
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Plus Five to Attack

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The amber liquid numbed the pain, but the constant racket kept me from enjoying it.

“Will you all shut up and let me enjoy my drink!" I yelled at the bickering women. “This is supposed to be a library for crying out loud!”

The rainbow maned woman just glared at me and the rest had either I want to kill you look, or I don’t know whats going on anymore. With my head nearly cracked open none of that really fazed me.

“Watch thy tongue Astral!” Luna warned, while wrapping my head in bandages.

“Sorry,” I grumbled, “just not used to being attacked and nursed...well, not in the same time mind you.”

“Maybe if you hadn’t beaten up the guards so much, this wouldn’t have happened,” Fen curled up in the lap of Fluttershy.

“Like they would have faired better against you,” I retorted, “and besides...they had it coming.”

“And what is that supposed to mean,” Twilight demanded, stepping forward from the group of bickering women.

“It’s simple miss Sparkle,” I glared into her eyes, “those guards as you call them...failed at protecting Luna here, and the least they could do was die with what little dignity they had left!”

“What gives you the right,” This time the pink Alicorn stepped forward, her gaze was nothing short of I’ll kill you the moment she turns her back.

I downed the rest of my drink as the mind numbing effects took over. “It’s simple Princess! These royal guards...as you call them. Have no, and I do mean No Fucking right to bear the name or the uniform of this country.” I yelled every last syllable.

“Astral Shepard!” Luna pulled my ear, forcing me to lower my head, “That is not how you address a Princess!”

“Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay, just let go already,” I pleaded to my assaulter, there was only so much alcohol can do.

“Good, now hold still.” Her mood change from angry to happy was extremely disturbing.

“Do you even know what your doing,” I asked, as she redid the wrapping for the fourth time.

“Does thou doubt thy mother,” she huffed in frustration.

“That’s so unfair,” I moaned, as I overheard Fen laughing.

“Hahaha! Can't believe you fell for that,” Fen laughed, almost falling off Fluttershy’s lap.

I glared at the tiny kitten, “Just what did you show her!”

“Nothing much,” he grinned, “just maybe...everything pertaining to your relationship to Luna!”

If the glass I was holding wasn’t made of diamond then it would have shattered by now.

“You rotten little,” I gritted my teeth in frustration at the familiar.

“Eh. Whatever,” Fen said while floating towards me, “besides it was to get you back for selling me out.”

This time it was my turn to look shock, “Wha-what are you talking about.”

“Don’t give that Astral!” the kitten was staring me in the eyes, “you think that memory spell was one way don’t you!”

I was about to retort against his accusation, but the slap he gave me cut me before I could say anything.

“You planned on giving me back to Luna, in the first place!” he screamed, tears falling from those golden orbs of his, “You planned this all out didn’t you! The hospital, your death, and even getting rid of the guards that were against Luna!”

I sat there in silence, seeing the full blown anger of someone I considered to be family. Every word that he said was like being torn apart by blunt blades. “That was your plan all along!”

He floated to my shoulder, nuzzling the side of my cheek, “Please don’t go!”

“I’ll try,” I whispered.

“Ahhh! You two are just...so cute,” Luna engulfed both of us into a tight hug.

“Mom! Blood. Blood. Blood!” I yelled, as blood flowed from the top of my head.

“On No! Hold still,” She frantically wipes the blood away, and finally wrapping the bandage properly.

“Hold on! Did that little fella just mention ya took down guards trying ta hurt Luna,” Applejack questioned...loudly!

“Can you please not yell...I’m kinda suffering from split head syndrome!” I hate head injuries, “But yes there were a bunch of solar fanatics trying to get rid of Luna here!”

“So ya took them down yesterday!” Applejack asked a bit lower, this time.

“Most of them, but honestly dyeing yesterday...well, let’s just say it was hard to tell the difference!” I didn’t want to say that it was just luck they would show up, but thanks to Celestia being there my workload was cut down a bit.

“What about my brother,” I turned my gaze to Twilight as tears fell from her eyes, “My brother wouldn’t have gone against Luna...and yet his in the hospital because of you!”

I stared into those lavender eyes full of hate, “Casualty of war!”

“Y-you monster!” she lunged at me but the strong cow pony held her back.

“Woah! Hold it together Sugercube.” Applejack pleaded, as the purple unicorn swiped blows that would never land. “I’m sure he’s got a good explanation for wha he did! Don’t cha!”

She glared at me waiting for an answer, but Fen was the one that gave it.

“Trust me when I say this Miss Sparkle,” He said, while he floated between me and the enraged unicorn. “If I had my way, I would have all the guards executed for failing to protect the ruler of Equestria, and believe me...your brother suffered the least of his wrath.”

Fen grew closer to the teary eyed woman, “if hadn’t drank that poison he would have massacred those guards...in fact he saved those guard, cause if I had gone out there none of them would be alive today.”

Twilight face went from anger to fear in the matter of seconds. Fen must have given her the stare. “So be happy that your brother is alive.’

The collection of women shivered upon hearing the voice of a child proclaiming death and carnage. Fen turns around and continues to rest on my shoulder.

“Tis true then,” I heard Luna whisper. Turning my head to her direction, tears fell from those beautiful cyan eyes. “It was a mistake to return.”

“Don’t you dare say that!” I gritted my teeth at her proclamation, “It was never your fault to begin with.”

She turns her gaze to me a smile forming on her lips, but those eyes were so full of confusion.

“His right!” I turned to the new voice that entered the room. Celestia ducks under the doorway to get in. She walks to Luna, pulling her into a hug, “There’s nothing and I mean nothing more painful than losing you.”

I look on as Mo-Luna and Celestia continue in their sisterly affection for one another. Don’t really know what Fen showed her, but it’s just to early to start calling her mom, even though it feels so right too.

“Twilight!,” the draconian boy from earlier came rushing through the door, “their almost here!”

“Spike! I thought I told you to go with the others!” Twilight glared at the young boy, almost bringing him to tears.

“Speaking of which,” I cut before she actually makes the kid cry, “what exactly is coming?”

“Oh, right! You were dead so you didn’t here the news,” Fen in front of me with a big grin, “remember those trolls you killed off.”

“Ye-yeah,” I raised an eyebrow at the tiny kitten.

“Well, let’s just say that they were part of a larger gathering,” his grin turned to a full blown smile, “and their coming here!”

I turned my gaze to the two rulers of this country, “trolls...your struggling against trolls!”

Before they could respond the rainbow one yelled a response, “we wouldn’t have a problem if you hadn’t taken out the guards!”

I turned my gaze back to he rulers, “You...needed Elite guards...to fight off trolls?”

I look at their expressions and I knew that I wasn’t getting a straight answer.

“I’ll get my club,” I said before they could try to think of a way to salvage what little respect I had left, for the safety of the country.

“And what makes you think we’ll let you get a weapon,” Cadence stepped between me and the chest.

I stared into those purple eyes, as my free hand pinches her horn. I give a slight twist, causing her to fall to the ground. For all the power one can muster with that horn, just a slight knock on the are will have the user on their knees.

“Astral!” Luna-mom yelled.

I ignored her...I was tired, just so tired. I really didn't want to deal with this. I don’t even know how I’m still dealing with this. Reaching into the trunk I withdrew a spiked club the size of a baseball bat.

I turned around with Luna blocking the door.

“Don’t!” Her horn glowed deeper shade of blue as her wings errected in a predatory, but foolish manner.

I stared into those cyan eyes and I just sighed at her attempt, “if you’d seen through Fen’s memories. You know that won’t stop me!”

I hoped she’d make this easy. “Yes,...I’ve seen through Fen memories and...I don’t want you fighting!”

I just smiled under glare. “I hate to this Lu...mom, but your no longer the boss of me.”

That felt good...really good.

“I’m still your mother young ma...colt!” she caught herself, but Celestia must have heard.

I laughed to keep Celestia from thinking further on the subject, “Colt! I hate to say this, but I’m way past the whole age authority bullshit.”

Turning to the window, “Besides...”

Taking up the hammer, I threw it through the window, as I ran after it. Jumping out the window, I rolled as I hit ground.



The club was hoiseted over my shoulder, as the streets be came nothing but a blur. Navigating through the town, I found the market and other stores were boarded up, with the doors heavily sealed with bags of sand.

Looking towards a large gathering of winged soldiers. They gather dark clouds just over the horizon. Reaching the edge of town I slowed down to catch my breath.

“Hey!” a raspy voice yelled above me.

Looking up I saw the rainbow maned woman flying over me. I turned my attention back to the swarm of soldiers. Strange how they plan to bombard trolls with lightning.

I move forward keeping an eye over the ever growing dark cloud.

Though my silence must ticked off the woman, “Hey! Don’t ignore...”

I just tuned her out as I moved closer to the group of aerial warriors. I was really hoping they won’t use lightning on these guys.

Rainbow girl started to get impatient and this time flew in front of me screaming about something involving my ass. I just stared into those magenta eyes waiting for her to finish.

“You might wanna head back now,” I said while she was gasping for breath.

“No way!” she managed to yell this one out.

“Suit yourself!” I moved to the side of her, walking to the now gigantic cloud of energy.

“Why You!” again I ignored what ever else she was going to say.

Getting closer to the cloud of death I spot a blockage of troops. They were organized behind a walled circle as tall as house. Magic users lined the top of the dirt fortress.

“Didn’t know they had an earth user,” I mumbled my contempt. Next to healers, they were the most dangerous magic types to deal with.

I decided to observe them, at this distance I blended perfectly under the shadow of the trees. Luckily, Rainbow decided she had enough and headed back...I hope.

The ground started to shake with dust rising in the distance. The squad of winged soldiers clustered near the giant cloud of thundering death. A red beam of magic erupts from the fortress of dirt.

Then lightning erupted from the heavens. Roars echoed past the walls as magic users fired bolts of fire, and lightning.

The smell of burnt flesh perforated the air, vanquishing the once clean air.

“Dammit!” I cursed their battle strategy. “Don’t they know what happens when you set trolls on fire!”

Screams from humans could be heard, yelling for more fire power to be released against the enemy over the wall.

“Looks like I’m up,” I shook my head at the botched operation. Hoisting the spiked club of steel and wood I make my way to the other side of the dirt construct.

The bird people were above firing lightning as chariots started leaving the castle, dropping blast of magic as they retreated. A troll circles from the side of the dirt fortress.

It spots me, letting out a roar and going into a full charging. Gripping the twenty pound weapon with both hands, I lowered my stance and waited for the beast to get with in range.

With in seconds he enters my striking zone. Charging my weapon, I slammed the metal covered wood on top of the maddened beast. His head caves in as I’m pushed back from his charge.

“My timings off,” I grumbled.

More started to come around the walls of dirt, and screams for help was heard from in sides. The winged soldiers dived down picking up the grounded guards.

“At least I won’t have to worry about them,” I said while trolls charged towards me. I look towards the mass of fur and flesh, their three eyes filled with rage. Many of them had spots of black on their brown coats as the strong smell of burnt hair assaulted my nose.

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Blunt Force Trauma Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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