
Wishes granted backwards

by Write Holiday

Chapter 4: The potion

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"Hello?" I knock on Fluttershy's door, it is night but not midnight. I wait for a while until I begin to fall asleep. This is an issue, I have no idea where my house is, my plan was to sleep at Fluttershy's, and now I'm stuck out here. I need to sleep, I would just wind up passing out if I don't. I see a patch of grass out near some forest, I can't remember the name, but it's the only option right now. Well, that or I just break into Fluttershy's house, or I wander Ponyville for the next twelve hours until I find my house again. In my eyes, this is the only option. I reluctantly walk over to the grass and fall asleep.

I wake up in a field, a very dark and muddy field. At least now I know that this whole thing isn't a dream. I tread through the mud and water, didn't I fall asleep on green grass and dirt? So what moved me? Let's see, I am near Fluttershy's, I walk to a forest, I sleep. I feel asleep on the edge of the Everfree Forest. I stomp the ground, mad at myself. Wasn't the best idea as the moment I did, I begin to sink into the mud. I drag myself out of it, and lay down on firm dirt. This is not good, the Everfree Forest is very dangerous, and I'm stuck in it. I'll be lucky if a Cockatrice doesn't turn me to stone, or Timber Wolves don't find me. I need help or I'm dead in the water.

"You pony in the mud, come with me to my hut." There is only one character that lives here in the show, and she just found me. I look to my left and there is Zecora. I get up and follow her to her home. "Your mind is confused, I can see, but take this brew, and believe."

"Excuse me but what will happen?"

"Just believe." I'm not sure what to believe, so I just believe that this is all real, that there is not a single thing about this world that can be fake. I drink the brew and immediately regret it. I'm throwing up, I'm coughing, I have a runny nose, it's just like a pill that has all of those side-affects from those commercials, but all into one liquid.

After the whole flaming organs and possible internal bleeding, I get up. "So what was the point of drinking that?"

"Your memory is gone, but not for good. This potion slowly resets all, and helps new memories stay put." I just nod and thank her, not giving much thought to what she said. I'm still trying not to curl into a ball with the after taste and pain. I walk out of the house and into the forest. I figure that if I just walk in one single direction, I'll eventually get to an opening. Luckily I get back to where I slept last night, and I walk to Fluttershy's house. I knock and get ready for yelling. My old friends would always get upset if I forgot something, especially if I had promised it. The door opens slowly and I brace myself.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean to forget, I just ran into Rarity and one thing lead to another and than I ran into Zecora and I drank some potion and now I feel awful that I forgot and I'm sorry."

"It's fine, don't worry. I was a bit concerned that something happened to you, but don't give it any thought, we all forget things. Come on in." I realize that this is Fluttershy, she isn't like my old friends. She is very understanding and has always been forgiving. I'm really liking Ponyville so far.

"Hey Angle." I say to the bunny. I bend down and rub my nose against him, he actually doesn't seem that bad. In the show he would always seem demanding and stubborn, but right now he seems almost polite.

"So you said that you saw Zecora?"

"Well I guess I wandered into the Everfree Forest by accident, but she found me and gave me a potion, brew, thing."

"Well that was nice of her." Yeah, if by nice she means Zecora practically put me through surgery three times over without any pain killers. "What did she say it does?"

"I'm not exactly sure. She said your memory is gone, but not for good. This potion slowly resets all, and helps new memories stay put. I guess it just helps my memory."

"Oh, well that's good, I think."

"Yeah, I hope so." We spend the next few hours talking about current events in Equestria. I pretended like I forgot them, but I didn't know about anything that goes on here. For example, according to Fluttershy, Celestia has been trying to sign an agreement with Luna on a second Cloudsdale. I'm not quote sure what good a second city in the sky would do, but at least I know. I walk out of her house, thanking her and petting angle one last time. I then walk down some path, and see Twilight on the way.

"Oh, there you are Write. Sorry about my behavior the other day, I was under a lot of stress."

"It's fine. So what's up?"

"Well, remember how you asked If you could go back to Earth?"

"Earth? Um, do you mind telling me what that is?"



"You don't know what Earth is. You came from there." I just shrug. I'm not quite sure what is going on, but from the looks of things it is not going in my favor. "You told me that you weren't even a pony! You were a human and we are a tv show!"

"I'm sorry Twilight, I don't remember saying that." She facehoofs and walks away. I try figuring it out, but it doesn't get me anywhere. I keep walking and find my house. I'm surprised that I remembered where it is, maybe Zecora's potion really did work. I walk up to the door, only to be stopped by a running pink streak of light.

"Hi Write! It's so funny how I was walking by the exact place that you just so happened to be at the exact time I walked by there, so this is where you live?"

"Um, yes?" I almost ask it, I'm still a little dazed and confused by PinkiePie's hyper talking, but I should come to expect this form now on.

"This is such a nice house, it's so big and pretty and roomy looking and pretty, are you sure this is your house because I know that I have gone to the wrong house before and even slept in it, but that was the day that I ate two hundred and fourteen sugar spheres, they are just like sugar cubes but round. Anyway I was on a sugar crash and I was really tired, like really really tired and I just walked in and slept." My brain hurts.

"Yes, I'm sure this is my house." I say with a smile. She just smiles right back.

"Oki-Doki-Loki, bye!" She runs off as fast as she ran in front of me. I stand there for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly just happened. I decide to not try and figure out fun randomness, and go for a walk. I made it half a mile or so before Scootaloo found me.

"Hey Mr. Holliday! How are you?"

"I'm just fine Scootaloo, and please, call me Write."

"You've got it. Say, have you met Rainbow Dash yet?"

"Yes I have, and I know how much you look up to her."

"She is the best!" I feel like she has said this before, but not to me. I want to say I saw her say it, but I've only known her for a couple of days. "She can fly like no other Pegasus, she is amazing!"

"So I heard." I say with a grin. "Hey Scootaloo, I hope you don't mind me asking but what happened to your parents?" I can tell this bothered her just by the way her face looks. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm sorry, I was just wondering."

"No no, it's fine. I really don't know what happened to them. All I know is that I was brought to an orphanage, and the orphanage got me going to school. Once Applebloom found me, I guess I took to her as if she's my sister. I practically live with her and SweetieBelle in the CMC clubhouse."

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that." I never would have guessed she had it that rough.

"It's fine, it honestly feels good to talk about it. What about your parents?" I freeze, I don't remember much about my parents. I don't remember much before I woke up in Ponyville.

"I'm, I'm not sure. I don't remember much before I moved here, but I'm sure they gave me a good home and raised me to their best abilities." I can see the tears beginning to form in Scootaloo's eyes. I need to do something, I feel awful that I even asked. "Hey, you know what? Let's go find your parents."

"W-what? I, are you sure?"

"Heck yeah I'm sure. Let's go find them, you could get back together with your family and I could try to find mine afterwards."

"Could I help you find yours?"

"Only if you promise to keep your head held high and your spirits alive."

"I promise."

"Good. Now let's go find your parents."

Next Chapter: Truths and Lies Estimated time remaining: 34 Minutes
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