
Wishes granted backwards

by Write Holiday

Chapter 9: Post-Equestria

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I open my eyes, laying in grass outside of my house. My head hurts so much, my eyes are most likely blood-shot, and my hands and feet are terribly numb. I walk, or rather limp, for about an hour getting my footing back and getting used to hands and feet. I know what just happened to me was real, otherwise why would I be out here waking up in the grass? But it all was just so perfect, it felt like a dream. As I walk inside my house, the first thing I see is a family picture. It was when we all went to Rhode Island and enjoyed the sea and mansions. I keep walking and almost trip over a lump in the carpet. I look at it and slowly realize that it's an old toy. I look closer and realize it's a very old Bionical pice, specifically the toy of the old movie 'The Mask of Light'.

"Mom?" My heart stops, it's my brother. It hits me right then and there that I didn't only go to Equestria, I was transported. My body went with me and must have been transformed into Write Holliday. They think I'm, dead. "Where is Jacob's first teddy bear? I want it to be buried with his grave."

"In the closet next to the tv." I don't know what to do. Do I say I'm alive? Make them all happy again? Or do I just let them do their thing? Live the rest of my life as a ghost? I make my decision and walk upstairs to meet my brother.

"Hey." I say, a smile on my face.

"Oh, there it is." He walks past me and grabs the teddy bear.

"Um, hello?" I try getting his attention, but he is basically ignoring me. I go to tap his shoulder, and I go right through him, nearly falling on the ground.

"Jacob." I look behind me and there, standing at the doorway, is Twilight.

"Do you mind telling me what exactly you did to me?" I ask, getting more and more frustrated with the current situation.

"Well, the spell I did kind of messed up."

"As in killing me here?"

"As in making you temporarily a living ghost." I stare at her and her face drops, I don't know what kind of look I have, but I know it isn't a good one.

"So am I dead or not? I can still breathe, still everything."

"No. People just don't know you're there and can't interact with you in any way, including touch."

"Great. My grave is about to be filled with dirt and I'm still here, but I can't do anything about it. Great. By the way how are you here? I thought you couldn't teleport in between dimensions."

"Well, like I said, my spell messed up. Just in more ways than one." She digs at the wooden floor, scraping the top. I shouldn't be so hard on her, she is stuck here now.

"Well, how long until the spell wears off?"

"I have no idea. It could be minutes, hours, or even days."

"We need water to live. Food, exsersize, how are we supposed to do this without being able to grab things and interact with them?"

"I, I don't know." I want to say that due to her mess up, we could both die. But I don't, there is no sense in adding insult to injury. "So the house you had in Ponyville was the same as here on Earth?"

"Yeah. I have cats, a dog and a fish so I'm kind of glad they were left behind if it meant they would be a living ghost when they were sent back." I look at the My Little Pony posters on my walls, my Fluttershy cosplay hoodie, my Fluttershy figurine from Hot Topic, my My Little Pony dog tags, and the rest of my MLP merchandise I have. She notices it.

"Jacob, why do you have so much stuff about us? And more so, Fluttershy?"

"I, kinda think she is best pony." My face goes red from both nervousness and embarrassment. I never have an issue telling others who my favorite is, but if it's a friend of that pony it is kind of different.

"Oh. I see."

"It's not that I don't like you and the others, I do I really do, I just can connect to her the most and I love her kind ways."

"So I see." If there was ever a moment where I could hide my MLP merchandise, it would be now. "Well, I'm going to go outside and take a breath. Come out when you need me." Twilight walks away, and I stand at the door, wishing I am seen by someone.

"Hello Jacob."

"Discord?" Careful what you wish for apparently.

"Enjoying Earth again?"

"How are you here?"

"Twilight may not be able to switch from one dimension to another, but I certainly am." Great explanation.

"Look, I am having a bad enough day as it is, please just leave me alone."

"I will, after I get what I want."

"And what would that be?"

"For you to be back home and Twilight to be back in Equestria."

"Why would you want that? You are The Lord of chaos, you wouldn't want peace and closure."

"Trust me, what's about to happen is not peace." He snaps his fingers and my eyes are blinded by light. My body becomes much heavier and I fall to the floor, regaining my vision.

"And what did that do exactly?"

"Jacob?" I look up, it's my brother. He runs over and hugs me. For the next hour or so my family is overjoyed by me being back. I'm not sure why, but Discord saved me and hopefully Twilight from being like that forever.

The next day I wake up and immediately go to school. My family didn't want me to, they haven't seen me for five months, I was in Equestria for half that time, but I'm about to be held back a year with all of the days I have missed.

I get onto the bus and the bus driver nearly passes out. The others on the bus are shocked and silent, just staring at me for the next hour or so of the ride. Once at school, I go straight to my first class. Jake, my friend who was one of the two people who got me to be a brony, pulls me aside and stares at me, clearly not happy. "How are you alive? You should be dead right now, the search was canceled not too long ago."

"I would tell you what happened, but you would never believe me."

"I would love to hear it." Joe, the other one who made me a brony walks over.

"Please, tell us." I go on to explain the story, and as expected, they don't believe me.

"That is the stupidest story I have ever heard. The show is good and all but I think you were in a coma or something." Jake of course just scoffs off what I said as being insane.

"This is why I didn't want to tell-"

"Hey!" I know that voice, it's mine, but I'm here talking to Jake and Joe. I look behind me and standing in my school hallway is the mane six.

"You keep talkin' to Write that way and you won't be talking for a while." Applejack scratches the floor, breathing out heavily.

"You're the-"

"The ponies from My Little Pony? Yes we are." Rainbow Dash interrupts Jake, being as intimidating as she can be.

"Let me explain something to you mister. If you are true fans of us, then you will treat this colt, I mean, person with respect. Otherwise, we will love and tolerate the heck out of you, and I mean that figuratively." I never thought Fluttershy could be so straight to the point.

"My party cannon is loaded with anti-party things to make this area of the school dreadfully boring!"

"And I will make this school have the worst clothing rules in all of Eques-, I uh, I mean Earth!"

"I think you two better, or you Jake, better leave." Twilight points at the door leading outside. My OC walks up from behind them.

"Yes Jake, please leave. Joe, you're fine, you can stay here. Jacob, I need to talk to you." I walk to Write, and look at him as confused as I could be.

"Write, what is going on? Please explain what is happening to me."

"I know how confusing this is for you, trust me, I am you, so I have somepony here who can help to explain things." By now we are surrounded by murmuring students of the school. Celestia walks into the hall and everyone who is a brony bows. Any non-brony bows, not wanting to do anything wrong and look stupid.

"Hello Jacob. For years the connection between these two dimensions was only the portal, and when that broke the star that granted your wish shot out into space. You were transported to Equestria for one reason only, to rebuild the portal. When you left too soon however, Twilight Sparkle messed her spell up making you into a ghost as you know. When Discord fixed it all, he accidentally rebuilt the portal back on Equestria and made your OC a real pony. This new rebuilt portal was much stronger than it was before it was destroyed, so it now allows Unicorns and Alicorns to go from Equestria and Earth freely. I will make laws forbidding this unless there is a dire situation. So we are here to thank you Jacob, and to thank the people of Earth for their kind hospitality. Goodbye." Celestia's horn glows white. The mane six and my OC are waving, then vanish with a bright white light.

My teacher looks at me. "Well, I think-"

The intercom clicks on, "School is dismissed." It clicks off, and everyone runs out to their bus. It isn't even an hour into school, so they must have realized what happened. I don't even bother taking the bus, I walk back home.

Over the next few months, my life has gotten back to normal. Every now and again, one of the mane six will pop into my house with either Twilight or Rarity and we will have a conversation for about two to three hours, then they will return to Ponyville. People of the fandom heard about what happened to me and now look up to me. I'm not used to the fame and popularity, but I'm getting used to it, I just hope it never gets to my head. One thing still bothers me though. In the show, most of the villains have the capability of magic. If it truly is as easy as Celestia said it is, then what is stopping them form coming here? I hope I don't jinx it, it has been nice and relaxing without any issues. It is just one of those things that I can't stop thinking about. At any rate, my life is back, my animals are happy, my friends and family are happy, and my conversations with the ponies have been uplifting. As long as no villain learns about this, it should be fine.

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