
Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

by milesprower06

Chapter 14: Inhumation

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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements
by milesprower06


Rainbow Dash trotted through the quarry several miles southwest of Ponyville, her four friends keeping pace behind her. They remembered coming here with Spike after Rarity had been taken by the diamond dogs. It was here that they realized that she wasn't helpless on her own, and that she could indeed take care of herself in jam.

It would be her final resting place.

Rainbow returned from her visit with Celestia, and announced her plans to give Rarity a proper burial. It was to be a private service, only for the five of them. A week later, they had all scheduled their day off, and had traveled out here as a group. The mood had been somber so far; everypony had been silent on the walk out here.

As they continued through the quarry, it began to get foggy. Rainbow Dash had arranged this yesterday, for their small service to be veiled in fog, with a small clear patch where she had selected the grave site. When the fog got thicker and thicker, and then suddenly cleared, they knew they had arrived.

Rainbow set her saddlebags on the ground, and got out a small, mouth-held shovel from the right pocket, followed shortly by the others. They formed a circle, and began digging. With five of them working on the same spot, they had a hole three foot deep dug in a matter of minutes. Rainbow stuck her shovel in the ground, and reached back into her saddlebag, coming up with the magically sealed canister in her hooves. She leaned down, and set it gently in the hole.

Getting back up, she merely stared down at the grave in silence for several seconds with the others.

"Does anypony have anything to say?"

Fluttershy took a step forward, setting her shovel down.

"I'll always remember our weekly spa visits. I'll never forget when I asked you out, and you said yes. It was the happiest moment of my life. I'll always remember our first date. Regardless of what happened to you, or why it happened... I know a part of you, the right part, still loved me. I wish we had a chance to save you."

With that, Pinkie stepped forward.

"We didn't spend the most time together, but that handcar ride back from Dodge Junction was really fun. Thanks to you, I finally settled on Chimicherrychanga. You were always up for some fun, and didn't hesitate to help others. I'll always remember when you and I helped Fluttershy with her assertiveness."

Applejack removed her hat, and likewise stepped forward to speak.

"You and I didn't see eye to eye on a lotta things. But you taught me that sometimes, you can go ahead and take a little pride in looking your best. You taught me to approach some problems and chores with care, and I was mighty proud to help you get closer to your little sister."

Twilight nodded solemnly.

"I'll never forget my first sleepover. I know it was hard for you and AJ to get along at first, but you two really helped me take one of the biggest leaps there was in my first lessons on friendship."

At last, Rainbow stepped forward.

"The gala dress you made for me is the most beautiful thing I have ever worn. The thing that hurts the most is that we'll never have the opportunity to know what happened to you... If there was any chance to save you. I'm so sorry that we'll never get that chance."

With the eulogies complete, Rainbow reached into her saddlebag, and came out with the six cutie mark earrings from the basement, and tossed them in with the canister. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her shovel, followed by her friends, and began filling the grave.

The process took nearly as long, and when they had flattened it out satisfactorily, Twilight levitated a trio of turquoise gemstones and set them in the fresh dirt over the grave. They just sat there, staring at the grave, reflecting on their friend who had passed on.

After a few minutes, Rainbow took another deep breath.

"Well, I guess that's it. We didn't just come out here to bury her. We came out here to bury the past. So... Consider it buried. All of you."

Twilight, who had been to Rainbow Dash's right in the circle they had formed around the grave, walked over, and hugged her. Seconds later, the other three walked around the grave and joined them. They had a few group hugs over the past few weeks, and this one felt the warmest. After a minute, they broke the embrace.

"I need a few minutes alone. I'll meet you girls back in Ponyville." Rainbow told them. They gave her nods, told her to take her time, and were on their way, disappearing into the fog not even 30 feet out.

Rainbow merely sat there in silence, staring at the new grave. She wanted so badly for the circumstances to be different.

"'Consider it buried.'? That's it? Just three words, and it's all behind you?"

Rainbow whipped around, startled at the intrusion, and saw standing on a nearby boulder, just barely visible through the fog, a very familiar face.


Spike angrily packed up his bindle, and tied it around the stick. Most times, he could understand being left in the dark about things that didn't concern him, but this was different. This involved their friends, some of whom were obviously in danger.

It had all started when Twilight came into the library three nights ago, with an injured Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, both of whom were clearly traumatized. He had immediately been sent away to take care of Fluittershy's animals. Or rather, the remaining animals, who hadn't run off due to Rainbow's negligence. When he came back the next morning, he saw Twilight crying over a letter on the floor of the library, and then things took an insane turn as he helplessly watched Twilight beat Rarity to a bloody pulp.

He had no idea what was going on, but this morning, Twilight had been summoned to Canterlot, where she should be returning from soon. He had no intention of being here when she got back. He figured he would give her a few days alone to remember to keep him in the loop for serious situations involving their friends. He had packed up the last of his things, and was turning for the door when he tripped over one of Twilight's saddlebags, sending some of the contents spilling out to the floor. He almost paid it no mind, but saw a small stack of parchment next to earrings of their cutie marks.

His curiosity piqued, he picked up the parchment to see what it was.


The following is documentation of Project Mistress Do Well, an effort from the collaboration of five friends of another close friend, spearheaded by the pony with the most expertise in this particular field, hereafter referred to as 'Project Leader'.

The ignorance and unfulfilled commitments of a close friend, hereafter referred to as the 'subject.' The subject has made multiple commitments and promises, and has not managed her time well. Aforementioned failures have begun to affect the morale and livelihoods of the subject's friends and acquaintences.

The project leader has deemed it necessary to put the subject in a controlled environment, remove the egotistical problem, and break down the pony underneath, and build her back up into a mare who can better manage her time and commitments she makes to others.

The Project Leader has prepared her basement as the environment that will serve for the subject's rehabilitation. The manner of capture is currently being discussed. I have suggested to the Project Leader that the rules for the subject should be kept as simple as possible. They are as follows:

Rule 1: The subject may only speak when spoken to. She must address the one speaking to her as 'Mistress'.

Rule 2: The subject must obey every order Mistress gives, without question or hesitation.

Rule 3: The subject must never attempt to escape, nor inflict harm upon herself or others.

Subject will be given basic nutritional supplements and water twice a day; once in the morning before sessions begin, and after sessions before bed. Manner of feeding is dependent on the subject's behavior during the sessions. If their behavior is satisfactory, nutrition and water will be served in bowls, and they will be given 5 minutes to consume the meal. Unsatisfactory behavior will result in food being served on the floor, which they will be given 2 minutes to consume, and water will be dispensed through a hose for 30 seconds.

Time elapsed: Approximately one hour.

Although not going precisely according to plan, the capture of the subject was successful. She has been placed in the basement, gagged, and adequately restrained, with her pinion joints temporarily disabled to prevent flight. In order to maintain the ruse of anonymity, the participant who led her to the point of capture was also placed in the basement, feigning unconsciousness.

After the subject regained consciousness, the participant was removed, and the Project Leader went in as the rest observed.

The Project Leader enters and addresses the subject, proceeding to detail the subject's many unsavory and often delinquent actions. After debriefing the subject, the Project Leader begins administering corrective measures even as the subject maintains an arrogant nature. As punishment continues, the subject begins to relent, and the rules are given to her. As expected, the subject's arrogance flares, and the Project Leader is forced to discipline her. The subject is restrained and a noose is fastened around her neck. The subject is then set upon a block of ice and forced to choose between submitting, or death. Unbeknownst to the subject, however, is that the noose is not designed to kill, but to disable her should she choose to end her life in lieu of submitting.

I take the first watch as the other participants get some rest.

Time elapsed: Approximately twelve (12) hours.

As I have witnessed the subject slip and regain her footing multiple times, I have reached the conclusion that she will begin to submit. Her health must be maintained.

However, I had made a poor judgment call in going down alone to comfort the subject, allowing her to relieve herself in the shower when she asked permission. As she began to resist being restrained again, the Project Leader entered, chastising me for my poor decision. While initially ordering me away, she allowed me to stay and document the proceedings. However, the presence of two unicorns in the Mare Do Well costumes has tipped the subject off to our identities. The Project Leader foresaw the anonymity not lasting long.

The subject is gagged, and a bridle and blinders are fitted. The pinion-disabling rings are replaced, and her forelegs are restrained. She is placed into a submissive position in the shower.

The Project Leader reveals her 'trump card', the letter of acceptance in response to the subjects application to an organization, to which she only has a limited time to reply. The subject is given the choice to willfully submit, with the possibility of being released in time to reply, or to continue to resist, and remain in captivity much longer. The bridle is loosened so an answer can be given. The subject curses in anger, prompting more corrective actions. The hot water is turned off, and the subject is left immobile underneath the cold stream of water.

Time elapsed: Approximately fifteen (15) hours.

Regardless of my earlier error, none of the other participants have not seemed to pay attention to the nutritional health of the subject. Seeing how undernourishment would only impede progress, I took it upon myself to temporarily remove the subject from the shower. The water temperature is of no concern, as a Pegasus, her body can endure prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures, regardless of how uncomfortable they may be.

Keeping the subject restrained, I offered her nourishment and water, both in bowls. Despite the hunger that must have surely set in, she knocked them away in resistance. Determined not to let the subject take advantage of my compassion again, I responded by ensuring nutritional intake.

Underneath her Mare Do Well mask, Twilight seethed in anger as the oatmeal and water spilled onto the floor as Dash knocked over both bowls in her thrashing. She could hear her stomach growling for food, yet still her ego wouldn't let her give in. This steeled Twilight's resolve, making her even more sure of the fact that Dash needed their help. Rarity was right, she needed to be more firm.

Going over to a table with various supplies, she grabbed a plastic funnel in her magical grasp, and returned to where Dash laid spread eagle, her violent lunges dying down. Grabbing Dash's body with her magic, she flipped over over onto her back, and placed the funnel in her mouth, pushing the bit down against her tongue. Grabbing hold of the oatmeal that had spilled onto the floor, she began to slowly release it into the funnel.

“You can swallow it, or choke. Your choice.” Twilight said, the suit masking her voice as she placed her left hoof over Dash's nostrils, cutting off her air supply.

Dash coughed, trying to gag as more and more of the near-flavorless oatmeal entered her mouth. The result was a forced cough, but as more space was taken up in her mouth, she could do nothing. Her body unwilling to drown in food, she glared at the masked eyes of the costume, and tears of desperation rolled down her face as she gave in, and swallowed as much as she could in a gulp. Seeing this, Twilight slid her left hoof, allowing air into one nostril so Dash could swallow again. After four giant swallows, she had consumed the serving, and Twilight manipulated the flow of the shower head so that water flowed into the funnel. Rainbow took in the water for another ten seconds, at which point the funnel was removed, and she was turned over to her previous submissive position under the freezing stream, coughing for several moments. Twilight silently washed the funnel, replacing it and the overturned bowls on the table, before returning upstairs.

Time elapsed: Seventeen (17) hours.

Due to keeping close watch on the subject, I have not gotten much additional research done. Another participant has arrived to relieve me of my first watch.

Time elapsed: Twenty-four (24) hours.

We arrived at the end of the second watch to find the second shift sleeping with the subject. Going down as a group, the participant was removed, and corrective action was taken against the subject. Regardless of her knowing who we are, it was made clear that the costumes are so that she must show everypony equal respect, regardless of who they are.

As the Project Leader joined me up in the observation room, we watched as the remaining participant succeeded in making the subject succumb to sexual coercion. Afterward, the restraints were loosened slightly so the subject could get proper rest before the next session.

I found myself somewhat concerned about the Project Leader's conduct following today's session. She threatened us all with similar treatment as the subject was undergoing if we undermined her direction again, despite this being a team effort. I conceded to whatever methods she deemed necessary, as long as they were clinically safe. The health and safety of the subject was made my responsibility, and I will see that fulfilled.

Time elapsed: Thirty-four (34) hours.

Live notes. After watching another participant during her rope bondage session with the subject, we prepare to make her choose between the submission of the participant she obviously cares for, and her own submission.

The participant is restrained, pierced, aroused, pierced further, and her primary feathers are clipped. Subject's reactions are fierce resistance, anger, and followed finally by submission and surrender. She is crying quite extensively.

Concentrating is proving difficult watching the subject breaking. She allows the same to be done to her to spare further corrective action on the participant. We have done it at last, she cares for another pony more than she cares for herself.

At the end of this session, we restrained the subject and participant together, to keep them aroused and teased all night. The Project Leader has noticed my doubts, and has given me her personal assurances that tomorrow, our efforts will bear fruit, and the subject will be ready to be built up into a new and better mare.

Despite the aforementioned goal of breaking the subject, and how focused I was towards accomplishing that, it seems that I was... Unprepared, to see the scared, vulnerable pony underneath the egotistical shell.

I cannot help but notice flaws in the overall project now. The Project Leader doesn't seem to be remaining objective. She is deriving personal joy from the rehabilitative measures we are enacting on the subject. I have to remain objective, and ensure the data isn't compromised.

I hope my morale will improve when we begin to build the subject back up in the coming days. We have come too far to fail the subject now. This is for her own good, whether she realizes it or not. Whether I realize it or not.

He didn't know how to feel or think. The pages before him shocked his thought processes into complete paralysis. Sure, Dash needed help keeping her promises, but... Surely, they wouldn't have gone this far...

But here it was, staring him in the face. There it had been, coming through the front door a few nights ago. He clearly remembered how Dash and Fluttershy looked... The state they were both in. He had stood there in shock while Twilight attacked Rarity with a fury he had never seen before. As ludicrous as it all sounded, the pieces came together in his mind.

The disbelief did not evolve to anger, nor hatred or malice. It merely gave in to disappointment and shock.

"Spike...?" he heard a familiar voice softly call from the door.

The parchment in his quivering claws, he slowly turned to face the alicorn he no longer recognized. He held up the notes.

“She...sh-she did th-these... H-horrible things...... And you... You sat there taking notes...”

Spike couldn't bring any more words out of his mouth. He dropped the notes, looked down to his stick-and-bindle, picked it up, and silently walked pasted the stunned alicorn without even making eye contact.

He didn't know what to do or where to go, but he was certain of one thing; he would not be returning.

Rainbow found herself at a loss for words yet again, as she looked at Twilight's former assistant, as he merely stared back at her. After several moments, he stepped off the boulder, walked into the clearing, onto the grave, and reached into his bindle, and took out the damaged fire ruby necklace. He dug a hole through the fresh dirt just small enough to bury it. Rainbow watched as he did this, and then replaced the trio of turquoise.

"I really don't know what to say. I guess the first thing that comes to mind is it couldn't have been easy. To put all that behind you."

"No, it wasn't." Rainbow answered.

"So it doesn't bother you? That you'll never find out what happened to her?"

"It bothers me everyday. Forgiving them isn't nearly as hard as accepting the fact that we'll never find out why she did what she did. The best thing we can do now is honor and remember the friend she used to be."

Spike glanced over at the freshly-made grave site.

"Yeah," he merely responded, getting up from his sitting position, beginning to turn his back to Rainbow.

"There's a place for you there, ya know. Back in Ponyville," she offered, Spike turning to look at her.

"I know it'd... It'd make Twilight... She'd be very happy to see you."

Spike continued looking her in the eyes for several more seconds. It baffled him. How could she live with them? Forgive them?

Maybe it didn't matter how she did it. Only that she had found a way.

"I'll think about it. Just... Don't tell them I was here, alright?"

Rainbow gave a silent nod, and watched as the dragon turned, and disappeared into the fog.

Luna stood on the highest balcony of Canterlot Castle, staring at her clear night sky. She had risen the moon barely fifteen minutes ago, and was settling in for a relaxing shift. Hearing hoofsteps behind her, she turned to see her older sister come out and join her on the balcony. The taller alicorn walked up and took a seat next to her sister, with several moments passing in silence.

"A beautiful sky tonight, Luna."

The Princess of the Night smiled in response, but knew something was amiss.

"You seem troubled, sister. Ever since you returned from your visit with Rainbow Dash. Is everything alright?"

"It's just... Something I need to figure out."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you'll come to the right decision, 'Tia."

As Luna continued staring out at the horizon, she felt her sisters forelegs wrap around her, as she was pulled into a hug.

"Sister...?" Luna asked, bewildered.

"I love you, little sister. I don't say that often enough."

Luna returned the hug, wondering what had brought on the sudden show of affection.

"I love you too, Celestia."

After several moments, Celestia broke the embrace, and smiled at her younger sibling.

"Have a good night," she bid Luna, and returned indoors to retire for the night.

Next Chapter: Adoration Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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Mistress Do Well: Fractured Elements

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