and her horn begins glowing purple. I brace myself for what I think is pain, but it all just goes white. I close my eyes, happy with my final decision, and realizing that even though Earth isn't like Equestria, and it may have many evils in the world, it is still what we have. We are lucky to have it, and we should enjoy it as long as we can.

Author's Notes:

Well, thank you all so much. I had this pre-written, but I edited it to how it needed to be fixed. This was one of my first true fan fictions and I appreciate all of the support you guys gave, thank you all very much. I hope you will stay with me and see what I do next, and help me with those as I am always learning and getting better. Thank you all again and have a very good day :)

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