
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Just a Normal Day

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Many years ago in the Castle of The Alicorn Sisters:

“Concentrate, Astral!” Fenwick urged, as I stood over the pool of freezing water. My mana training was commencing under the familiars tutelage.

It’s been nearly six months since arriving into this new world. My body has gone through drastic changes, mainly I regressed in age by a few years, making me eight years old again. Fenwick explained the whole process to me, but I had to believe him since he too looked younger, maybe the same age when we adopted him. The tail however, is still something I needed to get used to, crapping is such a hassle now. How he came to my world was another mystery.

Apparently Fenwick is a familiar from my mother of this world, and escaped to my dimension to avoid my aunt’s wrath. Something happened between the two which reduced this castle to ruins, but I blamed that on neglect. Since his return he found out that he had spent a few years in our dimension, but almost a thousand years pass in this dimension.

Our conversations did lead to the question on why he took me here. He grew quite every time I asked, until I got really mad and threatened to leave the safety of the castle. His answer haunted me that day.

“You see that bird in the distance,” he said in his growly voice. I nodded seeing the brown little avian.

“Watch closely,” he grew silent just watching the little guy flying around. Then a hawk swooped down plucking the bird from the sky. My mouth hanged open, just seeing the little bird being devoured by it’s larger cousin.

“I saw your death Astral,” Fenwick said, he gazed at the hawk ripping the innards of it’s prey. “My master Luna...in a desperate, but foolish attempt to save her beloved pet, summoned my spirit and placed it into the dead vessel of her goldfish. For decades since then, I have been the loyal servant of your mother, placed into different vessels.” He looks away, a longing look on his face.

“Years of dyeing and rebirth has granted me the power to see the death of those around me...but the longer I stay with a person, the further I see into their future.” He turned those brown eyes towards me, and I met his gaze with my own.

“Listen well Astral, regardless of my actions you would have died that day,” His voice was full of sorrow, and I couldn’t help but cry knowing my fate. He stood, and walked towards me, leaning in as I cried into his fur.

“Wi-will I still die he-here,” I tearfully asked, hugging the big dog.

“Yes,” there was no emotion in his voice, turning so I could see his face, “but not for a long time.” His smile brought me comfort and all I could do was lean in and hug the old hound.


The cold water reminded me of the days we trained in the old castle, in the art of mana control, which is apparently was lost in this age.

Wait cold water...realization shot through my mind. Eyelids opened in clear view of a black kitten with raven black wings, and a pissed off look on his face.

“Glad your finally awake,” the cat-bird huffed in his squeaky voice, flying with a cup of water in his small arms. Looking at my alarm clock I noticed the time.

“It’s only nine in the morning Fenwick,” I moaned at my little abomination of a friend.

“I know!” he shot back, going to his little corner and crossing his fluffy little arms. “You need to go shopping soon, and get some poppy muffins this time!”

“Geez! Your still mad I put you in that body aren’t you,” I complained through my pillow.

“Mad! Mad doesn’t even come close...I mean look at me I’m a cat slash bird how do you go about explaining that to anyone!” He yelled. I’m really glad I live out here in the countryside or else these pony people would think I was crazy. A grown man arguing with a cat...do they even have mental ward here?

“I told you I was...huh I don’t think I ever apologized about that...did I?” I thought out loud.

“No! No, you didn’t,” he scoffed. Getting up I headed to the bathroom, passing my little buddy.

“At least you can fly and claw things,” I grumbled passing him, “it was better than the other one!” I didn’t need to turn around to know that he shivered from the experience.

“Don’t remind me...but I’m still amazed how you put this body together.” He said, sounding a little impressed.

He should, since I could only find the freshly dead body of a kitten, but it was missing some flesh on the back. Fenwick needed a whole body to possess, and any injured body would take to long to regenerate, cutting his life expectancy by half or more.

Luckily a dead bird was among the pile of corpses, those trolls could really eat anything. Thankfully I killed them off before they could devour any of the villagers. Anyway, a couple of hours of cutting and sewing the two carcasses together, I had a cat with wings attached. I drew a ritual circle on the ground, placed Fenwick’s soul shard in the circle (only familiars of the casters bloodline can receive the shard) I placed the body on top and chanted the ritual incantations. Ten minutes later I had a sleeping, baby bird-cat hybrid.

Exiting the shower I toweled off and put on my outside cloths. They were extremely plain, but they did the job of hiding my physique. One of the few things that scared me upon arriving into this dimension, was that I was now part pony which sucked, and that the gender ratio for my species was around sixty to forty with women on top. Actually, every other sentient species had woman on top, really weird when I realized that.

Strange how it never changed, because according to Fenwick it’s been that way for as long as he could remember. It didn’t help when I moved out of the Everfree forest and into Ponyville, which I really wished I hadn’t, since it was seven to three in this small backwater town. These women play for keeps, especially when their in heat. Just like PMS, but they’re more violent.

Grabbing my basket pack I made my way outside, of our cottage.

“Coming,” I asked the little hybrid, stopping in the kitchen. He looked around scared that someone might get him.

“N-No, I’m good,” he stammered. For a guy that’s lived longer than I have, he sure was afraid of others judging him.

“Look Fen, how about hiding in the basket...I could even wrap a bandana around you like a cape,” I tried coaxing my friend from his self imprisonment.

“A-Are you sure...won’t you,” he suddenly grew silent. This just made me sigh in frustration.

“Fen I know how you feel about your new body,” I calmly said, to the shivering kitten, “at least try to get some fresh air all right.”

He met my gaze and gave a slight nod, “I’ll try.” He mumbled in his child like voice.

I smiled and patted him on the head, “Thanks buddy...and try not to get stuck up a tree again!” I teased.

He swiped his claws at me but I was out the door before he could make contact. I just chuckled, and made my way to the market. Magic coursed through my body, as my legs kicked into overdrive. The land becoming nothing but a blur with my ground eating strides. Mana control is awesome.

The market was it’s usual busy self. The restaurants pillaged the fresh produce from the stalls, leaving enough for us regular shoppers. The weather patrol pushed the clouds around and the town has started to come alive.

Finishing the produce part of shopping, I head to Sugercube Corner for some much needed snacks. I’m so happy I don’t have normal job or else I would have had deal with the hour long line.

Mr. Cake was manning or ponying the register today, strange how Pinkie Pie was gone to Canterlot for the week. I thought they’d at least hire some part timers since his wife was preggers.

“Shepherd!” Carrot joyfully announced, “Finally decided to get out of your house for once.”

“Don’t remind me,” I grumble, “haven't gotten a nights sleep since the kitten came home.” I lied, can’t have these people finding out what I do for a living. Last thing I need is one of the Princess’s finding me.

“New pet I take it,” he smiled.

“Yup! Found the little guy on the side of the road,” I sighed. Carrot just nodded knowing what I meant. I have this odd reputation about adopting odd animals, since Fen died frequently on my missions.

“So. What’ll it be today,” he asked, going into sales pony mode.

I looked at the display, and ordered a cheese cake, Fen’s muffins, and doughnuts. I love my sugar.

Bits exchanged, and pleasantries said, I headed for home hoping to get some sleep. Running from troops, can really tire a guy.

“Here’s your muffins,” I said to the dirty cat. Unpacking the food I began storing the perishables in the fridge, and hiding the other sweets where he won’t get to it.

Grabbing some bread, veggies and pickled fish, I began making lunch.

“So what did you do today,” I asked through a mouthful of fish sandwich.

“Remember that white rabbit, the one owned by the yellow mare!” he said in his squeaky voice.

“The one that threw carrots at me,” I asked, receiving a nod from my companion.

“Yup, that’s the one,” he said, as a grin formed on his black little kitty lips, “Let’s just say being part bird means I don’t have to land to do my business!”

I almost dropped my sandwich, “Nooo! You. You didn’t...You did!”

I had the most shit eating grin in my entire life. That rabbit caused me a lot of trouble before.

“Oh yeah! Right, between his beady little eyes!” Fenwick smiled.

“Dude! You are the best friend a guy can have,” I teared up, giving my cat a low five.

“I know...and thanks for the muffin!”

“You deserved it, and here I’ll get you another one,” I said, grabbing another muffin. He just smiled and went to gobble it down.

Best thing about having a familiar, he can just about eat anything. I went back to my sandwich, every bite was made ever better, with the thought of that white demon. It was a good lunch.

I lay down on my couch, with the sound of metal songs I recorded with a remembrance crystal. Just about all the random music I remembered from my dimension, are stored in a crystal powered IPod thingy, and yet no one has invented the internet!

Fenwick curls up on my chest the tempo of the song decreasing to a steady beat. My mind clearing and slowly I embrace the safe confines of sleep.

The dead slowly rise from the ground, their rotting flesh exposed for the world to see. I stand above a hill, my hands chained to the pillars on either side of me. The dead make their way towards me, in a horde of decaying flesh.

Many of the faces are familiar in the haze of the azure smoke. Tears fall, as I see the corpse of a child holding onto a basket.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated for the hundredth time. Even though it was a dream my failures would haunt me till my soul burns in the eternal pits of tartarus.

The dead reach me, ripping the flesh from my body, until I am nothing but a skeleton. They fall over leaving me to watch over the battle scarred field.

I awaken to the sound of violins mixed with pianos.

“Why is there strings in my metal playlist,” I grumbled.

“Because...it’s the only thing that can wake you up.” I felt something land on my chest. I stare at my companion, a sad look adorned his face.

“Same dream,” he asked.

“Yeah,” I answered, wiping a tear away.

“What time is it,” I asked, noticing the orange peeping through the shades.

“Almost five, and we have a problem!” He said, his tone had a slight edge to it.

“What is it!” I asked, bolting up from my proned position.

“I’m hungry,” he stated, a grumble echoing through the room. I glared at my friend. “Oh, And troops are running through Ponyville!”

I just stared at my cat, as he started to preen and clean himself.

“Just like Prance,” I sighed, grabbing a bottle of vodka. “I’ll make some pasta for dinner!”

“With the cheesy sauce!” Fenwick yelped with joy.

“Yup!” I said, taking a swig from the bottle. If this was just like Prance I was not going to deal with this sober.

Everything was set and ready. The food was piping hot, the music was an orchestral piece with a cello and piano duet. It set the mood perfectly, Fen sat on the other side of the table with his bowl full of cheesy pasta and broiled fish. Mine was identical to his, with the exception of wine.

I savor each bite, but Fen being the little glutton that he is gobbled down the entirety of his meal. A third of my plate was left until I heard the knocking.

Taking a sip from my glass, I head to answer the door. Checking the mirror, my light blue hair shielding my face from others. The less they see my face, the less likely they’ll put two and two together.

Opening the door I was a bit surprised to see Celestia’s student, and five armed guards. I looked down at the young unicorn.

“Hello, sir my name is Twilight Sparkle, and were collecting all males for a medical examination,” said the purple unicorn.

I look at the time, then to the young woman, and the guards in golden armor.

“Why,” I asked.

“Well, there has been an outbreak of...magic pox!” she smiled, as her eyes twitched. “Everyone is being checked out right now!”

“And the guards are here for...” I twirled my hand for confirmation.

“Oh! There here for...examination purposes!” said the mare.

“Okay...I’ll head down to the hospital then,” the guards were tensing up. “I’ll just finish eating and I’ll be there in an hour or so!”

I began closing the door, but a purple hand kept me from doing so. I look to the mare, her face a bit panicked.

“Is there anything else I should know,” I asked scratching my head. She looked to the guards then to me, her hand retreating from the door.

“No...Ah, just hope you have a wonderful dinner!” she said with that creepy smile of hers.

“Okay!” I closed the door, the guards still looked like something crawled up their ass.

“What was that,” Fen asked, as he floated around the room.

“Some sort of check up,” I answered my friend.

“Really! Can’t believe they’d try something so cliche,” he back floated towards the kitchen.

“I know right! They’ll probably lock me up in a room and interrogate me!” I took a sip of wine, “They have no imagination, at least the changelings would beat me to death, then ask questions.”

“You do have point...so how are you going to deal with them!”

“The usual,” I said finishing the last of my food, “go in, get arrested...the normal shit.”

“Good to know. I’ll just take a bath and head to bed,” Fen yawned.

“Good night buddy,” I petted his head. “It’s gonna be a long night!”

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: Blinding Light Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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