
A Colt's Darkness

by GimmyJibbsJr

Chapter 1: Waking up

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Ponyville, a peaceful little place with kind, generous, loyal, honest, and funny friends. There was always a wonderful, almost magical vibe that radiated from the village. However, it does have its fair share of bad times. Like the day somepony woke from his slumber. In the hospital, there were many kinds of patients. The sick, the insane, the deformed., and those stuck in comas. However, the coma patients are usually left unattended. It wasn't very often one of them woke up. It was even less frequent for a pony to fall into a coma. However, there was a nurse on duty one day. Just admiring the sun that had been brought to her and the other ponies of the world by the Princess. She had been watching over the few ponies who were in a coma. There were only two of them, so it wasn't to bad. It wasn't like they would request anything anyways. It was usually silent, even quieter than the night. She could hear practically anything. As she stared out of the window, daydreaming, she heard a noise. She whipped around to see a thin purple aura surround one of the patients. She ran over and swatted it away, only to hear the purple Earth pony colt moaning and shifting in his bed.

"What is this?" The nurse mumbled to herself. She finally took notice of the colt when he rolled over. She was truly shocked. "I have to get help..." She said before running off. However, she left before hearing the colt utter his first words.

"Jack... Is... Back...."

*Inside the colt's mind*

One normal day, sun shining, food cooking, and smiling mother, a young boy ran down the stairs to see that a large amount of food sat on the kitchen table.

"Hi Mom!" The boy called as he jumped onto a chair and began eating. The mother llookedover to him and smiled.

"Good Morning, Ryan." She said before turning back to her book. Ryan stopped guzzling food down his throat and turned to his mother.

"You okay, Mom? You seem kind of sad." Ryan said with some concern. His mother looked at him with an unchanging face.

"No, I am fine." She said in an unnaturally flat tone of voice. Ryan knew something was wrong.

Shes usually much more upbeat then this... He thought to himself.

"Just don't be late for school, okay?" She said as she put down her book. Ryan rolled his eyes because she said this everyday.

"Okay Mom, I won't be late. Thanks for the food though." He shouted before running out the door with his backpack in his hand. The mother only looked at the door and frowned.

"Time to wake up." She said before falling to the ground like a rag doll. Afterwards, she faded away.

Ryan had already ran down the street to meet up with his friends, but found that they weren't there. Ryan looked around a little bit, but decided to head to school without them. As Ryan continued walking, he noticed that the town seemed abandoned. It was just impossibly quite for this town, it was always loud, violent, and busy. But now it was Quite, tranquil and relaxing. Ryan could feel something was off. Suddenly, Ryan could feel the Earth beneath him rumble and split. A giant crack opened up the Earth and practically pulled Ryan in. As Ryan fell, he could feel life, sensation, and emotion slip from him. As he feel, he saw an odd light. As Ryan got close to this light, he had awakened.

*Back in the Hospital*

Ryan could feel an unimaginable pain surge through his body, he felt like he was being revived after being hit by a car. He couldn't hear anything, see anything, or smell anything. The only thing he could feel was that unbearable pain. As the pain began to fade, he began to hear voices. Even though they were muffled, he could still tell if the speaker was a male or female. He still couldn't make out what they were saying though. He tried to speak and sit up, but found that his vocal cords failed to work and he couldn't feel his hands. In the place of his hands, were hooves. Genuine hooves. At this moment, he forced his vocal cords to work and screamed something that shocked anything that heard him.

"What the FUCK happened to my hands!?" He screamed as he flailed his body around, trying to find out why it wouldn't work. The doctors and nurses ran over to him and held him down until he was calm. Ryan looked at each of them with pure rage flooding his eyes. Suddenly a doctor calmly walked from the crowd and looked at him with a surprisingly straight face.

"Hello, Can you understand me?" He asked. Ryan was pretty angry, so he wasn't in the mood for this.

"Yeah, I can understand you loud and clear." He said through his anger. The doctor gulped, and began sweating.

"Well, my name is Power Pill. I specialize in pain killers and surgery in the Ponyville hospital." Power Pill said with a slightly shaken voice.

What the hell kind of name is "Ponyville"!? Ryan screamed to himself. "So, I am in this 'Ponyville' right now?" He questioned.

"Correct, are you planning on leaving?" Power Pill asked.

"Yes, Power Pill, I am." Ryan said as he moved to leave his bed. Many of the nurses were about to rush to his aid, but he quickly whipped his head towards them and glared. They shrank back almost immediately. Ryan continued to leave his bed and stood up almost perfectly. He looked down at himself to see that he wasn't a human like he believed, but he was now a purple horse with a black mane and tail. "Power Pill?" Ryan called.

"Just call me Doctor Pill." He said.

"Doctor, what is my name?" Ryan asked. The doctor went wide eyed quickly when he realized that he didn't know a patients name, especially when they were close to just going crazy like now.

"Hold on." He said before running off. Ryan stood still and stared at all of the ponies in front of him for about a solid minute before Doctor Pill returned.

"Here." he said as he levitated a piece of paper over to Ryan. Ryan jumped back slightly as he saw flying paper, but then he saw that it was glowing. Just like Doctor Pill's horn. Ryan ignored that the Doctor had a horn and read the paper before him. He scanned the paper for a name and finally found it. He was in shock that he had a name like this.

"Well, that's a name." He said in a calm voice. "My name is Brawny Spirit. Well, I guess it could be worse." Brawny Spirit looked over at Doctor Pill. "Can I leave now?" he asked. Doctor Pill nodded.

"Sure, but you will have to follow me around and do as I say. Okay?" He asked.

"Lead the way, Doc." Spirit said before they left the room, leaving every other doctor and nurse standing there in disbelief.

"So, any place you would want?" Doctor Pill asked. Spirit thought for a moment, and quickly came to a decision.

"Anywhere that can give me a chance to study the history on the world." He answered.

"Okay then, then I'll take you to the library." Doctor Pill said as he opened the doors to the hospital, with Spirit following behind him.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for just randomly changing his name from Ryan to Brawny Spirit. He will also be called Spirit throughout the story as a nickname. Also sorry if the ending was a little silly. Things will start getting better in the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Tour of Ponyville Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 47 Minutes
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