
Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

by milesprower06

Chapter 16: Absolution

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements
by milesprower06


Twilight couldn't imagine a better way to wake up than next to her marefriend, who was currently snuggled up next to her. When the alicorn started to stir, so did she, and their eyes met as they fluttered open.

“Mmmm, mornin' Twi.”

“Morning, Rainbow. Hungry for breakfast?”


With that answer, the two of them rolled out of bed, and began to make their way downstairs to the kitchen. But they were only halfway down the staircase when there was a knock at the door. At this point, it occurred to them to look at the clock, and realized that they had slept in until 10.

The two of them went to the door, and Twilight opened it, and was met by Princess Celestia.

“P-Princess!” the alicorn greeted surprisingly.

Celestia was without her usual escort of royal guards, and had only a saddlebag fitted around her midsection.

“What can I do for you?” Twilight inquired further. It was a moment before the royal sister responded.

“Actually, I'm here to do something for you.”

Celestia's horn glowed, and the flap of her saddlebag opened, and out came a rolled and sealed scroll, which she levitated to Twilight, who took it in her own magical grasp.

Twilight Velvet sat somewhat uneasily in her chair in the living area of her Canterlot home. Next to her, sat her husband, Night Light. To the left on the couch sat her son, Shining Armor, and his wife, Cadance. The silence among the four of them seemed long and awkward, as they were waiting on a fifth, who was currently ten minutes late.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. Velvet immediately got up to answer it, and was greeted by Princess Celestia, who had summoned all of them here for a private audience.

“Good afternoon, Your Majesty.”

“Good afternoon, Velvet. My apologies for being late.”

Velvet welcomed Celestia inside, and promptly took her seat in the left corner.

“Thank you all for coming.”

“What is this about?” Cadance asked.

Celestia's wings fluttered for just a moment, and she felt as uncomfortable and awkward as the rest of them did.

“Alright, then. Straight to the point I suppose.”

Celestia cleared her throat, and prepared to tell them what she had come here to say.

“Rainbow Dash has been back in Ponyville for the past month.”

This simple oral revelation brought surprised glances from the other four ponies in the room. After several seconds, the silence was broken.

“What is she doing there?” Cadance asked.

“Living with Twilight in the library, and having daily interaction with her and the other three.”

None of them had any immediate response to this. It was a full ten seconds before Night Light finally spoke up.

“After what they did to her? Why?”

“Based on what she told me a couple days ago... Because she missed them.”

“She came to see you?”

“Yes. She came for Rarity's ashes. I believe the five of them are having a private funeral service.”

“So what does this have to do with us?” Shining Armor asked.

“Before she left, Rainbow told me that since she's come back, the others have gotten some semblance of their lives back. Pinkie is back working at Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy has a few animals in her cottage, Applejack is back at her farm... But Twilight hasn't.”

Hearing this, Shining got up from his seat without another word, and began to walk to the door.

"Shining, sit down."

"No. I know where this is going, and I don't care if she's family or not. I won't help alleviate the guilt of somepony who can't tell the difference between research, therapy, and torture."

"Yes you will. One, because she's your little sister, and deep down you love her, and two, you couldn't tell the difference between a changeling and your wife. Now sit down."

Shining Armor seethed momentarily at Cadance's snarky rebuttal, but nonetheless returned to his seat.

"I know we're all disgusted with what Twilight and the others did to Rainbow. But it's important to remember that so are they. Their lives and relationships have been decimated because of this, and it's been worse than any sentence I could have handed down. If the victim is the only one trying to heal and restore at least some of what's been lost, what does that say of us? My view of her was not unlike yours, until Rainbow Dash visited. She pointed out that despite her crime, Princess Luna was restored completely to her position after her redemption, and asked why I could forgive her, but I cannot forgive Twilight. I couldn't answer her, because I believe she is absolutely correct. What about you? Could any of you look at Rainbow and tell her that she is wrong in her observation?"

Silence filled the room as Twilight's immediate family took in the impeccable point Rainbow had nailed Celestia with the day before.

"So what are you saying we do? Give Twilight her crown back?"

"I don't know. The only thing I do know is that if we cannot find a way to forgive what she did, we will be hypocrites."

Twilight broke the magic seal around the scroll, and slowly unfurled it. She let out an audible gasp as she read down the first few lines, and tears filled her eyes as she read the rest.


I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, hereby decree, that Twilight Sparkle's expulsion be nullified. She is to be re-instated to her previous position, and will continue her studies abroad in the magic of friendship.

Night Light
Twilight Velvet
Shining Armor
Mi Amore Cadenza

Twilight tried desperately to fight through her speechlessness as her tears rolled down her cheeks, as she looked up at Celestia.

"Princess... Wh-why the change of heart?"

Celestia gently motioned to the cyan pegasus standing next to Twilight.

"I needed to see somepony else's loyalty to realize that mine wasn't where it should have been."

Twilight closed her eyes, as the waterworks continued, and she got even more choked up.

"Thank you." Rainbow answered softly for her.

"Thank you." the Princess returned.

The lavender alicorn was still unable to get a hold of her emotions as her entire body quivered, struggling to remain standing.

"I take it you will accept your re-enrollment?" Celestia asked. Twilight nodded, staring at the floor, crying.

"Then I have someone else here who wants to offer his help in your studies."

This brought Twilight's eyes up from the floor, back to the doorway, just in time to see Spike walk around the corner of the door, and step inside. This brought her emotions to another peak as she collapsed to her knees, reaching out for the dragon and pulling him into an embrace.

Celestia gave a soft smile at the dramatic reunion.

"I'll be expecting a report from you soon. I have a feeling you've learned quite a valuable lesson about friendship these past weeks."

"Absolutely..." Twilight barely whispered, her voice returning as she released Spike.

Giving a final nod, Celestia turned, and took to the sky. Twilight watched her for only a second before falling into Rainbow, throwing her front hooves around her, her shoulders heaving.

"I don't deserve you..." she sobbed, Rainbow returning the hug.

"Well, you're stuck with me anyway," she replied. Twilight gave a chuckle through her cries. Rainbow rubbed her back, and broke the embrace.

"Come on, I'll help you write that letter."

Twilight sniffled and nodded. Spike ran to go get the quill and parchment.

"Actually Spike, you can just send this one. I'd like to write this one myself." Twilight told her assistant, draping a wing around Rainbow.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Together, we have found the key to the strongest friendships of all, an absolutely crucial element of friendship.


Friendship is not always harmonic. Mistakes are made, and even though you may think that the way you wronged a friend is unforgivable, the most powerful of friendships can withstand the storm, even though it seems they've been lost to the winds. If you and your closest friends have the strength to forgive those transgressions, then your friendships can be invincible.

Perhaps, that friendship can turn into something more.

Your faithful student, and loyal subject,
Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash

Fluttershy was woken from her peaceful slumber by a knock on the door from downstairs. Shaking off the morning drowsiness, she threw on a robe and went downstairs to see who her morning visitor was. Opening the door, she was greeted with early sunshine and the smiling face of Derpy Hooves.

"Good morning, Derpy. What can I do for you?"

"I have a letter for you, Fluttershy. Guaranteed hoof delivery!"

Derpy reached into her mailbag, and came out with an envelope, and promptly gave it to the yellow pegasus.

"There ya go. Have a nice day!"

As Derpy took back to the skies to resume deliveries, Fluttershy went back inside, intruigued as to what was in here. It felt heavier than a letter, and she hadn't ordered anything. Who would send her something with a Hoof Delivery guarantee?

Going over to the end table, she got the letter opener, and carefully sliced the envelope open. As she tipped it downward to get the letter, a beautiful white gold necklace slid out into her hoof. She gasped. The necklace was simple, but shone brilliantly. There was a heart pendant on it. Setting it gently on the end table, she got the letter out of the envelope, and unfolded it, eyes widening as she read.

To the kindest, sweetest, and most gentle pony I have ever known.

Your Secret Admirer

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Other Titles in this Series:

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

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