
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Just Get Out of My Way

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“Get me out of this box!” Fen yelled, scratching the inside.

“Not yet, and what did I say about clawing someone's eyes out!”

“Damit Astral!” Fen continued to claw the box.

I just sighed, bringing cocoa and doughnuts to the living room table.

“Sorry, about the mess...I mean your students friends did cause this, but still, sorry for the mess!” I said to my guest, who sat opposite to me. Really wished I could do magic, she just waved her hand and the mud was gone from the room.

“I should be the one to apologize,” She smiled, sipping her cocoa. “I will talk to them about their actions later.”

No emotion escaped from that smiling mask.

“So what do I owe...this,” I asked, pointing towards her. “Not everyday I’d have an Alicorn Princess in my living room.”

She just giggles, drinking her cocoa and taking a bite from her donut.

“Just one claw,” Fen yelled, “just let me swipe her once!”

“No...maybe later,” I mumbled the last part.

“Who are you,” Celestia asked.

I turned my attention back to the woman in the room. She still had that smile, but her eye had this ferocity to it.

“Why that’s simple,” I smiled, “I’m Shepherd, Astral Shepherd. The local recluse that lives near the Everfree forest!”

This time her smile was gone. Her eyes hardened as her horn starts to glow. I continued to drink my cocoa and devour a doughnut.

She stops her death glare and turned to one of complete perplexity.

“Your magic is useless on me,” I told her.

“And how would you know that,” her voice grew cold.

“That’s simple! I poisoned the cocoa.” I continued to smile as her face became a mask again, but her eyes showed so much fury.

“You know what happens to those who try to...” she began.

“Murder the Princess!” I took a sip from my mug, “Trial then execution!”

She showed no emotion, just anger behind those magenta eyes. I just smiled at her.

“You shouldn’t worry to much,” I told her.

“And why is that!” Now I was faced with the true ruler of Equestria, and I was impressed by her death glare. This just made me smile even wider.

“It’s simple my dear Princess,” I sing-songed, “you didn’t drink the poison...I did!”

At this point I was laughing as her guise fell. The look on her face was just so hilarious.

“Y-you did what,” She gasped.

“Yes, Princess. In about an hour I’ll be dead and my body will combust in flames,” I said as if it were a normal thing.

“Astral!” Fenwick yelled, breaking out of the box.

Must have used his magic, oh well, this is how it was meant to be.

“Astral you can’t,” Fenwick cried, landing on my lap.

I look down and smiled to my lifelong compatriot. I placed the empty cup on the table, gentle petting his fuzzy head.

“I’m sorry old friend, but I’m all out of options,” I whispered, tears of blood fall from my eyes. The poison was slowly destroying my body.

I look to the Princess, and smiled at seeing her face. She was perplexed at what was happening. Fenwick continued to cry on my lap, as I start to cough out blood.

“Fen,” I coughed, “this is it for me...you know what to do!”

He curled up and cried. My body was burning with pain, a slow agonizing death awaited me. This was one hell of a poison.

“Why!” Celestia asked, before my eardrums ruptured.

I just smiled at the Princess, kinda feel bad seeing her like this, but she was not really my aunt. Picking up the sniveling ball of fur, I place him on the table. I get up making my way outside, I really didn’t want to burn down the cottage.

Though it wasn’t surprising, but it was nonetheless annoying. Guards surrounded the doorway and by the looks of it, a captain was among them.

“Halt,” A guard yelled, as the entire group tensed. A spear pressed against my chest.

I just smiled and pushed forward. The spear pierces through my flesh making a sicking sound through the air. I continue pushing forward until I was close enough to the guard. I bring my fist back, a shield erected around me in hopes of sealing my movement.

I channeled my ever expanding mana pool, a side effect of the poison. More power than I could hope for, but the more I use it, the quicker I die. My fist connected with the barrier, shattering it to pieces.

I proceeded to break off both sides of the spear sticking through my body. The snapping of the spear sent shivers down their spines. Poor deluded ponies, believing that these demigods will protect them.

Front kicking the guard, she flies back, slamming into the guards behind them. The guards fall out of their stupor charging me. Spears embedded themselves into my flesh. The pain was numbing compared to the intense burning sensation.

My fist continued to connect with the bodies, another shield was erected, but did nothing against my hardened fist. Whoever the shield caster was, needed practice. A single solid shield was just a waste of mana. I roared against the onslaught of guards, making my last stand. Just never thought it would be in my front lawn of all places.

A few days ago:

“At least Luna’s fine,” I told the ever angry kitten.

“But what if...”

“Nothing else will happen,” I cut him off, “besides with the evidence against them they’ll be executed.”

He floated towards the window looking towards the city on the side of a mountain.

“I hope your right...wait! Did you say they’ll be executed?” Fen asked, at the top of his lungs.

“Yup,” I responded.

“How did. Why did. Ah, I give up!” He yelled, raising his paws to his head in frustration. “No wonder why Luna never had kids!”

“...And what is that supposed to mean,” I look up from the book I was reading.

“It means...that your just...way to cruel,” huffed the irritated kitten, “I mean you just do what ever you want and...it just ends up with people dead okay!”

“Go on.”

“There was Red Mount, and don’t you dare forget Alvein Pass!” Fen continued to pace around the table shouting names of places and events.

“Hmm. You do have a point...but don’t forget, they did deserve it.” I went back to reading, as the kitten turned his back and munched on candy.

“You could have died,” Fen mumbled, sulking near the candy bowl, “Every time you do something like this...you almost die.”

My ears stranded to hear the last part of his sentence, and I could only respond with the usual, “You forget my friend...I’m already dead.”

Fen curls up into a ball of fur and feathers, and I continue to read in the silence.


Blood clouded my vision, but none of that mattered. I was quickly losing consciousness, and the tenth or twelfth magic bolt blew off my arm. The guards lay on the ground beaten, Celestia was somehow embedded to the wall of the cottage. I continued to spew blood.

The amount I’ve spilt, littered the lawn and the surrounding soldiers. I heard voices, but my ruptured ears could barely make it out. The poison was in nearing the final phase, and the burning just grew.

The end was near, and I just smiled as the magic fire started to consume me. Soon my body will burn to ashes, then the final effect of the poison will come to affect. I just hope Fen will be happy.

The next day...

The light assaulted my eyes as I awaken from my slumber...how come I never wake up during the night when it’s nice and dark. Bird songs, echoed around my resting place. From the sun’s position, it must be midday.

Getting up I check my surroundings, and luckily my cottage was in site. As I wobbled home, the sun was beating on my naked form.

Entering through back door, I found the house in pristine form. Well, besides the messy living room, everything else was left intact.

A loud growl came from my stomach, protesting to be fed. I start opening cans, and wolfing down every thing in the fridge. Kinda wished I washed some of them, but at this point I really didn’t care.

The fridge was now picked clean and all my canned food was gone. I sat naked in my kitchen nursing an overgrown gut. Channeling mana to my stomach, I quickened the digestion process. A technique I learned after the second poisoning, does the trick for recovery, but the...dammit!

I rush to the bathroom, hoping that I still had control of my bowels.

An hour later, I was back to normal, but if that toilet was alive, it would need some serious therapy. After a quick shower, I began the process of packing and getting the hell out of here.

This place was nice, but there was just no fun here. Sure there was the sudden parties thanks to a certain Pink mare, but other than that...that’s actually it. No epic quest against a dark lord or a horde of zombies, I mean compared to the rest of the world Equestria was a still pond.

I mean...When did I get a crystal ball? I finished packing the upstairs valuables into an enchanted chest, as I was moving the booze into the near bottomless box, light reflected off a crystal ball.

How I never noticed it was a mystery, since it was floating in the middle of the room...Oh fuck me! I quickened my pace shoving just about everything into the chest, switching to different holding slots, as to not damage or mix anything fragile.

Everything from the top to the basement was packed. The enchantments cost a hefty sum, but to lug all my stuff would have taken many loading carts. Something I couldn’t afford to do.

Traveling gear equipped, chest slung over my shoulder. I now make the difficult choice of going through town. There was no clear way through the Everfree and the only way out of this little town was through it. Next time I’m going to have to pick a home with multiple exits...well in case I have to move again.

As I make my way to town, a small dot was flying from the distance. The small projectile was headed towards me at an alarming rate, lowering the chest down I was ready for a fight. Until the black ball of fuzz yelled, and slammed into my face.

“Assstral,” Fenwick cried, “I thought you died.”

“Fen,” I groaned through his fur coat, “let go!”

He floats backwards holding back tears, “Sorry!”

I just stared at him annoyed he was here. “I thought you’d be with Luna by now?”

He raised his paws in defense, “I know...it’s just...I have your ring,” he changed the subject by turning around and presenting my ring wrapped around his tail.

“Fen we talked about this,” I chastised the kitten, “we agreed that you’d go back to mo...Luna when I died, and I thought I hid that in the chest!”

“I know, but how did you come back to life? I was sure you died last night,” He asked, as I put the ring back on my finger.

“Your right,” I told him, “I did die!”

I hefted the chest on my shoulder, and continued my way to the town, walking past a wide eyed cat.

“But how,” Fen asked, landing on my free shoulder. “I saw him, before you burst in flames!”

I walked in silence, letting him snuggle against me. My plan was falling apart, and I had hoped he would return to Luna before I resurrected. I hoped he would choose that path before...oh you have got to...how are they this fast?

Over the horizon, a stream of thunderclouds was heading towards Ponyville. Behind them a golden chariot was following in their wake.

“Never thought those Wonderbolts, would ever go to the front lines,” I grumbled.

“You did injure most of the elite guard yesterday!” Fen informed.

“Those where elite guards!” I groaned, “What type of country is she leading?”

“Tell me about it. The guards back in the day could take on a group of trolls, but they’ll be lucky enough to fight off a bear,” Fen huffed.

“This is not the time for that,” I said, quickening my pace. If I can just get past town to the road on the other side then I was free.

“Ah Astral,” Fen announced from his perch, “your not going to like this, but...I think Luna’s on that chariot!”

“WHAT!” I scream, “I thought she was still in a coma!”

“From the pulse I’m getting, she’s defiantly awake,” Fen mumbled.

Great, now I have to deal with this...why isn’t it ever easy. I slowed my pace, as I was nearing town and the last thing I needed was everyone thinking I was up to something. Especially, when I was barely breathing, stupid phoenix poison.

“Dude! Are you out of breath!” Fen gasped.

“Shut up,” I wheezed, “it's not easy running, when you just came back to life.”

“You gonna tell me what happened or not!”

“Shouldn’t you be with Luna?”

“Don’t change the subject,” he yelled.

I was lucky that no one was on the streets, as I make my way through town.

“I’m sorry,” I said aloud, “but you left me no choice.”

“Wha-what do you mean I left you no choice,” he was getting angry now.

“Fen...We both know you want to see Luna.”

“But...but what about you?”

“What about me,” I snarled, “I have no reason to see her.”

“Your her son!” Fen declared, stomping his claws on my shoulder.

“You forget Fen. I may have her blood flowing through my veins,” I calmly said, “she is not my mother.”

Silence descended the two of us, with the only sound of my footsteps crunching on dirt. The walk pass town hall was eerily quite and the lack of another person was disturbing.

“If she’s not your mother...then why are you crying?” He whispered.

“Fen...it’s hard enough leaving you, but...what the hell!”

In front of us was a draconian boy wearing an odd assortment of pans and a wooden spoon. He looked like a knight made out of kitchen utensils, he stares at us with this wide eyed expression. He turns around screaming, with pots and pans clanking.

“That was weird,” we both said in unison.

I was about to start walking, until I was assaulted by an odd yellow wall.

“Your all right! I thought something happened to you,” said the wall. Backing up a bit, I see Fenwick was clutched in the hands of the local animal warden, and the yellow wall was her cleavage.

“I’m all right Fluttershy, just...where are you going?” he asked, while I was making my way around the woman.

“Leaving of course,” I said without turning around. I had no time for this, those clouds are getting way to close.

“You can’t just...ah Fluttershy can you let me go please!” Fen pleaded, “Thanks!”

“You can’t just leave,” Fen yelled, flying in front of me.

“Are you going to stop me,” I glared him down, and he shivers in mid flight, “Fen...please move.” I hated doing this to him, but I don’t have much time left.

Tears filled his eyes, he floats to the ground. I walked past him without turning back. His sobbing filled the streets, and again I was glad that the streets were vacant, besides the butter yellow woman. Actually, the whole empty streets thing has been bugging me, usually there’s at least one person that walks through these streets. Not to mention the clouds where empty of any pegasi.

“Fluttershy!” a raspy voice was heard over head. I look up to see a rainbow haired pegasus flying towards me.

I simply sidestep the diving mare as she crashes to the ground. I stare at the pile of limbs and feathers, and continued on my way.


This time a flash of purple blurred my vision, and a shield of lavender blocked my way. Four other women came rushing through the alley way, with the two tone pink one having a spastic attack.

“Rainbow are you okay,” The Stetson wearing cowgirl asked, rushing to her fallen friend.

“Just what did you do to our friend,” A white skinned woman demanded, her horn glowing.

“Nothing,” I answered. Charging mana into my free hand, I sent short pulses to disrupt the mana barrier. The shield crumbles like broken glass at the simple technique.

Free from the blockade I continued forward, but was stopped by the Pink one’s antics.

“This is one big doozy of a doozy’s doozy!” She said as if she were riding a jackhammer. She continued to move around in odd spastic movements, eventually moving up a wall on her back.

Impressive as it was, I still had to leave before they came. Taking a step forward Celestia’s student stood in my path, her horn glowing a vibrant lavender hue.

“Your not going anywhere!” She yelled, with the angriest look I’ve ever gotten from a woman. I walked up to her, as her horn grew brighter, and just flicked it.

The magic dissipated, leaving a woman with the most painful brain freeze face. I just walked around the stunned woman and continued on my way.

“Please don’t go,” Fen whispered, as he landed on my shoulder.

I continued in silence with the odd contingent of women following me. Fen would continue to nuzzle against me, but with more force when we passed the library. The streets remained void of people and it continued to be that way even when we reached the end of town.

I stopped, looking at the road and the scenes beyond the hills. Fen floats in front of me, eyes staring into mine.

We said nothing, only a nod from the kitten signaled his resignation of what is to come. He floats aside letting me pass, the road ahead was now free of obstructions, but why I couldn’t step forward was the mystery.

There were times I was beaten with both my legs broken, but now it seemed harder to move. It was as if my body was turned to stone, but left my mind to scream orders through a torn connection.

“I’m glad you girls sent that letter,” a voice rang from above. I stressed my neck to look above, and there floating in the air was the last person I expected to see.

“Cadence!” Twilight runs forward, hugging the woman as she lands.

“Fenwick...I need you to do something for me.” My jaws stressed through the magic grip she had on me.

“Yes!” Fen yelped in excitement as he flew to my shoulder nuzzling my cheek.

“Detain the Alicorn!”

Next Chapter: Chapter 5: Interruptions with more Interruptions Estimated time remaining: 41 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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