
I.D. - That Indestructible Something

by Chatoyance

Chapter 21: Acknowledgements

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"Man cannot live without a permanent trust in something indestructible within himself,
though both that indestructible something and his own trust in it may remain permanently
concealed from him". - Franz Kafka, 1913


In the creation of this particular story, I feel it necessary to acknowledge the inspirations for certain aspects within it. Some important elements have been derived from the works of many dozens of authors laboring in at least three different shared universes approximately a decade ago. I wish to lovingly acknowledge the following inspirations:

The Blind Pig Universe (and its spin-offs) originally created by Mark van Sciver, and written within by over three dozen incredibly talented writers.

The Paradise Universe originally created by Jon Buck and written about by over two dozen astonishingly talented authors.

I also wish to acknowledge the influence and inspiration of the following resources and individuals:

The Transformation Stories Archive


The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Nick Bostrom, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy & Oxford Martin School

Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann, physicist

- Chatoyance, 2013

Side Notes:

The chapter titles come from quotations by Franz Kafka

Gregoria Samson is obviously based on Gregor Samsa

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