
To Love a Mortal

by Brony2893

Chapter 1: Testing a princess's will

I pulled my bedroom door shut behind me and let out a contented sigh. It had been a long day at the throne and some rest would have been very well appreciated. I secured my balcony door and readied to remove my various pieces of regalia. Just as my chest piece began to lift over my head, I felt a very peculiar sensation at the base of my horn. Momentarily caught off guard, I quickly sent a magical probe to the source of the disturbance. Almost instantly I recognized the spell that was affecting me.

Somebody was in the throne room when they weren’t supposed to be.

That’s strange, I almost forgot about that spell...

Nobody had triggered my security spell in a few hundred years, not since one of my old students accidentally teleported inside. Readying my own teleportation spell in no time at all, I prepared to face the intruder in the throne room… but something stopped me.

If this was a true invader, I could be going right into a trap. But then again... why bother invading an empty throne room?

Stumped, I cast my eyes down to the carpet of my room as I thought of a solution. It could have easily been another accident and nothing serious like last time… or it could be serious if I neglected the situation. Finally it dawned on me. With a flick of magic and the closing of my eyes, I tapped into some very old magic I hadn’t used for quite some time.

I opened my eyes and I was in my throne, looking across the room. I wasn’t really there, only my vision was. My physical body was still in my room, and as long as my eyes were closed, I’d see the invaded room as if I were still there. I looked down the short flight of steps below my ornate seat to see of all things, my personal guard…


I felt my mental processes halt as the unusual sight sank in. Why was Artemis in the throne room afterhours? And why did he look as nervous as a foal facing down a hydra? Through my vision I watched his every move like a predator stalking its prey. I witnessed Artemis as he nervously looked around the room and hesitantly ascended the steps.

He stopped a few feet short of where I would be if I were occupying my throne. With a final glance around the room, I saw one of his wings lift up and drop something into one of his hooves.

It was a letter.

My curiosity piqued greatly at the sight. I’d never witnessed Artemis do anything unusual before when he on was duty, especially not delivering mail. All I could see of the envelope was a mostly blank front, with fine writing I couldn’t read from my spectral position on the throne. Staring down at the letter as if willing it to come to life, Artemis turned it over and I caught a glimpse of the opposite side.

On the envelope there was a red wax seal… in the shape of a heart.

Artemis… what are you doing… Anypony seeing my face at that moment would have seen a very confused, blank faced alicorn goddess. Artemis gave the envelope a few moments of silent contemplation before he tossed it on my throne, and turned to make a swift exit. I shifted my gaze between the letter, and a pegasus no longer able to contain his nervous energy.

I saw Artemis flare his wings and quickly leave the throne room, leaving me dumbstruck as my magical gaze watched the whole thing.

I ceased my magic and returned to my body in my chambers. Without hesitation I prepared my teleportation spell from earlier. In nearly an instant I felt the familiar sensation of magic travel, and the momentary sense of vertigo associated. I opened my eyes and was exactly where I wanted to be; the center of the throne room.

I didn’t waste any time in bounding my way up to the familiar, ornate throne. Sure enough, there was Artemis’s letter, right where he left it. I cocked my head to the side in wonder at the parcel. With a glance of my own around the room to ensure I was alone, I picked the envelope up in my magic. I sat down in my throne and levitated the letter in front of me for a minute, preparing myself for what I suspected this was.

I wasn’t blind; I knew exactly what this was. That much was obvious. Still, it didn’t calm my nerves as I carefully opened it along the folds, leaving the heart-shaped seal intact.

I set the envelope down and brought the letter closer; and read some of the most beautiful words I had seen in over a millenia...


I marched down the corridors of Canterlot Castle. My face was serious, and my stride quick. If anypony noticed, they didn’t say anything. My destination was not somewhere I could teleport myself to, it was protected against such magic. The letter—tucked inside the envelope—was safely stored between my coat and chest regalia.

Reaching my intended target, I increased my pace and didn’t even stop as I whipped open a pair of large, double doors.

The pony inside was less than pleased at my unannounced intrusion.

“Tia! What in the name of—“

“Luna, we need to talk, now.” I interrupted my younger sister. With a flick of my magic, the doors shut themselves and securely locked. There was much to discuss.


“So… he just left the letter and left?”

“For the tenth time, Luna, yes.” I answered. I was pacing back and forth in my sister’s room. I always did think more efficiently when I was moving, especially if something was troubling me.

“I saw Artemis leave the letter, and that was it,” I continued, stopping opposite Luna’s bed and waiting for a reply. Luna was casually laid out on her side, an almost perfect foil for my mood at the time.

“Tell me,” Luna started, “How exactly did you discover this so quickly? Surely you were retiring for the night, so how would you have known?” She asked with great curiosity.

“I learned what he was doing from a security spell I have on the throne room,” I explained, “It alerts me if somepony is in there when it’s supposed to be empty.”

“Why is there a security spell on the throne room?” Luna asked without skipping a beat. “Surely if there was an invasion, you’d know before they got all the way there?” She asked as I began pacing again.

“It was a long time ago, one of my students…” I sighed as the memories of the long-gone student resurfaced. “One of my older students had a tendency to get lost within the castle from time to time. So one day I told him ‘if you get lost and can’t ask a guard, go to the throne room, I’ll know if you’re there’.”

He always was such a shy unicorn... I smiled sadly to myself at the memories.

“I see...” Luna said, rubbing her hoof on her chin in thought. “Were there any prior signs of his infatuation before tonight?”

“No, this is a complete shock to me.” I replied, making my way over to Luna’s bed. With a few silent moments of shifting, I was lying next to my sister comfortably with my legs tucked underneath my body. “Artemis has been my personal guard for many years now... he did well concealing his feelings from me,” I said, slightly impressed. It wasn’t often I missed behavioral clues... I guess I wasn’t as keen as I thought.

“I feel you are overreacting, dear sister,” Luna comforted next to me. “Simply tell your guard it is appreciated, but his wishes cannot be fulfilled by you.” She said in a tone as if it were no more complicated than breathing.

“It’s not that simple...” I half-mumbled, bowing my head and resting it on the bed. I began to regret coming here. I sensed a lecture in my near future.

“What do you mean? I trust you do not reciprocate Artemis’s romantic feelings, Tia?” Luna simply asked. When I looked away and didn’t reply she pressed on. “Tia? Why are you not answering me...”

I turned and looked the other way, feeling an embarrassed blush staining my face. I felt Luna’s hoof nudge my sides, hoping to elicit a response.

“Celestia, answer me,” Luna ordered, an obvious tone of seriousness on her tongue. I felt like a small child being scolded by a parent; I was avoiding her gaze and still looked the other way.

“It... was a nice letter.” I sheepishly admitted, regarding Luna out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head back to her just long enough to see her expression. Luna’s face was blank, but with a heavily furrowed brow as my words sunk in.

“Tia... what are you saying?” Luna slowly asked in the same stern tone as before.

“Just read it,” I paused to retrieve the envelope from my chest regalia. “It’ll explain everything.” I said, levitating the envelope to Luna. She looked between the letter and myself in silent curiosity for a few moments.

“Tia, I can’t read this,” Luna politely nudged the levitating envelope towards me with her hoof. “This was given to you in secrecy, it is not for my eyes, dear sister,” Luna finished with a slight smile from beside me on the bed.

“Lulu, please,” I begged, magically pushing the envelope closer to her. “You won’t understand if you don’t read it for yourself,” I pleaded.

Luna sighed and looked to the item floating in front of her. Her eyes flashed to mine, silently questioning me.

“It’s alright, I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t fully trust you,” I reassured her and gave my best smile.

“Ok, Tia, I’ll do it.” Luna nodded and took the envelope in her own magic, causing the briefest of moments of magical interference. She opened the envelope and carefully set it aside, leaving the letter in front of her face.

She cleared her throat, and began to read.

Dear Celestia,”

“As your personal protector, I have stood vigilant for many years now, an ever watchful eye should the event arise that you require my aide. During this time, I have seen some of your greatest feats of accomplishment, and some of your lowest moments of stress.”

Luna paused and gave me a hesitant glance. I silently nodded, confirming her silent question to continue. She resumed her out loud reading.

“But that is not all I have seen during my years of service. I have also seen a pony that is just as real as myself and any of your other subjects. A mare of elegant beauty and poise, graceful in everything that she does. With so much power at your hoof tips, you could command the most powerful of armies and do as you please, yet, you do not. You instead strive to better the kingdom for the good of your ponies. Something a true ruler, no, a true pony would do.”

“I know many of these choices you have made haven’t been easy ones, many a time I had desired to console you during the times you cried, when you thought that you couldn’t handle the kingdom alone.”

“It brought me great joy when your sister had returned, never before had I ever seen you as happy as you are now, each day you are like a beaming ray of sunshine that your sun shines down on us all. A true inspiration for anypony who would have the pleasure to get to know you.”

“I have always admired you, as not only my noble ruler, but as a pony. Because deep down, I see the conflict in your heart. Part of you wishes for a simple life, free from all the burden of your rule. While you may be a ruler and a goddess in the eyes of many, to me, you are so much more.”

“Every time I look at you I see a gorgeous mare, a mare whose beauty is unhindered by neither age nor time. Any stallion would give almost anything for a mare as lovely as you, but there is so much more to you than just your appearance. Your laugh, your smile, your personality that is ever so subtly revealed when you are not forced to wear the mask of a ruler. Behind that mask I know you hate to wear, is one of the most amazing mares I have ever had the pleasure to meet and speak with.”

“I have longed to learn more about that mare, to learn more about ‘Celestia’ and her wishes and desires. So long have I wanted to tell you this, to tell you that I could help you ease that loneliness that I see. For I have been in love with you for some time now.”

“Unfortunately, I am but a simple guard, and you, the eternal, ageless ruler of a kingdom of hundreds upon thousands of ponies. I realize the reality of my love, it is unfruitful, and could never be. So my dreams of you and I shall remain just as that, dreams. For I know of the dangers of being too close to a ruler. I fear not the things that could happen to me, but for the knowledge that I could be used to hurt you. That is something I could never live with.”

“Then there is views of the politics should you engage in such a scandalous act as to court your personal guardian. I do not wish these negative views upon you for the sake of my own benefit and personal desires.”

“Even with this knowledge, my thoughts, my feelings, I simply had to get them off my chest. To tell you that I know deep down, underneath it all, you are truly the most amazing mare I have ever met. I only hope that you may someday find such a lover that could stand by your side as an equal.”

“Until that day, my watch will remain ever strong.

Your loyal subject and honored protector,


Luna stared sadly at the letter, only a few blinks to break her still face. She turned to face me, her mouth agape.

“Tia... that was beauty in itself,” Luna breathed. She looked back to the letter and scanned it once more before turning back to me. “Had I received such a lovely note... I would be quite taken.”

“Yes, I... I had a similar reaction,” I turned my head to hide the mad blush on my white cheeks. An act which seemed to go unnoticed as Luna continued to ponder the contents of the love letter.

“It must have taken considerable courage for Artemis to have even left it where he did instead of simply mailing it to you,” Luna stated, clearly impressed by the way she said it. “Surely this is not your first love letter, Tia?”

“No, I’ve received many letters of such a nature before, and still do,” I stated in a nonchalant, vague tone. I was secretly happy the topic was moving along though.

“Would you care to elaborate?” Luna asked, neatly folding the letter and sliding it into its rightful envelope. Luna levitated the message and set it down in front of me. I stared at it for a few moments before Luna nudged me, still waiting for an answer.

“I’ve gotten many letters over the years—and still do—from many ponies.” I began to explain. “It is usually ponies high in the nobility bloodlines wishing to promote their own families, obtain money, or other political reasons.”

“I understand, but why is this so difficult for you?” Luna asked just like I thought she would. “If you turned down the highest nobles… why are you so troubled by this one?” Luna cocked her head to the side, perplexed.

“Artemis’s letter was… different.” I stalled to find the correct words. “It was not too direct, or generic… or creepy as the others. Whereas all the others were out of obvious personal gain, his letter was from the heart, aimed directly towards me with real feelings behind them.… that is why I am so confused.”

“’Confused’? Why would you be—“ Luna stopped herself as it dawned on her the real reason I was here. She sighed and rubbed her temples with her hoof. “Celestia, do not tell me you actually—“

“Yes I do.” I interrupted her before she could finish. She cast a frown at me as the implications hit home for her. Before she could open her mouth to object, I continued. “You yourself admitted it was a beautiful letter and you would be very taken to receive something of that quality.”

Luna blinked a few times as she took in my words. Surprisingly, she grinned widely after a while.

“Now it all makes sense…” Luna said rather cryptically. “I was curious as to why you stored the letter behind your chest piece, now I get it.”

“What are you talking about? Why does it matter where I stored it?” I questioned. I was well and truly lost at what she was insinuating.

“Don’t you see, Tia? You subconsciously placed it in your chest regalia to hold it closer to your heart,” Luna gave me a confident smirk.

“You’re over-analyzing this…” I said flatly.

You are trying to dismiss the facts I can see as plain as the blush on your cheeks when his name is said,” Luna countered. My own face betrayed me as I felt it grow increasingly warm as the situation continued.

“Fine, go ahead and make your smart remarks…” I sighed and unfolded my forelegs, resting my head away from Luna.

“Tia, please. I did not wish to upset you,” Luna apologized. “I was only teasing. It is not often you seek me out for guidance.” She scooted closer and wrapped a wing around me.

For a while we just lied there, neither of us breaking the silence. I was content to just let things simmer in our minds before continuing. I knew I couldn’t stay long though; I had to find Artemis and confront him before the night was over. My anxiety threatened to explode at any moment and I doubted I could wait until the next day.

“Artemis is a rather handsome pegasus, is he not?” Luna asked, breaking the silence.

“I wouldn’t know.”

“Have you never looked at him?” Luna pressed on. I gave her a curious, but serious look.

“No, it would be inappropriate on duty.” I replied

“As inappropriate as a princess loving her guard over a love letter?” Luna quickly countered.

“It’s not just that! It’s—“ I stopped myself, but it was already too late. I fell right into her verbal trap.

“You were saying?” Luna gave a dark smile. I opened my mouth to say something, anything… but the words never came. I sighed and let my head fall to my hooves in defeat. Had I been in a different mood, I’d have wondered where Luna got her silver tongue from. But I just lay there, not speaking a word to my sister.

“Tia? I am sorry for teasing you,” Luna apologized, her voice sincere. “What are you going to do about Artemis?” I didn’t answer her as I slowly slid off her bed and made my way to the door. My decision had been made, and nopony was going to stall me.

“Where are you going?” Luna asked, her voice slightly raised.

I didn’t answer her and continued to the door.

“Celestia stop!” She commanded. I heard a quick flap of wings and then Luna landed in front of me, blocking my way.

“Step aside, Luna,” I demanded, narrowing my eyes back at hers before attempting to step around again. Though with each step, she followed in a fluid motion, standing strong against me.

“Not before you tell me where you are going,” Luna’s voice was firm and serious. I knew then I could have simply teleported away or flown off her chamber’s personal balcony, but she'd catch up eventually. I was going to have to deal with this now.

"I'm... I'm going to find Artemis," I half-answered hesitantly, my voice falling flat as I looked past my sister. With one more quick step, I made a last attempt to get past her; only to be blocked as if she had read my thoughts before I did.

“Why are you going to him?” Luna slowly asked. She craned her head up to try and remain eye-level with me. “And what have you decided?”

“I’m going to find him… and he will be my special somepony,” I replied through gritted teeth. I took the momentary break in Luna’s facade to step around her. I barely made it two steps before she blocked my path once more, making my blood boil.

“You can’t do that, Tia, and you know it as much as I do!” Luna exclaimed quite loudly, her wings flaring out to further block my exit. ”Answer me!”

In that moment, something deep inside of me snapped.

“Why!? Why can’t I be with somepony who loves me?” I shot right back in Luna’s face. Before she could even open her mouth to reply, I continued, “Why is it you don’t want me to be happy? Is it too much to ask for some comfort in this world? Is it too much to want somepony to be there for me, to see me for who I really am? Is it too much to ask for somepony, anypony to love me?" I felt tears of frustration swelling in my eyes. I stared right into Luna’s eyes, neither of us so much as blinking as my outburst sunk in.

"How dare you..." Luna whispered, closing her eyes for a moment before suddenly shooting me an intense glare. "How dare you say nopony loves you! You have the love of an entire kingdom of subjects; the love of your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle and all her friends; and most of all, you have me, I love you more than anypony else Tia! So mind your words before you claim that nopony loves you in this world." Luna's words stung me to the core. With a strong huff, she stepped around me, walking for the door that led to her private balcony.

I didn’t move, I couldn’t, not after what she’d just said to me. I sighed and turned around to see Luna on her balcony. She was reclined on her haunches and faced away from me. I knew that pose, the way she sat told me everything I needed to know.

I’d hurt her.

“Luna?” I called out as I managed to make my way across the room, past the threshold that lead outside.“Luna… I’m sorry; I did not mean what I said.” I looked down to her with a weak smile. She wasn’t moved in the slightest it seemed. After a few moments, she unfurled one of her wings.

“Sit,” Luna quietly said with a tap of her wing on the balcony floor next to her. I silently complied and assumed a similar sitting position as she had. For a while we just sat there, staring off to her moon as it slowly moved its way across the cool night’s sky.

“I did not wish to bring this up… but, do you remember that stallion you courted so long ago?” Luna quietly asked, her voice cautious. My mind searched for the proper memories from that ancient time. When I found them, the feelings were not of nostalgia and glee, but despair and pain.

“Yes…” I depressingly answered with my head hung low. “Yes, I remember all too well...”

“Then I take it you also remember how long it took you to get over his passing, yes?" Luna turned to look at me. Her question felt more like a statement.

“Centuries.” I sighed once more, feeling my own wings droop slightly. “It took centuries with your help to get past his death.” A wing encircled my body and hugged me closer. Luna scooted closer as she hugged me.

“I am truly sorry to bring those memories back, Tia,” Luna apologized once more, never pulling her wing back from my side. She looked up to me then looked back out into the night. “You must understand, we are different than most ponies. I thought you of all ponies would have understood that by now.”

“It’s not fair…” I sighed into Luna, feeling the warm feathers against my coat. “It isn’t fair that we have to live like this.”

“Do you remember what mother and father told us?” Luna looked up to her moon, waiting for an answer.

“’With great responsibility, comes great sacrifice,’” I perfectly quoted our loving mother.

“Yes.” Luna nodded once I finished. “We are meant to coexist with mortals and ensure peace in our world for however long it is we are here; that is why a relationship with Artemis would not work; we will always outlive our significant others, no matter how much we may love them…”

“I know, dear sister.” I paused to let a lone tear fall down my muzzle. “Sometimes… sometimes I forget our role in the universe. Sometimes I just wish to be a normal pony, away from the trifles of this life.”

“I understand your frustration at our destinies,” Luna’s voice was sad as she agreed with me. “We may not have had a choice in the role we both play, but you do have the choice of what you will do with it.” She looked up and smiled to me.

“But, I thought you—“

“I said it would be unwise to be with him, and I advised against it...” Luna interrupted and laid a hoof on my chest regalia where the letter was still kept. “But I never said I would not support your decision to make him your special somepony, should that be what you truly desire.” She withdrew her hoof and set it back in line with her other.

“You… you would be ok with me being with him then?” I asked to be sure this wasn’t all some illusion.

“It would be a rather foolish and unwise decision, but yes, you have my full support,” Luna smiled to me, adding the extra reassurance I needed. “And any media ignorant enough to slander you would quickly find themselves out of a job and out of Canterlot if they dared say one harmful word about you and Artemis’s relationship.” Luna chuckled to herself. Soon enough, I was giggling with her at the thought of her teleporting an entire newspaper staff out of the city.

“I should be departing before the night gets much later, and Artemis is home,” I stretched and stood up on my hooves. Luna did the same and turned to me with a curious look. “I have taken your words into consideration, and believe I have made my decision now.” I nodded to her affirmatively as my wings unfurled and readied themselves for flight.

“Very well then.” Luna took a step aside to give me more take-off room. “But do not forget, I will always be here if you require advice, big sister,” She playfully teased with a light jab of her hoof. I folded my wings and threw my hooves around Luna’s neck in an appreciative hug.

“Thank you.” I breathed before releasing my grasp.

“Whatever happens tonight, good luck, Celestia,” Luna smiled to me.

And with that, I spread my mighty wings and took to the sky, the tower that held my bedroom wasn’t far.


It wasn’t more than a minute after arriving in my personal quarters I settled on a method for finding and conversing with Artemis. It may not have been the most orthodox method, but neither was the situation itself. There wasn’t any place more private than this room for our talk. I settled on teleporting him here to save time. Not to mention, my long-distance seeking spell hadn’t been used in quite some time and was getting a little rusty.

I closed my eyes and focused on the mental image of Artemis. I felt the invisible, magic tendrils reach out into the world. I kept the image of him at the front of my mind until I felt a slight ‘ping’ indicating his position. I called back my other magical threads and focused them on him until the connection was secure. Once it was ready and he could be safely transported, I slowly pumped energy into my horn until a familiar ‘pop’ was heard.

There, in front of me facing away from me, was Artemis. He looked around the room with obvious, understandable surprise.

I cleared my throat, and stepped forward.

“Good evening, Artemis.”


I soared over Canterlot Castle having just left Artemis in the gardens near the labyrinth. Unbeknownst to him or the group of guards who were nearby, I spied on the situation to see how the stallions took to Artemis’s promotion. It was an interesting interaction to watch unfold; the stallions that found Artemis seemed to nearly attack him out of some prior quarrel unknown to me, but once they saw his new badge, they immediately fell in line.

Even if it cost me some personal happiness in deciding to agree with Artemis and not enter a relationship, I was still happy I could at least make his day.

I set down on my personal balcony we had departed from not too long ago. I contently sighed to myself as the recent memories of our flight over the Canterlot countryside came back. I had to admit, for a pegasus he certainly had some impressive endurance and speed. He may not be out-flying an alicorn anytime soon, but impressive nonetheless.

The doors to my balcony closed behind me as I strode inside and happily climbed into bed. I began to levitate the various pieces of my regalia away. It felt good to get them off, even if I did stay up much later than usual and would have to raise the sun relatively soon.

I’d just finished setting my tiara and slippers away when I heard a knocking at my door.

I cocked my head to the side and decided to personally answer the door for once instead of commanding them to enter. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea who could have been knocking at my room at that hour. It felt strange to be so “naked”, even in my own bedroom I usually wore my regalia. With a flick of my magic, I opened the door and was greeted by a pegasus, though, not the one you might imagine it would be.

“Sorry to bother you, Celestia,” The mare at my bedroom door apologized. She was my personal assistant, a rather nice pegasus I’d employed a few years prior. She seemed understandably tired, but still kept her composure.

“Your sis—I mean Princess Luna notified me that you were having a rough night and asked if there was something I could do,” She informed before lifting one of her wings up to me. On top was a small silver platter with a perfectly-centered teacup. “I thought you would like some of your favorite tea to calm down,” She smiled to me.

“Well thank you, I really appreciate it.” I smiled back to her in earnest happiness. I levitated the cup up to my muzzle and took a sip.

It was blueberry tea with a hint of a vanilla aftertaste, my favorite drink in existence.

I contently smiled and closed my eyes for a moment, being lost in the beautiful flavors.

“Heh, enjoying your tea, I take it?” My assistant asked with a noticeable giggle, but I ignored it and took another sizable sip.

Mmm… twice today I spent time with a charming pony— My inner musings stopped in an instant as an insidiously genius thought was being hatched in my mind. I looked straight ahead as I thought, the teacup still floating near me.

“Um, Celestia? ...Are you alright?” She asked, no doubt worried.

“Yes, I’m quite alright.” I shook myself and gave my signature smile. “Why don’t you take an extra couple hours to yourself to sleep in when you go back to your room?” I offered before taking a final sip of tea and levitating the cup back onto my assistant’s platter. “You’ve been most helpful and I am sorry my sister woke you in the dead of night.”

“Oh, I… I couldn’t laze around and neglect my duties,” she fidgeted with her forelegs and I noticed a slight tremble in her wings. It really was true, I thought she deserved extra rest, not to mention I would need a little more time to work out the details of my nefarious scheme.

“Nonsense. I’m confident I will be fine on my own for a couple hours.” I finished with a short, but warm laugh. I smiled and looked down to her. I could see the look on her face as she slowly accepted I wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Very well, as you command, I shall laze about my room and accomplish nothing productive, Your Highness,” she replied with a lighthearted sarcasm and a wide grin. She bowed slightly before turning and trotting back out in the corridor. “Goodnight, Celestia.”

“Goodnight, Novelle.” I replied before silently shutting the doors with my magic. I let out a yawn I had been holding in and returned to my comfortable bed, for the short time I’d be able to use it. The feel of the silk beddings always gave me a comfortable little tingle as they slipped over my body. As I adjusted my pillow for perfect comfort, I thoughtfully hummed to myself.

“Artemis and Novelle...” I whispered to myself and felt a tired smirk creep up my cheek. With a final yawn I felt sleep’s comfortable embrace quickly closing in on my tired body. I was thankful to be getting rest right away…

Tomorrow was going to be rather eventful, and I didn’t want to miss a single moment.

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