
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Canterlot, a majestic city built on the side of a mountain and the capital of Equestria. It is a home to the Rulers of night and day, powerful deity’s known throughout the land.

Canterlot is a nation founded in the world of Terra. Such a picturesque city with powerful rulers, no one in their right mind would have believed that today of all days a tragedy would befall one of the sovereigns.

The guards filtered the hallowed halls, in search of perpetrators, that mortally wounded their Princess.

“Search the grounds, let no one leave or enter until we find them,” Yelled a man in gold armor his horn glowing, as his voice projecting through the entire castle. The boys in gold searched every room, and corralled people or ponies, in their case, to the grand hall, investigating each individual.

I could have easily escaped, if not for the fact my target still lives. I hid in the shadows, climbing the outside walls of the castle, night guards flied through the sky. Their armor making them invisible in the night sky if not for the full moon lighting the night. The pale light illuminates the castle and anyone wondering on the grounds would have been spotted.

None of that applied to me, the black outfit I wore closely resembled that of the assassins of the East. From head to toe my body was covered in black cloth, a wooden mask of ebony covering my eyes. Years of experience, stalking my prey has taught me to hid within the shadows, never to be seen or heard, until the very moment my target stops breathing.

On the dark side of a building, I spot the window of my target, for only royals used that room of the infirmary. I channeled the magic coursing through my body, equipping my hand claws I begin the task of climbing the wall.

My arms burned, from the task, but knowing that each inch would bring me to my prey the more I ignored the pain in my body.

After fifty feet, I reached my target, grabbing the edge of the window I pull myself up peeking past the curtain into the brightly lit room. On the bed lay the Princess of the night, her once majestic star filled mane, was now a still cobalt blue. Her dark sapphire blue skin, was a tad lighter due to the blood loss.

The doctor scans the patient with his magic checking for anomalies. He adorned a worried expression, but the more he scanned the woman the worse it became. Two guards and nurse stand in the room. I had to act fast, if I want to get this done properly.

Hoisting myself to the window, I stand on the ledge of the window, my presence masked by the curtain. Bringing my arm back, I break the window with my clawed hand the glass shattering on the floor. I quickly jumped into the room as a beam narrowly missed my head.

I throw my claws at the guards distracting them with the projectiles. I then rushed the nurse slamming my fist into her abdomen, knocking her to the wall. Turning to the stunned guards, I rushed the one on the right of the door. Grabbing his horn with one hand and the other on his crouch, I pushed him towards the wall. Head slammed on the wall, a firm grim on his nether region, I pulled him back letting go as his comrade slammed into him.

They tumbled on the floor, a mess of limbs and legs. I ignored the two and headed for the door, locking it from outside interference. Turning around the guards began to stand, running up to them, I slammed my elbow on one of their helmeted heads, avoiding the horn, the other wasn’t as lucky. My knee met his armored plexus, launching the poor man towards the wall.

Both guards down I turned to the frightened doctor, meat shielding the Princess. Walking to frightened man, I look down into his eyes, they were full of fear, but with determination to do his duty. I smirked under my covered face, he was good man, loyal to the Princess till the very end.

“Tell me doctor,” I made my voice deep and menacing, “hows the Princess!” The poor guy was shivering to the point he would wet himself any moment now.

“Pe-pea-please d-do-don’t hurt the Princess!” he pleaded, teeth chattering from my mere presence. I couldn’t help but smile at the poor guy not many would think of others in a situation like this.

“Relax! I’m not hear to harm the Princess!” I said, turning around to were the nurse laid on the floor. My dagger drawn, I walk towards the woman.

“Wait what are you doing,” the doctor frantically asked.

“Taking care of business,” I seethed. Reaching the woman I slapped her face not to gently, “Your disguise is impressive, but you shouldn’t have disposed of her like that,” grabbing her neck with my free hand I hoisted her against the wall till we we’re eye level.

“You could have just let her live, but you killed her instead!” I growled at the assassin. Putting my dagger against her throat, “Tell me who are you working for.” The woman just smiled.

Her mouth began to foam, and her eyes rolled back, instinctively I let go as her body was engulfed in flames. There before me a black skinned woman with light green hair, a small curved horn adorned on her forehead, and insect like wings sprouted from her back.

“Dammit,” I sighed, “always cyanid pills with these guys!” Turning around I saw the frightened doctor still in his spot with a look of shock plastered on his face. I walked towards the doctor.

“Tell me doctor hows the patient,” I just lost my lead, and I’d be damned if I lost her. I stand over her sleeping form my hand caresses her sleeping face.

“Will she make it,” my tone was delicate when I was with her. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her face! The doctor seeing I meant no harm stepped forward.

“I’m afraid, that she won’t make it if we don’t have a blood donor!” he stated in a voice that spoke years of experience. Very different from the man that I scared earlier.

“Wait! Shouldn’t you have a store of blood in the castle for situations like this,” I hopefully asked.

“We do...but,” he went silent not sure how to continue, “we don’t have any of her blood!”

“What do you mean,” I asked, sounding confused? If they had blood then they could..., “It's because she’s an Alicorn isn’t?” The doctor was surprised at my inquiry.

“I’m afraid so,” he nodded at my analysis, “only Alicorn’s can donate to her, but Princess Luna is not compatible with Princess Celestia.” He turned to the patient, then read the clipboard.

“If only she was the same blood type as her sister or Princess Cadence then we could easily give her a transfusion.” He said, sadly his face returned to his earlier portrait.

I looked down at the woman, she looked so peaceful on the bed. Closing my eyes, I made my decision. Placing the blades edge on my wrist I cut the skin open, avoiding the vein.

“What are you doing,” shrieked the doctor!

“Something I’m going to regret,” I answered the doctor, turning towards him, “check our compatibility!”

“I told you already only...” he began, but I cut him off by pressing the blade to his throat.

“Check or you die,” I had no patients for this right now, and the more time we waste the closer she gets to the after life.

“Okay,” he gulped the blade pressing against his carotid artery. His horn began to glow, my blood suspended in the air. Eyes shut in concentration, opened in adamant shock.

“Impossible!” he whispers, again he scans the sample, sweat forming around his brow. He looks towards me with pleading eyes, “How is it possible!”

“Your asking questions, when your patients salvation is in front of you,” I chastised the man, removing my blade from his throat, “Get the transfuser, or she won’t make it!”

He looks at the situation at hand and he nods. Pressing a call button, “Nurse get me a transfuser, Now!” he roared through the com-link. There was an answer, and feet thundered through the hallway.

Turning around, I made my way to the door, I picked up my claws and holstered my weapons. Unlocking the door, I waited in the corner away from the door and the nurses view.

Five minutes Later:

The door burst open, as a team of three nurses run into the room. An odd machine of magic and steel comes into the room.

“Were do you need it,” one of the nurses asked.

“Next to the Princess! Hurry we don’t have much time left,” Ordered the doctor, turning towards me, “Are you ready?”

I walk to the other end of the machine. The nurses freeze at seeing me, but I ignored them. Taking my knife I slit a small hole through my suit, grabbing a cotton ball and alcohol I cleaned the area. Picking up the needle and tube, I removed the covering enclosing the sterile needle. Stabbing it into my vein, blood flowed through the clear tube and into the machine. I continue to stare at her sleeping face.

“What are you doing,” The doctor looked at the frozen nurses, “hurry before she dies!” he yelled! The nurses snapped out of their trance and began to work on the Princess.

“Do you need a chair,” The doctor questioned, while the nurses had the Princess hooked up and ready to receive blood.

“I’m fine,” I answered back.

“It’s a long process.”

“I know.” The nurses slowly leave, closing the door behind them. Only the doctor, two unconscious guards, a dead shapeshifter, a Princess and I was left in the room.

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: I Warned You Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes
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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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