
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Blinding Light

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I arrived at the hospital, with eyes constantly watching me. There were guards all over the place, and a gold chariot was parked on the side. They really could have done a better job at concealing themselves.

Entering the building I talked to a receptionist, and was escorted to a room in the rear of the hospital. This was in an empty part of the hospital with no bystander or patients in any of the rooms. This may have been a small town, but the size of this hospital and it's equipment just seemed like a waste of taxpayers money.

The smell of disinfectants and sweat was heavy in the air. The guards were outside of the window and couple of them guarded the hall. Channeling mana into my eyes I notice that a part of the wall had mana covering the entire section. Increasing the mana charge, I bypassed the spell on the wall and the blinding light caused me to tense.

The nurse that led me to the room explains the normal medical examination, takes my blood and leaves. The large source of mana was burning my retinas and thus I ended the mana channeling into my eyes.

With no other option, I sit on the examination table bidding my time until the doctor arrives.

I watch the clock as minute hand passes the six marker, signaling that twenty minutes have flown by. Channeling mana into my eyes, the immense power behind the wall never once moved. I grew antsy as another force of mana joined the blinding gold one. This time it was a lavender aura, just standing next to the vibrant gold.

Getting up I turn my back to the two spys, stretching the numbness from my legs. I swish my ass at them, while touching my toes, giving them a view of my well toned rump.

Hugging the back of my legs, I let my tail swish, back and forth, exposing my nether region. Inwardly I was smiling, but out side I was calm, as if nothing happened.

A knock rang through the room, as the doctor came in.

“Hello, I’m Doctor Specs...what are you doing?” she asked, looking away from her notes.

“Stretching,” I responded, “been in here for half an hour now.”

Getting up I faced the tiny woman. Her horn was lit, as various instrument floated around her.

“Bit much for magic pox,” I said as I sat back down.

“Magic pox?”

“Yeah...Twilight Sparkle said there was an out break of magic pox!”

She looks at her clipboard again, then back towards me. “I’m afraid this has nothing to do with magic pox.”

“Then what is this check up for...exactly,” I asked, sounding worried.

“I’d be happy to tell you, but I’m under royal orders not to,” She gave a reassuring smile.

“Am I being arrested for something...I mean I didn’t do anything, maybe an overdue book, but not something worth arresting for!” I sounded worried, and hopefully she believes it.

“No, it’s nothing like that,” She quickly said, trying to calm me down, “we just need to do check ups for the males in town!”

“Really!” I sounded relieved, “But what’s with all those guards?”

“No idea,” she said, “their just here on the Princess’s orders.”

“Don’t tell me,” I groaned, “ does this problem have to do with six mares and one of them is the student to said Princess.”

“Again, I’m not at liberty to tell,” she said, but nonetheless had the same expression everyone has when it came to these girls. I just sighed, and let my head rest on the wall, my mana scan showed the lavender aura almost falling back. So that was Twilight and the golds one must be Celestia. I would usually do something stupid at this point, but I couldn’t afford to leave this place right now.

“Just relax and I’ll have this exam done in no time,” She said, while the devices rotated around me.

“Fine...but if this is a test for a potential spouses, please don’t put my name down,” I begged.

“Afraid of settling down,” She asked with a bit of an edge to her voice.

“Settling down, is not the problem doc,” I grunted as she wrapped a strap around my arm, “it’s who I’m settling down with, and I’d rather not have one of the elements as one.”

“Really,” she gasped, “most stallions would give anything to be with one of those mares.”

“Probably just to get closer to the Princess,” I grunted again as other devices pressed against me.

“Besides it’s to,” I began but grew quite. My fingers rotated the ring on my left hand, memories flood my mind of those happy moments all those years ago.

The doctor noticed my actions, and she too paused in her diagnoses.

“She must have been important!” she smiled.

“She sure was,” I teared up. I used my sleeve to wipe the fallen tears, “Sorry!”

She waited for me to compose myself. After I stopped crying, she continued her examination in silence. Finishing she left the room with a promise that the results will be done shortly.

The lavender aura left a while ago, only the gold remained. If I remembered correctly aunty won’t go any where till the job was done. That quality earned both my respect and annoyance right now.

Though that’s not what’s really bothering me right now. The hallway and windows have been covered by guards. It’s impossible for them to find out our connection.

Footsteps thundered through the hall way, my aura scan showed seven large mana signatures, coming towards my room. Six of them were Twilight and her friends, but the blue one was oddly familiar.

The door burst open as Twilight and her friends filled the room, a strange yowling coming from the orange one.

“Okay buddy just who are you,” a Rainbow maned mare yelled!

The yowling grew frantic, as the yellow mare with light pink hair was worriedly looking at the back of the orange mare wearing a Stetson.

“Applejack!” My voice was calm, but low with force, “What is that noise!” I asked the orange mare. If that who I think it was, then they should be lucky their in a hospital.

“Hey don’t ignore me,” yelled the cyan blue pegasus, “your one of the guys that hurt Princess Luna aren’t you.”

She extended her wings in a predatory show of dominance. I just looked past her, towards the rope holding cowpony. The noise was ear splitting and the mare was getting worried.

The hotheaded one wasn’t liking my silence, she was going to charge me, but a purple aura held her firm.

“Rainbow Dash calm down!” Yelled Twilight holding her friend back.

“Come on Twilight his gotta know who hurt Luna, I mean just look at him!” Rainbow yelled at the purple unicorn.

“We won’t get it from harassing him!” Twilight shot back.

“I’m afraid my student is right Miss Dash,” a voice rang through the room, as a mare fazed through the wall.

Her hair was composed of pink, green, and blue as it wafted through the air. The magenta eyes stared down at the six mares that burst into the room. Rainbow dash stopped her struggle and joined her friends bowing to the ruler of Equestria. Her white dress never creased when she moved through the room.

Though none of this matter, for a voice sounded behind Applejack.

“You fucking cunt!” a childish voice echoed through the room. “Let me go so I can claw her eyes out!”

“God dammit!” I mumbled. Getting up I walk towards the stunned mares. Grasping the rope, from the orange mare, I lift the rope to see a very angry kitten.

“Really Fen!” I chastised the kitten with my glare. He just humphed and looked away from me.

I just shake my head, tearing the rope apart, he floats to my shoulder staring down the Ruler of Equestria.

“F-Fenwick...is that you?” Stammered the Princess.

In response, Fenwick unsheathed his claws, swiping at her attempt to touch him.

“Claws!” I said, as they dug into my shoulder.

“Sorry!” he mumbled, but kept his claws at the ready.

“Fen where have you been all this time,” Celestia asked, as tears formed around her eyes.

“Not the moon, thankfully,” Fen growled, “and don’t you dare call me Fen! I’ll never forgive you for what you did to Luna.”


“Sorry! I’m just not happy seeing her right now...or ever!”

“I know what you mean. So let’s head home and get you a nice warm bowl of milk,” I coaxed my little friend. “you’d like that won’t you!”

“Yeah...I’d like some milk right now.” He mumbled.

“Good, now if you ladies don’t mind! I have a kitten that’s hungry, and is up past his bedtime!” I made it to the door but guards blocked my way.

“Ah! Good the guards are here! I’d like to press charges on these mares!” I announced.

“What do you mean your pressing charges on us!” Rainbow yelled in her raspy voice.

“For kitten-napping of course!” I huffed.

“Don’t forget, breaking and entering,” Fen added.

“Break...Seriously, just because your the Elements of Harmony doesn’t mean you can do what ever you want,” I chastised the mares. Looking to the guards, “I would like these criminals be placed under arrest!”

Slipping behind the guards I pushed them into the room.

“I’ll come by in the morning and get everything settled with the Sheriff, until then you girls should spend some time in the jail for doing such a thing,” I said out loud, “guards arrest these criminals!”

I pushed them into the room, making my way to the exit.

“That was a dick move, by the way!” Fen chuckled.

“I know, but these are Equestrians we’re talking about, they’ll be stumped for a few minutes...bit of an embarrassment really,” I mumbled.

“Good thing that we’re leaving!”

“Oh! Why’s that?”

“Before they took me here, some doctor from Canterlot was screaming it’s positive...I believe he was the one that looked after Luna!” Fenwick whispered.

“Tch! Looks like I gotta leave again. A shame really, I was starting to like this town!” I said, while making my way through the back exit.

A commotion broke through the hospital as guards started to storm in.

“Looks like I have to haul ass again,” I smirked, “just like the old days!”

“Just take it easy okay, I’m still just a kitten,” Fen sang, while entering my shirt. His head stuck up from the neck hole, his ears tickling my chin.

“Hold on tight,” I whispered.

“Wooohooo!” Fen yelled, as the land scape was a virtual canvas of black.

The mana that channeled through my body, heightened my senses. Even with the faint glow of the moon, the night was like day to me. I jumped over rocks and ditches, fearing that taking the main road would be laden with guards.

“Keep it down, will ya,” I said against the wind.

“Sorry! It’s been awhile,” He yelled back.

“Hopefully, I won’t have to do this again. This really makes me hungry,” I grumbled.

The cottage was in sight, and I only had an hour or less to pack. Slowing down I let Fen fly around to stretch his wings.

Opening the door I was greeted with complete darkness, turning on the light, my living room was a mess.

“What the fuck!” I yelled, “They got mud all over my couch!”

“Sorry about that,” Fen said, floating to the still intact candy bowl, “that rabbit I pooped on, broke in and started causing a mess. Then those girls came in when I was about to rip his head off.”

“Oh come on! There’s even mud on the wall!”

“Yeah...that was the Rainbow maned one. She tried catching me.” He said, while sucking on a mint.

“I should bill them for this,” I grumbled, “but I gotta get packing...so much for that!”

“Oh! Where do think your going?” a woman’s voice rang through the room.

I froze, slowly turning around I was face to face with the ruler of the country. Her elegant smile was just like aunty, who would catch me eating all her treats with that smile of her’s.

“Fuuuuck!” I groaned.

“You bitch,” Fen yelled, as his mint shattered on the table. With wings out stretch he hurtles towards the Princess.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Just Get Out of My Way Estimated time remaining: 54 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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