
My Mortal Big Brother

by Dash Attack

Chapter 15: What Matters Most

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Shining Armor frantically dashed out of the castle and made a beeline for the draw bridge. Fear and guilt had all but consumed his mind, as his hooves made contact with the rickety wood. Behind him, he could hear sound of hooves, wings, and voices of his friends.

“Shining!” the voices cried out in unison. “Come Back!”

Despite their cries, Shining continued his course, even though deep down knew he was unlikely to escape. To his fortune, glimmer of hope came upon him when his eyes spotted the marshlands of Hayseed Swamp about twenty five yards from his position. Lacking earth pony stamina or magical assistance, Shining knew that outrunning two pegasi, one alicorn, and a bat pony were beyond slime. Even in his emotional state of panic, his tactical intuition had not deserted him. Knowing who he was up against, he figured the thicket would provide cover from the airborne ponies who he assumed were planning to get the drop on him. Additionally, they would be force speeders like Dash to fly lower to the ground at a much steadier pace if they hoped to navigate thru the large clusters of trees without crashing. All he had to do was make it there and find a good place to hide.

The worried prince bolted towards the entrance to the swamp, not once turning back to look behind him. As he ran he thought about the ponies couched in preparation for the upcoming Equestrian Games, gratefully that he too took part in there track meets. Still, everypony knew unicorns aren’t natural born runners. He reminded himself repeatedly in his head, know that the moment got tired, the chase would be over, and he be no closer to saving his dearly beloved.

The Shining got around three or four feet away from the swamp, he heard something speeding towards him. Wasting no time, he leaped forward just Rainbow Dash was about to collide with him. He heard a sharp moan and a loud thud, but he made no attempt to turn back to see if she was alright. For a moment, he thought he could hear Grace’s voice calling out to him, but figured it was just his imagination.

His decision to use the swamp turned out to work out better than he had hoped. The swamps many obstacles were definitely slowing the others down. He could hear a voice that sounded like Rarity shrieking to about mud, prove that she truly was obsessed with cleanliness as Twilight had told him once in a letter.

As the chase dragged on, the sounds of flapping and clopping became lessened silently. After about an hour of no stop running, night had finally fallen. Shining turned his head back to see who was still pursuing him. Amidst the dark he could see Shadow and Braeburn gaining ground on him. He figured the Threstril’s keen senses and Brae’s athletic stamina were helping them stay ahead of everypony else despite the rough swampy terrain the marsh provided. It wouldn’t be long before they caught him, since he could already feel his legs starting to fatigue. Already he could feel himself tiring out, as he gradually began to run slower.

No! He shouted silently in his head. I won’t let them stop me from saving my wife and child! I have to keep running… Yet I’m...So tired! Huh? That’s odd. What’s going on with my tail?

A weird sensation the likes of which he never felt before coursed through his body, as he suddenly as it began to move erratically against his will.

Why’s my tail...twitching like that?

Shining heard a loud snapping sound from above him. Instinctively, he dived into a nearby clearing crouched beside a nearby tree. Not a moment later, he heard a loud thud, followed by the two startled yelps of his companion.

Cautiously, he peaked to see what had happened. He gasped as he gazed upon a massive tree branch that had narrowly avoided. Although his vision was obscured by the large cluster of leaves, he could hear the voice from the other side moaning in pain.

“Is everypony ok!” Shining shouted, not caring if he was giving away his position.

“Shining!” Shadow shouted in pain, struggling to breathe. “Please... help us. I think Braeburn's out cold, and I can’t feel my left hind leg. If you have any sanity left, some assistance would be nice. ”

Now’s your chance, A voice inside him echoed. “Leave them for the others to rescue. Go get the other gems and save Cadance! Save your unborn child! Set things right again! DO IT NOW!”

Shining shook his head, expelling the idea before it could take route. He could justify leaving Rainbow Dash because he figured she was not critically injured. This however, was something he could not, and would not ignore, even with the haunting images of Cadence chained to the floor still fresh in his mind.

Taking a long deep breath, Shining brought himself back sprinted around the debris. His eyes then found his friends, one flapping his wing in attempt to free his hind leg, the other lying on his back with bleeding forehead. Using his mouth, he reached into the large saddlebag he had taken earlier and drew out Luna sword from its sheath. He looked down at Shadow, "This is going to take some time without magic,” he said, his voice muffled by the hilt in his maw. “Especially since I’m not used to using this thing with my mouth.”

With a one clumsy swing Shining was able to hack the branch in half, free his friend.

Wow! He thought to himself as saw his blade glowing with blue light. I forgot this swords get’s stronger at night.
Thanks to the blades power to become stronger at night. Shining was able to slice through the bark like it was butter. When he was sure had become loose enough for him to free the other, he rushed to Braeburns side. After placing his fallen stance back atop the cowpony's bleeding head, Shining dragged the stallion's unconscious body to a nearby tree. Once was he was sure Braeburn was still breathing, he ran back to fetch Shadow.

“Can you move your legs Shadow?” asked the prince as he brought Braeburn to rest under a nearby tree.

“I can one of them might be broken.” Shadow said, wincing. “It’s hard to tell. There’s a lot of pain.

“Hang on I'll be right over.” Shining rushed over to rescue his friend, but when he knelt down to grab him, he was meant with a swift jab in the face.

“Owe!” Shining shouted a bit louder than he intended. “What the hell was that for?”

“I’m the one who should be asking that question.” said Shadow. “What could have spooked you so badly you would run would take off like that. If you were serving in my unit, I would have had you put on trial for desertion.”

“I’m no longer a member of the guard.” the prince protested.

“Like hell you aren’t.”

“I don’t need protecting!” Shining snapped. “It’s everypony else that needs protecting! I was supposed to keep them safe, but I let my jealousy and fears get in the way of that!”

“Claim your flank Armor!” Shadow shouted. “You may be a prince, you may be a former captain, and you may have both my admiration and my friendship, but you are still my responsibility! Just tell me why you would abandon us all after we waited for you to recover.”
Everything his friend was had said was gradually lifting the fog of anxiety that had been shrouding his thoughts. The unicorn rubbed his face, as he felt that he may have bleeding, which it turned out he was upon expanding his hoof. He wasn't bothered or angry by this. If anything he figured he had it coming. Now that things had settled down, he could finally think clearly.

“Look I’m sorry” he protested. “I couldn’t explain myself clearly earlier. Something happened back at the castle that forced me to panic. Please Shadow,” he pleaded, “let me pull you out from there and I’ll explain. You have every right to be angry at me, but at least you’ll hear me out.”

Shadow glared heatedly up at him, before letting out a sigh of relief. “So you haven’t completely lost it. Thank Luna! Help me over to where you put Braeburn then tell me everything.”


“And that’s why I took off like that.” said Shining as continued his retelling of the events between him, Twilight, and Entropy! “In that moment, I thought I could do it on my own. I couldn’t wait time planning my next move knowing my wife is suffering. In hindsight, I know it was stupid and suicidal, but if what he says is true, Cadence is being tormented becomes of the choice I chose to make.”

“Couldn’t you tell if he was lying or not?” Shadow asked, as he lay besides Braeburn next to the tree. “You still have that ability don’t you?”

“It must not work on draconequus. Probably because of their unpredictable nature and motivations. Point is he’s holding me and Twilight responsible for screwing up the future. Even if what he's says is just time-travel/alternate reality mumbo jumbo, he’s still holding me responsible for this whole chain of events. Worse, he thinks that no matter what reality I’m, it’s my destiny to live in my family's shadows. That really pissed me off!”

“Why should that matter!?” Shadow protested.

“Because maybe sometimes I do feel like I’m living in their shadow.”

Shadow shook his head. “Don’t put too much stock in that monster words Captain.”

“But if he’s right, what if it is all my fault, what if all of this was never meant to happen, what if I’m not really the pony these gems were meant for, what if this real is a branch in time that was never meant to exist.”

Shining's head slumped down as he struggled to hold back tears. “It really is all my fault. I let Sombra manipulate me. He knew exactly what strings to pull, using both my love and the inner jealousy of them. Believe me Shadow, before the coronation, I felt nothing but contempt for my life. But when I saw Twilight with those wings, something came over me. Something I tried to suppress, because I was also really proud.”

There was long moment of silence before Shadow placed a hoof on Shining’s shoulder.

“Jealousy is a natural emotion that most creatures have, especially amongst siblings.”

“Not for us though,” Shining said. “That’s not the pony I am… or was. Even though I always knew growing up Twilight was destined for greatness, I never let that get in my way. In my mind's eye, we were both two siblings with separate but equal destinies. She was going to be Celestia's star protégé, and me the leader of Equestria’s military. Then, I got married and became a prince of an Empire. It’s funny, I used to fantasize about that in high school, but I never thought it would actually happen.”

MLP:FiM Issue 11

“So if I understand this correctly, the fact that you’ve never felt jealous about your sister before all this makes you feel like you’ve betrayed her.”

Shining nodded sadly. “Yes, and Cadence as well. During Twilight's coronation, I teared up because of how proud I was of her. But even when I tried to deny it, I knew deep down I envied her, and still do. She earned her wings and her title, and all I did was convince the most beautiful mare in the world I was somepony special. But can you really blame me? With Equestria being mostly matriarchal, her being an alicorn princess would always mean more than me being an ordinary unicorn prince solely by marriage. For the first time in my life, I felt inferior to both Cadance and Twilight. WE had both reached the pinnacle of what we could become; only she became something far greater than I could ever strive to be. In my mind, I feared there was nothing more I could do for them or anypony else.

“Wait!” Shadow said in surprised. “Are you saying this is what truly motivated you to risk your life and embark on this journey?”

“Of course not!” Shining shouted defensively, jerking his head forward. After a moment of silence his shoulders slouched and lowered his head. “At least,” he muttered softly “That’s what I’ve been telling myself up till now. To be perfectly honest, I’m no longer sure myself what I wanted more out of this journey. Was it all for their benefit, or more for me! “

Tears poured down Shining eyes as his voice grew louder “Hell! I told the Spirit of Honesty himself that I thought my quest to be selfish during my first trial! That alone suggest that maybe this was all just a petty endeavor, and that Cadence is in pain because I put myself before her and my son!”

Shining smashed his hoof against a pebble, spitting it into several tiny pieces.

Closing his eyes, Shadow let out a deep sighed and shook his head. “You’ll drive yourself to mad with that train of thought. He opened his eyes back up and stared into the former captains tear filled eyes. “Shining my friend you have to forget what Entropy said about you, and you need to forgive yourself for having these feelings. I’m almost positive you didn’t take this journey with only yourself in mind. Nobody thinks of others the way you do. I know this because I see parts of myself in you and your actions. You are a protector Shining Armor, just like me. It’s in your name, it’s on your mark, and I’ve seen it in your time and time again. You may not be proud of your flaws, but even Celestia and Luna aren’t perfect, godly as they are. Like everypony else, you have fears, dreams, and desires. Life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t me we can’t do our best to change it.”

Shining looked into Shadow and saw the sincerity in his yellow eyes, as he saw him struggling to say something.

“Can I tell you a secret about myself to help emphasize my point” Shadow asked nervously. “It’s going to sound weird and unrelated to what we are talking about, but bare with me. This is all going to tie back to what I was saying.

Shining nodded as he wondered what Shadow was about to tell him. “You don’t have to be nervous.” he assured him. “You can trust me.”

“Ok then... well.” Shadow replied as out a deep breath as he tried to muster his courage despite knowing deep down that Shining was trustworthy. “Do you remember if told you about my kind being an endangered, or that there aren’t a lot of us left?”

Shining nodded. “Yeah, you briefly brought mentioning that just before we left Luna’s castle. I think you also said something a potion to turn pegasi into thestrals”

Willing pegasus” he corrected. “If the potion turns ponies against their will, Princess Celestia and the Equestrian Potion Society won’t legally approve it. Forcing anypony or creature to change its race against its will is highly unethical, even under these extremely circumstances.”

“But wouldn’t that make the research that much harder?”

Shadow nodded. “Indeed, but that’s beside the point. What if I was to tell you that there was another reason why I want this potion to be made other than the salvation of my species.”

Shining blinked. “I can’t think of any at the moment. But what does this have to do with anything?”

Shadow let out one of his signature hearty chuckles, though the thestrals laugh had more of an anxious and forced feel to it this time. “Well, this is where the ‘secret’ part of what I have to say comes into play. You see, when I retire from the guard, it is will be my duty to find a loving wife and bear children. I may risk the extinction of my race if I fail to do this.”

“Do you, not want either of those things?” Shining asked. “I’m not sure what the problem is?”

“It’s not that." Shadow said blushing. "I want kids, but I am fine with not having them if I ended falling in love with…” The batpony stopped and looked away, uncertain if he should continue.”

“With…?" Shining urged. "its okay, you can tell me.”

“I mean if I fell in love with a stallion instead of a mare.” Shadow mumbled.

“Wait! You mean you're a... colt cuddler!?” Shining said in shock, not sure what to make of this revelation.

Shadow sighed and lowered his head. “I like both sexes Shining, and I’m ashamed about it either. I came to terms with this a long time ago, but I’ve mostly kept it to myself. Since I’m nervous around none other ponies anyway because of thestrals prejudice, I figure why make things harder for myself by advertising it to everypony. Plus, since it’s my obligation to have children to ensure the survival of my kind, share this info with other threstrals might cause some of them to panic about whether or not I’ll take a wife. ”

Shining took a depth, doing his best not to appear judgmental in front of his friend. “I must say I admire you for putting the survival of kind first over yourself, but at the same time feel bad. Cadance also has an appreciation for both and had gone on dated a couple mares and stallions before we hooked up with me.” He could feel his legs shake with anxiety as his mind thought back to Cadance. “Anyways, you have my sympathies, but I don’t see how any of this is supposed to make me forgive myself for screwing Equestria over.”

Afraid Shining might gallop away at any moment, Shadow reached and placed a hoof on Shining shoulder .Shadow turned away, pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts before turning his attention back to the prince “If my kind finds the potion, I could probably be more selective in who I chose to be my soul mate. As of right now, if I were to choose a stallion, I’d be gambling the survival of my race. If I had the potion, I wouldn’t have to limit myself should the pony I love be a stallion.”

Shining eyes widen as he took in the gravity of Shadows words.

Shadow let out a light hearted chuckle. “I think you're starting to see my point. It’s true, there times I feel like I’m hoping for that potion just so I can make an excuse to do a little colt cuddling. However, I know in my heart that’s not the main reason I want it. What I really want is to see to it that my kind lives on. These I know to be true with all my heart and I believe deep down you know you would never leave your family unless you didn’t have their interests in mind. Fear and jealousy may have had a helping hand in your direction to take on this quest, but it is your love for family that has given you the strength to rise above all the challenges we’ve faced so far. That alone should tell you that you truly are fighting for them first and yourself second.”

That’s the truth. His instincts replied, which Shining interpreted as The Spirit of Honesties way of affirming all that Shadow said. The unicorn could feel a surge of hope and confidence rising within him, in response to Shadows speech.

“I hope you don’t mind me adding my two bits to this discussion!” Shining turned his head around, once again surprised by the sudden appearance of his sister as she fluttered towards him.”

“How long were you been listening!?” Shining yelped. “How much did you hear?”

“I came midway during your recap of our little chat with Entropy” Twilight exclaimed as she exchanged looks with both stallions, smirking a bit when she her eyes fell on Braeburn for a brief moment before bring her attention back to the others. “I hope you two can forgive me for eavesdropping, especially you Shadow. I was waiting for the right time to give my brother over here a piece of my mind.”

She turned her head back to the stallion in question. “However after hearing your reason for running away, and about your guilt, I feel like it’s my duty as your sister to let you know how I feel.”

She landed next to him and placed a hoof on her brother's cheek.

“I understand how you might feel about this sudden change in our lives. I’m still shocked myself. I don’t think any less of you for feeling the way you feel. To be honest, probably feel the same as you if our roles were reversed. However, you didn’t have to risk your own life for us. You only be causing us to feel the pain you say you want to protect us from. I’m positive Cadance and I, would never forget you, no matter how long we live. You are underplaying all that you’ve done already for Equestria. You should never have doubted yourself or us for that matter. I’ll admit the idea of living for millenia scares me, but if there one lesson I’ve learned from you, it’s how to be strong. That’s how I know I’ll never forget you. As Cadance, I know for a fact she loves you with all her heart Shining. I’m also not as upset as you may think, because I too fell victim to Sombra's fear magic, and know how unsettling it is to fall victim to it.”

Twilight took a moment let out small sigh. “You also shouldn’t take everything Entropy said to heart. He may know more about the fabric of time then we do, but he doesn't know you the way I know you. Who is he to say you aren’t the one those gems are meant for… besides a chaotic time traveling entity that is. Before I was going to try and stop you from risking your life for these gems. However, with Sombra back in control of the empire and the elements separated from each other, Equestria may need a new alicorn.

“Wait!” Shining said stuttering. “You're encouraging me now. Also, I no longer want immortality or wings. I’m going to destroy Sombra with a single wish and be done with it.”

“But it’s not your wish to make Shining,” the alicorn reminded him. “It will be your heart that decides, and from what I heard, it sounds like you still really want your original wish. However, even if we can’t wish him away, we could still use the power of the staff to even the odds.”

Before she could react, Shining reached and squeezed his sister tightly. “Sometimes it truly feels like you're the older siblings. I’m not sure if it’s because you're so smart or I’m just a dope. Maybe it's both. I’m sorry again for putting our family through all this, and for whatever part I had in bringing that monster back. Though mark my words Twilight, I will find those gems, survive the trials. Then I’m going to finish Sombra off once and for all and save Cadance.”

“But you won’t be doing it alone your Excellency” Braeburn called from behind him. Legs still wrapped around Twilight, Shining turned to see Braeburn lift himself off the ground and trot towards him.

“How long have you been awake?” Shining asked with a soft smile as another burden was lifted from his mind.

“A few moments ago” Braeburn replied, causing Shadow to let out a deep sigh of relief. “I’m a little foggy on some of the details. I think I heard you guys mention Princess Cadance is in trouble. Shining, I’m still in debt to you for not only saving my flank twice, but rescuing my humble town. I promise I’m going to help you do what needs to be done to return the favor. Plus, I always dreamed of saving a Princess ever since I was a young colt.”

Shining chuckled. “I’m glad. I’m sure we’ll need you if anymore Changelings try to brawl with us again.” he then turned his attention back to Twilight. “You should probably head back to your friends and prepare to head to Canterlot. Entropy may have gotten a couple of things wrong about our family, but he was right. Celestia and Luna will need your strength should Sombra try to mount an attack.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s what I was planning to do, but what about you big brother?” She turned her head towards his companions. “Shadows leg looks kind of twisted, and I think I can see some blood dripping from underneath Brea’s hat.”

Shining glanced back at the two and turned to Twilight. “As far as I can tell, Shadow is still capable of flying. We're going to head to the closest city, which if I’m not mistaken is Baltimare. I’ll find Shadow a doctor there for his leg, and make sure Braeburns wound get’s disinfected. From there, it’s on to the next gem I guess. I have a map leading to two of them stuffed in some interdimensional pocket in my ear.”

“Wait, what?!” Twilight said in confusion.

“I don’t even know,” said Shining. “The laughter power makes as much sense as to why my tail started twitch when that branch fell.”

Twilight eyes widened. “Wait! Your tail twitched when a something fell. Since when do you have Pinkie Sense?”

Shining tilted his head. “Pinkie, what now?”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s nothing. Just promise me you’ll come back alive.”

Shining nodded. “You have my word Twily. When this is all over, our family will be safely will triumph over this evil stronger than ever. Just make sure you yourself stay safe.” He then turned to look at Shadow with a worried look in his eye. “Can you fly?”

Shadow nodded and levitated himself up off the ground with a few gentle flaps. A warm toothy grin came over his face as he let out another chuckle. “Everything seems to be in order.”

After giving each other one last hug, the two siblings waved goodbye to each other, each praying for the others safety. The younger sister took off into the air towards the ruined changeling castle, and the older brother and his companions moved deeper into the thicket of the swamp. In their hearts, neither of them truly wanted to part, and in their minds they knew that time would not wait for them. There was a storm coming, and its name was evil.


Back at the Castle, Gaffer, 8-Bit, and Poindexter sat at the castle alongside Rainbow, Pinkie, and Rarity. All six having stopped the chase hours ago, eagerly awaited the two siblings to return. When the door flew open, Rainbow and Gaffer jumped out of his seat and sped towards the end of the room.

“Shining!” Gaffer cried out

“Twilight!” Rainbow shouted in unison with the stallion.

To their dismay, only the latter entered the room.

“Twilight, darling!” Rarity cried out, as the others jumped out of their seats and gathered around the Princess. “I take it you were unsuccessful at finding your brother.”

The alicorn shook her head and proceeded to tell the group about Entropy and her encounter with Shining in the woods.

“So you let him go, with only two injured ponies as to look out for him?” Poindexter pointed.

Twilight looked at Graffer with sadness in her eyes. “It was not an easy decision to make. After listening to his conversation with Shadow, I know this is something he needs to do. I wanted to go with him, but Celestia and Luna will need me and my friends back in Canterlot. I’m going to go find Princess Luna in the dreamscape to warn her about Sombra. I’ll ask if she could send a chariot for the six of us, since ours can only carry two ponies with three pegasus pulling it.”

8-bit groaned. “But can’t just leave him like this.”

Twilight sighed. “Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be. The girls, looks like we’ll be sleeping in the east wing for one more night.”

“Oh thank Celestia!” wooed Rarity. “This beds are simply dreadful and disease ridden.”

“Well one more night ain't gonna kill ya.” blurted Dash as she flew towards the open door that led into the hall. “As for me, I’m about to go pass out a nice fluffy cloud.”

“Just don’t over sleep!” squealed Pinkie Pie.

“If she does I’ll find her and wake her up.” Twilight said.

As the four mares went to go get some much needed rest, the three boys were left with each other. They stood there in silence until Poindexter opened his mouth to speak.

“Do you think Rarity was checking me out at all?”

“Dude!” Gaffer shouted. “Now is not the time to be thinking about mares, as unfortunate as that may be. One of our best friends is out a bloody suicide mission. I for one am not going to just sit on my flank and write a best seller about it. I think it’s time us nerds help our paladin role a twenty on King Sombra.”

“That’s great and all.” Poindexter said sarcastically “But what can a game designer, an account, and a fantasy author” protested going to do for a former guard captain and current prince of an Empire? Like it or not, Shining Armor is not the meek dork we knew from school anymore.”

A devious smirk formed on Gaffer furious. “Once a nerd always a nerd my good friend. Prince or not, Shining is still one of us. As for what we are going to do, well gentlemen, I found something a few days ago. Follow me.”

Curiously, the 8-bit and Poindexter followed their green main friend through out of the room and full of corridors. Eventually they came to a room with a black plank nailed onto it. On the plank, written in bold black letters was a single word.

With a wicked smile, Gaffer pushed the door open, and the three of them gazed in awe. Inside filled with rows armor, swords, and spears.

“Dude!” Gaffer’s friends said in unison. “No freaking way!”

“It gets better.” said Gaffer. I found this prototype weapon on this bench near the back One of these changelings must be an inventor or something .because I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. However, the sucker left his notes on how to operate it, and it looks awesome.

the two of them exchanged curious glances at each other before following the eager Gaffer into the room until they came to a bench. They stood still they watched their friend strapped a back cone shape object onto his front hoof.

“What the heck is that?” 8-bit asked?

“It’s a hoof pistol!” yelled Gaffer. “I’m not sure what that means though, but according to the notes you're supposed to ‘load it with bullets and pull the trigger with magic, and you got yourself a dead pony.’ I think who ever made this thing might be a lunatic, but if we run into that Sombra guy, I’m sure it will come in handy.”

“I’d try testing it before you go using that.” said Poindexter. “Sounds, like it’s pretty lethal.”

Gaffer unstrapped the device with his magic and placed it back on the bench. “I’ll put it in my saddlebag later. Anyway, gentlemen, suit up and pick a weapon. It’s high time this group of friends roll the dice and go on a real quest.”

Poindexter and 8 bit looked at their friend, then at the rows of armor and weapons. Eventually their turn their attention back to Gaffer and nodded.

“Well than fella’s.” the unicorn smirked. “Let’s gear up and roll some twenties!”

Author's Notes:

Today's edits were brought to your by CourageFire! After haveing so many down beat chapters of late, it's good to see that there is hope in the darkness.

Also, to give credit where credit is do, that last scean with Shining Friends was inspired by one of the lost songs from Disney's Aladdin most of witch were restored for the Broadway adaptation I saw over the summer. Just for a bit of context the scans involves Aladdin's three friends (witch were added for the play version) finding out that he's been arrested by Jafar. So What's the most logical course of action. Charge the palace and start killing the guards, wile singing!

End Theme for this chapter is called "High Adventure!"


Next Chapter: The End of Peace Part 1: Changeling May Cry Estimated time remaining: 37 Minutes
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