
The Great and Powerful Trixie-Tones

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 3: Part Two: Ode to repaying.

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Part Two: Ode to repaying.

I will admit to you something I have never shared with anyone. Not my parents, not my friends -if I had any-, and certainly not my siblings. Perhaps this revelation will send you into a state of catatonic shock or worse, so I advise those who are weaker of mind and spirit to turn away now and cover your ears. At this time, the Great and Powerful Trixie will blow your mind and make you question your reality as you know it. For you see... I am -at times- a tad arrogant.

Process that. Yes, it's a shock to me as well. I would have never agreed to it, but the school psychologist made a VERY compelling argument. Also, from past experience, Ms. Cadence has never been one to steer me or any other student wrong. So, I was inclined to believe her. Now, Ms Cadence has told me because of my 'arrogant' nature, I repeatedly cause wedges to form between me and possible friends. Troubling considering my current plans REALLY rely on 'friends'. If the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to solve this, she will need to delve into the deep reaches of her mind.


Fluttershy is reliable enough, I suppose... But just having her run fliers for me to fill out an entire band with will only make me look meek and helpless. At the very least, I MUST bring two people into my band before I fall back onto Fluttershy's assistance. However, the Great and Powerful Trixie falls into a snag on that end of the plan... To bring two people in, I have to find two people that will at least let me talk to them...

WAIT! I have it! A brilliant idea -if I say so myself- has come to me! I don't need to find two people that will listen to me; I need to find two people I can make short amends with. There is no denying that I have made a great deal of enemies in this school... But most of them can just as easily be fixed as they were broken. 'Arrogant' I may be -perhaps-, but that does not make me thickheaded or blind. The Great and Powerful Trixie has the gift of deduction on her side. She merely must piece together who would be the best choices to make a quick patching to friendship and how to go about it. Simple.

Already I have just the person. The very JACKAL that not ten minutes ago laughed at me and sent me into this spiral of self-contemplation! Vinyl "DJ-PON3" Scratch. The two of us have a 'decorated' past. As you can guess, we're two of the 'outcasts' in this school. Because of that, we normally eat lunch together and share a story or two. But, that came to an end nearly three weeks ago. One day, out of nowhere, she started avoiding me and snubbing me whenever she was given a chance. Now, I shouldn't really say it was 'out of nowhere'. I know why she's mad at me.

You see, I may have made a small, unmeasurable mistake. Really, it was just a small trifle when you really think about it. Still, it seems Vinyl saw it another way. About four weeks ago, I was performing magic tricks outside of school in an attempt to gain a little lunch money. What? The Great and Powerful Trixie pays her own way; she doesn't need a handout. Anyway, I was doing my tricks when Octavia -a skilled music prodigy- passed by. When I do magic for people, I expect at least a nickel from everyone; but she didn't give me a cent. Instead, she told me that if I wanted money, I should get a real job. And I'm the arrogant one...

Now, perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie overreacted, I can admit that. But, when she turned to leave, I used a little 'slight of hand' and found myself in possession of her fiddle without her noticing. I was actually very proud of myself; it had been awhile since I pulled off such a flawless pickpocket... Not that I pickpocket often... Moving on. I went back to my magic show, getting tips off of my viewing public in the process. That's when Vinyl Scratch came by. I don't remember what magic trick it was, but I left her awestruck; a common occurrence when you see my magic or me. So awestruck, in fact, she gave me fifty dollars.

Admittedly, the Great and Powerful Trixie was moved... So moved... She gave the fiddle to Vinyl Scratch as thanks.

...You can assume where this story went from there...

When Octavia found the fiddle in Vinyl's possession, she was livid! Even from outside the school, I could here her yelling at Vinyl and calling her a thief. From what I was told, Vinyl tried to tell her she got it from me, but that only made it worse. I don't fully understand why it mattered to Vinyl so much, but because Octavia got angry at her, she won't give me the time of day any more. That's where I need to stand if I'm going to rebuild this bridge with her.

The Great and Powerful Trixie hereby decrees that she will have Octavia forgive and rekindle whatever sort of friendship they shared with one another! This will regain Vinyl's trust in me without fail.

That now leaves me with having to find a second person. I can think of an endless number of people... But I only need a person that I can repay in a short amount of time. Charity takes time, and time is something I will use sparingly. That is why... That is why... Look, there is one person I know that will forgive me in a moment's notice if I talked to them... But, doing so would mean swallowing my--THAT'S IT! Swallowing my pride? That's what this is about, isn't it? Of course...

In that case, I know just the person I have to find. The Great and Powerful Trixie will have her band! I just need to find Vinyl, Octavia, and that little--No... No calling them names... We need to get along. Now, if I know them as well as I think I do -which I of course do-, I'll find them in the gym...

It's time for the Great and Powerful Trixie... To apologize.

Next Chapter: Part Three: Play That Stringy Music... Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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