A short clopfic of Adagio and Futa Sunset based on a picture
Due to a shortage of staff at the Canterlot Day Spa, you find yourself in a situation that would usually only happen in your dreams.
Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash have sex in the locker room.
For a mare like Applejack, a long day's work is nothing to bat an eyelid at nor is the lack of time to herself. But when she does get a night to herself she's not going to waste it.
There was more than one spell thrown in the Battle of the Bands and the Sirens are weak and heartsick after their defeat. There's no magic that can help them, but Rarity may think she has a solution, if Adagio is willing to experiment . . .
Celestia and Luna are recruited to show Adagio Dazzle a good time. How hard could it be to show a siren some love? They're in for a long night.
Adagio can't handle her greatest failure.
Adagio unwinds after a hard day at work
A look inside Adagio’s emotional state and her journey forward roughly six months after Rainbow Rocks.
In the EQG Holiday Special, Sunset figured out that Anon-a-Miss was actually Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. But what if things happened differently?
Adagio gives Applejack a copy of Tirek's Revenge. There's got to be a catch.
A lot of hard cider and a poke from Rainbow Dash finally get Applejack to unleash her passion for Fluttershy.