
The Great and Powerful Trixie-Tones

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 5: Part Four: Rip-Chord

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Part Four: Rip-Chord

There exists a place where no man, woman, or animal dares set foot within. The exact name atmosphere of the place is always different, but the blanket term for it remains the same, really. This place is called "The Belly of The Beast". For idiotic twits this place could be school in the Summer time. For a boy who eats too much, it could be a salad bar. You get the Great and Powerful Trixie's point. Now, the Great and Powerful Trixie hardly fears anything at all; for fear is a state of a feeble mind that can't hope to rationalize something that's in front of them.


The Great and Powerful Trixie does "fear" one thing... If you could even call it a fear...


The double-doors leading to the auditorium swung open with a powerful crash. All the band students inside practicing fumbled with their instruments and looked deer-in-headlights to the cause of the noise. As the bright light of the outer hall poured in from the now open door, Lyra Heartstrings lowered her raised foot down after effectively kicking the entrance open. Standing beside Lyra, Trixie pinched the bridge of her nose and walked into the auditorium. "By all that is sane, Lyra, I'm sure it wasn't locked..." Trixie mumbled while Lyra skipping along behind her.

"Probably. But when am I gonna get the chance to kick a door in again?" Lyra rationalized.

Trixie didn't respond to Lyra's happy-go-lucky attitude this time and set her sights on the performance art group on the auditorium stage. She gave them all a well fueled, bile bringing glare; scanning each of their surprised faces one after the other until she found that one face that wasn't surprised. The single face out of the bunch that's steel colored face didn't show surprise, but rather uninterested indifference towards Trixie.

There you are...

For the longest time, they stared at each other across the auditorium. Eyes locked in a battle of who would back down first. Amidst their unspoken battle, Lyra and the others on stage looked between the two, wanting to know just what was going through their heads but not being brave enough to cut into it. When finally Trixie took a step, making everyone other than the girl she was staring down flinch, she pointed a single finger in that girl's direction. "Ms. Octavia... First chair of the string section..."

Trixie advanced down the aisle leading to the stage Octavia and her musical partners were situated on. Octavia herself shifted in her chair and moved her violin off to her side, placing in against the stage floor. "Trixie Lulamoon... First place winner in every talent show for the past two years..."

Their eyes never once broke connection with one another while Trixie moved in closer and closer to the stage. Lyra, far behind Trixie, gnawed at the points of her finger nails like this was some sort of epic duel. "...Honor student in all her classes..." Trixie added.

"...Lead actress in the school play for the past three years..."

"Until you and your friends kicked me out, of course..." Trixie climbed up the stairs to the stage, still holding eye contact with Octavia.

Octavia's lips moved into a small smile at Trixie's comment. "Of course...Have you come all the way here to ask me to let you back into the drama club, Trixie Lulamoon?" Octavia now didn't have to look too far to see Trixie, seeing as she was now standing right next to her and looking down at her.

"No... The Great and Powerful Trixie needs not your word to know she is the greatest actress of our generation," Octavia rolled her eyes but continued to listen anyway, "I came here, along with Lyra--"

"Hi, Tavi!" Lyra shouted from across the auditorium; getting in return a bright smile and polite wave from Octavia before she reset herself and looked dismal back to Trixie.

"---Who has agreed to help me in a matter coming soon..." Trixie finished her statement, pinching her the bridge of her nose once again and regretting bringing Lyra along at this point.

"Matter coming soon?" Octavia repeated, "Hm... And this involves interrupting my practice along with my partners how?"

"Because, Octavia..." Even Octavia was forced to make a surprised face when she saw Trixie take a knee beside her and look up at Octavia with a pleading look, "I beg you -truly beg you- to listen to a simple request and act upon it. Please. I truly wish to... make amends... with you as well as another. However, I cannot do that other person until you agree to forgive me."

All of the other band members gasped in complete shock when they heard Trixie say those words. Never in anyone's life time did they expect to hear Trixie of all people go looking for forgiveness. However, Octavia's surprise faded into skepticism and she narrowed her eyes down at Trixie. "...Who is it that needs my forgiveness of you before they forgive you themselves...?"

Forgiveness is a two-way street... Sometimes things go smooth any you drive nice and quick down the road -maybe give a little wave to Ol' Man Witherspoon in his jalopy he won't sell even though it only has one working wheel- and sometimes -WHAM!- a semi crosses the street from the right lane and shatters your car! Oh god! AH! Fire and blood everywhere! The semi was filled with babies! Why would a semi have babies and gasoline!? What a cruel, cruel world! Oh the humanity!

See the picture I'm laying out for you here? It's a two-way street. But sometimes, someone mess-up on the street and hits someone else. It's going to happen sooner or later, like it or not. Only difference is that asking for forgiveness is a lot easier than driving a car.

"Never in all the cosmic forces of the entire universe will I ever even consider forgiving that assassin of musical understanding! Is that clear to you!?"

Most of the time...

Next Chapter: Part Five: Some like it RED HOT! Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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