
The Great and Powerful Trixie-Tones

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 4: Part Three: Play That Stringy Music...

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Part Three: Play That Stringy Music...

"You come before me a broken woman. Once so proud and elated to boast whenever she could; now sitting here, in front of me, fallen and defeated. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your misfortune... But you have not come here, before me, to talk of shame. No. You came here, before me, to talk business. Business that I would would be more than happy to talk to you about, given that you bring closure to our past. The fact that you are now here, before me, tells me that you have plans to bring closure. You may speak now. Seeing as that you are -yes- before me..."

The room was dark, the kind of dark you would see in a mob movie. Aiding to that image was the one speaking, a person draped in darkness and reclining back into an easy chair with a hand stroking in a plotting manner against the soft of a cat's back. Across from the seated body was Trixie, a few slim lines of light from the shutters against the wall behind the easy chair. Trixie looked very, very irritated from what little the light showed of her face, but she eased up and nodded. "Yes.. Well... I wanted to say I was... S..." Trixie gagged once, quickly rubbing two fingers against her throat, "Sorr..." she caught herself before she lost her lunch, swallowing it down one last time, "Sorry. I'm sorry. The Great and Powerful Trixie should not have said such harsh words to you all those months ago."

Slowly, a devilish laugh came from the woman sitting in the easy chair. Her fingers scratched against the cat's back on her armrest while she enjoyed her laugh. "These words that you say here, before me, are so very sweet. As sweet as my mother's home-made gelato. I could sit here for hours with you -indeed- before me and let those words ring in my ears. But, we are both women of business... And from what I know about you, you would not be here, before me, if business was not sour. So tell me, what business is so important, that you would come here, before me, and ask me for help with your wizard hat in hand."

"First, I don't have my 'wizard hat' with me..." Trixie made that motion very clear, "Second, I need your help to form a band. Out of all the people I know, you are among the most talented... Granted, the list is shortened to the people I can convince to assist me within a four days' time." Candid, but Trixie would have it no other way at this point.

The woman raked her fingers against the soft tufts of the cat's fur, a breath of thought parting through her lips with a hiss. "So... Trixie comes here, before me, to ask for my skills with string instruments. A wise choice, I will say. A choice I will accept to if you, seated before---"

"For the love of--!" Trixie nearly knocked the table over as she stood up and fumbled to grab a dangling light switch. She tugged the beads of it once, making the room fill with light from the ceiling lights, "Enough of this, Lyra! Will you help me or not?" Trixie had all but dropped her restraint and punched a fist into the table as she glared at the mint skinned girl.

Lyra Heartstrings, hand revealed to be stroking across -not a cat- but a stuffed horse head and wearing a curly mustache smiled a cheeky smile at Trixie. "I'll help, I'll help. I'm just going to be a little more difficult now that you ruined my mob-style joining."

Trixie pinched the bridge of her nose as she took a step back. Rolling her fingers down her nose, she breathed a calming groan and returned to looking at Lyra. This cheeky, smiley, pony-head stroking nutcase was now her one and only ally... And she would have to live with that for now. "Alright... We'll discuss what instrument I want you on once we bring in the other members..." while Trixie explained, Lyra jumped out of her chair and did a little spin on the tip of her toes.

Ending her spin, Lyra tossed the pony head up into the air and let it fall where it may. "Right behind you, Lula," Trixie felt her eye twitch before she started left the room with Lyra marching dramatically right behind her, "So? Who're we grabbing at next, hm-hm?"

"Vinyl Scratch..." a quick frank answer from Trixie left Lyra wanting a little more, urging Trixie with a push against her back, "Ugh... I have plans to make amends with her, and you'll help me. Before you ask! I will tell you your part to play later... After we get Vinyl, which we will of course, the rest will naturally fall into place."

"Trixie... This is maybe the BEST plan I've ever heard," Lyra gasped out, tugging against the back of Trixie's sweater collar with glee.

Flashes of pure boundless hate kept flashing in Trixie's eyes when she felt that tug and heard the sound of Lyra's voice. But, she swallowed it and closed her eyes. "Let's just find Vinyl before the Great and Powerful Trixie burns down a bridge she just repaired."

"Righty-tighty, Lula!" The two walked together, the first two members of the next greatest band in Canterlot High now on the quest to find their third member.

"Uh, Heartstrings?"


"You do know ponies will never be able to talk back to you right?"


"It's simply common knowledge. Equine creatures are just too... stupid."

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid...

Next Chapter: Part Four: Rip-Chord Estimated time remaining: 23 Minutes
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