
Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

by milesprower06

Chapter 15: Adoration

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements
by milesprower06


As afternoon gave way to evening after the funeral, Twilight returned to the library after some quick shopping at Sugar Cube Corner. Coming through the front door, she saw Rainbow relaxing in front of the currently blazing fireplace. On this cool night, the flames were inviting. She came up next to the pegasus, and saw what she was doing.

In the crackling flames was a yellow portrait envelope, and a black plastic tape case. She could see the melted tape through the clear plastic, and charred remnants of her notes she had taken as the envelope burnt away.

Next to Rainbow was her saddlebag, with the end of a cloak hanging out of the right bag. The fabric was a very fine gray silk, with silver embroidery along the edges.

"Is this what I think it is?" Twilight asked, lifting the portion of the cloak that was hanging out of the saddlebag. She had done her research, and she was certain that she knew that somehow, Rainbow had gotten her hooves on the Cloak of the New Moon.

"Something, isn't it?" Rainbow replied, affirming Twilight's suspicion.

"So this is how you went undetected for all that time."

"You can't imagine what it was like. To be staring at a Missing poster, then have ponies look right at you and be none the wiser, or walk directly past a royal search party, who remained clueless... It was exhilarating."

"What are you planning on doing with it?"

"Well, it's not of much use now. I'm sure there's a museum around here that would like to have it."

Twilight sat there in front of the fire next to Rainbow, the saddlebag between them. It wasn't the fire that kept her attention, but how beautiful Dash looked in the orange glow. She was content to stay there looking at her marefriend for several minutes, before getting up, and began to head towards the stairs.

"Well, enjoy the fire. I'll be upstairs."

Twilight grabbed one of her favorite books from her bedside shelf, and climbed into bed. As happened often, she lost track of time and her surroundings. She didn't hear the crackle of the flames slowly die down. She didn't notice the downstairs lights turn off, or the hoofsteps coming up the stairs.

She barely noticed the sheets of her bed tugging a bit, and finally looked up from her book to see Rainbow climb into bed next her.


"This is what you've been waiting for, isn't it? Don't tell me you've changed your mind."

"N-not at all." the alicorn stammered, unprepared, but more than willing to share her bed tonight.

“Listen Twi...I need to tell you something. It's not gonna be easy for you to hear, and I don't want you to tell anyone else.”

“You can tell me anything, Rainbow.” Twilight replied, scooting closer to her.

Rainbow shifted under the covers.

“The night before...before I decided to come back...I tried...”

Rainbow swallowed.

“I tried to kill myself.”

Twilight gasped, covering her mouth.

Rainbow couldn't bring herself to look Twilight in the eyes. After several moments, the alicorn took a breath, and slowly lowered her hooves.

“You did what...?”

“I had traveled for a year, never feeling any better. I was sick of crying, sick of being alone. My last stop was the Crystal Empire. I went to visit the Crystal Heart, to see if anyone loved me anymore. I didn't know that the cloak's enchantment would affect the Heart's power. Convinced that no one wanted me anymore, I went deep enough into the forest where I was confident no one would find me. I found a limb high enough, tied my wings down, tied a noose around my neck...I hesitated, but after several minutes, I jumped. It...”

Rainbow visibly teared up.

“It choked me for a good ten seconds, but...with my struggling, my weight shifted enough to cause the limb to break....sent me falling 30 feet down to the forest floor, with more limbs along the way breaking my fall. I didn't break anything, but I just laid there the rest of the night crying, scraped up, the noose around my neck...too afraid and ashamed to try again. I didn't have anything left. I was nearly out of money, I had nowhere to go, and when I finally fell asleep at the base of that tree, I dreamed of you. It was then that I realized what I was missing; you. All of you. Right then, I knew that it didn't matter what all of you did to me, or how much I hated you. I needed to try and fix it. Nopony can replace you.”

Tears ran down both Rainbow's and Twilight's faces. That had been one of Twilight's biggest fears; that Rainbow wasn't found because she went out to the middle of nowhere to take her own life. As soon as Rainbow managed to make eye contact once again, Twilight slid forward, and hugged Rainbow tightly.

“Thank you for coming back...” she whispered through her tears, clinging to Rainbow as if for dear life. Rainbow returned the hug.

“Thanks for being here when I did.”

Twilight pulled away slightly, and began to kiss away the tears rolling down Rainbow's cheeks. The pegasus returned the loving gesture, tenderly licking up Twilight's face, softly kissing her.

“As I made my way back here, I kept thinking about that letter that I had left you. Thinking back...I think I would've worded it differently if I hadn't been so scared and angry. Because now I know that I want it. I want your love. I want you."

Those words lit a fire in Twilight's heart.

“I love you, Rainbow Dash.”

“And I love you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Their lips met and parted, and the passion between the two lovers as Rainbow's tongue slid into Twilight's wanting mouth. The kiss did not last, and Rainbow made her way down, kissing and licking her chin, gently suckling on the alicorn's neck as their wings slowly and simultaneously unfurled. Making her way down her neck, Rainbow introduced gentle nipping to the kissing and sucking. Twilight gasped in pleasure with every pinch from Rainbow's teeth moving slowly down her chest.

Before getting to her stomach, Rainbow stopped, and looked up at Twilight, eyes meeting. Her tongue not leaving Twilight's body, Rainbow rotated her body 180 degrees, and Twilight was greeted with her stomach as she lowered herself down, and resumed her journey down to the prize, letting Twilight join in. The alicorn ran her front hooves along Rainbow's body as she also began to kiss and suck on Rainbow's stomach, keeping pace with the pegasus towards what they both wanted so badly. Rainbow passed her tongue over Twilight's naval, and maneuvered the tip just over her clit, causing her to gasp again. Moments before lightning shot through her as well, Twilight returned the gesture.

They both dove in simultaneously.

Twilight's groin erupted in a fire of pleasure, arching up to get Rainbow's tongue get even deeper as she was eaten out. Her lover's sweet scent filled her nostrils as she also began her feast, wrapping her front legs around Rainbow's rear, her tail flicking off to the side. Every few seconds, she gave a teasing pass over her clit. During a particularly daring moment, Rainbow gave a split-second suck, causing Twilight to give out a short scream into her lips.

It was such a simple act. But to Twilight, there had been nothing more special in her life. Rainbow was sharing her bed with her, no longer angry, not forcing herself on her in a furor of lust. They were exploring each other in the most intimate ways possible. Each move of pleasure she gave, Twilight returned. It was the perfect exchange of love.

And that love was slowly building to a peak. It didn't take long, understandably, with how so much of it had been pent up in the previous months. Each knew the other was getting close, as they felt each other's hearts pounding against their chests. Rainbow didn't seem to slow her journey to the peak, so Twilight kept pace.

The pace of their licking, kissing, and sucking increased together, and Twilight felt Rainbow's vulva contract around her tongue the same time she went over the edge. Twilight screamed in ecstasy, but didn't break her mouth's contact with Rainbow, sucking eagerly for her love nectar, with Rainbow returning the favor. She felt herself squirt into Rainbow's mouth, wrapping her back legs around Rainbow's neck, inviting her deeper in.

The climax lasted for nearly a minute, and then they released each other, gasping for breath. Slowly, Rainbow turned back around, and laid down next to Twilight, basking in the afterglow. At first, Twilight found herself a little disheartened that it had been so short, but then decided that she didn't care. When she had finally caught her breath, a thought came to her mind. She sat up, followed by Rainbow.

"Rainbow... I have something that I want to give you. I thought about giving it to you in private after your birthday party, but I decided against it. I was afraid of what you'd think, and I guess I still am... But I don't want that to stop me anymore."

Twilight leaned over to her nightstand and opened the drawer. Reaching inside and closing it, she returned to Rainbow with a small white box. Swallowing hard, she put it on the bed and slid it over to where Rainbow was sitting. She took one end of the ribbon between her front teeth and gently pulled, the bow giving way. She dropped the ribbon, removed the lid, and peered inside.

Twilight was quivering, waiting for some kind of visible reaction, wondering if she had just gone against her better judgment again, and toppled everything the two of them had just built up. Rainbow Dash continued to stare down at the small, cone-shaped piece of enchanted steel with a leather strap.

A magic limiter.

It was another agonizing ten seconds before Rainbow finally let out a soft, exasperated sigh.

“You want me to use this on you.”

“You don't ever have to if you don't want to.” Twilight assured her.

“But you want me to, don't you?” Rainbow pressed.

Twilight could no longer look at Rainbow, her gaze falling to the bedspread.

“Don't lie to me, Twilight.”

Tears pricking her eyes, Twilight sniffled and nodded.

“Yes...but please, let me explain.”

Rainbow said nothing more, giving Twilight the opportunity to do just that.

“Six months after I was expelled, Celestia came to the library, and convinced me to stop drinking. It took me a couple weeks to actually stop. I figured that because I had used my magic to get myself into that mess, that I should try and go without it. That proved harder than I thought it would be, so I decided to help myself. I bought that limiter, and put it on whenever I was tempted to use my magic to help with a chore. Sometimes I had to wear it for hours at a time. Just like you, I spent a lot of nights crying myself to sleep. I was so lonely. When I started wearing it to bed, I... I began to fantasize about you coming back and getting even... Making me yours... It was one of the few things that made me feel better at night. That whole disaster in the basement is how I realized how much I care about you, how I fell in love with you. Yes, I've discovered that BDSM is a kink of mine, but it always, always has to be consensual. Again, you never have to use that on me if it makes you the least bit uncomfortable, I just want you to have it. At it's core, I want it to symbolize my trust for you, and that I want to be yours, and nopony else's. I saw the Rainbow Dash underneath the ego. I just want to let you see me without my magic.”

"I already love you, with or without magic. Why should that make any difference?"

Tears finally streamed down Twilight''s cheeks.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I knew this was a bad idea."

"I'm not saying it's a good or bad idea, Twilight. I just need to know that you absolutely realize how much fire you're playing with here. Think about it. Rarity and Fluttershy started out as the perfect couple, and then they introduced a kink like this, and look what slowly, subtly happened. I know the saying is 'forgive and forget'. I've forgiven you, but let's be realistic; none of us are ever going to forget what happened down there."

Twilight nodded.

"I know. I'll let you decide, Rainbow. Take as long as you need. I just had to tell you. I had to get it off my chest."

Rainbow peered down once more to the magic limiter, then replaced the lid, and put it down on her side of the bed. She rolled back over, and put her legs around Twilight, snuggling into her chest. Twilight sniffled, and returned the hug,taking a deep breath, and let sleep take them both, immensely grateful that Rainbow was still in her bed after her confession.

Author's Notes:

One more to go, I split the last chapter up into two parts.

Next Chapter: Absolution Estimated time remaining: 7 Minutes
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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

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