It has been ten years since the Great Betrayal, otherwise known as the Revolution, when the Archmage of Equestria, in cahoots with the Noble Unicorn Council, banished the Celestial Sisters to the Sun and Moon, and took control of the Equestrian government. When confronted by Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the other Elements of Harmony, the Archmage sacrificed his mortal body to drag them all to Tartarus, seemingly forever.
Seemingly, being the key word. With the world at a crisis point, a single foolish unicorn will bring the "downfall" of Equestria. Will the world follow? And what might rise out of the ashes?
Co-authored by Ashinda, and Gold4Tune
Art by- Ashinda
Warm snuggles by: Gold4Tune
Cancelled and moved to new location! /story/343242/fel-equestria---revised-edition