
My Mortal Big Brother

by Dash Attack

Chapter 16: The End of Peace Part 1: Changeling May Cry

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After six grueling hours of nonstop travel through swamp and forest, Shining and company had finally reached the streets of Baltimare. Concerned for the well-being of his party, Shining wasted no time in escorting them to St. Radiant Hope hospital to treat each their respective injuries.

“How may I help.” the elderly secretary asked as the group approached the front desk, tracking mud and grime all over the floor.

Shadow glided down to the floor and collapsed.

“He’s been hovering for hours.” Shining explained. “His leg got twisted by a falling tree.”

His eyes then turn to Baruburn, as he pointed to the red pussing wound on his back. “Braeburn got this about six hours ago, and it got infected while we were traveling through the swamp.”

The mare looked at them, a bit complexed. “What the heck happened to you boys. Don’t you know those swaps are dangerous ”

“Let’s just say the three of us have a had very, and I mean very long adventure,” he let out a reluctant sigh. “One that I fear is far from over.”

“I’m going to need some identification if you're going to be paying for their treatment. What is your name sir.”

Dammit! he thought. Even if I could lie my way out of this one, there no questions I’ve already on super thin ice with the spirits.

He sighed. He would much rather have kept his identity a secret, but with Prince Blueblood was gone and Equestria on the edge of a crisis, he realized he didn’t really have a reason to stay hidden.

“My name is Prince Shining Armor.” He told her. “And as a member of the royal family, our health care will be covered by the royal treasury.”

The secretary, who had seemed more preoccupied with fidgeting with her pencil than the three strange stallions in front of her, suddenly dropped it to look up.

“How can you live with yourself?” she sneered angrily. “Shining Armor died almost five days ago. Did you honestly think…”

She stopped when Shining shifted himself so that she could clearly his cutie mark. “You can have the doctors confirm its real.”

“But your … look… look…”

Shining tilted his head and smirked. “Not to sound cliche… but you look like somepony who’s just seen a ghost.”

The secretary shook her head and returned to looking gloomy and disinterested. “And you look pretty healthy for a dead pony. I don’t see why you want to be admitted as well.”

Shining sighed. “I need a somepony to help me restore my magic.”


As Twilight opened the door, her eyes fell on the younger of the two sisters Luna was sitting on her bed, facing the right wall away from the door.

“Is there something you want?” Luna murmured with a tinge of anger in her voice. “Don’t you have a meeting to prep for with the defense council.”

Twilight sighed as she reflected back to the previous day. After arriving in Canterlot, the first thing she and her friends did was seek out Princess Celestia and warn her about Sombra. However, when she finally spoke with her mentor, she learned that she was already under great mental stress.

From what Twilight gathered, Luna had apparently returned to Canterlot sometime after she and the other five elements went to go rescue Shining. Up till now, Celestia had been kept in the dark about everything up until this point. Realising she could no longer remain silent, Luna had told Princess about Shining Armor, the changelings, and her own involvement in the stallions quest for immortality.

“I just want to know how you are doing,” Twilight said. “I heard you and Celestia and you had a fight of sorts after you told her you took The Gem of Honesty from the castle.”

“It wasn’t pleasant,” Luna replied while heaving a sigh. “But I felt like she needed to know before the situation got worse, which it apparently has.”

Luna turned to face Twilight, a look of sadness on her face. “After you spoke with her yesterday, we had another fight. I haven’t seen her this angry before in a long time, especially since I’ve returned from my banishment three years ago. To see my sister of all ponies lose her composure like this, it only fills me with more guilt.”

Twilight fluttered over to the bed and placed a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “That does seem really out of place for the Princess.”

“Anger and fear can bring about the worst in ponies Twilight.” she said with a hint of remorse.
“Trust me, I would know. Having her adopted nephew, the elements, and the Empire taken from her and all right from under her nose, it's a lot to take. Even for beings like us. Even though we were both born from gods, being part of the physical world means being flawed.”

“That’s not exactly a bad thing,” replied Twilight with a comforting smile. “If anything it makes you two better leaders because you have empathy. That’s why even though I have these wings, I don’t really think of myself as any more important or special than I was before.”

Luna's lips curled into a light smile. “Celestia has taught you well Twilight Sparkle. Someday you shall become a far wiser Alicorn than even I.”

The two sat on the bed in silence for a long while, Twilight hoof still on Luna’s shoulder. After some time had passed, she withdrew and looked back up at Luna. “Will you be coming to the briefing this afternoon. I’m sure once the crisis is over you and Celestia will patch things up.”

“I have no doubt that seeing the situation at hoof will ease her frustration. Though she may still be crossed, she needs me now more than ever.”

“I know she does.” Twilight ensured her. “Anyway, I need to meet up with Rarity an hour before the briefing starts.”

The lunar prices tilted her head.“Why would you want to meet with her so close to the briefing?” Luna asked suspicions.

“It is a private matter,” she exclaimed “Let’s just say that I think there’s somepony there that may be able to help protect my brother. I’ve asked Rarity to speak in my stead.”

“I still don’t understand?” she said with a tilted brow. “This seems highly unorthodox, even for you Twilight. What are you trying to hide.”

Twilight sighed in defeat. “Guess there no sense beating around the bush. I’m sorry for not telling anyone, but the pony I asked Rarity to talk too… well, he doesn’t see himself as one.”


The Gleaming Hoof Club wasn’t the fanciest club Wasp frequented, but it was close. While many ponies did dress fancy, Wasp found that he able to disguise himself in simple attire. Tonight, however, was Friday, so he made extra sure his disguise was dressed to impress. Definitely one of the highest perks of being a changeling was never having to worry about clothing.

He sat in the front row of tables in a tuxedo, disguised as his original unicorn alter ego Firework! As he waited for the next performer to take the stage, he hoped that the musician would smile at him with delicious affection.

She was by far his favorite host to feed off of, though why he did not know. While he and she were acquainted, their relationship was just friends at best. Yet Wasp could tell that the mare was very attracted to him… and although he hated to admit it… he felt the same about her.

What is it about her that sets her apart from his other mares? he thought now as he often did. What was it about the grey earth pony that set this young musician apart from his other sources of food.

Wasp felt a pitch of guilt for think of his mare friend as a source. Why he did not know, only that Octavia was the only pony until recently who ever made him question himself. Not even his mother's predtishal teachings and loathing could bring him to lump this beautiful soul with the rest of the pony filth.

“Excuse me good sir.” a familiar voice rang in his ear. “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find somepony named Wasp?”

Wasp’s defensive instincts took over as he readied his right hoof and pointed it at the mare looming over his seat. When his eyes saw who it was, he took a quick relaxing breath of relief.

“Your with the Princess Twilight?” he said with a look of bewilderment, “One of the Elements. What are you doing here?”

“I’m terribly sorry good sir.” Rarity said with a bow. “Its rather important that I find this er… pony!”

“Great!” he muttered. He shook his head in frustration before giving Rarity a rather spiteful glare. “I hope you didn’t go around this whole joint asking for me.”

Rarity blinked in surprise “Oh, it’s you isn’t it. I swear it was only a few ponies I swear. Heavens you do have a nice taste in meeting places… for a changeling that is. Then again you're no ordinary changeling are you. Your something different, something unique.”

“Ladies and Gentlescolts.” A stallion on stage shouted. “It’s Friday, and that means it time to hear another ensemble from the very talented young composure, Octavia Melody.

“Damnit!” Wasp thought in frustration. He turned his head back.

“You need to follow me to the back,” he ordered. “There are always less ponies there.”

The disguised hybrid got up from his seat and lead Rarity to the very back of the club in a small empty corner table. They sat down and took their seats just a young grey earth pony centered onto the stage.

Wasp glared at Rarity in annoyance for ruining his evening to hear Ocatival preform. “I thought I told the Princess to tell Shining I’d be here if he needed me.” he inquired. “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear when I said my loyalties still belong to my hive, or what’s left of it anyways.”

“I remember.” admitted Rarity. “And no doubt Twilight does too. But these are desperate times, and if we are to save Cadance, Shining, and our friends, we need strong allies. Twilight would not have asked me to do this if she didn’t suspect that there might be some part of you that’s good.”

“That’s rich.” Wasp said rudely. “I might not be as hostile as my siblings or my drone relatives, but you're not going to win me over with any speeches about good and evil. I do what what’s best for me and what's best for the hive. I did what I had to do back at that castle. What happens to Shining or even Equestria is no concern of mine.”

Rarity observed Wasp over as she pondered on what to say. Meanwhile wasp eyes drew back to Octavia as she continued to play.

“King Sombra has possessed Prince Blueblood.” Rarity urgently whispered. “He has retaken the Crystal Empire and is holding Cadance and two of my friends captive. Equestria may be looking at the first war it's had in over a millennia unless Shining or the Princesses stop him before he decides to invade.”

“Need I remind you Equestria is my enemy?” he said, not showing any concern for the gravity of her words. “If the King of Monsters has returned, my queen will negotiate with him after she reorganizes the hive for a second time in the last decade. The queen may be quick to anger, but even us changeling know the legends of Sombra cruelty and power. Should it we fight him, it will not be at your side.”

“How could you be so…” she paused for a moment and observed Wasp for a bit. After a few moments of studying, a warm smile crossed her face as she a realisation dawned on her.

“You like that mare don’t you?” Rarity inquired coyly. “That’s the real reason why you had us move all the way to the back isn’t it?”

Wasp finding turned to addressed Rarity, his teeth shifting into fangs for a brief moment before quickly reverting back. “My kind hates ponies. That mare is nothing more than a source of food to me.” He scrunched his teeth a bit as he said that, as if he had something dishonest or applauding.

“I see you chose to ignore my second question?” she teased. “No need to get defensive darling. I may not know much about changings or hybrids, but if there's one thing I do know is when another pony has a crush.”

She put a hoof to her chest and slowly bent as if she was being swept away by wave. “Personally, I think it’s just simply romantic. I’m a big fan of romance novels you see, so I’m familiar with almost all the tropes and cliches. Still, there’s one trope are some that always still get me no matter every time I read, and that’s forbidden love.“

Wasp opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out.

“Shining Armor is in Baltimare right now waiting for his friend's leg to heal.” she said. “According to Twilight, Shining will be heading to Manehattan next. Please Wasp, I implore you to reconsidered. You told us back at the castle you needed to sort a few things out in your life. Helping us save Equestria could aid you in find who exactly you want to be.”

Do I not know who I want to be?

Wasp remained silent, as he pondered and reflected on what Rarity’s words. After a short debate with himself, Wasp sighed and looked up at Rarity. “I’ll do it. However only on the condition that….”

Rarity blinked as he stopped mid sentence. “What Darling?”

Looking past Rarity’s mane, he could see a group of bouncers standing by the exit. This would be normal were it not for the fact that there was two more than there should have been and that they were guarding the exit as opposed to the entrance . The only reason to stand guard for over an exit is to keep beings from leaving.

Wasp got up from his seat and leaned forward and whispered cautiously into Rarity ear. “You have to leave now! Go through the door behind you and head down the hall till you find the exit.”

“What ever for darling?” she asked, unsure of Wasp’s change in tone.

Wasp drew in closer. “It’s not safe here anymore, you have to leave now before they isolate the perimeter. Have you drank anything since you got here.”

Rarity shook her head as her body began to shake. “Uhh...no.”

“Then run, and if somepony tries to stop you, assume they mean to kill you. I don’t know why they're here, but my kind doesn’t leave witnesses during a hornets nest procedure.”

Wasp could hear the quickening of Rarity’s breath as the gravity as the situation became clear. Slowly, she got up from her seat before breaking into made a dash for the hallway door. He figured she was probably heading to get the authorities, though he knew every pony in the club would be dead before they even got here.

Cautiously, Wasp got up from his own seat and started making his way back towards the front.

Volucris, please tell me she didn't drink anything before the show.

As he continued down the alley, his eyes diligently surveyed the room for any threats. When he was halfway down, he noticed that an astonishing number of the ponies appeared to have their heads resting on the tables. Even stranger, they all had half empty wine glasses next to them. To everypony else, it looked as though these patrons were just from taking one too many sips. Wasp knew better.

“My wife has no pulse!” A stallion in the far right aisle shouted. Everyone including Wasp stopped what they were doings. The stallion frantically shook the sleeping mare next to him “Honey wake up! Please. Quick, sompony call a par….”

Wasp felt a rush of wind blow past him, followed by terrifying screams as ponies all across the room were suddenly beheaded an almost unseen force. To the unobserved, it would appear as though the attack was invisible. Yet those who with keen eyes who still drew breath could make a out rainbow like blur in the room, yet none were quick enough to avoid it.

On instinct. Wasp dropped his disguise and summoned his bladed hoof and prepared to parry. However, in the few seconds it took for him to do this, the blur had come to a halt on the stage.

Now there was only one pony in the room left screaming. Octavia screamed as a black figure with a rainbow mane loomed behind her, with a kantan floating ring besides her voicebox. By now, the ponies that had not been slay started to shed their true forms, slowly making there way to surround Wasp. But the hybrid paid them no mind, as he stared up at the stage at his brother, as he threatened the life of his friend.

“Let her go Bitz!”. he shouted, still ready himself for a parry, “Why are you idiots doing this!? I would give my own life for the hive, for our queen, our mother!”

“Not loyal enough it seems?” a voice from behind him shouted. Wasp turned his slightly to see his brother Venom approaching down the aisle. “Rumor has it you saved Shining Armor back at the castle. Princess Coon herself has even accused you of letting him out of his cell.”

“Tell us Wasp.” Bitz blurted. “Don’t lie or I will kill your marefriend.”

Octavia looked down at Wasp and blinked?

“Wait… Firework?! she muttered with tons of betrayal. “You were… a changeling this whole time!”

“Octavia.” he shouted. “You don’t understand…”

“Don’t you see Wasp!” Blitze burted. “Ponies and changelings will always be enemies. We are abominations of their own making after all. We reminder that that there kind is neither pure nor peaceful. Underneath their colorful fur and manes, they too have a dark shell.”

“I already lectured dear old Dad about our origins.” Wasp shouted. “I have not been tricked by the ponies. However, I’m just now realising how much I prefer their company over the rest of you. Being forced to hate almost every pony around me while trying to sustain my own life; it’s a bit exhausting after awhile.”

“Think we are getting a little off topic. Vennom said.“Just tell the truth Wasp. Did you help Shining Armor? Did you betray the hive?”

“You would make me an enemy of the hive based scattered information gathered by the drones.”

“But didn’t you just say you would give your life for the hive?” Bitz said. “That alone tells me just how self severing you really are Wasp.”

“I am not a traitor!” Wasp screamed.

“And don’t think I’ve forgot about our little talk back at the castle. Between this earth pony and your father, you’ve become corrupted.”

“Well I guess it’s my fault for actually think I could be loyal and still be able to make my own damn judgments. It’s not like I’m not the only member of the thirteen that tries to enjoy life outside our gloomy little hive?”

“They to will be dealt with in time.” Venom bursted as he broke into maddening laugh. “But in the meantime Wasp, mother has given you one more chance at redemption for you before make an example out of you.

“Right now Shining Armor has a reason to trust you,” Bitz said. “If you kill him for the hive, we will release the mare.”

Wasp let out a bitter laugh. “That’s strange, either Shining powers have leaked into me, or you’re the worst liar to come out of the brood. We both know you don’t have an ounce of mercy in you Bitz.”

Blitz snickered and drew the blade closer to Octavia throat.

“Yeah. I just thought I bust your balls one more time for old times sake. You are still my sibling after all squirt. Giving you false hope would be way too cruel. I might as well kill her now and be done with it.”


One of the drones called out. “The guard is coming!”

Bitz scowled. “How did they get here this quickly!”

It must have been Rarity. Wasp thought. She was able to escape and warn the guard. If I attack now while he’s distracted, I might be able to hit him and save Octavia. The only time I’ve ever been able to keep up with him was when he gets distracted.

With cat like reflexes, Wasp seamlessly shifted his sword into a gun and fired at Bitz. Bitz eyes returned back to waps just as the bullet lodged into his chest. However, even as Bitz began to fall, his horn was still glowing.

“Octavia!” Wasp screamed. Desperately, he jumped into the air and glided towards the her, eyes focused on the blade. He attempted to seize control away from Bitz with his own magic but the sword was was already inches away from her throat. By the time he was able to toss the sword into the corner the blade had already grazed her neck. As her body toppled forward, a mortified Wasp reached out to catch her. Just before the grey mare fell into his grasp, his eyes made contact with a chitinous black hoof. As his vision faded, he could hear the sounds of charging hoofsteps and clanking armor.


“Are you awake Wasp!” Twilight's voice echoed into his ears.

Wasp lifted his head, and saw the Princess through a pair of prison bars. If not for his anxiety, he might have laughed at this ironic turn of events. Instead, he got up moved to the closer?

“What about Octavia?” he asked. “Octavia Melody. It took me till today to admit it to myself, but I love her Twilight. Please tell me she’s still alive.”

Twilight sighed. “I’m very sorry Wasp. Yes she is alive. A unicorn was able to stop the bleeding with his magic until medics could arrive. However, from what I’ve heard, her voice box was severely damaged.”

He took a step back as Twilight's horn flashed and the cell door opened.

“What happened Blitz…” he shouted. “Please tell me Bitz is dead.”

“Blitz” Twilight asked?

“The hybrid with the rainbow mane just like your pegasus friend.” he said. “He was made with her DNA.”

“I’m afraid he must have been the one that got away.” Twilight said. “The other was killed during the raid.”

Was said nothing.

“Listen, it’s important that you tell me exactly what happened to today. Why did the changelings attack the Gleaming hoof?”

“To punish me for saving your brother.” Wasp snapped as his wings flared up. He hovered as close to the bars as he could and pointed at Twilight.

“I’m so sorry about Octavia, Wasp.” Twilight said. “I promise once the crisis with Sombra is over, Princess Celestia will see that those responsible will pay.”

“But there my family Twilight.” Wasp shouted. “There all the family I’ve ever know. And now Octavia has seen what I truly am, and has suffered because I was careless. I didn’t mean to fall in love. I thought she would be just like all the others… and now…”

His eyes started to water as he broke into tears right in front of her. In response Twilight reached out and tapped Wasp on his shoulder from between the bars.

“You know, I've read changelings are incapable of crying.” Twilight inquired. “If you help my brother on his quest, I promise to accept you as a member of my family, and I’m sure Shining will do the same.”

Wasp shook his head and looked up at Twilight, tears still dripping down the side of his cheek. “Thank for the offer Princess.” he said with uncertainty. “I’ll at least consider the offer. I am however, will to go on this quest if you promise to keep Octavia safe. No doubt Blitz or the others will try to come after her once they find out she survived today.”

Twilight nodded. “We already have highly trained unicorn soldiers watching over her around the clock. Is there anything else. Rarity said something about you wanting money.”

“That no longer matters anymore.” Wasp muttered. “The only other things I want from you is to be able to see Octavia right now as her coltfriend, Firework.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m not even suppose to be here Wasp. I can’t let you out of the cell.”

“And here I thought you were a princess.” he said sarcastically.

“Just hold out till tomorrow,” she responded with a more authoritative tone. “By then I should be able to convince the security council to release you and give you permission to see Octavia at the hospital. In the meantime, I’ll ask for additional security for her room. That should at least help you rest easy tonight.”

Wasp nodded. “Perhaps our religion is wrong about you. Maybe there are more decent ponies in this world than I thought. I’ve done some terrible things in the short time I’ve been alive Twilight. I’ve killed soldiers, I helped abduct Equestria’s citizens, and I’ve broken the hearts of so many mares, all out of blind devotion for my psychotic mother. Tell me, do you really think you can forgive me for all that.”

“If your willing to redeem yourself.” Twilight said. “Than I’ll know you truly regret your crimes, and are willing to become a new stallion.”

Wasp smirked. “Now if only my mother could have been so forgiving, and maybe I’d still be on her side.”

Author's Notes:

Major thank you for Kamunari for his kick ass editing and feed back. I was hoping to touch upon more scean's so that we can get back to Shining, but this whole set up with Wasp just took so much more time than I thought it would. After all this time without updates, your probably all sick of build up anyway, but I feel like rushing to the finish will only hurt the story in the long run.

I'm hoping to get more updates this summer, and maybe get to some of my other neglected works if time allows. This chapter was rough, but am very satisfied with the final result. Again, I need to thank Kumanri for helping pointing out some details I overlooked and making so great suggestions that undoubtedly improved this chapter.

If anyone is confused since it has been a long time, PM me and I'll try and get you caught up with the story. Thank you all for getting this far in the story, and for your patients. You don't know how much I missed the join of posting a new chapter.

Next Chapter: The End of Peace Part 2: Umbrum Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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