When the Sisters reconcile, the very gods of other worlds can not stand against them.
A pegasus knight fights for her right to wed the Crystal Prince and Princess.
Vinyl Scratch has a secret life. A dark life, one she has hid from for a... very long time. But when her best friend is savagely dropped into a world she is unprepared for, Vinyl must guide her into a world of blood, lies, and darkness.
Even when the world seems like it's turned against you, never give up. Listen to the beat of the night, and look to the sunset... (Romance/Drama)
Equus has risen quite a ways in the past one hundred years. When the now space-faring civilization sends a First Contact fleet to Earth, they find themselves driven into a war none had expected, or prepared for. What comes of it... none can tell.
A young instrument maker answers a roommate-seeking flyer and travels to Ponyville, hoping for a new start, and hopefully a new home. But she finds much, much more.
Living beyond your friends is the hardest thing a pony can go through. And sometimes, they just can't take it anymore.
Equestria is broken, damaged beyond all repair. Maybe. But sometimes, a little dirt and goo can piece it back together. Just with a new... sheen to things.
The past can come back to haunt us; Nightmares rarely strike only once.
When Equestria is threatened from without, their only hope comes in the form of their long-time allies: humanity. And despite the differences of race, one thing stands true about humanity: we protect our friends.
What would you if those you loved most in the world and lost came back... but in a form not as you remember? Can you imagine it? Join these denizens of Equestria as they find that out. A new take on HiE stories.
The Seeding is on. Humanity has spread out among the stars, determined to find a new home, to get away from their dying world and extend humanity to the heavens. When one colony settles on Equestria, just how will human and ponykind react?