
Wishes granted backwards

by Write Holiday

Chapter 3: The last two

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I get lost in thought as I'm trying to find my way back home. If I am really stuck here, I might as well make the best of it. Meet the mane six, meet the side characters, see if it is truly as nice as it is depicted in the show. Maybe I could even meet Celestia at some point, that would be interesting. "Three, pull!" The ground becomes dark, I look up in the sky and see a dark object falling towards me. I run forwards and barley get out of the way. It's a tree, a giant tree. "Are you ok sir? My apologies, we were trying to get this tree out of the mud and it just snapped out." It's Applejack, that would explain the orchard.

"It's fine, I'm still alive right?" I chuckle.

"Yes you are. Say, I've never seen you around these parts, are ya' new to Ponyville?"

"Yes, my name is Write Holliday."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet ya', my name is Applejack. Would you like me to show you around my farm?"

"Ok, sure."

"Great, come on." I follow her through the front gates. I remember the first episode and how she named off almost every kind of food that they make to Twilight, I don't think I could handle that.

"We make apple products here like-"

"Apple pie?" I try to look as excited as I can so she will only focus on that.

"Well, yeah. We make any food that can have apples in it, and every last one is the best food y'all have ever tasted."

"So that's your apple orchard?"

"You know it. Come on, let's go introduce you to the family." My only hope right now is that it's not a family reunion. Not that I don't want to meet them all, but I'm getting exsaughsted and my head is beginning to ring with every noise and light I see. "This here is my brother Big Macintosh."

"Hello Big Mac."


"Oh, by the way Macintosh, are Applebloom and her friends in the basement?"

"Eeyup." I flinch, I remember that story, I first heard MictheMicrophone do a reading of it. I need to ask.

"Why would they be in the basement?"

"They are working on some school project and they need the tools down there. Come on, let's go see them." I follow, almost reluctantly. "This is my little sister Applebloom, that is SweetiBelle, Rarity's sister, and this here is Scootaloo."

"Hello sir." Applebloom says covered in sawdust and glue. I can't help but laugh a little.

"Hello Applebloom. And you are SweetieBelle?"

"Yes sir, welcome to Ponyville." She is mainly covered in glue.

"And you are Scootaloo huh? I've heard great things about you."

"Really? Like what?" She excitedly asks.

"Well, I've heard that you three carried the flag in the Equestrian Games, and you learned that just because you can't fly, it doesn't mean you never will. I'm proud of you. And also you all did an amazing job on that performance, I really was impressed."

"Wow, thanks mister! You were there?" I just smile.

"Let's just say I watched from afar."

"Ok." They all say in unison.

"Come on Write, I have one more pony to introduce ya' to." I follow her.

"Bye mister!" The three fillies yell to me. I wave and walk back upstairs with Applejack.

"Boy howdy, you certainly do have a way with children."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Why yes is it. Most colts that I meet are usually a bit harsh towards Applebloom and her friends, I really do appreciate you being that nice to them."

"No problem, it was a pleasure to meet them."

"Oh, here she is. Granny Smith." Now in the show, it's easy to tell when she is sleeping. But here, face to face, I can't tell if she is even breathing.

"Is she ok?"

"She's fine, she's just a heavy sleeper is all." I'll take her word for it. "Well, that's all of the family. We are having a reunion soon though, so if you'd like to meet them you're more than welcome to head on down."

"Thank you Applejack. I'm going to go see if I can find my house, I still don't know the lay out of this town. I'm learning though."

"Alrighty, fell free to come back at any time."

"I will." And with that, I leave. I may not know the town that well, but I know where I'm going. Even though I really don't want to, I'm going to find Rarity. I don't know where she lives, but with the way this day has been going, I'm going to find her one way or another.

"Watch out!" Next thing I know I am covered in make up and supplies like that. I'm coughing my lungs out.

"Oh my dear, darling are you ok?" Can she not see I'm coughing terribly?

"Here." She wraps me in some huge fabric and spins me around. Sure it got all of the make up and stuff off of me, but it doesn't help my coughing, and now I'm dizzy. "Oh my, um, here. She runs in and grabs a glass of water. She floats it out side and I slowly drink it. My coughing slowly stops and I'm not dizzy anymore. "I'm so terribly sorry darling, I tripped and pushed the cart out of the window."

"Seriou!" I stop myself. "I mean, it's ok. We all make mistakes. I'll take you are Rarity?" I really was never a huge fan of Rarity, she isn't bad, but just not my favorite what so ever.

"Why the one and only. Are you here to buy something? Or maybe I could make you something for free. It wouldn't be any trouble and it's the least I could do after dropping thirty pounds of make up onto you."

"I'm fine, thank you though." There really isn't much to talk about with here. She's pretty straight forward, cloths and lives alone. Well, when SweetieBelle is out.

"Would you like to come inside?"

"Sure." I follow her through the door and into her house, shop thing. I feel something soft at my hooves, it's Opal.

"I'm sorry about Opal, here." She tries to pick her up but Opal just meows and swipes at her. She resumes to rub against my legs and purr. I chuckle.

"Maybe we should just forget about her. So this is your house?"

"Why yes it is. This floor is my shop, the second floor is where my and my sister's bedrooms are. Opal usually sleeps with SweetieBelle, my sister, but when she is gone Opal will sleep in my room."

"This is a very nice shop." In the show it just looks like another shop. But now that I'm here, I can really take it for what it is. It smells like lavender and It looks very impressive. The door swings open and a burst of wind hits us. There is a pink streak, and PinkiePie is standing there in front of me.

"Oh my gosh hi! I didn't expect to see you here I thought I would be here alone with Rarity but no you're here! This is going to be so much fun, we can make dresses and necklaces and shoes and hats and-"

"Pinkie!" Rarity yells, almost mad. "I think Mr, what is you're name?"

"Write Holliday." Pinkie answers for me.

"Well I think he was just leaving." She points to the door. I'm more than happy to oblige.

"It's been nice meeting you Ms. Rarity, and it's nice to see you again Pinkie."

"You too! Are you sure you have to leave though?"

"Unfortunately yes, I need to get back home. Have a good day."

"Ok. Bye right! I mean write! Well, right, write, I'm not wrong either way! Right?" She just laughs and I leave with a nod. It's about to be dark, but I feel like I'm forgetting something. Fluttershy!

Next Chapter: The potion Estimated time remaining: 42 Minutes
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