
Sweet and Delicate

by Nordryd

Chapter 8: Formulation

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Hello peeps! QUICK NOTE: I realized that you can't put links in FFN stories, so I updated Ch.3 with different ways to listen to the music that SHOULD WORK. I strongly urge you to go back to Ch.3 and follow the instructions to listen to the music, because…it's great stuff. Barbershop, as I've said, is HIGHLY underrated, even though it's amazing stuff when done right. On a side note, this story just hit 350 views! I can't thank you guys enough for the support! Anyways, let's get this show on the road. I don't own any of the MLP FiM characters, but I DO own Coppermane. Thanks and enjoy!

Sweet & Delicate

Ch.8: Formulation

Dear Princess Celestia,

My time in Ponyville so far was off to a rocky start, but has blossomed into a great experience so far! I have been practicing, but I've made a friend already! It's amazing, and completely unexpected on my part. This is what I needed, a fresh start where I'm not haunted about…what happened…you know? Oh, and my new friend's name is Applejack. You might know her, she's friends with Twilight Sparkle. That's what's happening down here. Hope you're doing well!

You're Student,

Time: 10:00 AM, Monday, Sweet Apple Acres, Days Until Celebration: 12

Applejack woke up from probably one of the best night sleeps she had in a while. She had never felt so rested in her life. Maybe she really did need a day off. It could also just be because she was walking around Ponyville for ten straight hours yesterday. Whatever it was, Applejack was feeling a lot better than usual. How long had she slept for anyways? She glanced at her clock, and it read 10:00.

"What in tarnation?! I need ta get movin'!" Applejack said, springing out of bed. She had to have been asleep for at least nine hours or so. She still had her chores to do, and she had an agenda! Applejack grabbed her hat and bolted out of her room and downstairs.

Unsurprisingly, Applejack's family was already up. Granny Smith and Apple Bloom were hanging out in the living room. Big Macintosh was probably out working already.

"Mornin' Applejack!" said Apple Bloom, running up to her big sister, "Y'all are sure slept in didn't ya?"

"Ah guess Ah did, hehe." said Applejack with a nervous laugh.

"How was your day off Applejack?"

"It was…really great actually," Applejack said admittedly, "Ah guess ah needed one more than ah thought, much as ah hate ta say it."

Granny Smith chuckled. "Ah told ya it wouldn't be that bad."

"Yeah, hehe, listen, Ah'd love ta stay and chat, but ah gotta get goin' on ma chores. Ah got an agenda today."

Before Apple Bloom or Granny Smith could say anything, Applejack bolted out the door to get to work, leaving the two with confused faces.

As Applejack worked, she began to contemplate how she would organize this thing. She would need to get all the girls together at once, ideally. She didn't want to have to explain herself over and over again.

While Applejack wanted to help Copper get over his fear of singing in front of other ponies, she had somewhat of an ulterior motive as well. She was going to take this opportunity to talk with Fluttershy about him. She wasn't going to tell Fluttershy that Copper was interested. Applejack would never betray a friend like that. She just wanted to talk with Fluttershy about what she thought, because Copper didn't exactly make the best first impression ever. Applejack thought back to how Copper just stood there in silence when he first met Fluttershy. As shy as Fluttershy was, at least she wasn't as awkward as Copper is.

Nevertheless, she wanted to know what Fluttershy thought. Not only for Copper's sake, but also because she cared about her best friend. Fluttershy was just so sweet and delicate, and Applejack didn't want to help Copper until she knew whether or not there might be something there.

As Applejack continued to buck trees, a loud whoosh suddenly ripped through the sky. Rainbow Dash. She must be practicing her tricks again. That's it! Applejack could get her to tell the girls to meet her at Sweet Apple Acres later on. Applejack galloped towards Rainbow Dash as quickly as she could. Once Rainbow Dash paused in the sky, Applejack stopped and called out to her. She managed to get her attention and motioned for her to come down.

Rainbow Dash flew down to meet Applejack but hovered in the air above her. "Hey, AJ! What's up?"

"Howdy RD, Ah need a favor."

"Sure, anything. Whatcha need?" asked Rainbow Dash, listening intently.

"Are y'all free this afternoon? 'Round one-ish maybe?"

"I should be. Why?"

"'Cause ah need to talk ta ya and the girls 'bout somethin' important. Y'all think you could go around to the girls and ask them if they can meet you and Ah at ma house at around one or so?"

"Sure. What did you want to talk to us about?"

"Ah'd rather wait till everypony's here. Ah don't wanna repeat maself."

Rainbow Dash sighed, but ultimately agreed. "Okay, I guess I'll see you at one then, AJ."

"Thank ya kindly RD!" said Applejack. And with that, Rainbow zoomed away towards Ponyville.

"Now ah just need ta finish the rest of ma chores." Applejack said to herself, as she continued to buck the apple trees around the orchard.

Time: 1:00 PM, Monday, Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack sat in her kitchen awaiting her friends' arrival. She had spent the time in between work and their arrival baking some snacks for all of them.

The door knocked, and Applejack ran to answer the door. She opened it to find Rainbow Dash standing there.

"Hey AJ."

"Howdy RD! Are the others comin'?"

"Yeah, they're right behind me. They just can't keep up with me." Rainbow said with a laugh.

Applejack rolled her eyes, "Regardless, they're all comin' right?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled, "Yeah, I got all of them, just like you asked."

Applejack smiled again. "Great! Well come on in, Ah've baked some fritters and cider for y'all!"

Rainbow's eyes widened. "Did you say cider?"

Applejack chuckled, "Leave some for everypony else, 'kay sugarcube?"

"No promises!" Rainbow Dash said as she bolted inside towards the kitchen.

Applejack peered over the horizon to see four other ponies approaching her house, and a smile grew on her face. She waited by the door to greet them.

"Hi Applejack!" all the ponies said simultaneously.

"Howdy girls. Glad y'all could make it!" Applejack said enthusiastically.

"What did you want to talk to us about, Applejack?" Twilight asked.

"Is something wrong darling?" Rarity asked.

"Nah, nothin's wrong at all girls. Ah'll explain everything, don't y'all worry none." Applejack said. "C'mon in, Ah baked fritters and cider for y'all."

"Yay!" Pinkie Pie said as she hopped her way in.

"Y'all might wanna hurry before she and Rainbow Dash eat everythin'." Applejack said with a chuckle. All the girls then quickly filed into her house.

All the girls sat around the table awaiting what Applejack had to say while chowing down on the snacks.

"Thanks you so so so much for the treats, Applejack!" Pinkie Pie said, stuffing her face with fritters.

"Easy there, Pinkie. Leave some for the rest of us 'kay?"

Pinkie Pie slowed down. "Sorry! I get easily carried away."

"So, Applejack…um…what did you want to talk to us about?" Fluttershy asked, sipping some cider.

"Yes, please tell me everything's alright." Rarity said.

"Girls, everythin' is fine, Ah promise ya," Applejack said with a slight chuckle, "Ah wanted ta talk ta y'all 'bout helpin' somepony."

"Helping somepony? Who?" Twilight asked.

"Y'all remember that pony Ah was showin' 'round town yesterday?" asked Applejack.

"Oh, yes," Fluttershy said, "Coppermane, right?"

Applejack was surprised Fluttershy was the first to speak up. "Yep! That's him."

"I remember him!" Pinkie Pie said, "He stopped by Sugarcube Corner this morning for a bite to eat!"

"Really? He must've really liked that cupcake," Applejack said with a chuckle. "Anyways, Y'all remember that he's performing at the Summer Sun Celebration, right?"

"Oh, how could we forget?" Rarity said with delight, "I was rather disappointed when he wouldn't give us a sample."

"Same here." Rainbow Dash said.

"I was kind of hoping for something too." Fluttershy said. "I love barbershop."

"Who doesn't?" Twilight said.

"I know right?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Well girls, that just so happens to be part of the plan. Here's what Ah had in mind." Applejack said. She had all the girls' undivided attention now. "See, Copper one shy pony, just as shy as Fluttershy, if not more so," Fluttershy blushed at this, "and he's never sang in front of anypony else before. So here's what Ah was thinkin' maybe all of us and him could have a picnic! And girls…we are going to get him to sing for us."

The girls' eyes widened, but turned skeptical.

"Um…no offense Applejack, but if he's so scared to sing in front of other ponies, what makes you think this will be any easier?" asked Twilight.

"Well, it won't be. We just need to coax him in any way possible. He needs to start getting over his fear, otherwise, he'll be in big trouble at the Celebration." Applejack explained. "Plus, Ah think it would be a great way for y'all ta get ta know him better, and for him to get ta know y'all. And ah also think that a picnic would just be fun. So what do y'all say?"

Surprisingly, Fluttershy spoke first again. "I'd love to help!"

"I love picnics! I'm in!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Me too." Rarity said.

"You bet I'm in!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I'm in too, Applejack." Twilight said.

"Thank y'all so much! I know this will be real great for Copper." Applejack said with a big smile on her face.

"So when were you planning on holding this, Applejack?" Twilight asked, "And who's going to who will bring the food?"

"Ooh! I can bring tons of sweets!" Pinkie chimed.

"And Ah'll bring some snacks too," Applejack said, "And ah was thinkin' tomorrow evenin' at that one hill on the border of Sweet Apple Acres. It's where Copper and Ah met, he'll know where it is."

"Great! Oh, and how are we going to let Copper know this is happening?" Twilight asked. Ever the planner she was.

"Ah'll take care of that too." Applejack said with a smirk.

"Why didn't you…invite him, Applejack?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Well, ah wanted ta invite him personally," Applejack said, "I, don't think he would come if we told him outright that he'd be singin' for us."

"True, but how do you expect to get him to come?" Twilight asked.

"Twi, don't ya worry none. Ah'll take care of it." Applejack said with a smirk.

Everypony was wondering why Applejack was being a little more cryptic than usual, but nopony said anything. They knew Applejack always had good intentions, so best not to question them.

"Alrighty then!" Applejack said, "So how's about we meet on the hill around, seven or so? Is that alright with y'all?"

"Okie dokey lokey! I'll bring lots of sweets!" Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up and down.

"Sounds lovely! I simply cannot wait!" Rarity said gleefully.

"Finally, we'll hear that pony sing!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Sounds like fun!" Twilight said.

"I can't wait to hear his voice." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Thank ya kindly, girls. This is going to be so great!" Applejack said with excitement. "Alright, that's all Ah have for y'all."

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I must get back to my house," Rarity said, heading for the door, "I'm almost done planning a new fashion line, and it going to be fabulous! Thank you for having me, Applejack." And with that, Rarity headed back home.

"I've gotta go take a nap, I've been practicing all day. See ya, AJ." Rainbow Dash said as she left.

"I need to get back to my studies, take care Applejack!" Twilight said as she walked out.

"I need to get baking! Bye girls!" Pinkie Pie said as she hopped her way out the door.

Fluttershy stood in silence for a bit before speaking up. "I think I should probably go to. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!" said Fluttershy, but Applejack still needed to talk to her privately, so she tried to stop her.

"Actually, Fluttershy, can Ah talk with ya privately for a sec?" Applejack said before Fluttershy had a chance to walk out the door.

"Um…sure, Applejack," Fluttershy said with slightly-confused look on her face, "Is there something wrong?"

"Nah, nothing like that, sugar," Applejack said.

"Well…what is it then?" Fluttershy asked, looking a little nervous.

"Ah just wanted to ask y'all what ya thought of Coppermane." Applejack asked, just being straightforward.

"Oh, Coppermane? Um…well…he seems nice. A bit shy, but nice. Why?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Well, Ah'm not sure he made the best first impression is all," Applejack said, "He didn't get that choked up around anypony else that day."

Fluttershy suddenly had a very worried look on her face. "D-Did I do something wrong?"

"Nah sugarcube, y'all were perfectly fine…trust me." Applejack said, muttering the last part under her breath.

Fluttershy noticed her mumbling something, but Applejack spoke again before she could address it.

"Ah was just worried that he didn't leave the best impression ever, y'know? Ah'd say he's just as shy as you are, sugar." Applejack said with a chuckle, making Fluttershy blush.

"Well, don't worry Applejack, I liked him. I actually thought…" Fluttershy trailed off.

"Thought what, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, extremely curious.

"…um…I actually thought, it was kind of cute how shy he was."

Applejack's eyes widened, "Really?" she said, making Fluttershy blush.

"Yeah…I don't know…it was kind of sweet." Fluttershy said with a timid smile, her face going redder. Applejack rose her eyebrow Fluttershy's expression. Smiling? Blushing? Interesting…

"So don't worry Applejack, Copper seems really sweet. He's just a little shy is all." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Hehe, well that's great. Thank ya kindly for humorin' me, sugarcube." Applejack said.

"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about, Applejack?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack shook her head. "That's all. Thanks again!"

"You're welcome! I'm always glad to help. I'm going to head home now, Angel must be wondering where I am. Thanks for having me!" Fluttershy said. She turned to head for the door, before turning her head back to Applejack. "And I can't wait to hear him sing tomorrow!"

Applejack chuckled, "Believe me, hon, we're all lookin' forward to it."

"Goodbye!" Fluttershy said. And with that, she left Applejack's house.

Applejack just sat at the table with her thoughts for a moment. So Copper didn't leave a negative first impression, which was a relief. She didn't think Copper would leave a POSITIVE first impression though. Fluttershy actually really liked Copper (not in THAT way). Boy was Copper going to go head over hooves when he heard this. Applejack got up from her seat and got to baking. She had a lot of goods to make for tomorrow.

Time: 5:30 PM, Tuesday, Coppermane's Cottage, Days Until Celebration: 11

It had been a pretty quiet day for Copper so far. He had gotten back from practicing, and was now studying his magic. Magic and music were his passions, and he had been neglecting his studies for the past couple days. He had been so busy hanging out with his new friend. Friend. Something that Copper had longed for since he was little. He never was able to make friends in Canterlot. Not that he didn't try, it was just that nobody accepted him. It was even harder after the…incident. It still haunted him to this day, and he dare not mention it to anypony in Ponyville, lest he alienate himself in another town.

As it stood now, Copper finally had friends that accepted him for who he was, and it was an amazing feeling. It's all he really wanted in life, and he finally had it. Now he just had to try his hardest to make sure he didn't completely undo it.

Then there was…her. Fluttershy…the one thing that never left Copper's mind since he laid eyes on that mare. Dear Celestia was she gorgeous. But Copper told himself to get real. He'd never have a chance with her. She seemed way out of his league. If only Copper wasn't so…lame. What did he do for fun? He studies magic, studies music, and that's about it. Not too interesting. All he could do is fantasize about her, which saddened Copper, but it was all he had.

Copper was studying a new spellbook when there was a knock on the door. He answered the door to see Applejack standing on the other side.

"Oh hi, Applejack!" Copper said, pleasantly surprised.

"Howdy Copper!" Applejack said with a smile.

"What's up?"

"Well, the girls and Ah are having a picnic in Sweet Apple Acres in a little bit, and we were all wondering if you might wanna join us."

Copper was shocked. He was being invited to something? His life had been more eventful in three days in Ponyville than it'd ever been in Canterlot. But sadly, his nerves got the best of him…again.

"Oh…well…I don't know; I need to study my magic," Coppermane said timidly.

"Ah c'mon, sugarcube! Pinkie Pie and I baked a lot of snacks! It'll be fun!"


Applejack knew he'd be hesitant, but she had a secret weapon. Time to unsheathe it.

"Fluttershy will be there." Applejack said with a smirk.

"She will?" Copper said rather suddenly. He realized this, and blushed a little. Applejack chuckled. She knew Fluttershy would pique his interest a bit.

"She sure will," Applejack said a little teasingly.

"Well, I'm not sure…I mean…you were there right? She probably thinks I'm weird after all that," Copper said, remembering how he was completely dumbfounded upon seeing Fluttershy for the first time.

"Well, actually, hon, Ah talked with Fluttershy a little bit yesterday, and Ah brought that up," Applejack said.

"Really? What did she say?" Copper said suddenly again.

Calm down, Copper! Jeez, why so impulsive?

"Well, hon, she actually said y'all seemed real sweet,"

"Sh-She did?" Copper said, his heart beating faster. "But…the way I acted...I was stammering on every sentence. You're just saying things," he said, in disbelief at what he was hearing.

"Ah don't kid, Copper. That's what she said," Applejack said, chuckling slightly at Copper's reaction, "She also thought your shyness was kinda cute. You left a decent impression after all, sugarcube."

Copper couldn't believe this. Was he dreaming?

Hold it, Copper, don't get any ideas. Fluttershy probably those things to be nice. But still…

"The girls are lookin' forward ta seein' you…including Fluttershy. C'mon, a picnic would be fun! And y'all could get ta know my friends, and they can get ta know you too."

Copper was still trying to organize his thoughts, but thought a picnic would be fun. Maybe he could take a break, and he was kind of hungry, and he could see Fluttershy again. Dang it, Applejack, you win.

"Well…it does sound kind of nice…okay, I'll go." Copper said.

Applejack had a wide smile on her face. She knew using Fluttershy would work. A little deceptive on her part, but Copper needed this. She would try to just casually bring up the singing part once they were there.

"The girls will be so happy ta see ya. C'mon, let's go!"

"Wait, right now?"

"Darn tootin'! Let's go!"

"Um…okay then." Copper stepped outside and began to follow Applejack back to Sweet Apple Acres.

The chapters are getting longer, I know. Sorry, not sorry (:P). And, as you can see, I'm very dialogue heavy. I've mentioned this before, but that's just how my mind works: there's either no dialogue whatsoever (Ch.1), or the chapter is about 95% dialogue (every chapter besides Ch.1). Anyways, please go back to Ch.3 and take the time to listen to the songs if you can. I'd greatly appreciate it. I just hope to god that my loophole works. I actually updated all the chapters, but they were trivial changes. The storyline has not changed in any way, there were just some technical changes, so don't worry, the story still holds its weak integrity. Anyways, thank you so much for reading and please leave a review or send a PM letting me know how I'm doing. Until next time, peace!

To see a picture of my OC, there's a link on my profile.

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