
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: An Endearing Effort

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“But I didn’t do it,” I yelled in protest.

“Oh! Then why are your hands covered in sugar!” she gripped my arm pulling me into my room. “I want you to stay in your room, and don’t let me catch you playing on the computer!”

She turns and closes the door leaving me to cry on the floor.

“Didn’t do it,” I whispered, slamming my fist into my bed. Closing my eyes I drifted to sleep, crying as I did.

“Why can’t we get the cat,” I pointed to the kitten clawing at the caged. My brother was hugging the big dog, as my father followed the shelter worker.

“Astral we talked about this...” Mom would say.

“No, we didn’t!” I shot back, “We always do what he wants!”

I pointed to my brother and the big mutt, that he chose, just like everything else.

“Astral Shepard! Behave or you don’t get to play with the dog,” my mother warned.

“No!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Mom glared down at me and crossed her arms.

“If you want it that way then you are grounded!” She stared me down, until tears formed around my eyes.

My brother placed his hand on my shoulder, “Geez, Calm down cryba...”

He never finished as fist met his face.

“Astral!” Mom screamed.

The snow fell on the ground as I said goodbye to my friends. I walk down the desolate road. The once green trees were asleep for the winter.

I jumble the keys the cold biting my hand. With a click I twist the handle as the door opens. The house was empty, except for the big ball of fuzz sleeping in the living room.

I head to my room, shutting the door behind me. Unpacking my bag I began working on the homework assignment.

An hour passes and I was on my computer watching the latest video, until I hear whimpers outside my door. I opened it and was face to with the mutt as I called him.

He was whimpering and pointing to the bathroom door. I just glared at the dog and opened the door to the room. I checked the toilet and lifted the seat up for the mutt.

Something about the dog was really weird, who ever trained him to use the toilet must have spent much time with him. He pushes me out of the way and sits on the marble throne.

I turned around and went back to my room.

“Luna let him sleep...his growing boy!” My father’s voice echoed through the walls.

“I know, it’s just that...it’s almost noon.” The door slowly opens, I peeped through the covers to see mom step in.

She slowly walks to me, “Astral...sweetie.”

Parting my hair to see if my eyes were open, but they were not.

“Mom!” my brothers voice perforated through the house. She sighs and leaves to deal with him.

I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep again, but the sudden weight on my bed made me open them. A big fuzzy wall blocked my view of the door.

“Stupid dog,” I grumbled, turning around I stared at the plain white walls, “get out of my room.”

The dog just grew closer his body heat warming the room. His steady breathing causing me to fall asleep again.

“My you boys have grown!”

“We sure did grandpa,” my brother yelled in excitement. He runs up to hug the crusty old man.

I just stood there looking at the old man, his wiry eyes moving from my brother to my mom and aunty. The small gathering was up in grandpa’s cabin, dragging me from my room and the only things keeping sane.

Dad and uncle were getting the food ready, cousin Summer was with granny. My brother was playing with granddad and again I was by myself. I picked up my swim gear and said I was going to the lake, walked down the worn path.

I set up on the sandy shore, drinking my cola watching the water splash against the sandy beach.

After some time passed I went for a swim. Then I spent the rest of the time floating on my back just staring at the changing clouds.

I stare at the calendar and at the empty house...well, besides the dog sleeping on the couch. I looked at the note before my hands.

Your dad will be late today. So I’ll need to pick up your brother, and remember your grounded!



“I didn’t do it,” I wiped the tears away, crumbling the note. I grabbed a few things from the fridge, ate and went back to my room.

I was about to close the door, but a furry head prevented me from closing the door.

“What do you want,” I yelled at the mongrel, but he just looked at me with those puppy dog eyes.

“Stupid dog,” I grumbled under my breath as he pushed his way through.

I sat down watching a few movies, to pass the time. The dog sits next to me watching the movie play.

“Fight it Astral,” Fen’s voice echoes around me.

“I...I’m trying...but these memories...”

“I know, but you have to fight it!” Fen screamed.

“Astral...are you all right,” Mom asked, across the table.

“I’m fine,” I said through a mouthful of peas.

“Al-alright then,” she went back to her meal as dad and my brother went to talk about the game.

“Astral use the divine tree!” Fenwick screamed against the onslaught of memories.

“Hey Ruffles,” I greeted the dog as he sat next to me. Together we watched as my brother and father play catch in the backyard.

“I wonder...if I disappeared...would they even miss me,” I whispered to the dog. His attention never left the two, and it just made me chuckle.

I get up from the ground and head for the house.

Another transition, but this time I felt the magic waning. I take control of my mana and channel it into the hand holding the branch.

It’s been hours since school ended and yet...here I wait. The students were long gone and my club mates left for home. Only a handful of teachers remained, but soon they would leave.

I turned up the music, as the drum solo was reaching it’s end, and soon they will all mix together to create the emotion I was feeling. Complete and utter disappointment.

I was just fooling myself that it would be different...this time, but it never was.

The sun was receding in the distance, as a car stops in front of me. I get up and enter the passenger side of the vehicle.

“I’m so sorry Astral,” Mom began, “I was so busy that I lost track of time and...”

“It’s fine mom,” I cut her off.

“Astral are...” she stops talking to me, as she sees my face and continues to drive. I looked out the window as the buildings blurred.

“Astral!” Fen yelled.

I channeled every once of mana I had into the branch. The memories slowly fade to white. Soon colors return and my vision slowly adjust to the sunlight.

There before me, stands the rulers of Equestria. Celestia was holding her sister, in her arms and Fen was barely holding on to my shoulder.

“Wha-what happened,” he was holding on for dear life, as he aslmost stumbles off my shoulder.

“I-I don’t know. Ah!” I screamed, I look down at the ever growing branch, stabbing into my skin. I ended the mana supply before it consumed me.

The branch stopped growing, but the roots needed to be removed. Gritting my teeth, I pulled them out as the pain rocketed to my brain. I let out a grunt to protest against the pain.

“S-son,” I froze hearing her voice. Raising my head, I gaze at the teary eyed look alike.

“Son,” She repeats again, but with more conviction. Celestia loosens her grip on Luna shocked at what apparently her sister is saying.

Luna steps forward, “Son.” She says again.

The word was like rusty rode stabbing at my heart. The blunt jagged metal forcefully impaling itself through my chest. “Son.”

Her teary expression sending shivers down my spine. We stand face to face, just mere inches from one another.

“Son.” She whispers, “Thou art my son.”

I don’t know what to say, I just stood there looking into those cyan eyes.

“Mo...” I stopped myself, I had to...no I must remember that she was not my mother. Just someone that is her, but not.

“It’s all right,” she wraps her arms around me, engulfing me into a tight hug.

“Mo-mom,” I cried into her wafting mane.

“Get your hands of the Princess!” someone yelled above.

A loud crack echoed through my head, as intense pain filtered through my every being. Luna let go, moving back with a wide eyed expression. Without support I fell to the ground, staring up at the rainbow maned woman.

Next Chapter: Chapter 7: Plus Five to Attack Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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