
Wishes granted backwards

by Write Holiday

Chapter 5: Truths and Lies

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"Come on, let's go check Cloudsdale." I say as we race throguh the town.

"Wait." She stops and so don't I. "I can't fly and you're an Earth pony, how am I supposed to get into Cloudsdale?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I didn't think that far ahead."

"So where do we go now?"

"We could always try-"

"Write!" I'm interrupted by Twilight running up to us. "Ok, so I was thinking. Have you met Zecora yet?" I look at Scootaloo and back to Twilight. Scootaloo walks away, but not too far.

"Yes. I fell asleep near the Everfree Forest and I woke up in it. She found me, brought me to her hut, and gave me a potion."

"Do you remember what she said about the potion?"

"Something about new memories staying put and resetting something."

"Oh no." She looks terrified, but I can't figure it out. "We need to get back there right now."

"Ok, give me a minute." I walk over to Scootaloo. "Hey, I can't help you find your parents right now, I need to go and do something important. But I promise to help you when I'm done."

"Ok. Thanks Write." I can almost feel her disappointment.

"I'll see you later kiddo." I lightly punch her wing and run with Twilight to the Everfree Forest. "So what are we doing again?"

"Zecora gave you a potion to forget about your past life. I looked and my spells wouldn't do anything helpful for you because your past life was as a human, that's different than what I did with the other five." She lost me in that explanation, but I just go with it. We get to Zecora's hut.

"Hello? Ze-"

"Zecora! Get out here and give him back his memory!"

"Do we have to yell?"

"Sorry but I need to study what your life used to be like for the Princess."

"Memories forgotten, best left to me. One by one his dreams are fed to thee." The voice came from within the hut, and of course it's another crazy rhyme thing, great. I look at Twilight, she apparently understood because now she is angrier than before.

"You give him back his memories now, or I swear I will send you to the Canterlot caves!"

"If you want him to have his memories, then so be. But be warned that an outsider does not belong with two ponies times three." A bottle is thrown out the window and it looks just like the one she gave me earlier.

"I am not drinking that, I felt like I was going to die last time."

"Too bad." She uses her magic to open my mouth and pour the liquid into my throat. Somehow she even forced me to swallow it. After another round of basicly death inside of my body, I manage to stand up.

"Ok, so what happenes now?"

"I think you know." Suddenly the world goes bright. I can see everything that I used to know. My house, my family, my friends, the brony fandom, it all comes back to me.

"I can remember!"

"Good. Now come on, we need to do research." I follow her until I remember Scootaloo.

"Wait, I need to help Scootaloo."

"With what? What is so important that I can't figure out the meaning of your life?"

"Her parents." I can tell she feels bad, her ears fall and she looks down.

"Oh. Well, Write I'm sorry but, they died."

"They died? But that was never said in the show."

"Because that isn't something we talk about. She doesn't know because she shouldn't know. She is still a filly, we don't think she should know the truth right now."

"But it's her parents, she's old enough to know about the people that, I mean, ponies, that gave her life. I got her all excited to find them and she was ecstatic."

"I don't know. I still think she is young and shouldn't know."

"If you were her age and you knew absolutely nothing about your parents, wouldn't you want some closure?"

"Yes. Fine, come on. I'll get Rainbow Dash to meet us at the grave yard."

"Thank you." I walk back to where we were before Twilight found me. There is Scotaloo still waiting. "Scootaloo, hey."

"Hi Write. You ready to go?"

"About that, we need to talk."

"What's up?" I can't believe I'm doing this. Scootaloo is without a doubt my favorite non-mane six character, and telling her that her parents are not here anymore, how fun. If this affects the show at all, I think I'm going to be exiled from the fandom.

"Listen, Scootaloo, I'm sorry. I am really sorry to tell you this but, your parents are, dead."

"They're, what?"

"They died Scootaloo. They are buried in a graveyard."

"Oh, well, t-thank you for telling me."

"Do you want to go see their graves?"

"Alright." I never thought I'd feel this bad telling her. I can see the disappointment in her eyes, I'm going to exil myself from the fandom after this.

We get to the graveyard, Scootaloo was on my back crying most of the way. Once we are there, Rainbow Dash is standing next to the graves. Scootaloo immediately gets down and runs over to Rainbow Dash. I stand at the entrance to the graveyard and see Twilight come over. "So she was ready after all."

"I guess. I just feel awful now. She was happy before, not knowing about her parents, but now here she is crying with, not next to but with Rainbow Dash. Maybe she wasn't ready like you said."

"Write, listen, I know you feel like this is your fault but it isn't. I was wrong, she was ready. It's better that she knows, and this could even be looked at as a bonding moment for her and Rainbow." She's right.

"Um, excuse me?"

"Oh, hi Fluttershy." Twilight says to the shy mare behind us.

"Hi. Um, I have some news for you Write."

"Great, more news. What's up?"

"Well, it's nothing really, but Discord would like to speak to you." My heart stops. I remember Discord, he was one of the best villains. He managed to disharmonize the mane six, almost overthrow Celestia, and even managed to make Twilight doubt friendship, and now he wants to speak to me. Fun.

"Tell him I'll be there after I'm done here."

"Ok, bye." Fluttershy walks away.

"Listen Write-"

"No, I know what your going to say. He is reformed, he's not evil, he made twicane for you, but what if he knows I'm not from here? He could do Celestia knows what to me and I can't do anything about it."

"Not if I'm there."

"Oh come on, I wouldn't want to bother you."

"It would be no bother at all, really. And I still have some unfinished business with him."

"Alright, thank you Twilight." I look back at Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. I never thought I would see Rainbow Dash, the fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria, cry this much about something she had nothing to do with. I guess the show really doesn't show her softer side. They walk over to us, slowly not crying.

"Thank you Write, I thank you so much." Scootaloo flashes a forced smile, and continues on her way. Rainbow Dash puts her hoof on my chest while smiling, and follows Scootaloo.

"I'm ready, let's go." We walk to Fluttershy's cottage to meet with Discord, only to be stopped by the draconequus himself.

"Why hello Jacob, or should I say Write Holliday?" He used my old name, I barly respond, I'm so used to Write now. "So I heard that you belong on Earth. How would you like to go back?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well nothing really, just that you don't belong here. I mean come on, you belong with your family who are humans, your cats and dog and fish, your electronics and school friends and watching My Little Pony." I stand there silent. He is right, I don't belong here.

"Listen here Discord, I tried and I couldn't find any spells that could send him back." Twilight steps in thankfully, right now she is my voice.

"Oh now we both know that's a lie."

"Wait, what? Twilight, is it really a lie?" I can see her being nervous.

"I, I may have found one or two that could possibly work but none that were definitly going to work." She lied to me. Sure I like it here, and sure I thought I might be here forever, but my family back home are most likely missing me terribly, my friends probably think I'm dead, and my animals could be depressed without me.

"Jacob, we both know you have to go back. This wasn't even your wish. You wished to meet the mane six, and you thought they would some how get into your house or something, but you never expected to be transported here. It's a wish granted backwards, and it needs to be fixed."

"You wanted us to leave our home, just so you could meet us?!" I hate Discord so much right now.

"Bronies everywhere wish that! There is even a movie about Dashie being on Earth due to a mistake you made! My wish just happened to come true." Her hair slowly comes undone. I know exactly what is happening, lesson zero.

"Well, I guess that my work here is done. Good day to you both." Discord leaves with a poof.

"I uh, I need to go. I'll talk to you later Twilight."

"You're not going anywhere, Jacob!" I feel a something begin to squeeze me. I struggle to keep conscious, until I give in and black out.

Next Chapter: Hospitalized captivity Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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