Diamond Tiara keeps breaking her promises. Realizing his normal parenting methods aren't working, Filthy Rich has to get creative.
Twilight Sparkle never seemed to notice her old friend Lyra Heartstrings. Lyra isn't a very noticeable pony. She has put a lot of effort into that.
It's Twilight Sparkle's first night as a princess, and she can't sleep. Her thoughts are haunted by a question that will not let her rest. A question that only Celestia can answer.
Cutie Mark Crusaders Time Travelers, yay! ...Wait, what? When older versions of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Spike appear from the future, Twilight and her friends are in for an adventure that may decide the fate of time itself!
Twilight finds out there is more to teleportation than she thought. A lot more.
There once was a little filly named Diamond Tiara. This is the story of how she died.
Scootaloo is worried about her wings. What if there's something wrong with them? What if she'll never be able to fly? It's up to Rainbow Dash to cheer her up.
It's not easy being a couple when you're the exact opposite of each other. After a nasty fight with Applejack, Rarity wants to patch things up but is distracted by an important customer. As it turns out, Applejack has other plans.
Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Twilight Sparkle needs to organize Rarity's birthday party, but all her friends seem troubled. As if that wasn't enough, Cadence sends Twilight a mysterious jewel possessing mystical powers... as well as a dark secret.
Applejack finds a mysterious journal written by a legendary criminal, and after a minor magical accident, she finds herself with a slight change of wardrobe as well. Applejack... what's happening to you?
As if being sent to Ponyville while Equestria is on the brink of disaster wasn't bad enough, Twilight Sparkle also finds herself forced to spend time with Celestia's rebellious daughter, Princess Rainbow Dash.