
Sweet and Delicate

by Nordryd

Chapter 6: A Ponyville Outing

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Hey everyone, wazzup! Well, we now have 200+ views, and another follower! Thanks you so much for the support. I know, it's only 3 followers, but you know what, I don't care. The fact that there are people out there who are actually interested in this story is so heartwarming, so thank you so much! So this time…how will Copper react to meeting the main 6? We will find out, right now! THIS IS A VERY LONG CHAPTER, so get ready. I don't own any of the MLP FiM characters, but I DO own Coppermane. Enjoy!

Sweet & Delicate

Ch.6: A Ponyville Outing

Time: 8:30 AM, Sunday, Sweet Apple Acres

Copper's day was going great so far. He was being taken on a tour of Ponyville with a new friend. A friend! Sadly, it was so new to Copper. He had never had a true friend before. His goal for today was to not act like a jerk in front of everypony. He didn't expect that Applejack would want to introduce him to her friends right out the gate, but he decided he would just go with the flow. Besides, having more than one familiar face around town would be nice.

They walked in silence for a while before Applejack spoke up.

"So, how are y'all likin' Ponyville so far? Y'all have been here for a little while now." asked Applejack as they both walked down the road to Ponyville.

"Well, everypony seems nice enough. I haven't really tried talking to anypony else since…well…you probably know why." said Coppermane, recalling the drama yesterday.

Applejack giggled and glanced back at him. "Well, Ah sure hope today helps ya with that."

"Although I will say…" Copper started "…everypony here sure is a lot less uptight than they are in Canterlot."

"Y'all don't like uptight ponies?" Applejack asked.

"Well…no." Copper said flatly. "I just don't like their attitudes. They can't seem to get their heads out of the ground. In fact…well never mind."

"What is it?" said Applejack curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing. You probably don't care to hear my sob stories." Copper said dismissively.

"Of course Ah care! Y'all can tell me, Copper, go on." Applejack said, with a reassuring tone.

Copper still was apprehensive. He wanted this to be a good day. He didn't want to bring Applejack down with stories of how he was always bullied since he was little. The day had just started, after all.

"Um…I don't know…" he said nervously.

"Copper, Ah'm your friend, remember? Ah just wanna get ta know you better is all." Applejack said with a comforting tone.

Copper was silent for a few moments, but eventually…

"Well…okay. I—"

Copper's words were suddenly cut short by a loud whoosh piercing the sound barrier, accompanied by a rainbow streak in the sky. Copper and Applejack flinched at the sudden sound.

"What the hay was that?" Copper said.

Applejack had a big smile on her face. "That's Rainbow Dash, one of my friends. Looks like she's practicin' some of her tricks. Let's go watch. Maybe we can wave her down and ah can introduce ya."

"Alright, let's go," Copper said.

I guess the sob story will have to wait. Probably for the best honestly.

Applejack and Coppermane stood on the ground watching Rainbow Dash practice her tricks. Copper just watched in awe. Beautiful rainbow lines streaked through the sky as Rainbow Dash did flips, loops, and more cool tricks at high speeds.

Applejack looked over at Copper, seeing that he was obviously impressed. "Rainbow's pretty good, ain't she?"

"I'll say," said Copper, still amazed.

"She's really athletic, as Ah'm sure y'all can tell. She's also very selfless and loyal. She harbors a little bit of an ego, but we all love her the same."

"Looks like to me she has the right to harbor an ego. I mean, just look at her go," Coppermane said, in awe at the rainbow streaks in the sky.

Applejack couldn't argue with that logic. "Hehe, yeah, Ah guess she does."

Rainbow Dash suddenly slowed down and started flying in place. She could be seen wiping beads of sweat off her head. Applejack started calling out to her.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" called out Applejack.

Rainbow Dash looked down and saw Applejack and waved at her. Then she flew down to meet us.

"Hey AJ, what's going on?" Rainbow Dash looked over at me and raised her eyebrow. "Who's the new guy?"

"This Rainbow, is Coppermane. He's new around here, and Ah'm showin' him around." said Applejack enthusiastically.

"Huh, well welcome to Ponyville, Coppermane!" said Rainbow Dash, shaking hooves with Copper. "Name's Rainbow Dash! Fastest and most awesome pony in Equestria!"

"I've seen. Those were amazing tricks you did up there." said Copper.

"I know. I've been practicing to impress the Wonderbolts. One day…" said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, you're already Wonder Bolt material as far as I'm concerned. Nice to meet you," said Copper.

"Nice to meet ya to. So what brings you to Ponyville, Copper?"

Copper started to stutter nervously. "Oh…um…well…you know about the Summer Sun Celebration coming up?"

"Are you kidding? Everypony in Ponyville knows about it!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly. "What about it?"

Before Copper could respond, an excited Applejack answered for him. "He's performin' at the Celebration! He's gonna be singin'!"

"Wait, really?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"Darn tootin'! Tell him what y'all do, Copper! Ah tell ya Rainbow, it's amazin'!"

"Have you seen what he does?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well," Copper began to say, "I decided to practice in Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack caught me. That's actually how we met."

"He's a bit shy, if you couldn't tell." said Applejack, teasingly.

"Haha, no prob. It's nothing new. We're friends with Fluttershy after all right AJ?" Rainbow Dash said, chuckling afterwards. Applejack laughed too.

Coppermane rose an eyebrow at hearing the unfamiliar name. Fluttershy? Probably another one of Applejack's friends. If that was the case, he would probably meet her later on.

"Well anyways," Rainbow Dash said, "What does this performance involve, Copper?"

"Well, a while back I discovered my passion for barbershop a cappella, and I also discovered a duplication spell. So basically what I do is I make three copies of myself, and we sing barbershop music."

"Ooh, I love barbershop music! I can't wait to hear ya!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Really, Rainbow? Y'all like barbershop?" Applejack asked skeptically.

"Yeah! There's just something about barbershop music that I love. It has such an awesome and unique sound to it."

"Huh, Ah never would've guessed that about ya, Rainbow." Applejack said, surprised.

"Well, I've never performed for anyone before. Really the only people who have heard me sing are Applejack and the princess."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow when he said princess. "Wait, princess? As in Princess Celestia herself?"

Applejack interjected before Copper could say anything. "Ya know how Twilight's been tellin' us that the princess has a new student?" Rainbow nodded. "Well, this is him."

"Really? Wow. Do you think you could add me to the list of people who have heard you sing?" Rainbow Dash asked anxiously.

Coppermane's heart dropped. He didn't think he would have to give samples to everypony they met. "Oh…um…well…"

Luckily, Applejack cut in. "Actually hon, we gotta get movin'. Ah was gonna introduce him to the rest of the girls, so we gotta get movin'."

Rainbow Dash had a disappointed look on her face. "Aw…well, hopefully I'll see you 'round, Copper. Can't wait to hear what you're made of!"

"Nice meeting you rainbow." said Copper.

"See ya!" said Rainbow.

"See ya!" said Copper and Applejack. Then Rainbow Dash took off into the sky.

"Thanks for saving me back there." said a relieved Coppermane.

"No problem, sugarcube." said Applejack. "C'mon, we still got everyone else ta meet!"

"Lead the way."

Time: 10:30 AM, Sunday, Sugarcube Corner

"And this here is Sugarcube Corner! Best bakery in Equestria, and where ma friend Pinkie Pie lives and works." said Applejack happily.

Copper's stomach started rumbling. Apparently that apple he had earlier wasn't enough to satisfy his appetite. "I might buy something in there. Apparently that apple wasn't enough."

Applejack laughed. "There's plenty of great stuff in there. The owners, the Cakes, are great bakers. So is Pinkie Pie. Let's go on in, and I'll introduce ya."

"Can't wait," said Coppermane. He could already smell the baked goods, making his mouth water.

Applejack and Coppermane walked into Sugarcube Corner. Applejack opened the door, and to her surprise, was greeted by not only Pinkie Pie, but also Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. Applejack looked around to see if Fluttershy was here too, but she was nowhere to be found. Oh well, they would just have to go to Fluttershy's cottage later. No big deal, they still had the entire day ahead of them.

"Applejack!" Pinkie Pie said in her cheery voice.

"Hey Applejack, how's it going?" asked Twilight.

"We figured you'd be working right now, dear." Rarity said.

"Well, ma family has been naggin' me to take a day off, and now, ah have a reason." said Applejack.

Copper just stood behind Applejack awkwardly until the pink mare saw him and raced up to him from behind the counter, making him flinch.

"Ooh, who's this? I know everypony in Ponyville, but I've never seen you before!" the pink mare said, bouncing up and down with excitement. She always did this when she met new ponies.

"Take it easy there, Pinkie. Girls, this is Coppermane. He's new in Ponyville and Ah'm showin' him around," Applejack said.

The pink mare stopped bouncing, but still had a smile on her face. "I'm Pinkie Pie! It's super nice to meet you!" she said. Suddenly she gasped, and started bouncing up and down again, "I should throw you a welcome party!"

"Hold on there, Pinkie," Applejack said suddenly, "We're taking the day to show him around Ponyville. The party will have ta wait."

"Aw…" Pinkie Pie said, obviously disappointed.

"It's okay Pinkie," said the purple mare, "We can always have a party some other time."

"You're right! There's never a bad day for a party!" Pinkie said, immediately going from disappointed to excited again.

The white mare with the indigo mane walked up next. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Coppermane. I'm Rarity," she said, shaking his hoof. She spoke in a very proper tone, and carried herself as such. "I can see how you got your name. Such a beautifully colored mane! Is that natural?"

Coppermane blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof. "Um, yeah, it's natural."

"Oh my! I've never seen a mane color like that before! It's magnificent!" Rarity said, ecstatic. "Is that natural?"

"Hehe, thanks…" Copper said, smiling at the compliment.

Now it was the purple mare's turn to introduce herself. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you!"

"You too." Copper said. He noticed that Twilight was an…alicorn? Is this the Twilight Sparkle? Coppermane's thought were cut off, though, as Twilight asked him a question.

"So what brings you to Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

Applejack explained to the girls how he was performing at the Summer Sun Celebration, and how he was performing barbershop.

"Barbershop?" Rarity said. "Oh, how divine! I absolutely adore barbershop music! Such a rich sound, oh there's simply nothing like it!"

"Are you performing with other ponies in a quartet?" Twilight asked.

"Oh…well, sort of." Copper said. Copper then explained how he used his magic to duplicate himself into a quartet of him.

"There's such thing as a duplication spell?" asked Twilight, obviously impressed. "How have I not known that? I need to look through my books more thoroughly."

"Yeah, well, I've never actually performed in front of other ponies yet. The only ponies who've heard me are Applejack and…well…the princess."

All three of the mares stopped everything when Copper mentioned the princess.

"You know the princess?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed loudly. Coppermane could only nod nervously.

"Twilight, you know that student Princess Celestia was writin' to ya about?" asked Applejack. Twilight nodded. "This is him!"

Twilight gasped and broke out into a big smile, racing up to Coppermane. "What?! Oh…my…gosh! We have so much to talk about! You have no idea!"

Applejack got in between Coppermane and Twilight. "Um…Twi, we're showin' him around Ponyville today, remember?"

Twilight blushed, embarrassed at her outburst. "Oh yeah…sorry…I forgot. But seriously, drop by my house sometime. It's a giant tree in the middle of Ponyville, you can't miss it!"

"I will. I can't wait to see what kind of spells you have." Copper said.

Coppers stomach suddenly grumbled, reminding him about wanting to grab a bite to eat before he left. "Hey, Pinkie, do you think I could buy something? I didn't have a good breakfast."

Pinkie bounced with excitement! "Of course you can, silly! And don't worry about buying! This one's on the house!"

"Oh really? You sure? I have bits." Copper said, trying to be polite.

"I insist! Take your pick! No charge." Pinkie Pie said.

"Wow, thanks! I really appreciate it. So whatcha got?"

"There's some chocolate cupcakes ready!"

"That sounds good. I'll take one of those." Copper said. A chocolate cupcake appeared before his eyes within the same instant of time it seemed. "Wow, that was quick." he said before immediately taking a bite. "Wow, that is one good cupcake." he said as he dug in.

"Like ah said, best bakery in Equestria!" Applejack said.

"Ooh!" Rarity said suddenly, "can we maybe get a sample of your singing?" she said, the other two mares nodding in agreement.

Before Coppermane could start panicking, Applejack rescued him again (thankfully). "Hehe, um…maybe not today girls. He's a little shy in front of people in case y'all couldn't tell."

"Aw…" Rarity said with a droopy face.

"That's okay! We'll hear him at the Celebration." Twilight said.

"And Fluttershy is shy too! We're used to being around quiet ponies!" Pinkie Pie said, making the other three mares chuckle.

There was that name again…Fluttershy. Coppermane assumed he would probably meet her pretty soon. She's shy too? Coppermane's never met another pony as shy as him. Then again…he doesn't really get out much. Still…Fluttershy…it had a nice ring to it.

"Alright then, Ah reckon it's time for us to get a move on. Y'all ready, Copper?"

"Mmmhmm." Copper said, with a mouthful of chocolate cupcake.

"Bye girls!" Applejack said.

"Nice to meet you three!" Copper said, waving to the girls.

"Bye!" the three mares said. And with that, Applejack and Copper set out for their next destination.

Time: 12:30 PM, Sunday, Fluttershy's Cottage

"I really like it here, Applejack." Copper said as they walked down the road.

"Ah'm glad. Told ya this was a great town!" said Applejack proudly.

"I'll say. Everypony has been nothing but nice. It's great."

"Is everypony really that uptight up in Canterlot?" asked Applejack curiously.

"Well, not everypony, but most of them are. It's really annoying."

"Ah bet." said Applejack. "Here we are. We're comin' up on Fluttershy's house."

Applejack and Coppermane walked up on a small cottage bordered off by a river connected by a bridge. Surrounding the cottage were animals of all kinds.

"Fluttershy is the nicest, sweetest mare in Equestria. Ah reckon she's as shy as you are, if not more so," Applejack said. They walked up the dirt road, and Applejack knocked on the door. Then a mare, who Copper could only assume was Fluttershy, answered the door.

Coppermane saw the mare that answered the door…and his breath was taken away. She was…beautiful. Her coat, her flowing pink mane, her dazzling teal eyes…

"Oh, hello Applejack." the mare said in a sweet little voice, and then glanced over at the colt standing next to Applejack. "Who is this?"

"Fluttershy, this here is Coppermane. He's new in Ponyville and Ah'm showin' him around." Applejack said.

"Um…hi…I'm…C-Coppermane." Copper stammered, completely dumbfounded by the beauty standing in front of him.

"I-I'm Fluttershy. N-Nice to meet you." Fluttershy said nervously, as was expected.

"N-Nice to meet you to." Copper said, his mind racing.

"So um…what brings you to Ponyville?" Fluttershy asked timidly.

Applejack explained how he was singing at the Summer Sun Celebration, and how he uses his magic to create his own barbershop quartet.

Fluttershy's timidity started to diminish as they got further into the conversation. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Copper. He found himself subconsciously staring at Fluttershy, still utterly captivated. Not that he wasn't listening to what was being said, but he couldn't help himself. Gosh, she was pretty…

"Wow, the Summer Sun Celebration? That's amazing. I love barbershop music." Fluttershy said with a smile. Copper noticed something else about her. She had a really cute smile.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" Applejack said suddenly, and then explained how Copper is Princess Celestia's student. The same one Twilight told them about.

"You're her new student? Wow…that's amazing," Fluttershy said, again with a smile on her face. "Do…um…do you think maybe…I could hear you sing? I mean, if you don't mind…" she said, blushing.

Copper's heartbeat skyrocketed. This mare was asking him to sing for her. Should he? What if he screwed up? What if—

But thankfully, Applejack came to the rescue once again.

"Hehe, everypony else has been askin' for a sample. Actually hon, we still gotta lot of ground to cover before the day's over." Applejack said, knowing that Copper wouldn't want to perform at the moment.

"Oh…okay…I understand…I'm sorry for imposing." Fluttershy said in almost a whisper.

"Oh no, you're fine," Copper said, not wanting to make her feel bad, "You weren't imposing at all." Fluttershy smiled and blushed at this, making Coppermane do the same.

"Besides, sugarcube," Applejack said, "Y'all will hear him at the Celebration."

"I guess you're right." Fluttershy said.

"Well, we better get goin'. See y'all later Fluttershy."

"Um…it was really nice meeting you." Copper said nervously, holding his hoof out offering to shake.

Fluttershy shook hooves with him. "Nice to meet you too." she said with that cute smile of hers. Copper shuddered at her touch…so delicate…

"S-See you later." Copper said.

Fluttershy waved goodbye to the two ponies walking away from her cottage. She walked back inside, and lingered for a moment. That had to have been the shyest colt she's ever met. Not that she minded. In fact…it was kind of cute. Smiling at that thought, she resumed tending to her animals.

"Hey, Copper. Were you alright back there?" Applejack asked, a little concerned.

"Oh, um…yeah…why wouldn't I be?" Copper asked, sweating a little from nerves.

"Well, y'all seemed a little…dumbfounded back there. You weren't that nervous any of the other girls." Applejack claimed.

"Oh, well…um…y'know…" Copper said, trailing off, looking away from Applejack.

Applejack was confused, but suddenly had an epiphany…or a theory, rather. Did he suddenly get a crush on Fluttershy? It seemed like the only logical explanation. He was so dumbfounded in front of her.

Applejack decided that she would ask him about it when they were all done for the day.

Applejack was also secretly formulating a plan to get Copper to sing for them. She wanted him to sing just as much as the others. She may have rescued him from it today, but he was going to have to face his fear at some point. Maybe tomorrow she could get him and the girls together for a picnic. He could sing for them there. Maybe it would motivate him more if Fluttershy were there.

Coppermane was a good pony, he really was, but he didn't totally believe that for himself. Applejack knew that if there were any ponies capable of breaking him out of his shell, it was her and her friends. They did it for Twilight, so why not Coppermane as well? Applejack saw infinite potential in Copper. He just needed a little push, and Applejack and her friends were going to be the ones to do it.

Let's get through the rest of the tour before we think about this some more. There's still a lot more to see!

As they went about the rest of the tour, one thing dominated Copper's mind. Fluttershy…

Whew! Thanks for bearing with me through a really long chapter. And yes…FINALLY…Copper and Fluttershy have met! I wanted to get the rest of the main 6 in here. If any of the main 6 were a little OOC, whoops, sorry. Again, I'm not an author, and this is my first fanfic. Hopefully none of it feels TOO rushed, but I felt like it was time to get the rest of the main 6 in here…particularly Fluttershy. Anyways, thanks again for 200+ views, and I'll see you all next time. Peace!

To see a picture of my OC, there's a link on my profile.

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