
I.D. - That Indestructible Something

by Chatoyance

Chapter 20: The Injectorverse

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The story of Gregoria Samson and her friend Rachel Priss has come to a conclusion. The ending is hopeful - it is certain that Rachel is healing, and possibly inevitable that she will one day regain full sapience. A happy, thriving secure colony of Equestrians has been established in Argentina, and they are creating, from scratch, Equestrian magical technology and culture.

But questions abound! When immortal Rachel recovers, will she be Rachel... or Celestia? Will she transform the entire simulated universe into Equestria, or not? Are there other godlike entities with such power waiting to enforce their own reality on the world in competition to Rachel? Are there Lovecraftian secrets hidden in that unaltered patch in Antarctica from a time before the Victorian rewrite? Who or what is doing the simulating, and what is the purpose of the simulation of the world? Can the simulators be contacted? Should they?

The governments of the top nations are out to control everything and to eliminate or contain the victims of Doe Injection. Will they come after the pony micro-nation? Are there still animal people, or fairies, or elves from before the Victorian transformation that want their world back? What about the Grays and the Sasquatches and the other lost victims of bugs in the cosmic program? What if some human with a nightmare fantasy became an Injector? Are there good groups out to help the changed?

If the world was converted into Equestria, what of the humans in the pockets that would resist the rewrite of reality? How much transformation can be allowed before the simulation is shut down? Could whatever happens when a John Doe injects code be used to escape the simulation entirely? What would out there, in the Big Machine?

These questions can be answered!

Just not by me.

This story is a manual. It provides the details and rules and structure of an entire new universe within which stories could be written. There are a lot of questions, so that means there is a lot of drama and potential available to anyone who might want to play within the Injectorverse.

Transformers meet ponies? Star Trek overlapping Dr. Who? Westerns intermixing with comic books? Anything is possible, any faction or group or crossover could happen. All it takes is one poor, doomed John or Jane Doe being written into the code of the universe.

We have a hopeful ending, but we also have a very large beginning.

If you want, of course.

My story is done. I hope you enjoyed it, or if it was too troubling to be enjoyed, I at least hope it blew your mind. 'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.

I open the Injectorverse to anyone who wants to play in it, and if nobody does, that is fine too.

I thank you all kindly, and with love, for reading my story.

- Petal Chatoyance, 2013

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