
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Interruptions with more Interruptions

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As you wish!” Fen’s childlike voice was gone, and was replaced with that demonic voice. Clouds of smoke covers his body, growing ever larger by the second. The blue cloud moves forward as a giant paw slams onto the ground. The Alicorn stands frozen at the site before her, and the magic holding me grows weaker.

Another paw comes forward, it’s claws extending ripping gashes in the ground. Soon a head comes forward, and bit by bit the cloud forms to a fearsome winged predator. With one mighty roar, Fen shock wave causes the very earth to tremble, and the woman’s magic ceases.

The azure coated jungle cat bares his fangs at the Alicorn. The women inturn trembles before the site of Fen’s battle form.

“Remember!” I said aloud, “Just detain her, I don’t want a repeat of Coral Grotto!”

I’ll try not to crush her skull,” his jaws barely move, but his voice rang. While his fangs gleamed in the sunlight, the Alicorn and unicorn both looked on in sheer terror. After all Fen was a monstrous cat the size of a house, with enough ferocity to match a rampaging Ursa.

As I walk past the stunned women, I turned my head towards Fenwick, “Before I go...don’t mention our relationship to anyone!”

I hear and obey.

“I’ll never understand how you change so easily,” I mumbled.

It’s because you put me in a child's body,” Fen shot back.

I just shake my head and continued to walk forward. Leaving a group of stunned woman with a giant ferocious predator. I should feel bad about it but one of them’s an Alicorn. Still it is Fen, and he was or is still Luna’s familiar...I’ll just let them settle it. This thought process was giving me a headache.

I barely made it a few feet until a bright flash blinded me. When my vision cleared, there before me was a group of guards with pink armor and gold inlays. I didn’t know wether to laugh or go die in a ditch somewhere. Their faces showed with so much seriousness that their armor with the heart shaped pauldrons and matching chest piece just made them look ridicules.

“Princess!” They yelled in unison. The winged soldiers flew in the with crossbows loaded and aimed. The magic users raised shields, with horns glowing.

“Hey Fen!” I said aloud.


“Did I do anything to piss off karma?”

Hmm...besides defying the laws of nature, and punching Celestia into a wall,” I hear the ground shift as Fen paws the ground. A habit he does when in thought, “Honestly, I thought you dyeing was the tipping point.”

I just sighed at his answer and looked forward at the small group of guards, “Look, I’ll make it easy...get out of my way or...or we’ll do this my way.”

I notice one of the pegasi guards had this cocky look to him, but it seems the unicorn woman had the answer I wasn’t hoping for.

“What makes you think you can take us on!” She stated by drawing her sword, and pointing it at me.

“God fucking dammit!” I grumbled. I laid the chest on the ground dialing a set of numbers. Opening the chest I puled out a wooden club the size of my for arm and round shield.

“Why is it, that I never get to talk to a guard that doesn’t have a horn on their fucking head or thinks that their Celestia’s blessing from the sky’s,” I yelled, as each syllable grew in volume, “just once, I want to deal with a group o guards that isn’t full of these...Ah why is it that everyone’s just in my!”

Umm, Astral...you okay,” Fen asked.

“Yeah...No! I’m not okay!” I stomped the ground in response, “I just came back to life and I gotta end up fighting!”

Well...you are you after all,” Fen chuckled or growl laughed, him being this close was kinda hard to tell, “and besides you might want to be quick about it!

“What are you two...” The guard was cut short, as I pumped mana to the ground, I hurtled towards the woman slamming my shield against her helmeted head.

The others stood watching, while the woman fell limp to the ground. I took advantage of the moment and slammed my club into the armored chest of a guard. He was pushed back, falling onto the floor. They finally had their minds back in game and engaged me in combat.

The two unicorn guards left lunged at me with their spears. Side stepping the first spear, I parried the other with my shield. Stepping forward, my club met the guards shoulder, forcing them to the ground. A scream was heard above, a winged guard was flying towards me.

I met his charge, with my shield raised I jumped forward meeting the guard. His face slammed into my shield, while spear stabbed into my torso. The troll leather shielded my flesh from the impending spear. Though I may have escaped a flesh wound the force behind the spear will leave a sizable bruise.

I was pushed back from the impact, but unlike the guard I was still standing. Turning around I stared at the last guard, “Last chance...let me go or they’ll die!”

He slowly turns his head staring at the group of mares and beast. He grips the spear, and slowly let’s it go. He moves out of the way giving me a clear path to my chest.

Making my way to the chest I stop in front of the guard and slammed my shield into his face. He crumbles to the ground unconscious.

Fen raised an eyebrow, while the others stood slack jawed. I ignored them, placing me gear back into the chest.

“Should I even ask?” Fen grumbled.

“I like even numbers.” I replied.

“You won’t get away with this,” yelled the pink Alicorn, “you’ll have the entire nation hunting you down!”

I stared at into her purple eyes, the unwavering determination behind those eyes, just mad me laugh.

“What’s so funny!” screamed the Alicorn her three toned mane of violet, rose and gold frizzled at the edges.

I just smiled at the mare and turned, leaving a time bomb of emotion.

“If only...” I mumbled.

Astral, watch out!” Fen yelled.

“Huh?” Chains of blue wrapped around me, encasing my body. “What the?”

Thou has done a heinous crime!” A voice yelled, I was hoisted into the air, as my chest crashes to the ground. I was brought face to face with the one person...god why is she holding me upside down.

“What does thou have to say!” she boomed!

“First...don’t turn me upside down. Second lower your fucking voice,” I yelled the last part. “I’m this fucking close to you and my ears are ringing!”

Watch thy tongue,” She slaps me in the face, as her face tinged with red.

“Your not the boss of me!” I shot back.

Her cheeks were puffed in annoyance, “We are thou ruler...” a black paw covers her mouth.

“Luna...enough of the Royal Voice,” Fenwick moaned, in his adorable form. Her eyes shrank seeing the little bird-cat.

“Ah! Fen...I’m about to vomit,” I looked to the ground seeing... “you know what, never mind!”

“Luna!” Celestia called from the ground. “Please come down!”

“Dammit!” I mumbled.

Luna looks towards Celestia, then Fen, and finally glared at me. Nonetheless she lowers us down, me not to gently.

“Fuuuuck!” I screamed, as I plummet to the ground, but the sudden stop felt like my innards were going to burst from my mouth. She then continued to drop me on the ground, slamming my face to the dirt.

“Just like Collin Wood,” I moaned through the dirt.

“At least she went easy on you,” Fen whispered.

“Fenwick! I command thee!” Luna ordered, in a more manageable level.

Fenwick looked towards the blue mare, crossed his arms and turned around, “No!”

“Wha-what!” She screamed, “Thou art my familiar, and we command thee to...where are thou going?”

Fen floats towards the chest laying, landing on top he dials a set of numbers. The chest glows a vibrant pink, he opens the chest and dives right in.

“Fenwick!” Luna yelled.

His head pops out from the box staring at Luna or I hoped he did and said, “No!”

He goes back in, the sound of items being moved. I could hear Luna growling at the actions of the tiny creature.

Fenwick soon pops out with a black branch clutched between his paws. A blue shield forms around him, but when touched by the branch it dissipated.

“Fenwick I order thee to stop,” Luna ordered.

Fen ignored her and landed on my back, the chains faded away leaving me free to move.

“Thanks Fen,” standing up, I dusted myself off. Turning my gaze towards the flabbergasted Luna and Celestia. “Fen!”

“Right!” he dropped the black branch into my open hand, and rest on my shoulder.

“So...” I began while taking a stance, “how do you want to end this.”

Luna’s horn began to glow a deathly hue of blue, but Celestia stepped forward. She turns to her sister, “Luna...let me handle this.”

Luna looks towards her sister with the most hateful glare.

“Fine!” she spat, but nonetheless kept her horn aglow.

Celestia nods to her sister and turns her gaze towards me, but this her eyes caught me off guard. It was the same eyes aunty had when she saw me playing with summer. They were eyes I haven’t seen, in such a long time.

“You were the one that gave blood to Luna...weren’t you?” Celestia’s question shocked Luna, her magic almost stopped...almost.

I remained silent, gripping the piece of wood. I stared into her magenta eye, and she stared into mine.

“Sister what does thou mean!” Luna whisper-shouted, then turns her gaze towards me, “tis impossible.”

I shivered under that gaze, it was the same stare when did something bad.

“You okay Astral,” Fen whispered into my ear.

I just grunted a response, but those eyes.

“Your relation to Fenwick raises questions!” Celestia smiled but it never met her eyes, “and your uncanny resemblance to Luna...”

“He does not look like me,” Luna cut in. Which kinda killed a little part of me.

Celestia looked between me and Luna, “Again, your resemblance to my sister, is disturbing.”

“Ah! Astral...this may not be the time for it, but what ever you plan on doing, you might want to do it,” Fen shivered, gripping my shoulder with his claws. “Luna don’t!”

Before I could react a beam of blue engulfed both Fenwick and I. The world grew hazy as I slowly lose consciousness.

Next Chapter: Chapter 6: An Endearing Effort Estimated time remaining: 33 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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