
The Alphas Omegas: A New Beginning Begins with an End

by DeluxeMagnum69

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Restore and Rebuild

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Chapter 6: Restore and Rebuild

Rarity then cautiously walked towards Foxtrot and Whiskey. With each trembling hoof towards the unknown adversaries, Rarity soon became comfortable as she got closer.

After all, they did catch Whisky, the rude one that did such rude things.

"Slam your... er... hoof down on the top of his head." Foxtrot said as she tried to make it as simplest as possible.

Rarity did what Foxtrot said. Bringing her hoof up slowly, Rarity lightly touched the top of Whiskey's head.

"Ehh..." Rarity said as she tried to put all her might in her hoof.

Her hoof seemed to barely make a mark on Whiskey's head.

"You can go harder!" Foxtrot said. "Release all that stress!"

"That was weak!" Whiskey's muffled voice said.

Out of nowhere, Rarity's sudden strength smashed onto the back of Whiskey's head, the ground almost shattering around his head. Bits of the ground around the soldier's head lifted into the air as an earth quaking rumble was heard.

Rarity screamed as her hoof just slammed down on Whiskey's head.

"Phew..." Rarity said, breathing softly now. "I feel much better!"

Most of the ponies that were watching looked uneasily at Rarity as she joined the group.

"Glad you do!" Foxtrot said. "I always use Whiskey here as a punching bag."

"Suck a di-"

Foxtrot crushed Whiskey's head again into the ground, stopping him from speaking.

"Anyway, is there a hospital around here?" Sierra asked. "We have someone that needs immediate medical care."

"There's a hospital in town." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, we can show you to it." Twilight said. "But where is the one that needs to be taken care of?"

"He'll be here soon." Papa said, looking over to X-Ray.

X-Ray nodded and took off something that was on his back. The device then softly clicked and clacked open. Putting a part of the device on his shoulder, X-Ray got on a knee and shot the device, a bright green flare illuminating the sky.

"Ooh..." all the ponies said, looking up at the bright green light.

Alpha, Delta, Juliet, and Zulu along with unconscious November saw the bright green light and knew that the three that Alpha had sent out got contact. Zulu carefully handed November to Delta and Juliet, Alpha helping them also.

"Just be careful not to touch his right arm and both of his legs." Zulu said. "They shattered on impact and are breaking up more."

"Wait, his bones are deteriorating?" Delta asked as he carefully handled November.

"Yes, but he still has time!" Zulu said. "Let's go!"

Alpha, Delta, and Juliet nodded and made their way towards the bright green flare.

"So where did you come from?" Pinkie Pie asked towards the soldiers.

"A test tube." Papa said as some of the ponies got close.

All the ponies were curious and listened to each word from the Alphas in amazement.

"A test tube?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean by that?" she asked curiously.

"We're some kind of 'project'." Foxtrot said, handing beaten up Whiskey to X-Ray.

X-Ray handled Whiskey as if he was nothing and placed him over his back.

"Hey, watch it X-Ray. Treat me gently." Whiskey whispered. "This is my first time."

Whiskey put a sexual slur in his words which earned him a look from X-Ray.

"You're a biological experiment?" Twilight asked with astonishment. "Do you have any specific information about it?"

"We all don't know anything about it." Sierra said.

"Say, what's the thing on your back?" Scootaloo asked towards Papa.

She pointed towards the mini-gun that was on Papa's back.

"Oh, this little thing?" Papa said, clicking his mini-gun off.

"Little?" Apple Bloom asked.

The mini-gun was almost twice the size of a little filly.

"It's my own little gun." Papa said, making the triple barrel of the gun spin.

The barrels started to spin, making a 'whir' sound.

"Um... What exactly do they do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It shoots a small projectile that kills." Papa said.

And as he said that, all the ponies expect Pinkie Pie backed off.

"Wait, you haven't seen a gun before?" Foxtrot asked as Papa put his mini-gun down.

"A... gun?" Fluttershy asked.

"What is it?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Is it fun?"

It seemed that the party pony didn't hear about the part that the gun kills.

"No, a gun is a dangerous tool that is designed to kill." Sierra explained. "It's basically made for one purpose..."

Everypony looked towards Sierra to hear what the exact purpose of the gun was.

"To kill other humans..."

"So... 'Humans' kill other humans for what?" Twilight asked, a little bit horrified.

"Anything." Foxtrot said. "From an assassination to food/water supply, humans kill each other just for the heck of it."

"That's mighty dark!" Applejack said.

"And I'm guessing you don't trust us?" Papa asked as he clicked his mini-gun back.

"Well..." Rarity said, nervousness in her voice.

"We have to tell you guys that we're not huma-"

"Papa!" Juliet's voice came from the sky.

All the Alphas; Papa, Foxtrot, Sierra, X-Ray and with Whiskey on his back looked up to see their squadmates. Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked up and saw more of the soldiers.

"Where's the medical help?" Delta asked, November in his arms.

"The ponies here will help you guys." Foxtrot said, looking towards the ponies in front of them. "Can any of you help them to the hospital?"

"O-of course!" Fluttershy said. "Please, follow me!" the pegasus said towards Juliet and Delta.

With November in their hands, Zulu followed after them as Juliet made a silent comment of how cute the ponies are.

"This here is Alpha." Sierra said, pointing her hand towards to her leader. "He's the leader of us, the Alphas."

Alpha looked down towards the ponies and began to talk.

"Just what Sierra had said here, my name is Alpha and it's a pleasure to meet you all. I also see that Whiskey here had done a ton of damage on your town." Alpha said as he looked towards the wreaked buildings. "Now, what are your names?" the leader asked.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, Alpha." Twilight said, introducing herself.

"Well, Twilight Sparkle, is there any way we can help you repair and repay the damage Whiskey had done?" Alpha asked.

"Actually, I don't make the decisions here!" Twilight said. "We have a mayor here and I guess she'll have to make the decision!"

"I see..." Alpha said.

"Does Whiskey have to use the box?" Papa asked towards Alpha.

"The box?" all the ponies asked at the same time.

"Ooh, the box?" Pinkie Pie asked. "That sounds fun!"

"Yes, he'll have to go in there." Alpha said. "X-Ray, do you have it?"

X-Ray nodded as he finally got the flare gun back together.

"You hear that, Whiskey?" Foxtrot said as she put more force on Whiskey's head into the ground. "You get to have the night in the box!"

"Well, rub my tits and call me Sally!" Whiskey said from X-Ray's back.


Foxtrot had picked up a rock and sent it square into his face. It knocked him out cold, drool now falling from his mouth.

"Just what's exactly 'the box'?" Applejack asked.

"Let's just say you don't want to be in it." Foxtrot said. "It's a form of punishment that basically designed for Whiskey. He's the only one who used it out of all of us."

"Well, I think you should come with us to the mayor." Twilight said. "She'll have the decision at hoof and we'll all see what's going to happen."

"Is... is he alright?" Fluttershy asked towards Delta, Juliet, and Zulu.

She looked at November who looked horrible.

"He's not in the best condition." Zulu said as Delta and Juliet held November. "But if there's a good hospital, I can save him."

"But a place of talking horses... I just can't believe it..." Delta said.

"Hey, watch your mouth Delta!" Juliet said. "They're 'ponies' not 'horses'. Get your facts straight!"

"Sorry, Juliet!" Delta said back. "But why are you so... protective of them?"

" 'Protective'? " Juliet asked. "What do you mean?"

"What's your name?" Delta asked to Fluttershy.

"It-it's Fluttershy." the pegasus said shyly.

"Fluttershy?" Delta said, repeating the name so he can see if he was saying it right.


"Fluttershy, trust me, because I won't hurt you." Delta said. "I just want to prove to Juliet that she's very protective of you and the others."

"Um... Okay?" Fluttershy said in a very unsure tone.

She was flying by Delta's side and looked questionable to him.

"If I just do thi-"

Delta began to reach for Fluttershy but was smacked in the head by Juliet.


"Ow! See what I mean?" Delta said, rubbing his head.

"Now, I don't trust you with any of these ponies." Juliet said.

"What? I think you at least trust me more than Whiskey!"

"Of course I do! Who in the world would trust Whiskey?"


"Point taken."

"They always fight." Zulu said towards Fluttershy as Juliet and Alpha continued to bicker.

"I can see that." Fluttershy said with a smile as she slowed her pace to be right beside Zulu.

"The name is Zulu, Fluttershy." the female combat medic said, putting her hand out.

"And I know that you know my name!" Fluttershy said in her usual soft tone.

She put her hoof out and shook hands and hooves.

"The point is, you think all these ponies and cuddly and cute and just want to snuggle with them!" Delta said.

"Who doesn't want to snuggle with them?"

"Whiskey? Didn't he try to kill a few of the little ponies?"

"Yeah, I'm going to kill him for that."

"You're overprotective because they're cute, end of story."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we're here." Fluttershy said.

A tall white hospital building was right in front of them.

"Please, follow me." Fluttershy said, landing on the ground.

Opening the hospital doors, a nurse pony behind a desk perked her heads up to see four humanoid creatures.

"I-what... Who?" the nurse stuttered.

"Is there a operating room I can use?" Zulu asked. "It's very urgent."

"Th-there's one down the hall and on your left..." the nurse said, pointing her hoof to the hallway.

The group jogged towards the direction, leaving the shocked nurse with her mouth agape.

Delta and Juliet softly placed November on a small surgical tray that only held November's torso. His legs hung off, making Delta and Juliet make sure they didn't hit anything.

"You should step out of this room..." Zulu said, looking over to the surgical tools by her side. "It's going to get bloody."

Juliet and Delta walked out of the room, Fluttershy following right after them.

She closed the door and looked towards the two soldiers in front of her.

"Well Fluttershy, we should properly introduce ourselves." Delta said, putting his hand on his chest. "My name is Delta."


Fluttershy nodded, her usual shyness kicking in.

"Could you tell us where we are?" Juliet asked as an odd sound began to intensify in the room of Zulu and November.

"Po-Ponyville..." Fluttershy said softly.

"What-ville?" Delta asked. "Potville?"

"Ponyville..." Fluttershy said with a very uneasy tone.

The pegasus looked towards the closed door to just hear a horrible sound of scraping and gushing liquid.

"Let's move somewhere else, anywhere but here." Juliet said, knowing that Fluttershy became very uncomfortable with the surgery going on beside them.

Fluttershy nodded and followed the two soldiers.

"This is the town hall!" Twilight said proudly, but her voice faded to see an almost leveled building. "Or... what it used to be..."

Every single of the Alphas, including X-Ray looked back towards the soldier responsible. Whiskey was unconscious, his head drooped down on X-Ray's back.

"What do you guys eat?" Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing by Alpha.

All the Alphas expect Alpha kind of sparked their heads back to such an odd question.

"Almost everything." Alpha replied in his usual calm tone.

"Ooh... What about cake?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Cake? What's cake?" Papa asked.

All the ponies gasped in what sounded like in horror.

"You never had cake?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

She suddenly dashed off in a pink blur.

"What's she doing?" Foxtrot asked.

"Just being herself." Applejack said.

In an instant, Pinkie Pie came with two ginormous cakes in each hoof. One cake had yellow frosting while other had pink.

"Chow time!" Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

Papa, Foxtrot, and Sierra looked over to the party pony and looked at the baked and frosted good like as if they never seen it before. The male soldier, Papa popped his helmet open to try this 'cake'.

"What's it made of?" he asked as his thick and armored gloved hands tried to touch the baked good.

Pinkie Pie then shoved the entire cake that was the size of her head down the throat of Papa. Foxtrot and Sierra almost jerked towards Pinkie Pie immediately as Papa choked the food down.

"Foxtrot, Sierra..." Alpha said, motioning the soldiers to stand down.

The two female soldiers immediately stopped and stood down as Pinkie Pie's smiling face beamed towards Papa's strained face.

"Do you like it?" Pinkie Pie asked as Papa began to chew.

With a bright smile in response, Papa gave a thumbs up as he wiped the pink frosting from his face.

"It'sz grrd!" Papa said as he continued to chew.

Foxtrot, Sierra, and X-Ray looked questionably at each other as Papa asked Pinkie Pie something.

"Hey, 'Pinkie Pie', was it?" Papa asked as he got on a knee to try to be at eye level.

"Yep!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Can I have the other cake?" Papa asked, pointing towards the bright yellow as he finally swallowed.

"Sure!" she said, handing the cake that was the size of her head to Papa.

Papa ate the entire cake in one bite instantly with no problem whatsoever. With a soft belch, Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Annnyway..." Foxtrot said. "The town hall! What's left of it?"

"This is a disaster!" a voice came in from the broken town hall. "We need to catch the one responsible for this destruction!"

"And that's Miss Mayor!" Twilight said as the Mayor's voice came in much clear.

"And we caught the one responsible." Foxtrot commented.

"I'll bring the issue myself in front of her then." Alpha said, walking towards the mayor.

"And I'll be by your side in case anything happens." Twilight said, walking side by Alpha.

"Huh? What's the worse thing that could happen? At least nothing's going to get worse!" Papa asked as Foxtrot, Sierra, X-Ray, and the rest of the ponies expect Pinkie Pie gave him a look.

"Miss Mayor." Alpha said, addressing the thinking mayor as she paced back and forth.

"Yes, what is it?" Miss Mayor asked, still pacing back and forth with her face down.

She didn't even look up to see the one addressing her.

"We all are responsible for the destruction of-"

"Whaaaat?" Miss Mayor exclaimed, exploding at the leader.

"Ooh, he burst a fuse." Papa said.

"I assure you that-" Alpha continued in a very calm tone, but was interrupted by the mayor of Ponyville.

"Assure what? Half of the town's been demolished along with the Town Hall! Do you know how much it costs to just repair the Town Hall?!"

"A few thousand bucks?" Foxtrot asked, not knowing what she said was actually pretty offensive.

"Annnnd... She'll be done about riiiiiiiight..." Delta said, looking down at his watch and holding up a finger. "Now."

A door was heard opening as Zulu walked out with her helmet off, wiping off the blood from her beautiful face.

The combat medic saw Delta and Juliet and walked towards them with a smile and a wink.

"November is going to be perfectly fine." Zulu said as she looked towards Fluttershy. "Is there a hospital room I can use?"

"Oh, um, yes, I think so." Fluttershy answered.

"Well, I'll get November." Delta said, walking off as Zulu began to say something.

"Oh, and be sure to not touch his legs and right arm. I haven't casted them yet." Zulu said.

"Gotcha'!" Delta said, giving a thumbs up.

"What next, Zulu?" Juliet asked. "You know how I'm not a 'leader' type."

"Well, I'll need to take care of Vemby with his wounds." Zulu bubbily said.

" 'Vemby'?!"

"Black baby Jesus that's a lot of fucking blood!" Delta's voice came from the surgery room.

"Miss Mayor, my team and I will help you in repairing the things Whiskey destroyed." Alpha continued, keeping his cool as the mayor spazzed time to time.

"And why should we trust you?" a stallion asked as many ponies from the town walked onto the streets.

Many kinds of different ponies emerged from their houses as a large crowd of them circled the large and weird monkey apes.

"The question is; why not?" Alpha replied towards the stallion. "We'll gladly work for all of you with no charge."

A large murmur went through the crowd as many agreed.

"Oh really?" a mare asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey!" Whiskey exclaimed. "You were that bitch that was about to-"

Foxtrot chucked another rock at Whiskey's head as X-Ray brought a strong punch also. Whiskey's rock-like head seemed to almost shatter as his mouth got him a ass whupping.

"And we'll be able to contain him." Alpha said as Whiskey laid limp yet again.

"Just who are you ponies?"

"We are the Alphas." Alpha said, looking at the ponies. "The beginning of something new."


Damn! It's been about a whole month before I last updated this!

I have so many ideas to bring this story up to!

Stay tuned guys, updates are coming!

Also, here's a list of the Alphas' personality and all that B.S if you're interested!

Alpha: Meet Alpha, the leaders of the Alphas. Not that talkative, and a bit emotionless, he's cool and badass, no?

Delta: Not really that 'leader' type, Delta is a bit of an outgoing soldier. I don't want to spoil, but he isn't much of a 'leader' even though being second in command. Bravo and Charlie mostly were leaders - Delta never having much experience with the Alphas.

Foxtrot: Kind of a tomboy, she is a girl. A female. Tough, she likes to whup Whiskey's ass.

Juliet: A sexy sniper. Do I need to say more? Okay, the future chapters will explain more.

November: Engineer. A cool engineer.

Papa: Big Papa Bear. He's chill, jolly, and pretty much awesome.

Sierra: She's a bit mysterious...

Whiskey: Asshole, cocky, and should go suck a dick.

X-Ray: Bad ass juggernaut that doesn't say a word. He's lovable!

Zulu: A sexy blonde bubbly busty nurse (combat medic). You want to hit that.

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