
Wishes granted backwards

by Write Holiday

Chapter 7: The Fear of Flight

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Well, it has been a week. I'm finally out of the hospital. Rather, I'm checking out of the hospital. I'm ready to go on more adventures with the mane six, and probably almost seriously get injured but not to the point of doom. As I look up in the sky while exiting the building, I see all of the weather Pegasi controlling the sky. I always loved the Pegasi, just the idea of flying where you want, the wind through your mane, the freedom of nothing holding you on earth, it looks like such a good time. But instead I had to make my OC an Earth Pony. There is nothing wrong with Earth Ponies, they just have very limited access of where they can go. By that I mean, they obviously can't fly in the air. It sort of makes me jealous, but I keep pushing it out of my mind. "Look out!" The ground shakes and dust is kicked up. Rainbow dash is lying on the ground, her wings dirty and covered in grass. "A little help here?" I clean off her wings and help her out of the ground. Earth ponies never crash going high speeds from the sky to the ground though, that's for sure.

"Are you ok?" I ask as hopeful as possible.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just sick of failing at that one move."

"What would that be?"

"Well, not to brag or anything but I did come up with this one on my own. See, first I jump off a really high cliff. Then I spread my wings and do a double back flip, then twist while climbing and losing speed, then I close my wings and nose dive to the ground, and open them again to finish with a vertical double spin and foward flip, and the finale is a sonic rainboom on my way back down. I can never get past the nose dive though.You know, it must be so nice being an Earth pony."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you don't have to do stunts, you aren't expected to be somewhere earlier than the rest, you aren't expected to live in the clouds, and you definitely aren't expected to memorize the entire weather schedule for the year." I never realized what being a Pegasus is truly like. "Hey, sorry I haven't been able to sit and chat with you. I've had to do so much work that I've barley had time for myself."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Im guessing you need to go and do some work now?"

"No actually, I'm free for the next two days."

"Oh. Well how about we go to my place and chat? I mean I'd ask to go to yours but, yeah."

"Sure thing Write, let's go." I'd be lying if I'd say I'm not nervous. This is the Rainbow Dash, the one who did the sonic rainboom atleast three times, the one who is considered a Wonderbolt due to the academy, the one who could clear the skies in ten seconds flat, and still be twenty percent cooler than any pony else. So am I nervous to have her at my house in her world? Yes, but you would be too. Either that or I'm just being paranoid she won't like my house.

I somehow manage to find my house fairly quickly, I think I have a decent idea of how to get to it from almost anywhere now. We walk in and I give Rainbow Dash the tour she needed. It's very empty without my old pets but I'm managing. "Wow, your house is huge!" Compared to most other houses in Ponyville, it is fairly large. "Do you have any pets?"

"No. I used to but they didn't come with me to here."

"Oh, well I'm sure they miss you." She is not helping with coping being stuck here. Twilight mentioned her finding a way to send me back, or something like that, but I doubt she wants to talk to me after what happened. "I'd show you my house but, you can't fly."

"Yeah, I know. Hey, what's it like being a Pegasus?"

"Well you see, it's one of the best things that could have happened to me. I'm not sure where I would be if I was anything else other than a Pegasus, probably work at a convenience store." Something is bothering her, they way her voice is and her shaking eyes make it pretty obvious.

"Is something wrong?"

"Well, no. It's nothing."

"Rainbow, come on. We are all grown up here, what's going on?"

"Well, alright. But you better not tell any pony about this or I swear I will ruin your life." She never gets this angry, it must be serious. I nod and she continues. "On my sixteenth birthday, my mother got me a patch for my jacket. It said 'Proud to be an Earth Pony'. I was confused because I'm clearly a Pegasus, so I asked her why she gave this to me. According to her, I was expected to be born as an Earth Pony. I'm not sure who my real father is because she even told me when I was very young that the colt I grew up with wasn't my real dad, but after that I figured he must have been an Earth Pony. Why else would she expect me to be one?"

"Wow. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't grow up with your real dad."

"It's fine." A few minutes of silence go by. "Hey, I'm going to head back home, it's getting late."

"I have one more question if you don't mind."

"Go ahead."

"Were you scared the first time you wanted to fly?" She sits there, lost in thought.

"Well, I suppose. I mean, I wasn't scared, but I wasn't happy to be hurling myself off the edge of a cliff over a lake." She laughs and turns to me. "You know, I never told any pony this. All of the things I've talked about, I'm surprised I'm saying this but I trust you with my secrets. I don't know why but, I do." It's no shock to be perfectly honest. I remember my old friends always telling me their secrets, their deepest wishes and always trusting me. I was almost like a psychologist to most of them. I guess I just radiate that feeling. "I should really go home now, good night Write."

"Goodnight Rainbow Dash." The door closes and I find my bedroom again. Everything is the same as it was on Earth, but anything MLP related has vanished. I make the bed, but right before I get in, there is a knocking at the door. "Coming!" I get down stairs and open the door.

"Hi Write, Rainbow told me you live here."

"Oh, hi Twilight. Yeah, come on in." She walks in, her head down and avoiding eye contact with me. "The parlor is right over there." She walks in and sits on a recliner. I sit on a couch and get ready for awkward silence, which is exactly what happened for about an hour.

"Write, I'm sorry."

"Twilight, it's ok."

"No it's not. I could have killed you, I broke your back. You could have been paralyzed, or killed, or-"

"Twilight." She stops, breathing quickly and heavily. "It's ok, I understand. You have many new responsibilities. I can't even imagine what it is like, and to be told what I said to you, I can see why you snapped. Now, Did you hurt me? Yes. Did you hold me prisoner? Yes. Do these things mean your a bad pers-Pony? No. It just means you mentally lost it with the pressure of all of Equestria on your shoulders, then you learn your fake to a dimension you have been to." I'm not sure if she followed, but I definitely got my point across.

"Write, just know I'm sorry. I truly am sorry, I didn't have a single right to do what I did. I'm sorry." She gets up and walks to the door.

"And I forgive you." She stops, then walks out of the house. Looking at the time, it is twelve at night. My eyes are heavy and my bed is waiting, so I walk halfway up the stairs until more knocking. "I just want to sleep!" I yell to the house. I walk back down stairs and into the breezeway, open the door, and there, sitting at my door step is the CMC. All three. "Hey girls, shouldn't you be asleep?"

SweetieBelle looks up, "Write, we know." My heart stops. I hope they don't mean what I think they mean.

"Know what?"

The three fillies say the word that I never wanted to hear again. "Earth."

Next Chapter: The Finale Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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