
The Alphas Omegas: A New Beginning Begins with an End

by DeluxeMagnum69

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Meet the Alphas

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It's been a while.

I couldn't update many of my stories since the coming of finals. I somehow found the time to actually work on this! All the rest of my stories sadly cannot get updated. Even 'Thrown Into the Land of Ooo.' I also wrote a few more new stories, but it's only the first chapter!

The stories are 'Timberling' and 'Changeling Moon'. And a new one that's coming out soon. It'll be titled, 'Lost and Gone Forever'. And they're all romance stories. And since this is an action/adventure story, I think most of you ponies are cringing at that. xD

But the stories I've mentioned do actually have action! Along with gore and sex. Except 'Lost and Gone Forever' though. It's pretty unique.

white boy (Guest): This is just a preference of mine, but could you give your readers a rough guesstamation on when you plan on posting your next chapter. Good luck with the story and everything.

Me: Well, since I have the finals coming up, I can't judge when the next chapter is up. I try to update weekly! I always give a readers when I update! Summer is another thing, I have lots of free time! And thanks for your support!

Now on with the story!

Chapter 5: Meet the Alphas

"Rarity! Spike!" Twilight said as she saw X-Ray go down a little lower. "You guys okay?"

"Certainly!" Rarity said, her eyes closed as she was relaxed.

The lady pony hadn't realized that Twilight had attacked X-Ray. Using the diversion, Spike had ran away and cowered behind a tree that was behind X-Ray.

Twilight had an uneasy face as X-Ray's sheer size covered Rarity and Spike.

Applejack then snorted and dug her hooves in the dirt again, ready to charge.

"Ready, Twi?" Applejack said, glaring towards X-Ray.

"On your call." Twilight said, her horn about to fire.

"Wait, stop." Fluttershy said softly, so soft that Twilight and Applejack couldn't hear her.

Applejack began to charge towards X-Ray. Lowering her head, Applejack was going to headbutt. Twilight on the other hand fired magical bolts towards X-Ray to distract him. The bolts zinged and scarred X-Ray's armor. It only scratched the tough armor, not making a dent somehow.

Bright purple bolts passed by Applejack and hit X-Ray, who barely reacted to the magical rays. But even with accurate hits, X-Ray was still standing and focused.

Focused enough to catch Applejack.

"What?" Applejack said.

The next thing she knew was that she was in X-Ray's arms.

"Let go of me!" Applejack said, squirming around in X-Ray's tough grip.

The number of bolts increased from Twilight's horn, making their mark. A huge number of magical bolts hit X-Ray's arm, making a black mark on his armor.

But due to the number of bolts shot, Twilight's accuracy went down. Down enough to almost hit Applejack. Multiple sharp bolt went straight towards Applejack, about to pierce her side. However, X-Ray saw this and stuck his arm over Applejack, protecting her.

The sound of a barrage of bolts pierced between X-Ray's armor, the bolts stacked on top of one another. A large purple bolt then mended inside X-Ray's armor, the sharp end sticking out as if it was crystal. It was sparkling in the stuck place, a sizzling sound being heard. The large bolt glowed brightly as a static sound was heard.

Twilight stopped firing as she knew that she had almost hit Applejack.

"Applejack, are you okay?" Twilight called out as X-Ray lifted his charred arm up.

"I-I'm fine!" Applejack said, continuing to squirm around in X-Ray's arms. "Just this... thing is very touchy!"

X-Ray then held Applejack in both hands as if the farm pony was a toy doll.

"What'cha doin'?" Applejack asked, not liking what X-Ray was doing.

X-Ray then squeezed Applejack gently, hoping the sound he liked he would come. But nothing did. Looking as if he was disappointed, X-Ray gently placed Applejack on the ground as if she was some kind of boring toy.

Applejack gave a very stern look towards X-Ray, glaring into X-Ray's visor.

"Wait!" a young voice said.

It was Sweetie Belle with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo behind her.

"This big one doesn't want to hurt us!" Sweetie Belle said, pointing towards X-Ray.

X-Ray was just being X-Ray. Standing silently and looking intimidating due to his size and armor.

"How are you so sure?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. "This thing tried to squeeze me!"

X-Ray looked down at the earth pony and then to Rarity, who was relaxed, laying on his shield.

"He saved us from another one trying to eat us, sis!" Apple Bloom said, knowing that X-Ray was no harm. "We wouldn't be here if it weren't for him!"

"You... saved them?" Applejack asked to the juggernaut.

X-Ray nodded.

"Can't you speak?" Applejack asked. "It seems like I'm talking to a statue!"

X-Ray shrugged his shoulders and then looked towards where a long purple bolt stuck out of his arm.

It suddenly disappeared from his arm, Twilight's horn glowing.

X-Ray looked at Twilight and then to his arm.

"Hello!" Twilight said, saying her name and giving a smile. "Allow me to introduce myself!"

X-Ray looked towards the purple unicorn with an scary gaze. X-Ray didn't mean to stare at Twilight that way, but with his size and helmet, Twilight gulped as X-Ray continued to stare.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight said, introducing herself, keeping composure. "What's your name?"

X-Ray pointed to his helmet which had an 'X' on it.

"X?" Scootaloo asked. "Is your name, 'X'?"

X-Ray brought his hand out and made a motion that it was in between.

"Are those scales?" Sweetie Belle asked.

X-Ray shook his head, indicating a 'no'.

"X, I apologize with this little mishap that we had here!" Twilight said. "I'm sorry that I had attacked you without warning. You're not hurt, are you?"

X-Ray shook his head, only a few charred marks on his armor.

"Like talking to a statue!" Applejack said, looking up and down at X-Ray. "If you stayed still enough, you'll look like one!"

Twilight ignored Applejack's remark and talked on.

"So what are you doing here in Ponyville, X?" Twilight asked.

X-Ray remained stationary and did not move at all.

"Uh, X?" Twilight asked.

"My name is Apple Bloom!" Apple Bloom said towards the massive soldier.

"We're lucky that X wasn't aggressive." Fluttershy said aside, towards Twilight. "If he wasn't, he could've actually hurt you guys."

"Scootaloo!" Scootaloo said.

"You think X's kind is just like him?" Twilight asked towards Fluttershy.

"Sweetie Belle!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked. "You're here?"

"No, but I think the girls here will know about more of X's kind!" Fluttershy said as Sweetie Belle began to talk.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked, looking around to see where Rarity was. "Where are you?"

"Over here, darling!" Rarity's voice came from behind X-Ray.

Sweetie Belle walked around stationary X-Ray and saw her older sister laying down on something that looked like a sheet of metal.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Why are you lying down on a piece of metal?"

"Metal? What metal?" the lady pony asked.

"The one you're lying on..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Hmm?" Rarity said, opening an eye.

She looked down to the shield that was on the ground.

"What... is this?" Rarity asked, getting up.

"Hello, X!" Fluttershy said in her usual softness. "My name is Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy was flying eye level with the soldier, her yellow wings flapping.

X-Ray replied with a nod.

"Now, may I ask why you are here?" Fluttershy asked with a smile.

"COME BACK HERE YOU SHIT SUCKER!" Whiskey's voice came out of nowhere from across the town.

X-Ray pointed towards the voice, indicating that he had connections with the voice.

"Oh..." Fluttershy said, taken aback from the rude voice.

Rarity was now off the shield and started to poke at it with her hooves.

"My, what is this?" Rarity asked as X-Ray approached her.

X-Ray picked up his massive shield and locked it to his arm.

"Where are you going?" Fluttershy asked.

X-Ray pointed towards the direction of Whiskey's voice and then walked on.

"He's going after the one that tried to eat us!" Scootaloo said.

"This is certainly interesting!" Applejack said.

"Twilight?" Spike asked.

He was now away from the tree he hid at.

"Yes, Spike?" Twilight asked, looking down towards the dragon.

"The library... it's..." Spike said, not saying the last word.

" ' It's ' what?" Twilight asked.

"You have to see if for yourself." Spike said. "And this X guy... I really don't like him..."

"How can you say things like that already, Spike?" Twilight asked. "You haven't even met him!"

"If you were in my shoes, you would understand." Spike said. "How would you feel like if someone that was more than ten times bigger than you grabbed you and squeezed you? A lot?"

"He squeezed you?" Twilight asked.

"Come here, my precious..." Whiskey said in an insane tone, twitching time to time. "Come to Papa..."

Owlowiscious was on a branch in Ponyville. Cleaning his feathers with his beak, Whiskey slowly stalked the owl.

"Hoo." Owlowiscious hooted.

He then pecked his beak to his wing.

A few steps and a few feet above Whiskey, Whiskey did his best to not make a sound. Shooting his hands out in lightning speed, Owlowiscious was too quick and evaded Whiskey yet again.

"Alright you piece of shit!" Whiskey roared.

Diving up to catch Owlowiscious, the owl just flew lower and dodged Whiskey's attack yet again.


Whiskey crashed into the side of a house head first. Up to his shoulders, Whiskey was deep in the house. So deep he was past the walls and was in the room. And in the particular room sat two mares on a couch. Doing something.

Whiskey spotted the two mares getting it on. They didn't notice a head sticking out of the wall looking at them. Hence hearing the loud noise when Whiskey crashed. As the mouths of the two mares got closer, Whiskey dropped the bomb.

"Well shit!" he said. "Mind if I join?"

The two ponies widened their eyes in surprise and topped the couch over.


The couch 'capsized' over the two mares.

"We could get a threesome on!" Whiskey said, looking around the room.

His head went around, observing the room.

"Nice place!"

"Pervert!" a mare said, bringing her hind hooves up to Whiskey's face.

Somehow, the mares got close to Whiskey's face, out of his field of vision. Two powerful legs crashed into Whiskey's face, a horrifying crunch heard.

"Oof!" Whiskey grunted as the hooves slammed into his face.

His helmet cracked a little due to the force of the hooves.

"Hey, hey, cunts!" Whiskey said. "Kick all you want, but DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY HELMET!"

But due to the mares screaming, his voice was drowned out.

"ARGH!" Whiskey grunted again as another pair of hooves slammed into his face. "Fucking quit it!"

"How dare you peep on us!" another mare said, kicking Whiskey again.

Whiskey's head cracked up to the dry-wall, shattering it.

"Hey, watch my helmet!" Whiskey said. "Shit!"

Another strong kick smacked his face, another crack forming on his helmet.

"Alright bitches." Whiskey said. "Why don't we ALL have sex to just ease this tension up a bit, hmm?" he asked bluntly.

"Besides, it'll be a win for all of us-MRRGRSH!"

The combined forces smashed Whiskey's face, sending him out of the house. Right into something big and hard.

"Oof!" Whiskey grunted as he slammed into the object.

He put his hand to his head to ease the pain.

"Those bitches can hit hard..." Whiskey said as he tried to stand up.

But a firm grip tightened on his shoulder.

It was X-Ray.

"FUCK!" Whiskey said, striking the pressure points on X-Ray's hand.

X-Ray immediately let go, leaving Whiskey free to run. X-Ray brought his hand to his face and looked at it. No words came out of his mouth even with the pain pulsing through his hand.

Raising his shield up to his side, X-Ray chased after Whiskey.

Twilight ran through the town with Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Girls, I'm sorry, but you need to get away from here!" Twilight said towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Why not?"

"Sweetie Belle, Twilight's right." Rarity said, turning her head towards her little sister.

She then gritted her teeth and looked ahead.

"This rude ruffian is going to get a beating... Personally by me..."

"Huh?" Scootaloo said, noticing Rarity suddenly turning a bit dark.

Smashed houses were by the ponies' side, Whiskey's damage done right in front of them.

"I'm guessing the one that tried to eat us did this?" Apple Bloom asked, looking at the downed buildings.

"By the one that tried to eat you, was he the most DESPICABLE, RUDE, AND UNCOUTH thing to ever be in existence?" Rarity asked.

"Wow, Rarity." Applejack said. "I never seen you act like this."

Rarity popped back to her lady self and cleared her throat.

"My apologies." she said.

A crash was then heard from across the town.

"Hey, hey, X-Ray!" the voice Rarity hated the most said. "Watch your dick!"

Rarity's face cringed as she heard the voice.

"So 'X-Ray' is his name." Spike said, who was on Twilight's back. "That's kind of an odd name."

"What do you mean by that?" Applejack asked.

" 'X-Ray' doesn't really appeal to how he looks like." Spike explained.

"A brick wall is what he's like!" Applejack said. "A brick wall that squeezes you for no good reason!"

"You realize that the 'brick wall' saved your life?" Twilight asked.

"Really?" Applejack asked. "Boy... I think the fact of him catching me when I was sprinting got to my head."

"What about the squeezing?" Spike asked. "You know how it's like to have claws around you and then to just squeeze you?"

"Huh, that's mighty true. WHY did he squeeze us?" Applejack asked, assuming that Spike was squeezed also.

A house from their right then just shattered into many pieces, two humanoids coming out from the debris.

Whiskey smacked his face on the ground, cracking his helmet a bit once more.

"Well, X-Ray, looks like you finally got me!" Whiskey said, lying down on the ground.

X-Ray's shield trapped Whiskey onto the ground, stopping him in any means of escape.

"Shit, that was fun!" Whiskey said, sighing. "And now I'm hungry."

As he sighed, he turned his head towards the ponies.

"Would you look at that!" Whiskey said. "That's just-MMMMMMCCCRSHHH!"

Out of the sky, three humanoid figures landed onto the ground. It was Sierra, Papa, and Foxtrot. And Foxtrot's fist was out and made contact with Whiskey's head.

Foxtrot's fist smashed into Whiskey's face, shattering into a million pieces. X-Ray backed away a little and took his shield off.

"Whiskey, that is the last damn straw!" Foxtrot said, gripping her hands on Whiskey's neck.

She brought his face up to hers. One of Whiskey's yellow eyes peered out of his shattered helmet.

"My, my, Foxtrot, you're being a Class A bitch." Whiskey said, closing his eyes.


Foxtrot slammed her skull onto Whiskey's, shattering the helmet even more. Both of Whiskey's yellow and black eyes now peered out. His black hair had pieces of the remained helmet.

"Hmm... I like this Foxtrot." Rarity said as Foxtrot brought up Whiskey from the neck.

"C'mon, Foxtrot." Whiskey said, spitting out spit and blood from his mouth. "You can hit harder!"

"You son of a-"

"Foxtrot." Sierra said, grabbing Foxtrot's hand. "Calm down."

"Huh?" Foxtrot said, looking up.

She looked to the side to see ponies and a dragon; Twilight with Spike on her back, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"Well, hello there!" Papa said, waving a little.

He then took notice of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the ones Whiskey tried to eat.

"Er... Hello!" Twilight greeted, giving a smile.

"Sorry about this guy trying to eat you here." Papa said, pointing his thumb to the side down towards Whiskey. "He's annoying and vicious."

"And very rude!" Rarity said, jumping in.

"Yes, yes he is." Papa said. "We apologize for any things that... happened..." Papa said, noticing the destruction of the homes.

"Whiskey, did you do all that?" he asked, pointing towards the houses.

"Beats me! And what about these talking ponies? Did you have sex with th-OOF!" Whiskey said, but was shut down by Foxtrot.

"Shut your mouth or I'll break your jaw." Foxtrot said coldly down at Whiskey.

"You know, that'll be easy if my back wasn't bent under your legs!" Whiskey said.

And it was true. Whiskey's back bent at a very odd angle, right under Foxtrot's legs. Foxtrot let go of Whiskey, his head slamming onto the ground.

Whiskey grunted as his head made impact.

"The name is Papa." Papa said, introducing himself.

"Sierra." the pilot said, giving a small nod.


"And I think you've met Whiskey and X-Ray here." Papa said, pointing towards the soldiers.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. "And this is Spike." she said, looking behind her towards the baby dragon.

"Um... Hi." Spike said.

"Hey, you're that little shi-"


Foxtrot gave a swift punch to Whiskey's jaw, the sound of a crack heard.

"I wasn't kidding around when I said would!" Foxtrot said, watching her language.



Seemed that Whiskey's jaws didn't break.


"Anyway, can you tell us what happened here?" Papa asked as Foxtrot continued to beat up Whiskey. "We need to know what exactly happened here."

"Well, the one named Whiskey just destroyed the whole town!" Rarity said, pointing her hooves towards the wreaked houses.

"HEY, HOW'S EVERYTHING GOING EVERYPONY?" a very overenthusiastic voice asked.

A bright pink blur buzzed past the ponies and soldiers, catching Papa, Sierra, and Foxtrot off guard. X-Ray however just looked around, wondering what the blur was. Whiskey however had his head in the ground.

"Hey Twilight! Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!" the voice said.

From Papa's vision, he looked around frantically to see what was the noise. Then out from the corner of his helmet, a pink pony that was defying the laws of gravity smiled and greeted him.

"Hiya!" the pony said. "The name is Pinkie Pie!"

"Haha!" Whiskey said, laughing. "Sounds like a cream pi-"


"Er, hello Pinkie Pie." Sierra said, a little surprised to see the pink pony.

"Hey!" Pinkie Pie said, smiling towards the soldiers. "I just heard a lot of noises here and wondered what it was! Now that I'm here, who are you ponies?" she asked quickly.

"We're actually not ponies." Papa answered, confused of the dialect of 'everypony' and Pinkie Pie mentioning them as 'ponies'. "We are... What exactly are we?" he asked towards his squad mates.

Foxtrot and Sierra scratched their heads.

"We're not humans, but at the same time, we are." Sierra said.

"Eerrp yuursh!" Whiskey's muffled voice came from the ground.

Foxtrot lifted his head up, his human facial features showing towards the ponies.

"What do you want?" Foxtrot asked.

"I said, 'Up your-!"


Foxtrot slammed Whiskey's head back into the ground again, all the ponies except Pinkie Pie cringing at what they saw.

"Hey, is this a game?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Is he going to be alright?" Fluttershy asked, looking with worry towards Whiskey.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, he will." Foxtrot said. "You don't need to worry about his injuries. They somehow heal quick. And Whiskey's loud mouth here deserves more than just a beating. If any of you were in the same room with him for less than a minute, you'll want to sock his jaw."

"I certainly do!" Rarity said, twitching time to time.

"Huh? Well, go for it, girl!" Foxtrot said, motioning Rarity towards her.

"I-I can?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah. He deserves it." Foxtrot said. "Now, don't be shy!"

To Be Continued...

A/N: Bad end to a chapter is a bad ending to a chapter. :/

Sorry if this wasn't about you expected! Thanks for reading everypony!

Next Chapter: Chapter 6: Restore and Rebuild Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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