
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: I Warned You

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Many years ago:

“Mom! Your embarrassing me,” I complained, squirming under my mothers iron grip.

“Hold still Astral,” she ordered, with her usual agitated voice, “how you get so dirty in such a short amount of time is beyond me.” Her cheeks puffed in irritation.

“Luna his a boy, let him enjoy himself,” My father laughed at my muddied self.

“It’s not my fault!” I squeaked in protest, “Ruffles, dragged me through a mud pile.”

“Hey! It’s not his fault you couldn’t stop him,” my older brother shot back.

“You were supposed to watch him,” I glared at him as he petted the dog he got to pick out, I wanted a cat, but nooo, everyone agreed on the mangy mutt.

“Calm down you two,” my father cut in, on our bickering, “Your aunt Celestia is coming with her family, and I don’t want you two fighting!” He gave us the stink eye, and we could only grumble an agreement.

My aunt from moms side, was visiting in town that week. Summer break started a week ago and I wanted to finish reading my books, since someone got me grounded from the internet. I missed out on a mega anime marathon those two weeks thanks to my brother.

An hour later, aunt Celestia her husband, and daughter Summer came down the hill. Greetings were made, we enjoyed our picnic, the dog ate my share of the pie, and I was ignored, again.

After a while, the dog started moving around tugging his leash wanting to be released, to answer natures call. I tried to get my parents attention, but they just told me he was my responsibility, and my brother was enthralled with our cousin. I would have called him a pervert, since he had that weird look in his eyes, but Ruffles was really tugging at the leash.

“I’ll take Ruffles for a walk,” I grumbled, as everyone gave the okay, or something along the line. Untying Ruffles, we headed around the park trying to find a spot for him to go potty.

We found a copse of trees, were he did his business. I tried leading him back, but he wanted to explore. My experience with this dog was as follows, big dog, plus small child, equals that he was in charge. I just accompanied the big guy, he did out weigh me by a long shot.

He took me around the park until we were at the entrance with the big horse statue greeting the guest. From what dad told me this statue was from his old high school, and was donated to the park. Something about it sinking and cracking, I didn’t pay attention, but it was replaced with a bronze one and this one was sent to the park as a tax write off.

The thing was cracked all over, so it was patched up and painted. Though that was a while ago, since the paint was flaking off and the cracks shown in some areas. Ruffles just sat in front of the statue and watched the squirrels gather acorns.

“Your a really strange dog,” I said, patting his ruffled fur, while feeling the bumps on his back.

The bumps were profound and I started to cry bringing the old hound into a hug, “You were always a hassle to deal with.” I whispered into his ear. “I hated the fact that I always had to take you for walks...or had pick up after you when it was my brothers job to take care of you,” I sobbed, as my mucus splattered on his fur. I grew quite and just cried into his fur.

“I’m going to miss you boy,” I murmured. Pulling away from his fur, he looks straight at me with that big old doggy smile and gave me a slobbery lick.

“Ew! It got into my mouth!” I wiped my face with my arm, all the while I could only smile at the big lug. Getting up I tugged on the leash, “Come on boy let’s go, before mom get’s worried!”

He ignored my order and just sat there looking in the distance. I tugged on his leash again, this time he looked me in the eyes. I would never forget those old brown eyes nor the words he spoke.

“I’m sorry master!”

My eyes grew wide seeing my friend for most of my childhood speaking in clear English.

“You can talk,” I stammered. He continued to look into my eyes, but sirens wailed in the directed of the entrance. I looked on as a car came towards us.

I was frozen in sheer fear at my impending doom, but brown covered my vision and the feeling of being pushed back was all I remembered. Colors of the rainbow flooded my vision, as my body burned with intense pain. Then all was black.

The portal home was shattered to a million pieces and only a small fragment remained. As I awoke from my slumber all I could do was look on, my mother screaming through the tiny glass, father clutching her in a tight embrace. The firefighters saying that they only found a leash, and other stuff that made no sense to me at the time. Then the shard fell to the ground shattering the last hopes of seeing my parents.

Strange, how standing for a few hours with guards pointing spears at me, could bring back those memories. Then again seeing this worlds version of my mother, might be the one to actually trigged those memories, but Fenwick did mention I’d meet her. Kinda wished he mentioned that she was an immortal and a Princess, but that’s gonna have to wait for another time.

“Poke me with that spear again, and I’ll shove it up your ass!” I hissed at the guard, that’s been constantly poking me. He just grunted and returned to his position, when this is done I really am going to shove straight up his ass.

“How many times do I have to tell you, don’t agitate him!” The doctor chastised the guards. Turning towards the commanding officer, “Do we really need all these guards?”

“I’m afraid so,” she said, glaring at me, “after the attempted assassination on Princess Luna we can’t take any chances.” The doctor just sighs and continues with his scans, and silence continued.

An hour passes, and color returned to the Princesses face. The doctor finally finishes his latest scan, smiling at the outcome.

“She’s finally stable,” he tiredly said, turning towards me, “If it weren’t for you she’d never make it!”

“Good to know doc,” I responded. Removing the needle from my arm and handing it to the small man. I made my way to the window. The guards grew closer with their spears, and commanding officer drew her sword.

“Where do you think your going?” She warned, pointing her sword at me.

“Leaving,” I simply stated, “and we could do this hard way or my way! Either way I’m not leaving until shove that spear up his ass.” I pointed my thumb at the direction of the guy that’s been harassing me with the spear.

“You think you can escape,” she mocked, her horn glowing as she took a stance ready to strike.

There were five of them. My old self would never take on these odds, but now that I had magic flowing through my body and I was in control of it. The odds were now in my favor. I channeled the mana, hardening my skin and bones, experience taught me that defense was better than speed or strength. If I can punch a wall without my fist breaking then I can keep on going.

The doctor said something, but my mind was focused on the officer. Dashing forward I slammed my fist into the tiny woman's armored chest piece. She hit the wall and whatever spell she had dissipated, turning around, the soldiers stood stunned seeing the woman lay on the floor unconscious.

“Stop this at once,” the doctor yelled. I ignored his warning and pointed at my target.

“Your last,” I used my deepest menacing voice on him, and I believed he wet himself.

I rushed the guy to my left, as they snapped back into attention. They came in rushing with their spears. I concentrated my mana to my torso, there spears piercing through my suit but going no deeper. Pushing forward the spears bend, the horror on their faces was priceless.

The snapping of wood was heard in the tiny room as the spear ends fly through the room. They stood there watching as I came forward, harding my arms and hands I slammed my fist into the side of my intended target. The force from the blow pushed him into his comrade. Just like the first two they fell to the ground in a tangled mess.

The other guard still standing, rushed in and wrapped his arms around my torso. Moving with the momentum I fell down rolling on my back, my leg pushed on his torso launching him towards the door. Flipping back up the last guard standing was staring at me with abject terror.

“You should have taken my warning to heart,” my voice was calm. I walked up to the man as he stood there like a deer in the headlights. I yanked the broken shaft from his hands. Twenty-seven pokes with his fucking spear, I gave him fair warning but his smile from earlier told me enough.

His scream must have rang out through the entire castle, for moments later the hallway thundered with boots. Taking that as my sign to go, I ran towards the window, passing a stunned doctor. Jumping out, I fell towards the still dark city, as lights began to turn on.

I channeled mana into the amulet around my neck. Water condensed around me, they slowly solidified on my back forming dark blue bat wings. I glided down to the city, with the knowledge that she was safe, and information on it’s way to the multiple branches of Equistria’s military. With that information at least they can arrest the perpetrators, I just hope Fenwick doesn’t break into the fridge again.

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: Just a Normal Day Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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