
Sweet and Delicate

by Nordryd

Chapter 7: Revelations

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What up peeps? I'm back! Thanks for all the views. It's probably a real small number compared to most of the other writers on here, but it's a great accomplishment for me! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this crappy story, lol. I don't own MLP FiM or any of the characters, but I DO own Coppermane. Anyways, let's get this show on the road! Remember to leave a review, I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoy!

Sweet & Delicate

Ch.7: Revelations

Time: 6:30 PM, Sunday, Ponyville

That flowing pink mane…that soft coat…those gorgeous teal eyes…

That's what dominated Coppermane's mind for the rest of the day during his tour around Ponyville. Not that he didn't listen to Applejack when she tried to show him something, but in between every landmark, thoughts of that gorgeous mare creeped back into his mind. Her image was burned into his mind with no sign of leaving any time soon.

Coppermane, get your head together! You only JUST MET her. But dear Celestia was she pretty…

Applejack noticed that Copper had grown mysteriously quiet during the last portion of the tour, right after she introduced him to Fluttershy. How interesting. Applejack had a hunch as to what he might be thinking, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. She was definitely going to ask him about it before the day was over, but she knew it was going to take a lot to get him to share his thoughts with her. Still, Applejack wanted Copper to feel comfortable talking to her, and the only way she was gonna be able to make that happen was through practice.

The tour was finally drawing to a close, and it was about time to head back home. But Applejack had some business to take care of first.

"Ah'll walk ya home, Copper, where are y'all stayin'?" asked Applejack.

"Oh, just a cottage on the edge of town. It's not far from here." replied Copper.

"Alright, let's go." said Applejack. As they started to walk towards Copper's cottage, Applejack brought it up. "Oh, and Copper?"


"There's somethin' Ah wanna talk to ya about. Can we talk when we get to your house?"

Copper was silent for a moment, but agreed. "Um…yeah sure. What did you wanna talk about?"

"Ah'll explain when we get there." Applejack said, staying cryptic.

"Um…okay." Copper said, his mind racing. What did she want to talk about? Guess he'll find out in time.

Time: 6:45 PM, Sunday, Coppermane's Cottage

Applejack and Copper eventually reached Copper's cottage. It was a cozy little two-story house with a front-porch outside with a couple chairs. Nothing too fancy, but not a total bunker. Applejack and Copper sat in the two rocking-porch chairs outside. The two ponies let out a sigh of relief when they sat down. They had been walking around all day with no real breaks in between.

"Ah…it feels nice to sit down," Copper said, practically melting in his chair.

"Hehe, Ah feel ya. Ah'm plum tuckered." Applejack said in agreement.

"So…um…what did you want to talk to me about exactly?" Copper asked with curiosity.

"Did y'all like Ponyville, Copper?" Applejack asked.

Coppermane smiled. "Yeah, I loved it. It's a nice diversion from Canterlot, that's for sure."

Applejack smiled. "What did y'all like in particular, sugarcube?"

"Well, everypony's been nothing but nice here. Nobody's ever been nice to me in Canterlot, except Princess Celestia. And here in Ponyville, everything's so…quiet. There's always something happening in Canterlot, but here, it's just so peaceful. Especially at night. The night sky…wow…it's so breathtaking out here. All the streetlights in Canterlot block out the stars at night, but here, you see them in their full glory. You know last night, before I went to sleep, I just laid out in the grass and stargazed for a while?"

Applejack was a little surprised to hear him bash on Canterlot so much. It seemed like he didn't miss his home at all. His past much be…rich, to say the least. Applejack tried to steer the conversation a little bit.

"Ah'm glad!" she said. "Did y'all like ma friends?"

"Of course," Coppermane said with a smile

"What did ya like about each of 'em?" Applejack asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

"Hmm…each of them? Well, I guess I'll go in order."

Applejack smiled. She did truly want to hear about what he thought of each of her friends, but she had an ulterior motive. He was going to arrive at Fluttershy eventually, and then she'd see what he really thought of her, and shine some light on why he was so quiet after meeting her.

"So first there was Rainbow Dash. She seems really talented at what she does, I mean, those were some impressive tricks she showed us. Seems really nice, and I have no idea how that pony isn't a Wonderbolt. Those tricks she did rival some of the Wonderbolt's best."

Applejack chuckled in agreement. "Hon, we all wonder that."

Copper chuckled too, and continued on down the list. "Next, there was Pinkie Pie. She sure is perky huh? She seems a bit scatterbrained, but I get the feeling she's very funny and great to have around."

"Yeah, none of us really know what goes on in that head of hers," Applejack says, "but nopony can hate her. She throws the best parties, and is a really great friend!"

"I bet. Then there was Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia was always talking about her, so it was great to finally meet her. She seems really smart, and really nice. I can't wait to learn a spell or two from her."

"Well, you'll be all set. Twilight lives in a library full of fancy spellbooks."

"I remember the princess mentioning something like that. Can't wait to see it in person. Anyways, next was Rarity. And honestly, I got sort of a Canterlot-ish vibe from her, but she was actually super nice, and um…I didn't mind the compliment about my mane." Copper said, blushing.

Applejack sighed with relief. "Oh good. When y'all said ya didn't like uptight ponies, ah was worried y'all wouldn't like Rarity."

"Oh no no no, I liked her a lot. No worries." Copper said with a smile.

"Well, she's sometimes a little bit much ta handle, but at the end of the day, she's still the pony we all know and love." Applejack said.

"And lastly there was…Fluttershy." Coppermane's heart skipped a beat upon saying that name.

Applejack tried to coax him to continue. "Yes, Copper? What did you like about Fluttershy?"

Oh wow, where do I begin?

Coppermane's heart started to beat faster as butterflies filled his stomach. Should he tell her what he really thought? What would she think? Copper tried to say something else to cover up how he really felt. "Um, well, she seemed nice…and…um…yeah…" he said nervously.

Applejack looked at him quizzically. "Just…nice? That's it?" she asked. There had to be more than that.

"Um…" Copper just trailed off and looked away from Applejack. They sat in silence for a moment before Applejack spoke up.

"Is there somethin' y'all ain't tellin' me, sugarcube?" Applejack asked curiously.

Copper just started at the ground nervously, contemplating whether or not to tell Applejack what he truly thought about Fluttershy.

"Copper, y'all can tell me. Ah'm your friend, remember?" Applejack said, trying to coax him into talking to her.

"Well…I don't know if you'll be weirded out or not." Copper said, still refusing to make eye contact with Applejack.

"Why would ah think that? Honey, it's alright, Ah promise. Ah just want to know what ya thought of one of ma best friends. Ah won't think any different of you no matter what y'all say. Ah'm your friend, y'all can talk to me, okay?" Applejack said, offering a reassuring smile.

"It's just that she was…she was…really…p-pretty…" Copper said nervously, getting quieter and quieter.

"What was that, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, her ears perking up.

"She was really pretty," Copper said, slightly louder than he had intended, making Applejack wince slightly, but soon broke into a big smile.

"Oh really?" Applejack said, knowingly. Copper immediately blushed, and started rubbing the back of his neck. "I knew it. Y'all have a crush on Fluttershy!"

Copper immediately looked up at Applejack, his eyes wide, and immediately darted his gaze elsewhere, blushing profusely. Applejack's theory had just been confirmed! She started chuckling at how shy he was acting right now. Was he really that embarrassed?

"Copper, what's the big deal? So y'all have a crush, there ain't nothin' wrong with that!"

"T-there isn't?" Copper asked, slowly looking at Applejack.

"Of course not! There ain't nothin' ta be embarrassed about, sugarcube." Applejack said with a smile on her face. Her thoughts were correct; he did have a crush! "Well, now that it's out there, do ya think y'all can tell me exactly why?"

Copper hesitated for a moment, but eventually decided that he couldn't exactly keep the details a secret now that Applejack knew.

"Well…for starters…she was really nice; I wasn't kidding about that. I…I thought it was really cute how shy she was. And she spoke in the sweetest voice I've ever heard. Her voice was just so soothing, y'know? Even her name…Fluttershy…it has a nice ring to it. And…if I'm being completely honest…when I first saw her…wow, was she beautiful. That flowing pink mane, that soft coat, and her eyes…oh my gosh, her eyes. She was just…gorgeous." Copper just sighed and stared off into space with a dumb smile on his face.

Applejack could only giggle at the love-struck colt in front of her, and was happy that Coppermane was opening up to her. They were getting closer, and they've only known each other for a short time. She re-focused on Coppermane, and couldn't stop smiling at how shy the colt was being. Guess he's never had a crush before. Copper continued to speak…

"I know, I just met her, but I can't help it. She was just…so…wow…" Copper said with a dumb smile on his face, making Applejack chuckle.

"Is that why y'all were so quiet after we met Fluttershy?" asked Applejack.

"Oh…you noticed that…well…" Copper said, once again refusing to make eye contact with Applejack. He started nervously rubbing the back his neck again.

"Were ya thinkin' 'bout Fluttershy?" asked Applejack with a smirk.

"Um…maybe…" said Coppermane, trailing off yet again. "Sorry…"

"Hehe, what are ya sorry for? There ain't nothin' to feel bad 'bout!" Applejack said.

"There isn't?" Copper asked apprehensively.

"Of course not! Y'know what Ah've noticed about ya, Copper?" Applejack said. Copper looked up at her, indicating he was listening. "You and Fluttershy are very similar, so it ain't surprisin' ta me that y'all like her."

"R-Really?" Coppermane asked.

"Mmmhmm! Your reasons for likin' her are real sweet," Applejack said.

Coppermane smiled and blushed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His reasons weren't weird? Well, maybe they were a little weird, but hearing Applejack say that they were sweet gave him some solace. At the same time, his mind was going crazy. It was so new to him; having a crush and all. He needed some time to think.

"Hey, Applejack, do you think we can continue this conversation some other time?" the nervous colt asked. "I think I need to sleep on this."

Applejack was going to protest, but Copper had been through a lot today. She figured she could let him off the hook for now. Applejack was pretty tuckered out as well. What a day. She showed somepony new around town, made a new friend, and also found out that said-friend is crushing on one of her best friends. A pretty awesome way to spend her day off.

"Sure, sugarcube. Ah think we both have had enough for one day." Applejack said, getting up from her chair and walking over to Copper.

"Thank you." Copper said relieved. "Um…one more thing…?"

"Yeah?" Applejack asked, listening intently.

"Please…just…don't tell anypony about…y'know…my feelings and all…" Copper said, "Especially Fluttershy…"

Applejack went over to the colt. "Don't you worry. Ma lips are sealed."

Copper looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks. And…um…thank you so much for your time today. I had a lot of fun. I really appreciate it."

"It was ma pleasure, Copper. Ah had so much fun showing ya 'round town, you have no idea. And, sugarcube, Ah want y'all ta remember somethin'."

Copper looked up at her. "Wh-What's that?"

"Ah want y'all ta remember that Ah'm your friend now, whether you like it or not," she said with a chuckle, "Don't hesitate to stop by Sweet Apple Acres if y'all need help with anythin' alright? Ah'm here for ya. And don't be afraid ta go to any of ma friends either. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and yes, even Fluttershy," Applejack said with a wink, "If y'all go ta them, Ah have no doubt they will do everythin' they can ta help ya out. We're all your friends now. Just remember that, alright, sugarcube?"

Copper was at a loss for words. Friends? He really had friends now? Could it be true? "Friends…" he mumbled to himself. This was all so new to him. "T-Thank you…thank you so much…"

Applejack smiled and gave Coppermane a big hug. It surprised him initially. He's never been hugged before, except by the princess, but he didn't dislike it one bit. He warmly reciprocated, enjoying every second.

Applejack pulled away and gave Coppermane a smile. "Keep on practicin'! Ah know y'all are gonna be great!"

"Yeah…yeah…I-I will," Copper said, rubbing his neck.

"Take care, hon," Applejack said turning in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

"B-Bye," nervously waving at the orange mare.

And with that, Copper watched as Applejack walked home, leaving him alone on his porch. A friend? Was this just a really good dream that Copper was having? So much happened today…and then…she creeped back into his mind. That pink mane, that soft coat, and those piercing teal eyes. Copper went inside his cottage, and immediately collapsed on the couch from exhaustion. As Copper drifted to sleep, there was only one thing on his mind…Fluttershy…

Time: 7:30 PM, Sunday, Bound for Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack walked back home feeling especially accomplished. This is what a day off should be like: You don't work, but you still feel accomplished at the end of the day. Copper still was quite the enigma, but in time, he'd come around. Maybe he might become more comfortable with sharing more of his past with the group. And then there was his crush on Fluttershy, something Applejack hadn't expected to happen today. How could she help him? Him and Fluttershy were both incredibly shy, so it would be a miracle to get the two ponies together alone for even a minute. That's assuming Fluttershy reciprocated Copper's feelings, which at this point, was admittedly unlikely. Not to say that Coppermane wasn't a likable pony, because he absolutely was, but they only just met.

Maybe Copper wouldn't feel so shy talking to her if he was in a group. Applejack also knew if Fluttershy could hear that colt's beautiful voice, his chances with her would skyrocket. But, how to get him to sing…?

Applejack decided that she would think about it tomorrow. Right now, she just wanted to collapse in her bed.

Thanks for reading! Remember to leave a review and let me know how I did. I don't mind if you want to PM me either with a more personal review if you so prefer. Thank you, and until next time…peace!

To see a picture of my OC, there's a link on my profile.

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