
A Colt's Darkness

by GimmyJibbsJr

First published

A young colt in Ponyville hospital has just woke up from a coma. Shockingly, he knows how to do everything a normal everyday pony can do. He is placed in a in an orphanage and is soon adopted. Little did he know, a dark secret lay within him.

In a tragic accident, a colt at the age of two has lost his family and has fallen into a coma. one day, after twelve years, he wakes up to find that nothing is wrong with him. The doctors can't explain how, but he is completely fine. He starts to learn about this world he finds himself in and discovers something is wrong. Very wrong. He discovers a dark secret about himself that could put many ponies in danger. This is the tale of Brawny Spirit, the Earth pony trying to discover his past, who is a friend, and if everything he is fighting for is actually worth it.

Waking up

Ponyville, a peaceful little place with kind, generous, loyal, honest, and funny friends. There was always a wonderful, almost magical vibe that radiated from the village. However, it does have its fair share of bad times. Like the day somepony woke from his slumber. In the hospital, there were many kinds of patients. The sick, the insane, the deformed., and those stuck in comas. However, the coma patients are usually left unattended. It wasn't very often one of them woke up. It was even less frequent for a pony to fall into a coma. However, there was a nurse on duty one day. Just admiring the sun that had been brought to her and the other ponies of the world by the Princess. She had been watching over the few ponies who were in a coma. There were only two of them, so it wasn't to bad. It wasn't like they would request anything anyways. It was usually silent, even quieter than the night. She could hear practically anything. As she stared out of the window, daydreaming, she heard a noise. She whipped around to see a thin purple aura surround one of the patients. She ran over and swatted it away, only to hear the purple Earth pony colt moaning and shifting in his bed.

"What is this?" The nurse mumbled to herself. She finally took notice of the colt when he rolled over. She was truly shocked. "I have to get help..." She said before running off. However, she left before hearing the colt utter his first words.

"Jack... Is... Back...."

*Inside the colt's mind*

One normal day, sun shining, food cooking, and smiling mother, a young boy ran down the stairs to see that a large amount of food sat on the kitchen table.

"Hi Mom!" The boy called as he jumped onto a chair and began eating. The mother llookedover to him and smiled.

"Good Morning, Ryan." She said before turning back to her book. Ryan stopped guzzling food down his throat and turned to his mother.

"You okay, Mom? You seem kind of sad." Ryan said with some concern. His mother looked at him with an unchanging face.

"No, I am fine." She said in an unnaturally flat tone of voice. Ryan knew something was wrong.

Shes usually much more upbeat then this... He thought to himself.

"Just don't be late for school, okay?" She said as she put down her book. Ryan rolled his eyes because she said this everyday.

"Okay Mom, I won't be late. Thanks for the food though." He shouted before running out the door with his backpack in his hand. The mother only looked at the door and frowned.

"Time to wake up." She said before falling to the ground like a rag doll. Afterwards, she faded away.

Ryan had already ran down the street to meet up with his friends, but found that they weren't there. Ryan looked around a little bit, but decided to head to school without them. As Ryan continued walking, he noticed that the town seemed abandoned. It was just impossibly quite for this town, it was always loud, violent, and busy. But now it was Quite, tranquil and relaxing. Ryan could feel something was off. Suddenly, Ryan could feel the Earth beneath him rumble and split. A giant crack opened up the Earth and practically pulled Ryan in. As Ryan fell, he could feel life, sensation, and emotion slip from him. As he feel, he saw an odd light. As Ryan got close to this light, he had awakened.

*Back in the Hospital*

Ryan could feel an unimaginable pain surge through his body, he felt like he was being revived after being hit by a car. He couldn't hear anything, see anything, or smell anything. The only thing he could feel was that unbearable pain. As the pain began to fade, he began to hear voices. Even though they were muffled, he could still tell if the speaker was a male or female. He still couldn't make out what they were saying though. He tried to speak and sit up, but found that his vocal cords failed to work and he couldn't feel his hands. In the place of his hands, were hooves. Genuine hooves. At this moment, he forced his vocal cords to work and screamed something that shocked anything that heard him.

"What the FUCK happened to my hands!?" He screamed as he flailed his body around, trying to find out why it wouldn't work. The doctors and nurses ran over to him and held him down until he was calm. Ryan looked at each of them with pure rage flooding his eyes. Suddenly a doctor calmly walked from the crowd and looked at him with a surprisingly straight face.

"Hello, Can you understand me?" He asked. Ryan was pretty angry, so he wasn't in the mood for this.

"Yeah, I can understand you loud and clear." He said through his anger. The doctor gulped, and began sweating.

"Well, my name is Power Pill. I specialize in pain killers and surgery in the Ponyville hospital." Power Pill said with a slightly shaken voice.

What the hell kind of name is "Ponyville"!? Ryan screamed to himself. "So, I am in this 'Ponyville' right now?" He questioned.

"Correct, are you planning on leaving?" Power Pill asked.

"Yes, Power Pill, I am." Ryan said as he moved to leave his bed. Many of the nurses were about to rush to his aid, but he quickly whipped his head towards them and glared. They shrank back almost immediately. Ryan continued to leave his bed and stood up almost perfectly. He looked down at himself to see that he wasn't a human like he believed, but he was now a purple horse with a black mane and tail. "Power Pill?" Ryan called.

"Just call me Doctor Pill." He said.

"Doctor, what is my name?" Ryan asked. The doctor went wide eyed quickly when he realized that he didn't know a patients name, especially when they were close to just going crazy like now.

"Hold on." He said before running off. Ryan stood still and stared at all of the ponies in front of him for about a solid minute before Doctor Pill returned.

"Here." he said as he levitated a piece of paper over to Ryan. Ryan jumped back slightly as he saw flying paper, but then he saw that it was glowing. Just like Doctor Pill's horn. Ryan ignored that the Doctor had a horn and read the paper before him. He scanned the paper for a name and finally found it. He was in shock that he had a name like this.

"Well, that's a name." He said in a calm voice. "My name is Brawny Spirit. Well, I guess it could be worse." Brawny Spirit looked over at Doctor Pill. "Can I leave now?" he asked. Doctor Pill nodded.

"Sure, but you will have to follow me around and do as I say. Okay?" He asked.

"Lead the way, Doc." Spirit said before they left the room, leaving every other doctor and nurse standing there in disbelief.

"So, any place you would want?" Doctor Pill asked. Spirit thought for a moment, and quickly came to a decision.

"Anywhere that can give me a chance to study the history on the world." He answered.

"Okay then, then I'll take you to the library." Doctor Pill said as he opened the doors to the hospital, with Spirit following behind him.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for just randomly changing his name from Ryan to Brawny Spirit. He will also be called Spirit throughout the story as a nickname. Also sorry if the ending was a little silly. Things will start getting better in the next chapter.

Tour of Ponyville

As Doctor Pill and Spirit made their way to the library, they had to travel through most of Ponyville. There were many interesting buildings, and one pony who nearly scared the life out of Spirit. A pink pony with a large puffy mane and tail had these three balloons on her butt. She had what seemed like the biggest grin in the universe, and she was only a few inches from Spirit's face.

"HimynameisPinkiePiewhatisyourname?" She said in an incredibly fast voice that Spirit could barely follow. They just eyed each other, and this lasted for almost three minutes before ponies began to stare. Spirit had a confused look on his face.

"Hi, I did not understand a single word you just said. My name is Brawny Spirit." He said in a neutral voice, but Pinkie laughed.

"I asked you what your name was silly! I'm Pinkie Pie!" She exclaimed Spirit stared at her for a moment and glanced at everypony around him. They all gave him disgusted looks, but Spirit tried to ignore that.

"Well, nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. Can I please get up now?" Spirit asked. Pinkie quickly stepped off of him and yanked him to his hooves. After Spirit had gotten up and dusted himself off, Pinkie was gone. In her place, however, was an odd note.

'Dear Brawny Spirit,

I wanted to host a party for you, but I can't right now. I hope you meet my friends who also live in Ponyville. One last thing, don't go killing criminals in the next month. Okay? (Epic foreshadowing).

From, Pinkie Pie.'

Spirit stared at the last part before he picked up the paper in his mouth, and dropped it in a trash bin before walking towards Doctor Pill and motioning for him to keep up.

"So Spirit, what did the letter say? I bet something funny was on it, didn't it?" He asked before patting his mane down straight and revealing a horn. Spirit's eyes widened, but shrank down to normal when he saw another pony with a horn standing not to far from them. He even to notice of some of them having wings, which he thought was cool.

"The note told me not to kill criminals." Spirit said holding back a slight chuckle. Doctor Pill stopped for a moment, but continued walking and tried to change the subject.

"Well, I know that you want to go to the library. However, I need to do some work at this place called 'Sweet Apple Acres'. So I need you to come with me, we can go to the library after. Okay?"

"Fine, but will I end up going to some orphanage or something?" Spirit asked. Doctor Pill whipped his head towards Spirit.

Did he know? Pill thought to himself. "Well, I'll be honest. You will have to go to one while you are out of the hospital. Is that okay?"

"Of course, I just wanted to know." Spirit said as he looked around. "Hey, do you know why everyone is looking at me?" Spirit asked.

"First, it is 'everypony' and I have no idea why they are staring at you." Pill answered.

That's a thing, I guess. Spirit thought. Well, lets get the work out of the way. Shall we?"

"Yeah, we're almost there." Doctor Pill said. When Spirit looked forward, he knew Doc wasn't lying. There was a huge apple orchard in front of him, so he could safely assume that this was the place. There was a giant red barn, and a very large amount of apple trees that seemed to go on for no end. As soon as we got through the front gate, a large, muscled red pony walked out of the barn and towards the gate.

"Hello, Big Macintosh! I've come to get the shipment of apples for the orphanage and hospital. Are you ready?" Doctor Pill asked. Big Macintosh simply nodded as he seemed to drag a giant cart of apples from the barn with extreme ease.

"What 'bout him?" Big Mac asked, pointing to Brawny Spirit with his hoof.

"Well, could your sister show him around?" Pill asked. Again, Big Mac nodded and rang a bell that was hanging above the gate. Almost immediately, an orange mare with a yellow mane and tail jumped out of the barn and ran to the gate. She had a cowgirl hat on and three apples on her flank.

"What do'ya need Big Mac?" She asked. Big Mac pointed to Brawny Spirit once more.

"Can you take the colt around the farm so we can do our work?" Big Mac asked. The way he worded his sentence made Spirit feel like he was being treated poorly, but he did his best to control himself. Despite being introduced to all of this nonsense in one go.

"No problem Big Mac! Com'on, little colt! We ain't got all day!" She shouted as she ran of towards the orchard. Spirit, being unable to run, tried his best to keep up. When he finally caught up to her, she was already kicking trees, causing apples to fall out.

"Hey, so can I have a tour now. Or should I just wait." Spirit asked in a joking manor. Applejack caught on to that quickly and trotted over to him.

"Right, but first, ain't there anything you wanna ask me 'bout?" She asked Spirit.

"Yeah, what are those things on your side?" He asked pointing to her three apple "tattoo".

"That?" She said glancing to her side. "That's ma cutie mark. A pony gets it when they find their special talent." She explained. Spirit nodded in understanding, but he was still trying to grasp something. What was the importance of such a thing?

Maybe it's a sign of adulthood or something. He thought to himself. "So, anything else that this place has?" Spirit asked.

"Plenty!" The mare shouted "By the way, mah name's Applejack!" She said holding out her hoof.

"Well, I'm Brawny Spirit." He said shaking her hoof. she shook his hoof so hard that he was practically jumping up and down when she had let go of him. He quickly stopped himself and saw that Applejack had moved towards an animal pen that held very large pigs. Spirit walked up to it and eyed the pigs. He stared for a moment, and ended up disturbing the pigs. "So, any kind of events happen around here?" Spirit asked as he stared at the pigs.

"Yeah, plenty!" Applejack shouted."We hold a Sisterhood Social, Cider season, Family reunions, and we even host some parties for the young-ins'!" She said happily. But then, she seemed to shiver instantly and grew a look of fear. "A'm sorry, but I think we should get goin'." Applejack said with a look of intense fear on her face. Spirit didn't question why, he followed her to the gate to see that Big Mac and Doctor Pill had returned.

"So, you finished with getting the food. Or whatever you were getting?" Spirit asked as Doctor Pill had returned.

"Yes, we are all done and can now go to the orphanage. However, I would like it if you were to look around Ponyville." Pill said. Spirit nodded and followed him out, but not before glancing back at the Applejack and Big Mac. They looked suspicious to him, but he turned forward and continued to follow Doctor Pill. All they did was go through Ponyville and run some errands. However, Spirit did meet some interesting mares. When they went to the Carousel Boutique, they found a mare called Rarity. She had a white coat, a curled purple mane and tail, and three diamonds on her flank. She gave Power Pill some fabric that was no doubt for medical purposes. Later they met a yellow pony with a light pink mane and tail. She had three butterflies on her flank. She also gave Power Pill medical supplies.

Next they went to a Karate dojo, and inside they met a rainbow pegasus named Rainbow Dash. Spirit took a liking to Karate when he was in a coma, so he decided to sign up for it. Rainbow was more then excited and was ready to start, but Spirit had to leave with Power Pill. Finally they had arrived at the library, Spirit was exhausted and couldn't wait to rest. Doctor Pill had knocked on the door. The door opened by itself and in a very slow manor, making it slightly creepy. As they entered, Spirit saw something he would never have suspected.

"What is that!?" He screamed staring at the large lizard in front of him.

"Now that is just rude. Please try to quiet down a bit. This is a library after all." The lizard said. Spirit went from stunned to fascinated.

"How can you talk?" He asked.

"Have you never met a dragon before?" The dragon asked him. Spirit began to shake his head rapidly as he circled around the dragon with great interest.

"Got a name?" Spirit asked while holding an odd, uneasy grin.

"Yes, I am Spike, the librarians assistant. Also, can you please stop circling me? It's kind of creepy." Spirit stopped and chuckled to himself.

"Oh, sorry..." He said as he slowly walked back to Power Pill with his head down. Doctor Pill was still standing still as if to process what he witnessed, but finally clicked back into reality and got down to business.

"Anyways, I came here to get a few history books." He said.

"Well, if that is all you need then here you go." Spike said as he handed him about five large books. With this, Power Pill left quickly to keep things from getting even more awkward. Spirit followed and they ended up at an orphanage that wasn't to far away. When they entered, Power Pill immediately checked Spirit in and gave him the five books. With this, Spirit began his intense studies. This consisted of sitting in the corner and reading. He learned about every threat that faced Equestria and every major event. The threats consisted of villains, diseases, and childish arguments. By the end of his second day in the orphanage, he had finished four books and was half way through the last. But much to his surprise, two mares entered the orphanage.

Author's Notes:

Sorry If I didn't do good on the accents of the Apple family. I tried my best. It will slowly get to the point of the story, but there will be some action soon. I promise. I plan on making this last a while. I'll also try to get chapters out as quickly as possible. If you don't like gore, you might want to stop reading.

A surfacing darkness

As two mares entered through the front doors, everypony stopped and rushed over to meet them. Spirit noticed that one was an earth pony and the other was a unicorn, he also noticed the marks on their flanks. By the look of it, they were musicians. They quickly made it to the the receptionist and a conversation started immediately.

"Hello! Welcome to the orphanage!" The receptionist said excitedly. "You two must be the mares who called earlier, right?"

"Yep! Sure are!" The unicorn said. "I'm Vinyl Scratch, and this is my roommate Octavia!"

"We came here to see if there are any fillies or colts we'd like to adopt." Based on their tone, they were complete opposites.

"Oh, are you to together? Well it doesn't really matter. Go and look around, if you find one you like just come back and tell me!" Octavia began to look at the fillies while Vinyl looked over the colts. After 10 minutes of talking with them, they noticed a colt near the back of the room who was reading what appeared to be a book on Equestria's history.

Vinyl yelled "Hey, colt in the back, get over here!" quickly afterwards Octavia hit her, reminding her not to act like that. Spirit was reluctant, but went to meet them.

"What's your name?" Vinyl asked.

"My name is Brawny Spirit." Octavia's eyes went wide upon hearing this.

"You are that colt that just woke up from a coma two weeks ago! It is wonderful to meet you!" Octavia had a kind, gentle smile and held her hoof out so they could shake. Spirit was happy to see somepony who was so kind towards him.

"Nice to meet you to!" They shook and had a conversation that felt like it was an interview. They asked questions back and forth for ten minutes. They even talked about crimes being committed lately. Vinyl was waiting for them to finish talking while she was bored out of her mind. As they finished Octavia knew which pony she would adopt.

"Did you find a pony that you want?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes. I would like the colt Brawny Spirit." The receptionist was surprised by the news.

"Really? You want him? He is an odd colt..."

"Yes, I would like him please. He is very nice and I don't see how he is odd. May I fill out the papers?" Octavia waved to Vinyl as the receptionist fetched the papers.

I should continue studying. Spirit thought. At least nopony will bother me.

"Brawny Spirit," The receptionist said. "these mares have just filled out the papers. Go get your books because you've been adopted!" Spirit was surprised to hear this, but none the less he gathered his books. He groaned as he clumsily packed everything up into a saddlebag given to him by the orphanage. As they arrived home, Vinyl showed Spirit around the house. It wasn't to different compared to the house he had when he was in his coma, So he didn't have much trouble remembering where everything was. Spirit settled in while Octavia and Vinyl spoke with each other. Spirit had dropped all of his books on the floor and plopped onto the bed. He could hear the mares debating on something, it sounded like the subject was food.

"Spirit, would you mind helping me get groceries? Its been a while so there is a lot to get and I would like to just get it all done tonight." Octavia called.

"Sure, I'll help." He leaped out of what is now his room and they were off the the market. The market wasn't too far from the house, they arrived quickly. It was a small place, but it seemed like business was booming. It was hard to navigate due to all of the commotion. Octavia had gathered apples, oranges, and watermelons. Much to Spirit's surprise, Octavia seemed to be carrying it all with no problem. It was like she was carrying a feather. Spirit saw that they were nearing the exit, so he started up a conversation.

"Hey, Octavia."


"Can you tell me what you and Vinyl are like? If I'm staying with you two, I may as well know who you two are."

"Vinyl is a DJ and she is very popular, even ponies who don't like her music give her great res-" She was cut off by a unicorn grabbing her from behind. Spirit turned to see seven ponies all masked and armed with clubs, only to struck down by Octavia's captor who was the only one with a knife.

"Everypony, get down now and none of you get hurt!" One of them shouted. They all advanced forward and the only earth pony of the group picked up Spirit as his captive. The five other criminal ponies began to take everypony's bits. Once one of them protested, they were beaten until they gave it all up.

"I'm ain't giving ya anything." Spirit glanced over to see Big Macintosh, who was standing up to the criminal.

"Oh, so you won't give me anything?" He began to beat Big Mac, soon four others joined in. Big Mac just stood there and took all of the punishment, he seemed to not mind it at all.

"That is enough!" Octavia's captor shouted. "If you don't give us you're bits, then this mare dies!" As he said it he pressed the knife against Octavia's throat. A small drop of blood came rolling down her neck. Spirit stared, seeing the blood drip. He felt his deepest desire raging from within him, begging to be released.

That desire was to murder everypony.

Memories from his coma surfaced and took hold of his mind. He had always blocked it out, the moments where the desire grew to the point where he couldn't suppress it. He began to snarl. Spirit's captor held on to him, trying to keep him from moving. His eyes turned a combination of red and green while emitting a deep purple haze. His teeth grew sharp and his coat felt like needles. Everypony stared as he transformed from nice young colt, to a terrifying monster. The pony holding onto Spirit let go and began to run away.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Spirit screeched as he sped towards the earth pony at breakneck speeds. He stopped in front of his prey, and his prey stopped in front of him. Spirit paused to see the fear in his eyes. He raised a hoof and slammed it on the earth pony's head. The pony's head shattered, sending a sickening crack through the air along with a large blood splatter. All of the ponies gasped and screamed in horror as they saw not only a pony get completely destroyed, but the colt smiling as the blood had caked his body. Spirit turned to face the other ponies and took them out just as quickly. Octavia and Big Mac, oddly, stayed quite calm over the whole situation. They were just watching Spirit rip and tear the criminals apart as if they were wet paper.

"Get away from me!" A criminal pegasus screamed. Spirit didn't stop. He tore his wings of and broke his neck. Spirit slowly turned to the last remaining criminal, Octavia's captor. He moved even faster then before and popped up behind him.

"Peak-a-boo!!" Spirit screeched as he ripped of his horn. The pony managed to throw his knife at him, but the purple haze morphed into a shield and blocked it. Spirit was standing over the trembling criminal as he cried for mercy. Suddenly, the purple haze began to surround them and formed a sphere. The last thing heard from the criminal was a deafening scream before they were consumed by the haze. Just as the police arrived, the sphere disintegrated. Revealing a mummified unicorn missing his horn, eyes, mane, tail, and color. Spirit passed out, as he did his powers faded away.

Author's Notes:

Sorry, if you didn't like the gore at the end. I did leave a warning in the last chapter's author note. I just hope you guys liked it.

Life's quick turn

He remembered everything, sitting in a field of darkness, he saw and remembered everything. He saw how he mercilessly ripped them to pieces. He saw why everypony was scared of him, and he may just be taken away for what he did.

What happened to me?! How could I let myself slip so easily?!" Spirit screamed in his mind. Spirit saw a light and walked to it. In an instant there was light, noise, reporters, police officers, and even ponies in golden armor. He turned his head to see Octavia, Vinyl, and Big Macintosh keeping everypony away from him. With a small grin and groan of exhaustion he stood up. Everypony whipped there heads towards him and screamed, where as the three ponies protecting him ran towards him. Octavia embraced him, as did Vinyl. Big Mac stood next to him making sure nopony unwanted got to close.

"Are...Are you okay?" Spirit groaned

"Yes, I'm okay. Thank you so much, if you didn't do... whatever you just did they could have killed me.." Octavia finished her sentence upon looking to the last victim of Spirit's rampage. The crowd got more excited as somepony entered the market, she was tall, had a horn, a pair of wings, with a dark blue coat with a crescent moon for her flank. She was wearing a dark blue crown that almost seemed black.

"Princess Luna!" Octavia bowed. "What are you doing here?"

"We came here after hearing about the slaughter." She glanced at Spirit who, under her gaze, shrank back a little. "Is this really the colt whom tore these criminals to bits? If so, we applaud you." Spirit glanced at her.

"Why would you applaud me?"

"The seven ponies you killed were causing a lot of problems in Equestria, the last one you killed had murdered up to twenty four fillies and colts." She finished her sentence with a smile. "You probably saved dozens of ponies on this night. Even so, you all must come with us back to Canterlot."

"Right, just give us a sec! Does this mean we get to go on missions again!?" Vinyl shouted.

Missions? The hell is she talking about?

Luna smiled. "Of course, all three of you will be going on missions again. The elements of harmony are waiting back at the castle." Luna said as she turned back to the exit. There wasn't much trouble leaving. Everypony let Luna through without question. But when everypony saw Spirit, they just turned tail and ran. He kept a straight face and continued to think about what Vinyl said.

I swear if I go to prison I will actually be very happy. Spirit thought to himself.

They got to the chariots and flew to Canterlot. Despite what had happened only forty minutes ago, The view was beautiful. Spirit couldn't stop staring at the land under the night sky. He could see the crime scene as they flew away. The ponies there were taunting him, calling him a monster. He could still hear them, but drowned them out. Spirit turned his head to see a magnificent city that appeared to be made of stone. He saw the royal city of Canterlot.

"EVERYPONY! WE ARE ARRIVING!" Luna shouted. The sudden shout surprised Spirit and he nearly fell of of the chariot, but Vinyl pulled him back on. They soon landed in the castle's courtyard and left their chariots.

"What are doing here?" Everypony stared at Spirit with dull looks. "I mean specifically here."

"This is where we shall consult Luna's sister and where you're life changes for about the third time." Big Mac stated in a plain and perfectly even voice. Spirit rolled his eyes as he didn't really find it a surprise his life changed AGAIN. Soon they stopped at a wall that nopony would be able to see from the unrestricted viewing spots. Luna instantly light up her horn and a secret passage opened up.

"Follow us, everything will be explained once we meet our sister." Luna stated. Spirit was the only reluctant one of the small group. He watched the all of them, excluding Luna, just walk in as if it was the doors to their homes. Spirit followed them despite the odd feeling he had about it. They walked down a very large flight of stairs, after 10 minutes of walking down stairs they finally came to a bright room with large pieces of machinery.

What is all of this!? The most advanced thing I've seen so far are the machines from the Ponyville hospital, this is like twenty times more impressive. Spirit was in awe. This kind of technology was existent, but they weren't giving it to the public.

"Impressive, is it not?" Spirit only nodded. "Anyway, Brawny Spirit, you should meet the other ponies of this organization." Luna said calmly.

"Organization? You mean that there are other ponies that know about this?"

"Yes, and prepare to meet them." She pointed her hoof forwards, Spirit turned his attention to where she pointed. He could see a large group of ponies coming forwards, leading them was a large white pony that had wings and a horn like Luna. Only taller. she had a similar flowing mane and tail with a sun as her cutie mark. Most of the ponies behind her were the ones he recognized.

"Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Fluttershy." He named them off but stopped at the one on the far right. "Doctor Pill?"

"Hey there Spirit! How have things been?" Spirit frowned.

"Weird. I believe that is the term that best describes this situation." There were a few other ponies he didn't recognize however.

"Hello, I am Princess Celestia." The words were said in such a smooth manor that Spirit calmed down almost instantly. "Since you already know most of these ponies, I shall introduce the ones you don't know. First meet Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle." They only waved, not even a smile. Spirit returned it with a plain face and a simple wave. "Next is Shining Armor, and my niece Princess Cadence."

"Hello." They both said simultaneously. This time Spirit gave a slight bow.

"Finally here are other colts who have been trained to fight threats all over Equestria."

Colts? Trained to fight threats? Wonderful. The only other ponies my age that I get to interact with are practically assassins.

"First, is the pegasus Lightning Chaser." He was a somewhat short pegasus that was wearing iron coverings over his hooves and wings. He had a blue coat with a silver mane and tail. His cutie mark was a horseshoe being struck by lightning.

"Hello." He stated flatly. Spirit immediately noticed something. This ponies voice sounded just like the voice of one of his friends when he was in a coma.

"Hello." Spirit stayed calm, he didn't want to make himself look even more childish than he already did.

"Next is the Earth pony Strong Gunner. This pony was the tallest of the three, but still shorter then Spirit. He had a dark green coat with a light red mane and tail. His cutie mark were two guns crossing each other while firing a bullet. He also had what appeared to arms robotic arms that could draw and fire the four pistols he held, only two of them were for backup.

"Hey there. It'll be nice working with you!" He was enthusiastic.

He sounds like another friend I had when I was still in my coma... I wonder if the same goes for the third pony... Spirit gave a slightly more visible bow.

"Finally, the most powerful of the three. Crescent Blade the unicorn." He was skinny, had a bright purple coat, with a dark yellow mane and tail. He had glasses and a thin iron and gold armor plating on his body. He kept a straight face and only nodded. Spirit did the same.

"Now that we are done with introductions, let us get right to the point. An evil that I had been sealed away twice has returned once more for revenge. His power has become to powerful for the Crystal Empire's crystal heart to repel. Brawny Spirit, he is also the one who is the source of you're powers." Spirit froze upon this.

"The source? how can there be a source?" Spirit became asked.

"I don't know, but I'm sure you can learn how if you help us. But let's get back to the subject. He is King Sombra. The tyrant who conquered the Crystal Empire one thousand years ago." Spirit was stumped again. "We don't know where he is, but the CMCs are looking into it."

"Who are the 'CMCs?"

"That would be use." Scootaloo stated. Spirit rolled his eyes.

"I actually expected something like that to happen..." Blade, Gunner, and Lightning all chuckled.

"Anyways, We need you to help us take him down for good." Luna said.

"Can't you do it yourselves? I really don't want to do this."

Scootaloo stepped forwards. "No, we can't. "

"Why not?" Spirit said with an angry face. Scootaloo flinched.

"He has become to powerful. The Elements of Harmony hardly effect him anymore. Even if it did work, there would be a backlash of dark energy that could turn everypony into an unstable monster. It would also kill anything that would be remotely close to him..." Spirit was furious.

"We will all finish this discussion another time." Celestia said. "Brawny Spirit, we believe that you're power is the best chance we have. If you promise to help us, we can help you control that power so you can save not just Equestria. But likely the whole world. Will you help us?"

This is all a little much for me to comprehend, but if I help them... I could find out what happened to me before the coma... May as well.

"Fine, I may as well." Spirit said.

"Great! We'll start training tomorrow!" Vinyl shouted as she randomly stepped in.

"Correct. We will start tomorrow, at exactly at 12:01 AM" Celestia finished. Big Macintosh glanced at a clock on the wall and stepped forward to speak.

"If ah may Princess, It just turned 12:01 AM" Spirit's eye twitched.

"Son of a BITCH!!"

Author's Notes:

Sorry if it dragged on to long, It was just to introduce some new characters and to explain some more of the plot. Sorry if it took to long to get to the point.

Training with Luna and the colts

Most of them laughed. The only ones to not breakout in a laughing fit were Big Mac and Princess Celestia, though Celestia let out a slight giggle. Spirit was just angry. He was already close to collapsing due to fatigue. Celestia calmed down quickly.

"Okay, you have eight hours to sleep." She smiled at him. "Big Macintosh, can you take Brawny Spirit to an empty bedroom?" Big Mac only nodded and waved for him to follow. Soon they got to the empty room.

"Thanks Big Mac." Big Mac once again nodded and left Spirit to himself in this empty bedroom. "Why did I say yes? This is just to weird for me..." He stared at the bed in front of him "What they mean by training, I have no idea." He finally got into bed and fell asleep in an instant. He began to dream about what had happened at the super market. He could only watch himself slaughter those ponies mercilessly. He began to have doubts about agreeing to this. It felt like an eternity, but a loud noise went off next to him. "Shit!" He yelled out. Next to him was Gunner with a large grin.

"Calm down. All I did was fire one shot. It isn't really that loud is it?" He put the gun back into the holster. "Its time to train!" He exclaimed. Spirit smiled as this pony truly was the embodiment of one his only friends from his coma. He got up from the bed and followed Gunner to the training room. "So, why don't you have a cutie mark yet?" Spirit thought for a moment, it then came to the front of his mind that he didn't have his cutie mark. He also didn't know what a cutie mark was.

"I've been in a coma for twelve years, not really much time to get a cutie mark..." Spirit glanced over at Gunner. "Is there something wrong with me not having one?"

"No, not at all. I was just curious. It took me quite a while to get my cutie mark! Lets go! we're gonna be late." Gunner ran ahead. unfortunately since Spirit hadn't gotten out to much, he couldn't run. He felt ashamed.

"Hold on, I can't even run!" Spirit shouted. Even so, they arrived at the training room.

"Sorry, we're late! Brawny here can't run." He chuckled to himself. Spirit quickly elbowed him and walked forward.

"Again, being in a coma and stuffed into at least five different books doesn't give me much time outside to play." Blade, Lightning, and Luna nodded.

"Even so, it is time to train." Luna said. "When you were asleep, we entered you're dreams Spirit. You dreamed about what happened last night. Truly odd, you can't really run yet you walk at such an incredible speed."

"I was only walking!? But I moved so fast..." Spirit was dumbfounded.

"Indeed. we were also able to convert memories from you're coma that angered you into spells that I can make you relive, so that we could provoke you into changing. When you enter, you must follow what your heart truly believes. That is the first step, are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be..." Spirit let out a sigh while Gunner charged over to his friends and got into position.

"Okay, time to begin!" Luna shouted. Her horn lit up with a blue glow and shot directly at Spirit's head. As Spirit's eyes went blank white for a moment, he began to relive one of the worst tragedies of his life.


Ryan stood in shock and disbelief in what he witnessed. He was so upset with himself, he just let it happen and did nothing at all to stop it. His best friend had killed his little sister. He was crying more then anyone would have believed, but it was not only out of sadness. It was also out of anger. He looked up from his sister's corpse to his "friend" Greg.

"What did you do!?" He shouted. Greg was surprised with his friend's yelling, but tried to stay calm.

"She was gettin' on my nerves, so I shut her up!" He shouted as if trying to justify what he did. Ryan snapped. He lunged for Greg and tackled him to the ground. Ryan began to punch him in the face, but was quickly pushed off by Greg. "What the hell man?! I thought we were friends?!" He shouted.

"No." Ryan said with anger dripping from his voice. "To me, you're just meat headed to the grinder!"


Spirit changed once more, he snarled and foam fell from his mouth. Lightning chaser stepped forward and unfolded his wings. They charged at each other without a second thought. Spirit gave off a deep purple haze from his eyes and shoulders. Before they made contact with one another, Spirit formed some of the haze into a large sword of some kind. Despite how close they were, Lightning dodged the attack and struck at his legs. Spirit jumped and forced his hooves towards the ground, causing a large shock wave to push back Lightning. Lightning grinned and flew towards him at full speed. But when he got to Spirit, he was gone. Spirit just disappeared. He looked up and saw Spirit with deep purple spikes on the bottom of his hooves. Spirit nearly hit him, but Lightning was to quick. Another shock wave was sent through the air, this one sent Lightning spiraling out of control.

"That one was unexpected." He said to himself while giving a small pant. "Gunner! You're turn!" Gunner nodded and they switched places quickly. "Be careful, he is quite strong!" Gunner only smiled.

"Good! Then this wouldn't be very entertaining." He drew two of his pistols with his robotic arms, saving his new rifle for later. Gunner fired several ordinary magic blasts at Spirit who just blocked them with a purple haze shield. Gunner fired a red magic blast. Spirit simply tried to block it, but when it made contact with the shield it burst into flames. He jumped back before it burned him. Gunner then began to shoot yellow blasts that exploded at Spirit's hooves. He ran straight through the shoots and threw a hoof strike at Gunner who barely dodged the attack. "This may be more then I expected..."


Greg and Ryan charged each other, but Greg overpowered Ryan and pinned him to the ground. As Greg began to punch Ryan with everything he had, Ryan managed to get away from his opponent and kicked his thigh. After falling to the ground in agony, Greg tried to crawl to the sidewalk. However, his efforts were futile as Ryan grabbed his leg. As he was lifted into the air Greg tried to free himself, and he was released. Ryan had thrown Greg even deeper into the alley that they were in. He pulled a rusty pipe sticking awkwardly from a building and proceeded to inch towards the downed Greg that cried before him. At this moment, of blood, pain, and anger, Ryan came to his senses and realized what was happening. This was the memory he was reliving, and he had to do one thing. He had to make the right choice, or he would fail.

Should I kill him and avenge my sister, or should I let him live and continue squirming? Should I bash his brains in, or should I leave him to bleed out and risk someone finding him? Ryan thought to himself, and thought through what he truly wanted. After what seemed like an hour, Greg could see Ryan standing before him with a rusted pipe gripped tightly in his hand.


"Jeez! This is difficult!" Gunner shot several magic blasts that acted as his bullets. Spirit just stepped to the side and dodged. Gunner frowned and shot a yellow blast, this one hit Spirit only due to the fact that he stopped for a moment. "Yes! The stun bullet worked!" Gunner quickly switched places with Blade. Before shooting Spirit with a magic blast, he just watched as Spirit flailed on the ground.

"Is... Is it working?" Luna stared in amazement. It had taken less time to get to this point in the training then she thought. It had been four hours of none stop fighting. Blade got serious and shot a crescent shaped magic wave at Spirit, it knocked him back before he could rise again. Spirit recovered very quickly and lunged at Blade. The purple haze on his shoulders turned into spears that Spirit tried to impale Blade with. Blade simply teleported away from him. When he reappeared he was shocked to see Spirit was already very close to him. Blade shot Spirit with a powerful magic blast. Spirit was panting now and so was Blade.

"This, is quite bothersome." Blade panted.


Ryan watched as terror filled Greg's face as he walked towards him. "Don't tell me you didn't expect this, Greg." Greg only responded with the silly attempt to push himself away from his foe.

"Please... please don't kill me... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Greg Sobbed as he backed away from Ryan.

"Greg, you and I know that I cannot forgive you for what you did." Ryan said as he held the pipe tightly in his hands and began to bring it above his head. He brought it down, and smashed Greg's kneecap into bits. A sickening crack filled the air, along with a bloodcurdling scream. Greg gripped his leg and rocked back and forth ever so slightly. "That was for my sister, Susan." He said as he raised the pipe once more. "This is for me."


As Blade shot magic blasts at Spirit, he advanced towards his adversary and charged his hoof with magic. As Brawny sat there, Blade was about to strike him. However, he stopped and backed away. "Spirit won" He said before leaving his opponent alone. In that moment where Blade's back was turned, there was an explosion of magic. It cleared quickly, and revealed that Crescent was right. Spirit had overcome his challenge and followed his heart. But suddenly, Spirit collapsed and struggled to stand. Luna and the others, excluding Crescent Blade, ran over to help him.

"So, d-did I hurt somepony?" he asked. Luna chuckled and looked back at the others, they all smiled and nodded.

"No, nopony is hurt. I must congratulate you, you have done a wonderful job with this first part of training." Luna said with a hint of relief in her voice.

"That's nice. Hey, is there someplace I can eat? I'm kinda hungry." Luna rolled her eyes, but held her smile firmly.

"Exit this room and go to the left by four doors. There should be a Mess Hall there."

"Thank you. I'll see you later." Spirit said as he turned to leave. When he was walking away, he could feel the stares of the others as if they were bees stinging his back. Spirit had left the room and followed Princess Luna's instructions. He quickly entered the Mess Hall and saw mostly pegasi and unicorns in golden armor talking with one another. He could also see the CMCs, who apparently had there own table. Spirit rushed to the line, got mainly fruit, and sat down by himself. Ignoring everypony else, he sat down and made a great attempt to use his hooves to eat. He failed miserably. He could hear Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo laughing at him, but he ignored them. He quickly got the hang of it after a while and finished his meal. As soon as he did, he turned to see Blade.

"Hello Spirit, enjoy your meal?

"Yes, very much so. Thanks for helping with my training today."

"No problem, I just wanted to ask you something." Spirit slowly became confused by this.

"What did you want to ask?"

"I wanted to know what happened in your memory." He said.

"Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable telling you." Spirit said in a nervous voice.

"That is fine, I also wanted to tell you that I have been instructed to bring you to the next part of your training."

"Okay, just give me a sec." Spirit said as he left his table. With this, Spirit thought back to the relived memory.


Ryan raised the pipe over his head, and seemed to lose his grip on it. With this, a glimmer of hope shined in Greg's eyes. But that was short lived. Ryan quickly caught his grip on the pipe and swung it down on Greg's head, cracking it open. Ryan looked back at Greg only to see that he was barely alive, so he delivered more body blows and a few more strikes to the head. With that, Greg was almost unrecognizable. And that made Ryan happy.


I am SO happy I didn't let him live this time. The sounds his body made when I hit him, that just made my day. Spirit thought as he followed Blade out.

Author's Notes:

Done! Hope you enjoy this one. I'm going to guess people won't like this but oh well.

Painful training

"So, you were in a coma?" Blade asked.

"Yes, I actually dreamed up a fake life and just knowing that the ones I cared about weren't real make me upset..." Spirit lied.

"Wow, thats depressing..." Blade frowned and felt sad for Spirit. "Do you know who your real family is?"

"They died around the same time I fell into a coma, according to hospital records."

"Jeez." Blade was taken aback by Spirit's statement. They were silent for the rest of the walk, but they quickly arrived. "Here you are Spirit. Good luck!" Blade hit a button on the wall which caused the door to open. The room was very similar to a wide open field. The room was huge, the floor was real grass and soil, it had real trees. The sky however wasn't the real thing, it did look real though.

"This is incredible..." Spirit slowly walked into the room and continued to take in the scenery, but his attention quickly turned to three ponies standing in the field.

"Hey! Get over here, we got training to do!" Rainbow dash shouted. Spirit quickened his pace and made his way over to them.

"Nice ta see ya again!" Applejack stated with delight. So, ya ready to train?"

"Yeah, I'm ready..." Spirit's mind stuck to the idea that it would be something very difficult.

"Okay! lets get started with simple exercises!" Rainbow Dash interrupted. Spirit was confused.

"Wait, no extremely difficult tasks?"

"Nope." Big Mac started. "Ya don't know how to run. Fer now, that'll be all."

"Yes!" Spirit whispered to himself.

"Just go to the track over there when you are ready to start. We will see you through some binoculars." Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof to an extremely long course. "It is about six miles long, so.... Have fun!" Rainbow Dash flew off while Big Mac and Applejack ran after her.

"FUCK." Spirit said aloud. He walked over to the start of the track, took a deep breathe and started. He started with a fast trot, and progressively went faster. He couldn't keep his eyes off of the scenery, it was just so glorious. It then occurred to him that maybe he was being timed and this would effect him somehow. Spirit sped up and after ten minutes he was holding a full sprint. Spirit could see the end of the track. An adrenaline rush sent him flying. He was able to see rainbow holding a timer. I knew it! He finally got to the finish.

"Nice time kid, I expected you to be at least two minutes longer." Rainbow said as he gave Spirit a large container of water.

"Well, thats what happens when you ignore the surroundings..." Spirit said right before chugging down water.

"Well, do ya think you have runnin down?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, good." Rainbow Dash said. "The next part will be more fun so take five!" Spirit lifted his head out of the container to speak.

"Oh, already way ahead of you on that one." He slammed his head back into the large container and drank. Spirit continued to furiously chug down water. He would have done this for much longer if he hadn't just finished it. Spirit whipped his eyes clear and just stared at the bottom of the barrel for a while, but then he threw himself down to the ground and stared at what he assumed was an artificial sky. This was a sight that he never got to see in his coma. His life was never generous enough to give him this.

"Time for more training!" Rainbow Dash yelled. She glanced over to Spirit and then into the container. "Hey, when did you finish drinking the water?" This was an actual question.

"Like, five minutes ago. Why?" Rainbow shook her head.

"Nothing. C'mon, we need to get started!" Rainbow dragged Spirit over to a dojo of some sort that wasn't by the track when he was running. When they entered the dojo Big Mac and Applejack waiting for them.

"Time to teach you martial arts!" Rainbow shouted. She threw a karate outfit to Spirit. "Put it on and we'll start." Spirit put on the outfit without question. As he tied his belt around his waist, Rainbow Dash attacked him.

"What are you doing!?" Spirit yelled.

"This is how you will train. Fight me and copy my techniques." Spirit could see a least seven holes in the idea. "If you want, you can add a few moves." That cleared up one of the problems. "Now, are you ready?"

"Yes." Rainbow grinned and threw several hoof strikes, Spirit only avoided her for now. He watched her and dodged each attack, but he could barely do so. Rainbow preformed multiple attacks that only a pegasus could use, but this also helped. Spirit saw it, an opening. He threw one quick strike and got Rainbow Dash in the side. She grinned and she increased her pace. Spirit swiftly planted his head on the floor and spun while throwing several well timed kicks. Rainbow quickened her pace even more so to the point where Spirit could not keep up. Spirit took dozens of quick and weak hits which sent him to the floor.

"Good job for your first time!" Rainbow smiled at him while he stood back up. "One more round." Rainbow waved to Big Mac and Applejack. They only nodded and moved obstacles onto the floor. "This is gonna make things more interesting!" Rainbow was very excited. Spirit on the other hoof wasn't as excited. He remained serious.

"Can we start now?" Spirit asked. Rainbow didn't answer. She just charged, Spirit stood his ground this time and only moved at the last second. In one movement he was able to knock Rainbow off her hooves. She caught herself with her wings and tackled Spirit. She put him in a choke hold that he quickly got out of. Spirit restrained her for a moment but was thrown off. He began to take pads that made the obstacles and swung them wildly. Rainbow fell for it once, but she saw through it later. This time Spirit threw it into the air and drew Rainbow under it. The pad landed on Rainbow, it surprised her. The surprise caused her to fly at him, but Spirit had decided to let things go, and let Rainbow Dash tackle him.

"That was very impressive! We're done for now. The next part of training however, will be very difficult." Spirit gulped in worry. They left the dojo and saw Big Mac setting up some weights and a plow.

"Now, what yer gonna do is wear these weights here and plow the field." Big Mac dragged small weights over to Spirit. "Wear these around yer hooves and put on this harness." Spirit put the weights on, not even wasting time. They were already heavy "This here is about four acres of land, plow this land as fast ya can." Big Mac walked off and watched Spirit.

"This, is going to be hell." Spirit looked forward and began plowing. If he ever messed up, Big Mac would shout to him and tell him to fix it. Spirit had finished the first acre after much hard work. He stopped for a moment only to be nailed in the side of the head with an apple.

"No stoppin. Get goin!" Big Mac yelled. Spirit was exhausted but kept on plowing. The fake sun beat down hard on Spirit. He glance to the side only to see Big Mac sleeping in the shade. Spirit held the apple that Big Mac had thrown at him. Instead of throwing it however, he ate it. He got a small burst of energy from it and had completed the second acre. Big Mac woke about an hour later to see Spirit just finish the the fourth acre. He collapsed and had trouble breathing. Big Mac carried a barrel of water to him. Spirit practically dove into it, he was drinking as fast as he could. "Not bad, seven hours." Big Mac stated. "No more trainin' here fer today. Go find Doctor Pill and start yer anticipation and armor puncturing trainin." Big Mac turned and walked away. Spirit quickly finished the water and ran to keep up with Big Mac.

"Thanks for the training." Spirit was still incredibly tired. So he was practically limping through the door.

"No problem. Doctor Pill, Sweetie Belle, and Rarity should be right through this door here." Big Mac tapped his hoof on the door across from the one they just exited. Spirit slowly went over to the door which opened automatically. He was quickly rushed by Sweetie Belle. He couldn't hit her out of the way or dodge her since the door way was to small. So he took the tackle head on. Sweetie Belle slammed into him, sending them both to the floor. Oddly though, it seemed like she tripped.

"Any reason for tackling me?" Spirit questioned calmly while holding back a loud groan of pain that was all thanks to the previous training. Sweetie Belle blushed a little for some reason.

"No! I didn't mean to tackle you, I just wanted to say hello." Spirit didn't believe her, but he excepted the answer. He stepped forward into the room and met with Doctor Pill.

"Hello Spirit! I wish we could talk but we are behind schedule here, you will be learning about about armor puncturing. We will also teach you what necessary items you should take into battle." By we, Spirit assumed he was talking about him and Sweetie Belle. Spirit couldn't help but think about how cute Sweetie Belle was. "Follow us!" The Doctor shouted. They entered a room that had a large variety of armor suits hanging from the walls and ceiling. "Today we will look at the obvious weak spots on pony armor. Ponies can make thick, but rather revealing armor. Meaning that there are a lot of points that aren't protected. Usually the legs are exposed and the sides of the armor are rather weak. The flank, chest plate, brass hooves, and helmet are very difficult to get through. Even if you use magic blasts or 'bullets', it is still hard to get through those parts."

"Your objective is to defeat the newly made training bot, it will have different armor each time. So that should help you learn where to strike depending on the armor your opponent is wearing," Sweetie Belle turned and flicked on a pony shaped machine that was already wearing armor. "Catch!" Sweetie shouted. Spirit caught what she threw to him and took it out of the sheath. It was a 9 inch long knife. "Hold it in your mouth and look for an opening!" Sweetie Belle seemed to get excited. Spirit held it in his mouth and slowly approached the robot. The robot took a different approach, it went for powerful single strikes. Spirit dodged the first strike and slashed the robots leg with the knife. He then turned and bucked it half way across the room. It got back up and attacked in quick defensive strikes. Spirit blocked most of the strikes and flipped the robot in a wrestler fashion. He then drove the knife into the gut and dragged it up to the neck area. The robot shut down and was now useless. Upon getting up he saw Sweetie Belle with a large smile on her face.

"Very good Spirit! I'm surprised you were so vicious..." Doctor Pill glanced at the robot and saw cords sticking out of the gut.

"Well, it is just a robot. So I didn't need to worry about harming anypony." Doctor Pill and Sweetie Belle both nodded in agreement.

"Ready for round two?" Sweetie asked. Spirit nodded and plucked the knife from the robot pony's chest. Doctor Pill moved the first one and Sweetie Belle brought in a second one. The structure of it was different. It had a piece covering it's legs, it looked like some weird skirt. It was rather thick, so there was no cutting through that. Most of the other parts were bulging out to show that it wasn't gonna break. The skin of the robot was still visible under the helmet. It looked as thin as the last robot's skin. The robot trotted up to him and threw several fast hoof strikes. Spirit ducked under the first two blocked the third and sidestepped the fourth. He bit on the thick iron that covered it's legs and heaved, He tried to stab the belly, but there was armor there as well. He jumped back, just barely avoiding a strong kick. Spirit ran up to the robot and rammed the knife into it's eye. He twisted it and yanked it out. He also managed to tear out a large piece of the robot's "brain" somehow.

"Good! I think you've got the idea!" Sweetie Belle glanced at the clock as Doctor Pill spoke to Spirit.

"If I may say, it is getting pretty late. I also need to go help Scootaloo and Applebloom with some research."

"Right. Spirit, you are done training for today. You can go rest for the night." Spirit showed a smile of relief and trotted out of the door.

"I never would have thought that I would work this hard for anything..." He rushed to his room and jumped into his bed. He quickly fell asleep and dreamed about the next day. Would it be harder? Would it be different? Spirit got off of the topic faster then he jumped into his bed. There was one thing on his mind however, one thing that he didn't expect to be stuck thinking about. Sweetie Belle.

Author's Notes:

I'm totally expecting dislikes, I just hope it doesn't end in COMPLETE failure. Feedback would be appreciated.

Coffee solved some problems

Sweetie Belle, why can't I got her out of my head? I can't stop thinking about her... I can't have a crush on her, can I? Not even in my coma world had I fallen victim to a crush. It is still to early to decide of I truly do have a crush on her... Spirit was kept awake by the thought of Sweetie Belle. He still managed to fall asleep, but his dream was different compared to his thoughts. He was standing in a black abyss, the only other thing in sight was a unicorn with purple haze pooling out of his body, green and red eyes, sharp teeth, a red horn, and a very sturdy suit of armor. He was on his hind legs with a sword being held up by fingers that he made with his purple haze. He also had a scythe of incredible size on his back.

"So, you are the colt who has absorbed my power. Interesting..." The odd pony stared directly at Spirit. "I find this very odd..." Spirit quickly saw the connection.

"You are King Sombra, aren't you?" Spirit narrowed his eyes at the pony.

"Why yes, I am King Sombra." He stated with a small grin. "I will get right to the point. There are two ways this can end. Join me and I will help you tame the powers you posses, or I can kill you and take it back. So what is you-" Sombra was stopped by Luna tackling him. He went flying.

"Princess Luna, you are here to huh?"

"Of course, as princess of the night we must enter the dreams of others and protect them." Luna turned her attention to Sombra. An ominous laugh filled the air around Spirit and Luna.

"Still as entertaining as ever Luna! Tell me, how long do you think this little 'organization' you have will last!? The only hope you may have is this colt here and even that is quite a stretch!"

"Our organization will be enough to stop you Sombra, you will not win!" Luna was quite angry now. Sombra laughed at Luna.

"You may have been able to harm me before, but you have no chance against me now! The crystal heart and elements of harmony don't even harm me anymore, as you would know. You saw it first hoof!" Spirit sat back and listened to them chatter back and forth so that he could possibly make some connection about what he knew and what was just being explained.

"We are tired of this useless argument, it seems that you don't know when you are beat Sombra. Spirit, we are ending the 'dream'." Luna's horn flashed and Spirit was in his bed with Luna by his side.

"What just happened?!" Spirit was still tired and very confused about the previous events.

"We are sorry Spirit, but everything will be explained in the morning. Until then, don't fall asleep. That is how he got into your head." Luna said as she placed a spell on the room. "This spell will keep Sombra out, just give me two hours or so." Spirit sat in his bed with the lights on, only to feel drowsiness sneak up on him.

"Two hours, two long hours. How am I supposed to keep myself awake for two hours when it is 4:00 AM?" Spirit thought of possible ideas, but only one was actually capable of keeping him awake. He went into the Mess Hall, made a cup of coffee, and sipped slowly so that it wouldn't be wasted right away. In the middle of him drinking his coffee, he heard the door open. He took a look at who had just walked in. It was CMCs, he just wanted to drink his coffee in peace. Upon looking at them, he noticed their cutie marks. Scootaloo had a flaming tire, Applebloom had a wrench, and Sweetie Belle had a singing bird. He sat out of their line of sight, but they turned the corner and saw him. Spirit's mane and tail were somewhat shaggy, he was in a slumped sitting position, and he had small bags under his eyes. He merely turned to them and back to his coffee.

"You really shouldn't be in here you know." Scootaloo said. Spirit rolled his eyes.

"I could say the same thing to you." His voice kept a constant rasp. "If you three are going to do anything, do it quietly." Spirit took a small sip of coffee.

"Wait." Sweetie Belle said. "How do you know how to make coffee if you didn't even know how to run earlier?"

"Never said I knew how to make coffee. I just did random things and then I got coffee." He began to pour himself another cup of coffee upon finishing his sentence. The girls just stared for a moment and quickly got what they came for. Gummy Worms. Sweetie Belle stopped for a moment to talk with Spirit about why he was actually here. He stated the problem and the girls got worried so they left to do research while Sweetie Belle went to the Training room with the robots. For the next hour, he drank coffee. Luna entered the Mess Hall after Spirit finished all but one cup of coffee.

"Your room is now fixed. Before you go to sleep again, Doctor Pill wants you to fight one more robot for him..." Spirit was so damn livid that smoke was literally coming off of his head. He trotted down to the armor puncture training room where he found Doctor Pill.

"Sorry to bring you here on such short notice, but I need you to fight this robot for me." He let out a nervous smile. Spirit's eye only twitched

"FINE. LETS START." He walked right up to the robot and poured the remaining coffee on it, causing it to short circuit. "THERE I AM DONE. GOOD NIGHT! Spirit stormed out of the room after jamming the coffee cup into the robot's skull. Doctor Pill stood there trying to process what Spirit just did. Sweetie Belle was on the floor laughing so hard that she began to tear up. Spirit once more climbed into bed and went to sleep. Its already hard enough to do training like this, then I almost lost permission to FUCKING sleep. Whatever. As long as I sleep there isn't much of a problem. Spirit quickly fell into a dream where he was goofing, eating and playing games. His dream was interrupted by somepony lifting his hoof. He glanced to his left to see it was the CMCs, Blade, Gunner, and Lightning. They were about to place his hoof in warm cup of water, but Spirit whipped himself out of his bed landing practically on top of Sweetie Belle and shouted. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?" Spirit now accurately portrayed himself when he thought he was a human. Uncombed mane and tail, bags under his eyes and the same tone he used when he was angry.

"Oh shit!" Gunner stumbled back from the surprise along with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Lightning. Blade merely flinched and Sweetie Belle was frozen still. Spirit looked down and blushed like mad just like Sweetie Belle when he saw her under him. He quickly jumped back into bed and tried to forget what just happened. Gunner was the only pony other then Sweetie Belle to see him blush. "Spirit has a crush on Sweetie Belle!!" He called out and laughed as he stood up. Spirit turned quickly and tackled Gunner to the wall before choking him out.

"GET OUT OF THIS ROOM OR I'll RAM A COFFEE CUP THROUGH YOU"RE SKULLS!" They all picked up Gunner and left. Sweetie Belle was the last one of them to leave but before she did, Spirit stopped her. "I'm sorry about what just happened, I didn't mean to." Sweetie Belle only smiled.

"Its fine, I know you didn't mean it." She gave him a pat on the back and left. After she left he took everything other then his bed and used it to block up the door. He then slipped back into bed ad thought about what just happened. I don't fit in here. I won't fit in with them. I'll learn to use my powers on my own free will and then I shall leave. He fell asleep, finally. He woke up to find it was 9 in the morning. He removed everything from the doorway and left to go eat breakfast before training. To his surprise, nopony was around. He ignored it and made himself even more coffee. After the coffee finished he poured himself a cup and trotted over to the buffet. He picked out watermelon, apples, jello, and some pizza. As he sat down to eat he heard something behind him. When he turned he saw an odd creature standing over Fluttershy. It was a black pony-like creature with insect wings and holes in his legs and horn. It opened it's mouth to bite Fluttershy, but before he could Spirit tackled it into the wall.

"Oh, Spirit! They found a way into the base." Fluttershy got quieter as she went on.

"Who are 'they'?"

"Changelings, they can transform into anything they want. However, they may not have the same abilities as the thing they turn into..."

"This should be fun." He grabbed the changeling by the horn and dragged it over to the stove. He flicked it onto the highest it could go and slammed the changelings face into it. Spirit stood over his work listening to a satisfying sizzle and scream. "Lets go find the others, Fluttershy." She was terrified of what she just saw, but none the less. She followed. Spirit poured the coffee he had in his cup back into the coffee container. They walked out into the hall to see three more changelings flying over to them. "Hold this please." He passed the coffee to Fluttershy. He thee launched himself forwards landed no his back and spun in a circle with incredible speed. He struck each changeling multiple times with brute force that broke their bones, Spirit was lucky to break those bones. As he stopped he began took the coffee from Fluttershy and they continued. They soon heard a struggle in the armor puncture room. There were gunshot-like sounds ringing from the room.

"Gunner!" Fluttershy yelled. She quickly opened the door and saw that several changelings littered the room, all of them had large holes in them. Gunner was guarding Applebloom and Scootaloo with a shotgun. Spirit ripped a horn off of the closest changeling and stabbed the closest living changeling that wasn't about to be shot. With combined efforts, they cleared the room of changelings.

"Thanks for the assist Spirit, also sorry about last night..."

"Its cool. Where is everypony?

"The queen got them, to my knowledge Luna is defending Celestia who failed to beat her." Spirit's eyes went wide.

"If Celestia can't beat her, then what makes Luna think she can!?

"Luna's magic is stronger the Celestia's. The only reason Celestia rules is because she can control things better then Luna can."

"Well, time to kill the queen. Gunner, you and I will take point. Scootaloo and Applebloom, you watch our flank. Fluttershy, don't get caught up in a fight. Okay?"

"Okay, lets go..." Fluttershy was still terrified. They left the room and searched the whole base until they found a large door that Spirit hadn't seen before. When they entered a white bunny ran to Fluttershy. "Angel, thank goodness you're okay!" Fluttershy flew to him.

"I thought animals weren't allowed in here." Scootaloo said. Spirit's eyes went wider then they had ever been. That bunny was a changeling. He called out to Fluttershy, but it was to late. The bunny turned back into it's real form and bit Fluttershy's neck, causing a stream of blood to roll down her body. Spirit flew to the changeling and smash it's legs off. He then tore of the wings and horn. Somehow, the changeling was still alive. He then continued to beat the head of the changeling in until it was nothing but a large pool of green blood and black mush. He ran over to Fluttershy only to see her barely breathing.

"I knew... my kindness... would... get me...into trouble... one day..." She passed out. The bite tore through her throat, so she couldn't breathe.Spirit stared at Fluttershy as she bled out while Gunner, Scootaloo, and Applebloom began to cry.

"Lets go, if we can get Doctor Pill then maybe he can save her." Spirit said with a perfectly clear tone. Scootaloo and Applebloom picked up Fluttershy and continued. They soon found Luna fighting a large changeling that was no doubt the queen. Other changelings were fighting the the others that they were trying to find. There was one mare that he didn't recognize. A lavender colored alicorn fought along side his friends. Spirit threw his coffee container onto a small group of changelings, they screamed as the coffee was still hot and burned them horribly. Spirit turned to the group to see the one thing that send him into a killing fit. Sweetie Belle was still, on her side. She looked dead, but before he could check he went insane. He was So livid that purple energy gathered around him. [play this song. Just copy it and paste it into the search bar if you need to.


He transformed into a monster. One thing was off. He could control himself, but just barely. He was furious though and targeted all of his anger towards the queen.

"Oh, finally something worth my time." The queen finished off Luna with a magic blast. "Do you think you can beat me? Well. If you intend on running to your death then I, Queen Chrysalis shall show you the way!" She summoned a large group of changelings which Spirit took out with a simple move of his right foreleg. They were all ripped to shreds by the purple haze surrounding Spirit. He glanced over to Sweetie Belle, Chrysalis followed his glance. "So are you upset about the filly? Well, It was enjoyable killing her. So are we gonna fight now?" Spirit slowly turned his head to her, he was ready to kill everything.

"YOU WILL DIE!!" Spirit yelled as he run towards Chrysalis. She was barely keeping up with him. She turned around and struck him in the face with her hoof and shot him with a magic blast. He flew to the opposite end of the room and a smoke cloud kicked up. When the smoke cleared, he was gone. He was above her and she didn't even know he sat there for a solid five seconds before she looked up. When she did, he sent a single hoof strike through her face and body. She was now nothing but small pieces of black and green mush. All the changelings stared at him as he turned towards them, he waved a hoof and ripped them all in half. All but one. He captured this one and lightly threw him into the wall. This "light" throw broke the changeling's forelegs. What Spirit didn't know is that when Chrysalis died, she let off a kind of energy that brought Life back to Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy. Since it was her changelings that killed Fluttershy and she herself killed Sweetie Belle. "You don't know how much rage I have bottled up right now. So if you know what is good for you, you will tell me why you attacked us."

"W-w-we were sent h-here!" The changeling yelled. "He told us to!"

"Was it King Sombra?" Spirit hissed.

"Y-yes! It was him!" The changeling yelled. Spirit had heard enough. He then broke the changeling's neck. He then reverted back to normal on his own will and saw Sweetie Belle's wounds healing. The same was happening to Fluttershy. Sweetie Belle got up from the ground only to be held in a tight hug given to her by Spirit.

Author's Notes:

I hope you didn't dislike this immediately after Fluttershy's death. She does get revived at the end. Still gonna await dislikes though.

Odd secret of a pony part 1

Sweetie Belle was still regaining her memory, but she still returned Spirit's hug. Everypony stared for a moment. Most of them, including Rarity, found this very sweet. Spirit helped Sweetie to her hooves. Luna, Celestia, Cadence, and the lavender alicorn stepped forward.

"So, you can control your powers now?" Luna asked.

"No, they still run wild. I can activate it, but I can't control it. That's what I think anyways." Spirit gave a straight, almost dead tired look when he spoke with Luna.

"Then you shall under go the next step in controlling this power after everything has been fixed. Also, that wasn't the real queen." Luna had a straight face.

"Well, that would explain why she was so weak. For me anyways."

"Actually, we could have killed her easily. The only thing that held us back was the backlash, it could have killed everypony." Spirit nodded.

"If I may interrupt. We should all get this place back up and running. First, Luna the games you asked for are in. Second, Discord has found some important info about not only Sombra. But the real Chrysalis as well. Third, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you Brawny Spirit."

"Nice to meet you to. I also agree with you, we should get everything fixed if not upgraded for security reasons. Once everything is up to speed we get Chrysalis out of the way as soon as possible" Everypony nodded. "Good, kinda feels weird giving orders but oh well. So, sound like a plan?" Everypony nodded again. "Great, lets get going!" They all cheered and got to work.

"Spirit." Celestia called. "We actually need to replace some of the metal panels in the hall and in some of the rooms. So to earn money we got you and Gunner jobs with the police. You two will be solving murder mysteries." Gunner already knows what to do. We spoke of this while you were giving that speech." Spirit nodded and brought Sweetie Belle to her room so she could rest.

"Get some rest, I hope you feel better..." Spirit left the room. As he did, Sweetie Belle awoke and left her room through a secret passage.

"Hey Spirit! We better get going! We can't be late!"

"Yeah, I know."

"I noticed something interesting. We are gonna be solving murder mysteries around Nightmare Night." Gunner had a large grin upon his face.

"Nightmare Night? Is that like Halloween?" Spirit was confused.

"It was originally called Halloween, but it was renamed to represent the time Luna went insane and became Nightmare Moon." Spirit was still confused.

"Well, I'm gonna keep calling it Halloween. Do fillies and colts know of the real name?"

"Yeah, they do unless they are REALLY young. Like, 3 or 4." Spirit and Gunner had finally arrived at the police station in Ponyville. "Hey, we were sent here by Princess Celestia to help with some murders." The police officer looked at them for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Yeah, you kids are gonna help us with some murders! Why don't you just go back to the sandbox." Spirit really wasn't in the mood. He snatched one of Gunner's pistols and held it in his mouth, somehow he was able to talk clearly.

"We were sent by the Princess to solve murders. Let us do our job or I will blow off your limbs." Gunner took the gun back and saw that the officer was very scared and let them through without any more hassle.

"You didn't have to do that." Gunner scolded him, but Spirit didn't really care.

"Don't really care you know." Spirit walked ahead while Gunner followed up behind them. They quickly found their way to the police chief.

"Ah! You two must be the ponies Celestia sent, correct?"

"Yes sir, we have come here to offer help." Spirit sounded very formal "I hope to get started right away, anything pop up?"

"Yes, there is one. We believe it has been committed by the same pony as all of our previous murders. Other then the market slaughter." Spirit swiftly glanced from side to side and back to the chief. "The victim was drained of blood and had their cheeks, guts and hearts removed. half of the body is in shreds, but the front half of him is still intact."

"Was there a distinct mark anywhere on the body that could be a clue?"

"One on the neck and several vicious bite marks on the chest."

"Good, we would like to look at the body and crime scene. Can we?" Gunner was still silent as they went on.

"Sure, I'll show you where to go." The chief finally came into few. He was a blue pegasus that had a an orange mane and tail with "hoof-cuffs" as his cutie mark. They followed him to the scene of the crime and the body still lay in the position it had been found in.

"Can you go get me a list on carnivorous animals that live in the area? That might narrow the search."

"It doesn't really look like any native animal attack, but if you say so." He passed a piece of paper to Spirit. Gunner and Spirit looked over the list only to conclude the obvious, there were no animals around that could make this exact bite mark. Spirit thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

"I'm gonna go to the library and get a book. I will be back in about five minutes." Spirit charged off into town and quickly found the library. He searched high and low until he found the book that, for some reason, thought could help him fix this problem. A book of mythical creatures. It talked about urban legends, myths, and rumors. he then ran back to the crime scene 1 minute quicker then he thought he would be. "There may be an answer in this book. Can somepony hold this up for me?" Another officer grabbed the book with his magic and held it up for Spirit to see. He compared the teeth of the creatures in the book to the ones on the victim.

"So, find anything?" Gunner was very curious.

"Yes, you can drop the book now. Thanks." The officer placed the book at Spirit's hooves. "There are three creatures in this book that match the bites. The one on the neck is a vampire. really a dead give away, they don't even have to bite the neck. The other bite are either a Lycan or a Werewolf. Since there was no full moon last night. it must mean that it was a Lycan." Spirit was confident in his hypothesis.

"Spirit, what the heck is a Lycan?" Gunner was curious as to what this was.

"A Lycan is a werewolf-like creature that can transform at will. Lycans usually stay in packs, but this one was with a vampire... Oh, they can transform into a really big wolf of a pony-wolf hybrid. Unlike a werewolf that can only be a pony-wolf hybrid." The officers were talking and whispering among themselves as Spirit, Gunner and the chief were talking.

"It could have been a timber wolf." The chief suggested.

"It can't actually, the teeth of a timber wolf grow randomly in an uneven order. These marks are in perfect order."

"Well, we know what did it. But WHO did it?"

Gunner has a point, I know what killed him. But which pony here is a Vampire or Lycan? "Hold on." Spirit ran towards the book that he took from the library and read aloud what it said about Lycans. "Lycans are odd creatures, some ponies used to think that those who could sing well were Lycans, due to the incredible howls they give off at night." Everypony stared. "That narrows the search even more. Send a group of spies after all ponies with a cutie mark that represents singing in this general area." The officers followed the orders without question. They went back to the station to start the investigation. "Gunner, we should get back to the base." Gunner nodded and went to the chariot. "If you need assistants, just get Gunner. I'm just the detective in this one." The chief waved and said farewell, for now at least.

"Spirit, about the singer and Lycan thing. What about Sweetie Belle? She is an incredible singer. Do you think it could be her?"

"There is a possibility, but it is somewhat unlikely. I will keep an eye on her, and it isn't just for the investigation." Gunner caught on to what he meant and left it at that. They arrived at the base and decided to give Princess Celestia a report.

"so, is that all?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, that is all we could gather. Any more orders?"

"Yes. Spirit, I want you to watch over Sweetie Belle. I already know she likes you and I know you like her. These ponies that have been dying were criminals. So however is doing this is actually cleaning the streets of Ponyville and Canterlot." Spirit had one question.

"If they were criminals, then why didn't the police know?"

"Good question. The criminals were killed in places that they weren't at when they were sent to jail." Of course. "Spirit, I have an idea. I will send you to the Griffin kingdom for a vacation, for some reason ponies think that we are still enemies when we aren't. Oh well. Sweetie Belle has always wanted to enter one of their singing contests. So you two should go together. She may open up to you. I also have no doubt that you two can take care of yourselves."

"Thanks, I will follow the plan. I just don't know how she could hide it from us if she IS the killer."

"Yes, it is troubling. But I am sure you can handle this one Spirit." Spirit smiled at Celestia's confidence in him. "Shall I tell her that we are leaving?"

"Yes, you should. Don't forget to enjoy yourself while on the trip!" Celestia called.

"Oh, don't worry about that!" Spirit ran off to find Sweetie Belle and left Gunner in the room just standing there. He was trying to keep up with the fast paced conversation, but he just forgot about it and left. Spirit searched the halls and finally found Sweetie Belle in the research center. "Hey, Sweetie Belle!"

""Spirit! Whats going on?" Sweetie Belle seemed very happy to see him.

"Celestia is going to be sending us to the Griffin Empire! We get to relax there and have fun!" Sweetie Belle went wild. She was hopping around the room like Pinkie Pie hopping over to a new pony entering Ponyville.

"Its only going to be us two?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That is what Celestia said." Sweetie Belle was still happy none the less.

"Then lets get packing!" She shouted with a voice crack that just made her seem cuter. Spirit was happy, but found it odd how Celestia was letting two children spend time together as if they were husband and wife. He was still thankful that he would be able to hang out with Sweetie Belle.

This is going to be one hell of a "vacation".

Author's Notes:

There will be three parts to this chapter. The next part will involve listening to music. A lot of music. Some Nightcore and some normal music. In short, singing contest.

Odd secret of a pony part 2

Spirit went back to Princess Celestia and told her that Sweetie Belle was going to the Griffin Empire.

"That is good, but you shall need to bring certain supplies with you." Celestia looked away. "Lycans are weak to silver, so take a silver object with you." Spirit already didn't like this. "Take some first aid with you, some wolf-bane just in case. Also, bring a knife for tight situations, you can wear it under this jacket and padding." Celestia threw a knife that was still in it's sheath to Spirit along with a jacket and pads that felt just like the coat of a pony. "Those pads should protect you from anything that can cut." Celestia smiled and left the room. Spirit began to put on the pads, it was quite easy and it didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. The jacket was a light grey color and felt very comfortable. He walked to his room and began to pack. He packed books, training weights that he wore under his huge jacket that covered his whole body, and he kept the knife a secret along with the silver.

"Better go see if Sweetie Belle is close to being done." As he left his room Sweetie Belle trotted up to his room with a small saddle bag.

"Ready to go?" Sweetie Belle asked with excitement.

"Sure am. So, are you going to enter a singing contest when we get there? Princess Celestia told me how much you wanted to enter one." Sweetie Belle only nodded and started to drag Spirit behind her.

"Yeah, but I have a question. Where did you get the jacket? It looks really cool." Spirit smiled at the compliment.

"Princess Celestia gave it to me. I don't know why, but it is really comfortable." Spirit looked down at his jacket.

"Well, lets get going! We have to get there as soon as possible!" Sweetie Belle voice cracked. Spirit ran to keep up with her. They talked along the way, it was mainly about what they brought with them and about some of the activity around Equestria. Soon they made it to their chariot and left for the Griffin Empire. They saw a large canyons with rainbow colored walls, a large sea with magnificent creatures like dolphins and whales. They soon arrived at the Griffin Kingdom, it was very bright, but the buildings seemed to be a single color of brown or orange. They were all very tall with small pubs or buildings of other sorts. They landed, thanked the pegasi that flew them to the Kingdom, and went to see the King. They were escorted to the throne room and there they met him. King Quetzal.

"Hello, you were sent here by Princess Celestia. Were you not?" His voice was quite loud.

"Yes, we were sent here by Princess." Sweetie Belle had sounded somewhat intimidated. King Quetzal smiled.

"Well, welcome friends! I am glad that there are still ponies other than the princesses who will give us griffins a chance!" Spirit and Sweetie Belle smiled. "I already know your names, I will also be giving you two a special room in the castle if you like." Spirit and Sweetie Belle both lit up at this.

"Yes please!" They both said simultaneously. The King laughed and sent them to there room. It was a large room with a light purple wall paper, two large beds, a small snack stand, a large bathroom, and even a wall of weapons on display. "This place is huge!" Spirit shouted.

"I know! This is wonderful!" Sweetie Belle began to skip around the room.

"So, what are we gonna do first?" Sweetie Belle stopped. It was a good question. They both had their minds on the scenery when they traveled.

"We could go shopping?" It was the only thing they could come up with. "The singing contests are also held in a big mall, maybe we could go there. Right?"

"That is really our only plan. Lets go!" They both trotted out of the castle and roamed around the city. All of the Griffins greeted them warmly and often stopped them to talk. After asking one of them where the big mall was, they finally made it to their destination. Spirit looked at a clock when they entered. "We only have about five hours until we have to leave. Lets at least spend three or four hours shopping." Sweetie Belle agreed and they began to look through all of the shops. Again, they were welcomed with smiles and made many friends. They first stopped to buy candy and some lunch. They then went to buy gifts for their friends back at the base. They were eventually stopped to be interviewed because they were the first ponies to enter the Kingdom since ten years ago. They eventually bought books and CDs as well.

"Well, we have two hours before we have to leave. Now lets go to the singing contest!!" Sweetie Belle used her magic to drag Spirit through the mall while getting some laughs from some near by griffins. They quickly arrived at the contest.

"Hello! I would like to en-" She was cut off by Spirit.

"Sorry, but both us will be entering the contest if you don't mind" Sweetie Belle was stunned.

"You can sing?!"

"Yeah, I can if I want to." Spirit said proudly.

"So you mean you don't know how to sing, but you are willing to try it?" Spirit nodded. "Oh well. I guess both of us will enter." The griffin wrote their names down and got them ready. Sweetie Belle left during all of Spirit's rounds. She never listened because she thought that he would do horrible, but he didn't. So she was in for a surprise. They made it to the finals. There were three judges and they both had two songs. Sweetie Belle was first. "Get ready Spirit, you are SO losing this!"

Where is The Love

Sweetie Belle began to sing. She sang incredibly, but the music was quite loud. Spirit didn't really care. It sounded incredible just like the rest of Sweetie Belle's rounds. All of the griffins in the room began to bob their heads to Sweetie's song. They were all hyped up ready for more excellent singing. "Well, this is going to be difficult..." Spirit smiled as the song ended. They all clapped and went wild. The judges gave her a 26\30. "Well, I'm in trouble..." Spirit none the less got up on stage as he complimented Sweetie Belle. Spirit took a deep breath, getting ready for the song. Sweetie Belle decided to stay and watch him this time.

When You're Evil

"What?" Sweetie Belle said as she heard Spirit sing. "How can he sing so well?" She was astonished. He sang slow, but very well. The griffins seemed to be really enjoying the singing. they all were taking long, unblinking looks at Spirit out of being purely impressed. None of them expected it, even though he made it to the finals. Spirit began to move his body to emphasize parts of the song. He continued to sing in such a way that he impressed the judges enough to give him a 23\30, just like Sweetie Belle. Spirit walked off stage to get a drink, but was stopped by Sweetie Belle. "How did you do that?!"

"I just sang. You should have listened to my earlier performances." They were given a short time to cool off for the final performance.

"Brawny Spirit, you will be going first this round." One of the judges called. Spirit nodded and moved onto stage. He cleared his throat.

"Oh boy..." Sweetie Belle said to herself.


The music started out quite, but it got louder quickly. The way his voice sounded was odd, but it was still getting the griffins excited. The way this was playing out, it seemed like Spirit would win, but he slipped up for a moment. The song was getting only half way done by now. "Wow..." Sweetie Belle really liked this song choice. After the last words of Spirit's song, all of the griffins clapped like mad. The judges had given Spirit a 27\30. "I still have a chance to win this!" Sweetie Belle was excited. She never would have guessed that Spirit was a good singer.

"Good luck up there Sweetie Belle!" Spirit called. Sweetie only waved with a large grin upon her face.


"So, did you find anything about the Lycans that Spirit claims is behind this." Gunner asked the chief.

"No, nothing so far. Do you really trust him on this? Do you think it really is all about lycans and vampires?"

"Really, I haven't known Spirit for to long. But if there is one thing I can say, it is that he knows more then he should and he is right most of the time." The chief nodded in understanding. "I'm just worried about Spirit, he is watching Sweetie Belle who is a potential suspect."

"Sweetie Belle?" The chief didn't know who this was so Gunner had to explain. "Ah, I see. I guess that all you can do is hope for the best. Right?"


Sweetie Belle got on stage and set up prepared herself. She started.


The song started differently then Spirit thought it would. The one thing he didn't expect was Sweetie Belle singing the line "Your up my anus" and winking at him at the same time. All the griffins saw and let out an "Oooohhhhh!" while Spirit blushed like crazy. She was great, but the lyrics caught his attention, it was all about cannibalism. He thought back to the murders in Ponyville only to hope that she wasn't the one killing. He then listened to the song again and it was incredible how much better she was compared to previous songs. He couldn't really look away. She was just to amazing. She had finished the song. There was a long and loud round of applause. They both turned to the judges and all of the griffins did to.

"Well Sweetie Belle, the score you got from this song was....28\30!" The griffins cheered as she jumped for joy. Spirit saw this one coming form a mile away. Sweetie Belle jumped at him and gave him big hug.

"YES! That was really fun Spirit! I never expected you to do so well!" Sweetie was elated.

"Thanks!" Spirit responded, but his mind was on the lyrics to that last song.She didn't play it safe, she didn't expect him to be helping the police. Since vampires and Lycans are still technically part pony, it can be seen as cannibalism. Does that song she sang have something to do with the murders?

Author's Notes:

The songs used in this aren't owned by me. (Obviously.) The reason I used Nightcore for Sweetie Belle is because those songs sounded like a girl at the age of fourteen or so. At least it did to me. The last part of a "Part 3 chapter" will be coming up soon! I hope you liked it!

PS the song for Spirit were ones that I liked.

Odd secret of a pony part 3

Sweetie Belle, a young mare who was practically dating me, might be killing criminals without anypony knowing. Damn shes good. Spirit and Sweetie Belle left after getting praised for being such wonderful sources of entertainment. They had thirty minutes left.

"Can we go get some food? I'm starving." Sweetie Belle complained. Spirit chuckled.

"Sure, it will be to celebrate your victory over beating a colt who can't really sing." They both laughed and went to a food court. They served meat, chicken and pig. Sweetie Belle ate the food without hesitation and so did Spirit. The griffins were impressed by the only two ponies, they ate meat like nothing. Spirit was focused on Sweetie Belle. She just tore it apart. and she didn't drink her water normally. It seemed to be pouring onto her canine teeth that were slightly larger then a normal pony's canines. He finished first and then Sweetie Belle finished just seconds after. They payed the bill and left. They wandered the streets that were very dark. It was unnecessary for torches to be put up, griffins can see in the dark. Sweetie Belle led them back to the castle, somehow she could see very well in the dark.

"Here we are!" She shouted as they got to the castle. They quickly ran to their room and began to use up the last of their energy so they could fall to sleep easily. They soon argued over who got to use the shower first. Sweetie Belle went first, as she did Spirit prepared himself for a bad situation. He put his knife in a place it would be easy to grab along with the silver pendant. They were perfectly hidden. He was ready for almost anything. He then remembered he had to take a shower next and would have to move his weapons back to the hidden spots in his jacket. After his shower they sprang into their beds and went to sleep.

"Give me something I can use, Sweetie Belle." He whispered to himself. Then, as if on cue, she got up out of bed and left the room. Spirit grabbed the first aid kit and the wolf-bane Celestia had given him and started to follow Sweetie Belle. Already the first night and I might just die. WOW. Sweetie Belle went into a forest that was near by. Spirit didn't even notice this at first. There, he saw a griffin, male by the looks of it and he looked pretty roughed up. Before he could get closer, Sweetie Belle lunged at him

"TIME TO EAT!!" She screamed. The griffin was surprised and the dead in an instant. Well that escalated VERY quickly. Spirit thought. He peaked out to so her sinking her teeth into the neck of the griffin. Shes the vampire? I thought she was the lycan. She quickly drained him of blood and began ripping chucks of meat from the body. Is she both lycan and a vampire? That is cool, I also love how I'm so calm over this...

"So, there really IS a vampire lycan." Sweetie Belle turned to see a female griffin with over twenty swords that resembled the silver pendant he had. Oh lord no.. Silver swords?

"I will be quick, these swords are made of silver and will be the tools to end you."

Motherfucker, I knew it! Spirit was pissed off.

Bleeding Out

"I, Gilda the monster slayer, challenge you to a battle to the death!" Gilda threw five of her sword at Sweetie Belle. She just barely dodged the attack. Spirit let loose and the monster inside of him ran to protect Sweetie Belle. The swords that were thrown earlier went straight through several trees like a knife through hot butter. Gilda threw ten more swords at Sweetie Belle. Spirit Jumped in front of her and took the ten swords for Sweetie Belle. She just stared at him. The swords didn't go through him. "Well, looks like I can kill two monsters in one d-" A knife was sent flying into her head and killed her as quickly as she appeared.

"Fuck off." Spirit said coldly.

"Just... shut up." Gilda immediately got back up and threw several more swords. They all pierced Spirit's armor and ripped his intestines to bits. Using his dark powers, Spirit lodged the knife from earlier deep into Gilda's heart. Then he spun it in a circle, ripping the heart to bits. This had truly killed Gilda. "That escalated quickly." Spirit coughed, at the same time spitting out large amounts of blood.

"How did the swords not go through you?" Sweetie Belle began to cry.

"I put the dark magic of my 'evil' form inside of my body to reduce the puncturing power of the swords." He smiled. "Don't cry, you silly filly..." Spirit wasn't going to make it, despite having such incredible powers. "That 'Gilda'... was a monster as well. She would not have been able to throw the swords so hard if she wasn't..." He coughed up more blood.

I need to do something! What can I do!? Spirit is going to die because of me... Wait! I have an idea! Sweetie Belle channeled both of her lycan and vampire powers and stared at Spirit's body. She slowly leaned in and bit him.


Spirit woke up and looked around. Pitch black. He turned around to see three ponies. He only recognized one of them. There was an extremely hairy, purple colt with large canine teeth and orange eyes. He also had claws on all four of his hooves. The second one he didn't recognize had a blood red eyes with a purple coat and had longer limbs and sharp teeth. The other one was his monster or "Sombra" form.

"Well," The red eyed version of him started. "This is interesting."

"What happened?" Spirit asked.

"You died for Sweetie Belle." Sombra Spirit said. "She then gave you her powers and it is reviving you. That is where these two come in." He tilted his head towards the other versions of himself, or he assumed they were other versions of himself.

"I have the embodiment of your vampire powers." He bowed, in doing so he was now on even height with Spirit. "This is the embodiment of your lycan powers." The hairy one jumped forward with his canine teeth sticking slightly out of his mouth.

"Hey." He said in a raspy voice.

"So, now what? Do I have the powers of a Lycan and vampire?"

"Yes," Vampire Spirit said. "but you can live in sunlight and thanks to your Sombra form you have a resistance to silver or holy objects."

"The two of us won't make a fuse of you controlling us." Vampire Spirit said. "Same goes for him." He said while pointing to Spirit's Sombra form.

"He won't? You're sure of this?" Spirit said with concern.

"I wish I could." His Sombra form said. "These two are now keeping me from taking control of you. That's why I LET you control me, but with these two... I can't make any move against you now."

"Good, and it should stay that way." Spirit said. "Hey, when do I wake up?"

"In ten seconds. By the way, you will be able to talk through your mind. That is how we will communicate." The Vampire Spirit managed to finish before the real Spirit woke up. He whipped his head around to see that he was in the King Quetzal's castle. He then glanced to the mirror to see that he was very tall, but he didn't look like his vampire form.

"What the hell..." Spirit mumbled before hearing a voice.

"I didn't have time to mention this, but usually when somepony becomes a vampire they become naturally taller." Spirit looked around only to realize that his vampire form was talking to him. As he got up and looked into a mirror, Spirit looked closer at his face and saw a barely developed beard and mustache. His mane were longer and in his eyes, the bags under them hadn't changed, and his mane and tail were still roughed up a bit.

"So, you are awake..." Spirit turned to see Sweetie Belle with large fangs and a combo of orange and red eyes, somewhat hairy, but still kinda cute. Spirit put on a convincing smile.

"Hey Sweetie Bell!" Spirit wanted to know what happened to her, he wanted to know what turned her into this.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want anypony else involved with what I was doing..." Sweetie Belle was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, don't be sad. It was my fault for following you into the woods."

"Then I would have been killed by Gilda and that would have caused trouble for everypony back at the base"

"So it was for the best that I followed you, right?"

"I guess, but we need to leave. Now"

"Why? We only arrived here yesterday and I feel great to be honest." Spirit said with a tone that seemed happy.

"A secret society of griffins is waiting outside and wants us dead, that is why we need to leave. You killed one of their best last night. King Quetzal said we could take any weapon we liked to help us escape." Sweetie Belle pointed her hoof at the wall of weapons. Spirit quickly took the sword with a deep purple handle, sheath, and guard. It was a double edged blade that resembled the sword of his favorite video game character, when dreamed he was a human.

"Good, now all we have to do is kill a bunch of griffins that also want us dead." Spirit said. He could feel his new power flowing through him, and released it. With this, a blood red fog surrounded him and allowed him to transform without being seen. His teeth grew into sharp pointed daggers and his eyes flipped to a dried, crusty red color. He grew a few inches taller, and armor formed around his body with small open slots on his back. He could feel a sharp pain emitting from this area and noticed that he grew bat-like wings. He stood on his hind legs and held the sword in his right hoof using a deep blood red fog that formed a hand. He glanced over to Sweetie Belle who had done the same as him, though not quite as menacing.

"Lets go Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle turned to see that Spirit had already activated his vampire powers.

Seeing him like that, it reminds me of how I just made a monster of a pony worse. Yet, I still like him... Sweetie Belle thought. She was still stunned by the new look. She quickly recovered and embraced Spirit in a hug. "I'm so sorry..." Spirit only gave a small smile and returned the hug.

"Its okay Sweetie Belle. lets get going." Sweetie nodded as they left. Spirit got all of his things and followed her. As they made their way to the castle entrance, they saw the royal griffin guard fighting a large gang of at least 400 griffins who were wearing white hoods and wielded knives that seemed to puncture the armor the guards were wearing. Sweetie and Spirit walked past the guards and met with the closest hooded griffin.

"What are you all doing?" Sweetie Belle started. The griffins stumbled back upon seeing TWO vampires instead of one. Spirit was very intimidating. Spirit stared into the griffin's eyes, which caused the griffin to tremble out of pure fear.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Spirit shouted with commanding tone. Sweetie Belle had begun to see ways of how this could work for her, just by this one experience.

"W-we a-are here to kill a vampire. We didn't know there were two of you. Well, it looks like we will have to kill you too!" The griffin ran at him and was simply cut in half by a sword that was being fed blood red magic

"Drink his blood." The vampire in Spirit's head said."Just drink it. It will be fine." The thought hadn't bothered Spirit, he was already tempted to do so. Not because it was in his nature, but because he wanted to see what they tasted like. Along with that, to strike fear into them. Quickly enough, Spirit allowed his other new power flow from him, and he grew large patches of fur as well. His eyes were now a combo of red and orange-yellow. He quickly landed hunched down next to the dead Griffin and began to devour it with great speed. The griffins in the crowd all stepped back in fear, but didn't move much afterwards. HE quickly finished his meal and stood back up, staring at the griffins.

"So, are you ready?" Spirit asked.


"Yes, lets slaughter." Sweetie Belle stated.

"Good, I kinda want this to be done. Like, fast." Spirit ran to the herd of griffins and slashed several in half, he sucked down most of the blood along the way. Sweetie Belle began to rip them to bits and soak herself in blood. She absorbed the blood through her coat and gained more power. Both of them then shot a dark, crusty blood red stream of energy form their hooves and mutilated several more griffins. They then began to get close slashes from the griffins, but Spirit merely ripped off there heads and drank the blood. Sweetie Belle kicked up the knives they were used by the enemy and shot them towards the remaining griffins. She killed at least fourteen. Spirit then charged at one and struck it with his "hoof". Causing the griffin to explode into fragments, these fragments ended up hitting other griffins. Some even died upon being hit. Sweetie Belle used her magic to lift a large piece of concrete and smashed it onto the enemy griffins. She smiled in delight upon hearing the the bones snapping and blood splatter. In the distance they saw a chariot coming down, no doubt their way of escape. They also saw many more griffins in hoods coming towards them. "Sweetie Belle! We need to go! Now!" Spirit called. They both ran to the chariot and killed many more griffins along the way. As they ran, Spirit swiped about ten knives from the ground. They turned back into their pony forms upon reaching the chariot, the ones pulling it didn't even see their monster forms.

"Lets go! Hurry!" Sweetie Belle called. The pegasi pulled the chariot as Sweetie Belle shot magic bolts at incoming griffins, she hit seven of them while some retreated. They had finally crossed the border back into Canterlot. The griffins didn't follow after that because they saw the whole royal guard armed to the teeth ready to fight. They then quickly brought all of their stuff to the base stopped to make a plan.

"Who else knows of your secret?" Spirit asked.

"Scootaloo, Applebloom, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Princess Luna. Why?"

"Earlier you said that you didn't want anypony else involved. I could have just dismissed it as you talking about your victims, but that would be wrong of me to assume that." Spirit glanced off to the cloud of griffins heading back to their Kingdom. The two quickly headed into the base and had set up a plan. They would get the five other ponies who knew what Sweetie Belle was in one room and they would have a talk about everything. The two ignored all greetings and only brought the five ponies Sweetie Belle named off.

"We can all talk in here." Sweetie Belle pointed to her bedroom door. Spirit didn't question her. He entered the room after everypony else entered.

"So, when did you five find out about Sweetie Belle's secret?" They all looked at each other and looked back at Spirit.

"What are talking about? What 'secret'?" Vinyl asked. Everypony else nodded.

She is lying. Spirit thought.

"When did you find out Sweetie Belle was a vampire lycan hybrid?" Luna, Octavia, and Vinyl all lunged at him. They all transformed into monsters as well. Vinyl was a vampire, Octavia was a lycan, and Luna was both. Spirit activated his vampire powers and countered their lunge. Applebloom and Scootaloo both jumped back at the small "boom" of energy. Octavia and Vinyl were shocked, just like Luna.

"You have these powers to?!" Luna was surprised.

"Yes, I saved Sweetie Belle and she gave me the power of both lycan and vampire in order to save me." Luna looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Is this true, Sweetie Belle? Did you give him those powers."

"Yes, it is true. Spirit saved me and he was dying. I had no other choice." The three mares deactivated their powers and asked for details of what happened. Spirit explained everything.

"Now, you have to explain everything." Spirit said calmly. Luna stepped forward to tell the story.

"On Nightmare night, Sweetie Bell and her friends came up to us to say hello and ask us 'What is it like to be a princess?' I explained everything to them while Octavia and Vinyl Scratch followed. We soon went to see a zebra that lived in the forest off at the edge of town, her name is Zecora. She is the local witch doctor. When we entered the forest, we were ambushed by four timber-wolves. Scootaloo and Applebloom got out of the way, but Sweetie Belle was bitten and losing a lot of blood. So we used our powers to kill all of the timber-wolves. We had to give her our powers. Both of them in fact, due to the bites being so bad. We kept it a secret from everypony for about three years." Spirit was convinced that she wasn't lying.

"We should come clean and tell everypony else." Spirit said. They all gave him an odd look.


"Well, why the fuck not!?" Spirit yelled.

"Celestia said that no matter who was a lycan or vampire, they would be banished. I don't want ot be banished again..." Spirit kept a calm look.

"Why is that?"

"Lycans and vampires killed some of our famliy about 1,000 years ago. We were bitten in the first war and we went rabid. We made the excuse of wanting eternal night while we lost control..." Spirit was didn't seem to care.

"Is there a way she will reconsider?" Spirit wanted Celestia to know the truth.

"Well, if you can beat her in combat then she may reconsider..." Luna was thought for a moment. "OH NO! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHALLENGE HER!!! YOU ARE INSANE IF YOU CHALLENGE HER!!" Luna was livid.

"But you have stronger magic then her."


"...Well, time to go fight Celestia." Spirit said in the most plain voice. Octavia and Vinyl jumped on top of him and pinned him to the ground.

"NO! You are not gonna fight her! Vinyl shouted.

"We will not let you!" Octavia followed along. Spirit only activated a quarter of his vampire power and threw both of them off. Their impact on the wall left very visible dents. Luna stayed back. Spirit and Sweetie Belle left the room.

"So, you are actually going to fight her?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes. I am."


"If Celestia really will banish you for what you are and I can't save you, I will have failed one of my only objectives that I have set for myself. I will not let you be banished. I will stop her before she gets the chance." Spirit's eyes turned a combo of orange, blood red, and green and let out small bits of purple particles. Sweetie Belle felt happy, surprisingly. Spirit was trying to defend her. Not even himself, but her.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, I think I can handle this. I just need to get something from my room." Spirit gave a caring smile to Sweetie Belle. "Just get to a safe place." Sweetie Belle quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck, Spirit." She ran back to her room that was now empty. Spirit stood there, bursting with happiness.

She kissed me. She really kissed me. Jeez, I feel incredible. Spirit was elated. "Well, let's get going!" It was the Lycan Spirit. He went to his room, got supplies that he would need and went to Celestia. He exited the base and walked into Celestia's throne room. "Guards, you may leave." They left without question. Now the room was empty, the only two occupying the room were Spirit and Celestia.

"Ah, Spirit. So good to see you again! Why are you back so soon?"

"I needed to tell you something." Celestia raised an eyebrow. "I have discovered that Sweetie Belle is a lycan vampire hybrid." Celestia went wide-eyed.

"Are you sure? I haven't heard of such a thing for a long time."

"Yes I'm sure. What do you plan to do?" Celestia's expression hardened. She was silent for a moment.

"I shall banish her." Celestia stated flatly.

"...Seriously?" He said.

"Yes." She said.

"Well, they were right..." Spirit chuckled to himself while Celestia remained confused.

"Who are 'they'?" Celestia was getting serious again.

"Luna, Octavia, and Vinyl. They are lycans and vampires as well." Celestia's face showed the expression of horror. "The real reason I returned is because there was a small war that occurred in the griffin Kingdom. A griffin called Gilda tried to kill Sweetie Bell and had nearly killed me as I killed her. To save me, Sweetie Belle gave me both lycan and vampire powers." Celestia was shocked beyond belief. "You will not banish her, or any of them. You would have found out eventually if you had looked into it. You actually can't banish me because I'm your best chance at beating Sombra."

"So, why are you telling me this?" Celestia was curious.

"To show you that if you harm any of them, I will take you down. I may not have the leadership skills like you, so I won't kill you. Obviously." Celestia got up from her throne.

"So, how about this. We shall fight. If I win, they are all banished and you will be banished after you kill Sombra. If you win, I will not banish them or you, ever." He will give up and leave, I know it. Celestia thought.

"I except those terms." Spirit said without a second thought. Celestia was surprised.

"Good, we shall fight without restrictions. Prepare to lose, Brawny Spirit."

So, guys, can you lend me your powers? Spirit wanted the message to get to his inner monsters. "Yes, we can all help you." His Lycan form said. Spirit smiled and laughed manically.

"This is going to be great!" They both shouted. They both activated their powers. Spirit only started with his vampire and lycan powers mixed, he planned on saving his Sombra powers for later. Celestia had coated herself in golden armor that shined like the sun for a moment. Celestia hadn't seen this form of vampire lycan hybrid form before. Spirit's armor had covered his whole body, showing no weak points. He grew bat-like wings with large patches of fur jetting out of his fore-legs and hind-legs. His teeth were even sharper and longer. He was holding his sword, eager to fight. He was learning how to use his new forms thanks to the voices in his head. They told him how to move and how to fight.

"So, shall we go to an uninhabited area?" Spirit asked.

"Yes, we shall." Celestia then teleported everypony in the base to a stand that had just appeared from nowhere. They were in a desert area, only things there were mountains and really big rocks. Spirit took in the surroundings and looked back at Celestia.

"So, shall we begin?" Spirit was ready, awaiting to see if Celestia was as powerful as he was led to believe.

Author's Notes:

Sorry, if it took a weird turn. This is only to help Spirit grow stronger, even if I do decide to let Celestia win. The next chapter is going to be all about the fight. I can't wait to get that one out and I can't wait for some feedback! Also, shout out to Multitraveler for helping me find some good songs for this chapter and the previous chapter. Go check out his story "Vast Imaginations" It is really good and it deserves a lot more praise then its getting. Also, Spirit's sword is supposed to be like the Master Sword from the Legend of Zelda. It can only be wielded by Spirit as well and it can destroy evil OR good. Hope you enjoyed it!

A long battle

Celestia and Spirit stared each other down. Celestia charged her pure magic into a blade that formed around her horn. Spirit poured his energy into his sword and got into a stance in which he would throw the energy, but he tried to make it so that it looked like he was going to dash at her. Everypony watched.

The Duel

"What they HELL are those two doing!? And what happened to Spirit!?" Lightning yelled.

"He is fighting for us." Sweetie Belle said. "Luna, Octavia, Vinyl and I. He is fighting to save us."

"You gave him powers, what powers are you talking about?"

"When we went to the griffin Kingdom, he sacrificed himself for me. So I gave him the powers of a lycan and a vampire." Gunner looked at her in disbelief.

"So were you the one killing everypony?" Gunner asked. They all turned to him.

"They were all murderers and criminals. They didn't deserve life." Sweetie Belle stated flatly. Gunner didn't argue with her. Now wasn't the time. Rarity, however, was about to burst into tears just by knowing that her sister was killing ponies.

"So, how likely is it that he will beat our sister?" Luna asked.

"They are both at half power. It looks like an even fifty-fifty to me."

"Spirits got this." Blade said. "Like us, he can only get stronger. But he can go FAR beyond any of our limits. Celestia is already at her maximum potential. Spirit can take her down now if he wanted." As Blade finished, Celestia used her magic to summon terrain. Large forests, large lakes, and even a volcano. They flew at each other, both breaking the sound barrier. Spirit prepared for Celestia's slash and ducked under it. He then launched himself downwards and shot a powerful magic blast from his sword. Celetsia's armor was able to take the hit with no problems. Spirit began to add more power than before and zoomed at Celestia. She shot a magic blast that was decimated by Spirit's sword. He swung his sword at close range and a large pool of red and orange energy launched into Celestia. The armor she wore protected most of the blast, but she still took some damage. Celestia shot powerful magic blasts, but Spirit blocked them. When Spirit went to block the last one, Celestia was right next to him. She swung her horn and left a huge cut in the armor he wore. Some blood oozed out of it, but Spirit seemed to be ignoring it.

""You are strong, Brawny Spirit. But one of us must lose here." Celestia formed the magic around her horn into a hammer. "AND IT WILL NOT BE ME." She smashed Spirit in the chest, Spirit knew that blocking it wouldn't help. So he took the attack head on. He flew to the ground, breaking the sound barrier on the way. A huge cloud of smoke plumed from the area Spirit had landed on. The smoke even reached the forest. Celestia thought she had won and turned to the other ponies. "I knew I would w-" A tree smashed into her, sending her flying. Spirit had grabbed several trees with his vampire magic. He then sharpened them and threw them like javelins. Celestia blocked them, but the force of their impact was great enough to make her have to teleport away from the area. "Nice attack, but it doesn't change the outcome." Celestia was getting cocky. Spirit zoomed out her sight. Celestia looked all over for him, but when she turned she was sent flying by a super charged hoof strike to the face. Celestia's crater was far larger then Spirit's.

"I used my lycan powers to move so fast that even you couldn't keep up with me. Time to finish this!" Spirit raised his sword and put much of his power into it. Celestia's armor was actually giving away. When she tried to fly, she couldn't. She looked at her wings and hind legs only to see that Spirit's vampire magic had her trapped. Not even her teleportation could get her away form this. Spirit launched his attack. Everypony gazed at the immense amount of power that had been condensed into this small mass. It went flying to Celestia. After getting about ten feet away from her, it exploded. The power was so great that it bore a crater that would scar the land. The explosion had completely destroyed the forest and most of the nearby lake. As Spirit turned away, there was an odd laughter coming from the crater.

"Nice try!" Celestia shot herself towards Spirit, she was much faster than before. They were even in speed, but Celestia was quickly overpowering him. She got several slashes in on him, each one cutting into his armor. Spirit amplified his vampire powers and matched Celestia's strength. They mirrored each others slashes and met in a stalemate. "ENOUGH!" Celestia increased her powers and threw Spirit into the volcano that was at least nine miles away. Spirit landed in the lava and was quickly consumed.

"Come on! Get back out there!" Lycan Spirit yelled. Spirit's powerful aura protected him form the heat and lava. He flew out of the volcano and caused it to erupt. He grabbed the lava with his magic as he exited the volcano and focused it towards Celestia. She swiftly dodged the attack, but was struck into the crater she just got out of. Spirit then began to drown her in lava. He used his magic to keep her from surfacing. He used his powers to form the lava into a ball, and began to rotate it at high speeds. The pressure and heat was to much. She was losing consciousnesses, fast. She increased her powers further and finally escaped the lava trap. She had coughed up some lava and absorbed solar energy. She used her magic to move the lava as well. They were evenly matched. One couldn't overpower the other, but that was proven wrong. Celestia had gathered enough solar power to launch a powerful beam of magic that was travelling to fast for Spirit to react.

"It is over!" Celestia screamed. The power shattered most of Spirit's armor and drained much of his power. He flew into the lake, and Celestia followed. Spirit was still fighting. He rocketed himself towards Celestia. Instead of using his sword, he used martial arts. His strikes were so powerful that he broke her armor. Celestia was smashed to the bottom of the lake only to be thrown out of it. Spirit followed and grabbed her neck. Celestia was nearing her full power, as was Spirit.

"They are evenly matched..." Luna mumbled. They were all stunned at how powerful both of them truly were. The only one not to be stunned was Blade.

"Spirit will win this." He said with confidence.

"How do you know that?" Luna asked.

"Celestia seems to be in worse condition than Spirit, and they are nearing full power. Spirit has a chance."

"This is foolish!" Spirit yelled. "THIS ENDS NOW!" They both screamed. They shot magic blasts of great power at each other. They kept canceling each other out. Celestia shot hundreds at once and teleported behind Spirit. She struck his back with her hoof, sending him into a stream of incredible power.

How is he this powerful, I wonder. Gilda nearly killed him when he was in his Sombra form... Sweetie Belle thought.

Spirit recovered and slashed Celestia's bare coat with his sword. Celsetia quickly crushed Spirit head under her hoof. This sent Spirit far below the surface. He quickly used his magic grind out a small den, He used the newly made space to pull out some knives he collected from the griffins.

"I knew these would come in handy." He then flew out of the hole and straight into Celestia, sending her flying. He used his magic to garb more lava and he sent it skyward. It quickly began to rain. He then threw two of knives he collected at Celestia, As they got close, Celestia could tell they were super charged. She also noticed that they weren't headed for her. As they reached her sides, Spirit focused his magic on a lightning bolt that struck and shot it at the two knives. The lightning was moving even faster then it normally would have due to Spirit's magic. It was attracted to the two knives at Celestia's sides. As it struck the knives, lightning shot between them and shocked Celestia. Spirit then threw the other eight and they all were floating around her. He used the same trick again, but this time he used several lightning bolts. They lightning flowed through all of the knives had electrocuted her horrifically. She was scorched. Her majestic white coat was now burnt black, her mane and tail was no longer flowing, she was bleeding all over, and her wings were greatly damaged. Yet, she still stood to fight. She began to summon her full power. Her body began to heal so quickly, but the blood and injured wings remained. "YOU HAVE PUSHED ME QUITE FAR, BRAWNY SPIRIT!" Celestia was moving so fast that Spirit couldn't keep up at all. He was getting slammed from every angle. He felt the life being beaten, smashed and crushed out of him. Many of his bones had broke, his fore legs were dislocated, and his bat wings had holes in them.

"The time to use my power, is now Spirit." It was his inner evil, the form that held the powers of King Sombra.

"Is there any other way I can win? If I use that power, then I may harm the others..." Spirit picked this fight to protect them, he wasn't going to win by letting harm get to close.

"They won't be hurt, I promise." Spirit smiled and began to summon his dark magic. When Celestia had taken another look at him, she could see all of his limb's hinge joints bent in the opposite direction. They all quickly snapped back into place as the evil magic of Sombra began to heal Spirit, just as Celestia had done. His wounds healed and he flew into the air. They stared at one another, as they did at the start of this battle.

"The end is about to arrive..." Sweetie Belle said. They were all nervous, even Blade. They all wanted Spirit to win. Even Twilight wanted him to win. They wanted to help, but they couldn't. They were being held back, forced to watch these two forces beat each other into oblivion.


"FOR ONCE, I AGREE!" Celestia screamed back. They both flew at each other, but for the other ponies it just looked like they disappeared and reappeared.

"This... that can't be...!" Blade said in awe.

"What? What is it?!" Scootaloo shouted.

"They... They're moving... so fast... even I can't keep track of them... that's impossible...!" Blade said as his horn went out, the magic around it disappearing. They were all sweating, nervous, scared, and filled with hope that screamed out to Spirit telling him to win. They both struck each other at full force. The collision caused an explosion so great that it destroyed all of the notable surroundings. There was a large cloud of smoke and dust. Nopony could see what was happening. At that moment, a figure flew out of the cloud. But it was moving to fast to tell how it was. They turned back to the enormous cloud to see who was still standing. As it cleared, they all cheered. Spirit was still flying, and Celestia was out cold. The invisible barrier protecting the others evaporated, and they all ran to see Spirit.

"Where did you get that power from?! Before, you could barely hold you own against Gilda!" Sweetie Belle asked. Rainbow Dash was to excited to hear the last part, like everypony else.

"When I fought her, my Sombra form only gave me a very small fragment of his power. I had to use all of it in order to beat Celestia, and to protect you four." He turned to see Luna, Octavia and Vinyl all running up to him to congratulate him. But before they got to him, he collapsed from fatigue. He had won the fight, but he to had been knocked out.

Author's Notes:

The next chapter will be out soon, I just hope that this doesn't seem weird or completely stupid. The reason his lycan powers and vampire powers are so incredible, is because I based it off of Hellsing Ultimate. I also don't own the music. If there was a problem, just leave a comment.

Fixing the organization

She wanted me dead, she was trying to kill me. I only tried to knock her out. Does that mean if I tried to kill her, I could have won with less of a hassle? I still want to leave, but I have just found some ponies who can understand me. If not, I can understand them. It didn't seem like Celestia was actually herself when coming to the decision of banishing Sweetie Belle, Vinyl, Octavia, and Luna. So could she have been doing planning something? Could she have foreseen this, but didn't expect me to win? What's her game...?

"Spirit, shut the fuck up. Your questions are giving me a headache." Lycan Spirit growled." Spirit stopped and glared at his Lycan form. "I'm just saying that I can't process all of this. I do think something is up though..." At this point Vampire Spirit interrupted.

"Well, I would think that she would care for her sister enough that she wouldn't have had a fight about it. She made the decision of getting rid of Sweetie Belle rather fast considering that she knew that she could control her powers... Do you really think that she could be evil?"

"Anything can happen, but I do think that is likely the situation..." Before any of Spirit's forms could respond, he fell into a bright light. Spirit woke up to find himself sleeping in what seemed like a hospital bed, but the walls of the room told him that he was in the base. As he looked around, he saw everypony staring at him with large grins. They all rushed him with hugs. Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle were the first ones on him. They both hugged him so tight that he couldn't breathe, after that he couldn't move due to everypony else. They quickly got off of him and watched him get out of bed. "Thanks guys. Where is Celestia?" Spirit asked in the most concerned tone he could fake.

"She is right next door, is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"I just need to talk to her in private. Give me a couple of minutes." Everypony was confused and tried to follow Spirit, but when he entered Celestia's room he locked the door and reinforced it with some of his magic. Celestia stared at him out of pure frustration. "You never lost at anything before, am I right?"

"Yes, what do you want?" Celestia hissed.

"You were to quick." Celestia was now confused "You made the decision of banishing Sweetie Belle in an instant without considering the fact that she has mastery over her powers."

"She is a monster, I have to do that other wise somepony will eventually get hurt!" Celestia yelled back.

"That is in a form, racist. You stand against that. You promised to never judge anypony until there is NO hope for them what-so-ever! You just do what you want and what pleases the public! You fill your subjects with false hope and ideas! You are just deceiving them all! If something is blocking your path then you would stop at NOTHING to move it. You would even kill. What is making you like this? I know that at a point you truly stood for all the things you claimed, but now you have changed from that. I know this and I never even knew you! I only knew it from history books! So tell me, what was your plan?" Celestia was angry, but tried her best to keep calm.

"Why would I tell you? It wouldn't make any difference." She stated flatly.

"To me, it would make a difference. Besides, if you don't tell me, I guess that means you don't value your own life. Correct? Spirit slowly leaked dark purple magic from his shoulder and allowed it to form a spear.

"No! I'll tell you! Just don't do it!" She screamed. Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle intervened.

"What's going on in there?! I'm coming in!" She screamed.

"No! Please, don't come in." Spirit shouted back. For a moment, there was indeed silence. Then finally, a response.

"Fine, but any more of what just happened and I'm coming in there!" Twilight shouted.

"Fine with me! I'm almost done." Spirit shouted back. He turned his full focus back to Celestia. "Let's pick up where we left off. What was your plan?" He asked in a menacing voice.

"It wasn't my plan..." She said quietly.

"Wait... what?" Spirit said due to being completely dumbfounded by this.

"I made a deal...With King Sombra..." She said in a sad depressed tone. Her look basically said it all. She actually looked appointed by her actions.

"I have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. I only have one question left, Why? And the answer better be good." Spirit said.

"I did it because he said he could bring my parents back to life..." Spirit was calm. "I didn't believe him at first, but then he brought them back. He said that if I got rid of everypony, only then could I have them back..."

"I understand what you mean, actually. I don't know my real parents, they are dead. But I never went crazy over it. If only you had done the same. You will be kept here to recover, you won't have any other consequences. However, you are now on very thin ice." Spirit said. He turned to the door and was about to open it. However, he looked back to see that he had basically reduced the Princess of the land to tears. With this, his day instantly got better. He quickly opened the door and shut it. "Is there a room where all of us can talk? Like, a conference room or something?" Twilight nodded and led them to a room where they could all chat, only to be stopped by an odd multi-animal hybrid.

"Well hello friends!" He shouted. He glanced at Spirit, "So, this is the kid... Honestly thought you'd be taller. Anyways, I am Discord! Lord o-"

"Listen, we can talk later. We need to use the room." Spirit stated as he gave a blank stare. Discord frowned and let them through only to follow.

"So, what is this about?" Discord asked. Everypony nodded in agreement.

"I have some news for you all. Celestia was working for Sombra." They all gasped, even Discord was surprised. "She said she did it because Sombra said he could bring her parents back to life, he even showed her. But it was likely a trick anyways. So from now on, I am putting Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I in charge." The two princesses looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay Spirit, we will help!" Twilight said. Spirit smiled and nodded back.

"Celestia will be staying in an anti-magic prison so that she won't be able to escape. Everypony else, you get to go about you normal duties. Anypony here who can fight will train to become stronger. Applebloom and Scootaloo, can you two fight?"

"No, we can't fight. But we can help ya if ya need anything!" Applebloom stated.

"Good, then I will be in a squad with Gunner, Blade, Lightning, and Sweetie Belle. Anypony else here who can fight, say so now. Luna, Vinyl, Ovtavia, Rainbow Dash, Big Mac, Applejack, and Twilight all raised their hooves.

"Then all of you will be in a squad as well. Each group will need at least one medic, supporter, scouter, and two fighters." They all nodded. "Applebloom and Scootaloo. Can you two pinpoint where Chrysalis is or where Sombra is?"

"Yes, but we will need Discords help." Scootaloo answered.

"Fine by me. Doctor Pill, I need you to teach Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy about being doctors and how to mend wounds in the battle field."

"Roger that!" Doctor Pill exclaimed.

"Twilight, Luna. Which of you is stronger?" Twilight raised her hoof. "Then you and I will be tacticians of our groups. We will also be the commanders. Is everypony okay with that?" They all nodded. "Good. Well, the first thing we should do is train some more, check for supplies, and upgrade our weapons and renew our attack or abilities so that we can defeat the enemies that are ahead of use. Is there anypony that can enchant our weapons?"

"Zecora from the Everfree Forest can enchant anything!" Sweetie Belle called out.


"Okay then, Get to work!" Spirit shouted with a sensible tone of leadership. They all cheered and got right to work. Spirit checked the supplies with Blade, Gunner and Lightning made sure that the training programs were a lot tougher, Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy began to take their medical lessons immediately. Big Mac, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all began to do work outs while Luna, Octavia and Vinyl began to work on strengthening their vampire and lycan powers. Celestia was thrown into a prison, and everypony else just trained. This is going perfectly! At this rate, we should be able to take down Chrysalis and Sombra! Spirit was getting very confident and he was going to see to it that he cleared up his past and save everypony.

Author's Notes:

Sorry if the chapter isn't that long, I couldn't think of anything. :P I don't own the song (Yes, I will say this most of the time) and I will try to get the next part out soon. Hope you all enjoy this little part!

Silly enchantments

Work. Everypony was doing it. They checked on what they had and what they needed. They were all hard at work. After about five minutes of checking over supplies with Blade, Spirit was visited by Pinkie Pie who requested to be a medic as well. She got the answer she wanted and immediately went to Doctor Pill. Spirit and Blade discovered that the only thing that they were missing were medical herbs and some food. They decided to go get Sweetie Belle and ask her where they should go.

"Is that all you need?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah, I know where to get food and all... But I don't know where to get those herbs." Spirit said.

"Well, we can find those in the Everfree Forest. We could also visit Zecora to get our weapons enchanted!"

Wow, talk about convenient.

"Well, lets get everypony with weapons and head out!" Blade exclaimed. Spirit found it odd to see a calm pony just shout out like that, but he ignored it. Spirit, Sweetie Belle, Blade, Gunner, Lightning, Big Mac and Rainbow Dash all went to the Everfree Forest.

"Are you sure that we are headed the right way? We've been walking in this forest for about twenty minutes" Lightning complained.

"We are almost there, quit crying over it." Rainbow Dash mumbled. Lightning still heard her.

"You are just mad that I beat you in a race four months ago." Rainbow tackled Lightning out of anger, the tackle caused Lightning to fall in a patch of blue leaves. Spirit went to help him up.

"Seriously, can you two stop fighting for one minute?" Spirit asked.

"No." They both said in unison. Spirit rolled his eyes along with Big Mac. At this point Rainbow looked over at them, went wide eyed and tried to hold in a smile.

"Whats so funny?" Spirit asked out of irritation.

"Oh, nothing." Rainbow said turning away from them. Spirit and Lightning looked to one another but ignored her. They soon made it to a large hut that had two masks and bottles hanging from it. Standing by the door was a zebra gathering some plants that she grew.

"Zecora?" Spirit asked. The zebra looked up and nodded. "Nice to meet, I'm Brawny Spirit."

"It is nice to meet you. You even brought friends to." Zecora said.

Oh, she rhymed. Cool. "Yes, we have come to ask you for a favor. We thought that of anypony you would be able to help enchant our 'tools' and help us find medical herbs."

"The tools shall be first, for I am sure you are dying of thirst." Zecora replied.

She rhymed again? "Thank you Zecora." Zecora smiled and led them into her hut. "Hey, Rainbow."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Why is she speaking in rhymes?" Spirit stared at Rainbow waiting for his answer.

"I don't know. She has always spoken like that. Personally, I think its cool." Spirit thought so to, but it still stuck in his mind. When they entered they had been given drinks to calm them selves. Zecora took the "tools" and stared.

"Ah, so these 'tools'. After this, all who fight you are merely fools!" Zecora shouted as she spread some powder across one of Gunner's rifles.

"Right, so when will we be able to find those herbs?" Spirit asked.

"Tomorrow, if we go now we shall only feel sorrow." Zecora quickly whipped her head to the window to see nothing there. Spirit thought back to his coma and remembered all of the urban legends.

"Hey, Zecora. Is there something called The Slenderman?" Zecora went wide eyed as everypony else just stared at him with wide eyes. "What? I just asked if it was real. No need to go crazy."

"That I cannot say, or somepony may pay." Her voice was ominous.

"Well, it isn't The Slenderman, it is Slendermane." Spirit tried to image the Slenderman as a pony, it still scared him. Spirit had an idea that would help pass the time.

"So, any scary instances about monsters like that?" He asked with a smirk. Everypony was reluctant to talk, as if something would happen if they did.

"Well, about three years ago a monster with no eyes and very long claws was seen ripping a griffin to shreds." Rainbow Dash said with obvious fear in her voice.

Well, that is the Rake. "Anything else?" Spirit wanted to see reactions.

"Well, I saw somethin that was pretty fast and was two solid colors. It was holdin a knife..." Big Mac said as his voice trailed off.

"How tall was it?" Spirit questioned.

"Lil taller then Celestia." Big Mac said in a quiet voice.

"Do you know the name of it? Like, the legend?"

"Somepony from Applebloom's school said 'Jeff'. All ah know right there."

Wow, these are JUST like the ones from my coma. Spirit glanced to see that Zecora was nearly done with her work on the weapons. "So, you are almost done already?" Zecora nodded. "You work fast... He muttered under his breathe. He turned back to the conversation.

"I heard about somepony similar to that, except it was a mare. That mare is supposed to be hunting the stallion with the horrible smile." Gunner said.

Okay, that is TO similar to my coma! "Well, I remember stuff like that from my coma. I never would have thought that it might be real."

"Then why did you bring up Slendermane?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I was bored and I was just joking around. Never expected to hear stories like that coming from ponies I know." As Spirit finished, Zecora interrupted.

"The enchantment is done. May the slaughter of your enemies be fun!" Zecora said with glee. Spirit wondered why she would say such a thing like that, but he dismissed it. "You shall stay here for the night, for if we get the herbs we will have quite a fright." Zecora finished. None of them seemed to argue. Zecora opened a small passage by the cauldron that led to a basement. "This is your home for the night. Just do not fight." Zecora lit some of the lanterns hanging from the ceiling and brought some blankets. It was already late, about 10:00 PM.

"Well, good night everypony." Spirit said and got no reply from any of them. Spirit was the only one awake that night. He only stared at the ceiling, all night. He couldn't sleep due to Rainbow Dash's snoring. He fell asleep none the less. Eventually he woke up to find that the only two in the room were him and Lightning who was panicking over something.

"Spirit!" He shouted.

"What is it?" Spirit said with his face muffled by the blanket.

"My wings are gone!!" He shouted. This caught Spirit's attention.

"What!?" He shouted as he jumped from his blanket. Lightning turned to Spirit with an odd look.

"Who are you?" He asked. Spirit was confused.

"Dude, its me. Spirit."

"But you..." Lightning saw that it was Spirit, but something happened to him. Lightning went from panicking to laughing on the floor.

"What?! Whats so funny!?"

"Y-you aren't a colt any more!" He shouted as he began to laugh again. Spirit whipped around looking for a mirror, eventually Lightning gave him one. Spirit found it to be true. He was now a mare.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?!" Spirit yelled. "HOW COULD THIS FUCKING HAPPEN!?" He blushed upon hearing that his voice was also that of a mare. Lightning was laughing hard enough that tears were streaming done his face.

"What is with all the noise? We were just heading out for the herbs. You guys coming?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Don't you mean guy and girl?" Lightning managed to yell out in the middle of his laughter only to receive a heavy strike to the gut. Sweetie Belle didn't get it so she went into the basement to see what Lightning meant. She to, burst into laughter.

"IT ISN'T FUNNY!!!" Spirit exclaimed.

"R-right. Do you know h-how this happened?" Sweetie Belle asked while she tried to suppress her laughter.

"NO! I DON'T!" Spirit yelled.

"Well, lets just talk about this with Zecora."

"Fine. Lets go talk to her." Spirit said. The three of them walked upstairs and explained the situation to everypony, they were silent for a moment before exploding into laughter. Out of frustration Spirit punched a punched a hole in the floor which made them all quiet. Zecora stepped forward and spoke.

"The ingredients that are needed can only be found when we have proceeded."

"What?" Spirit asked.

"In the forest, that is where the ingredients rest." Zecora walked to the door with a basket and cloak. Everypony followed her out as they began to search for medical herbs and some extra herbs for a cure.

"So, what exactly happened to us?" Lightning asked.

"I tackled you into some poison joke. There is a cure so don't worry." Rainbow Dash replied.

"This is all your fault!" Spirit tackled Rainbow Dash into a tree and continued to follow the others.

"Well, I deserve that one. You do know that we could just head into Ponyville and get you fixed, right?"

"Really? Then lets go! The others can search for the medical herbs themselves. Besides, it would use up less time." Everypony agreed, Rainbow Dash would bring Lightning and Spirit to Ponyville for a cure. The three of them quickly found their way out of the forest and entered Ponyville. Just like Spirit's first time in Ponyville, they all stared at him in fear. Some ponies claimed that he was the monster from the market. Some of them even threw rocks at him, but stopped when they noticed Rainbow Dash was with them.

"Well, this is the place." Rainbow said. The three of them had arrived at a spa.

"The spa has a cure?" Lightning asked.

"Yes, they do. They obtained the cure when my friends and I were effected by the poison joke."

"Well, lets go already. I just want to be the correct gender." Spirit stated with a sad tone. They all entered and asked for the cure. Rainbow Dash was talking with two mares that sat at the counter while the treatment was being set up.

"So, how does it feel to be a mare?" Lightning asked.

"You wouldn't believe me when I say that it is VERY different from being a colt." Spirit replied.

"How so?"

"Parts are there and parts aren't, it is just really weird. Even for me." Lightning shuttered at the thought of somepony changing from male to female.

"Okay guys, its ready!" They both shot from their seats and followed the two mares from the counter to two baths.

"You will each take one." The first mare said.

"Just relax for about five minutes, then the problem should be fixed." The second mare said. Spirit didn't waste any time. He slammed himself into the bath. He came back up for a deep breathe, and sank back down into the water. Lightning just climbed into the bath normally and started to relax. Minutes ticked by as Spirit sat submerged under the water. Lightning glanced over to his friend s bath and heard a painful scream.

"THEY CAME BACK!" Spirit yelled as he resurfaced.

"What do you... Oh, never mind. I know what you mean." Lightning stopped for a moment as his wings appeared, he to screamed in pain. Rainbow Dash rushed in to see the two colts fixed.

"What were you two yelling about?" She asked.

"Nothing..." Spirit moaned as he reached for a towel. Rainbow Dash had an idea of what he meant and didn't bother to get further into the subject. They both climbed out and dried off, they payed for the baths and went back to Zecora's hut. As the three of them returned to the house, they saw the others just arriving at the door. "Hey guys!" Spirit called.

"Hey, you got the cure?" Gunner asked.

"Yeah. it was very painful for me..." Spirit said as his voice trailed off. Gunner gulped at what Spirit said but perked up quickly.

"Well, we got the herbs. So we can go whenever you guys are ready!"

"Okay, lets get our weapons first and then we can leave." Spirit said as he walked into Zecora's hut. They all collected the weapons and left. As they arrived at the entrance of Ponyville and got to their chariots, something went through Spirit's head. "Hey Rainbow Dash, why do all of the animals stay away from Zecora's hut? Most of them could probably rip the place apart whenever they want."

"I don't know. She may be scary to the animals and they stay away because of that." Rainbow Dash replied. Spirit was still unsure. Finally, after some trouble, they had obtained the herbs required for medical treatments and returned to the base.

Author's Notes:

Sorry if this chapter strayed off course a little. I know the story is getting off track. SPOILER ALERT!! I also plan to have somepony die soon. Can't say who. If you want to know what happens at Zecora's hut just say so. Hope you enjoy it!

Bonus: Zecora's hut

Three nights before Spirit and his friends visited her, Zecora entered her basement and found a barrel. She dragged it up the stairs and pulled it outside. She looked around to see nopony around, but she opened the barrel anyways. A foul smell rushed out of the barrel and entered the clean air around the hut. Fillies and colts, they were all cut up and flung into some nearby trees. Many animals appeared and began to feast upon the bits and pieces. In an instant, they all stopped. The bears, wolves, baby hydras, cockatrices, and even parasprites froze where they were. They all tried to flee, but they were all grabbed by black tentacles that shot out from a pitch black tree. Zecora wasn't merely throwing parts of fillies and colts into the wild. She was feeding animals, and helping a greater monster feed. A bear, three parasprites, and a wolf were all sucked into the black tree, they seemed to have just disappeared. The tree moved towards Zecora, and lowered itself to be as tall as her. A faceless being gazed into Zecora's expressionless face. Zecora merely glanced off to her right and nodded. The faceless specter turned to it's right to find a creature with no eyes and very long claws. They both tilted their heads.

"Leave my master's domain." The faceless on said in a plain voice. They tilted their heads in the other direction.

"Why?" Questioned eyeless one. "Why should I leave these parts?"

"Because my master wishes to be that way." The faceless one said flatly. Immediately after finishing it's statement, they both lunged at one another. The faceless one shot multiple tentacles at the eyeless one, who managed to slice off the tentacles. Before the eyeless one could get any closer, it was sliced to pieces by extra tentacles that it hadn't noticed. The faceless one retracted it's tentacles and faced it's master.

"You knew it was coming tonight." It said. Zecora nodded. "Shall I stay on guard?" it asked. Zecora nodded. again. When day had arrived, Fluttershy discovered that one of her bears had gone missing.

Author's Notes:

Don't like it? Oh well. I'll get to work on the next REAL chapter even though no one reads this. Hope you like it.

Game night

Silence, that is what consumed Spirit's group. The only ones talking were Blade, Gunner, Lightning, and Sweetie Belle. They all seemed happy, but the others were lost in thought. They seemed focused on something, they almost seemed excited. They had just exited the Everfree Forest, that is when Rainbow Dash began to talk.

"So Spirit, have you ever heard of a video game before?" She asked. Spirit remembered those from his coma life. His favorite was the Legend of Zelda, so much detail and effort put into each game. That made them so entertaining that he just couldn't stay away.

"Yes, I have heard if them. Why?"

"Well, once a month we have a get together in a big sound proof basement and we play video games to see who the winner is. We call it game night." Rainbow finished. Spirit smiled as he thought of Gavin yelling "What is game night?"

"So that is it? Specifically, what is ga-" Spirit was cut off by Gunner who shouted in delight.

"WHAT IS GAME NIGHT!?" Spirit laughed at the random "question."

"I knew you were gonna say that Gunner!" Spirit shouted.

"Well, game night is exactly what we said it was. We have a small get together and play video games. We also have a single pony statue about a foot tall that goes to the winner." Rainbow replied. Spirit thought for a moment.

"You know what? Lets just call it the pony of pimps." Spirit finished trying not to chuckle at his own remark. Rainbow, Gunner, and Lightning laughed and actually agreed with him. Spirit was actually very surprised by this.

"Well, lets hurry up. I need to get some food." Lightning said with a very flat voice. Spirit had just remembered, they needed food.

"Maybe we should stop at the market." Spirit said in an almost worried tone. "Big Mac, can you get some food from the farm?" Big Mac nodded. "Okay, thanks. I'll go to the market with anypony who wants to go with me." Sweetie Belle said that she would go, but everypony else stayed behind. Spirit and Sweetie quickly arrived at the market. As they entered, many ponies stared at them. They all had a terrified look on their faces. Spirit recognized some of them from his little rampage a while back. He tried to put them out of his mind while they got food for the others. After getting some of the groceries, he glanced to the exits. The floor was slightly red from his killing frenzy, and everypony avoided it and him. Sweetie and Spirit quickly finished gathering the groceries, paid the cashier who was terrified, and left. As they left, Sweetie Belle saw a pink filly and instantly rushed ahead. Spirit tried to seem like he wasn't suspicious since he looked like full grown stallion and he was chasing Sweetie Belle. The pink filly saw him and followed him, Spirit ignored her. Spirit soon found his way to the chariots and saw Sweetie Belle, she had a face that just screamed 'We need to leave now.'

"Spirit! Get over here now!" Sweetie called. Spirit quickened his pace only to be stopped by a hoof on his shoulder, that hoof then proceeded to push Spirit away. To act a little more normal, he pretended to fall over.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the loser Sweetie Belle." She said in a snobbish tone. Spirit already disliked her.

"Diamond Tiara, just go away..." Sweetie said with an obvious tone of fury.

""I never expected that a failure like you would have a stalker." Diamond Tiara said in a tone of superiority. Spirit had already had enough of her. "But, it is only fitting that hes ugly." Spirit got up and walked in front of her to keep her from proceeding. If glares could harm ponies, Diamond Tiara would be need therapy. She backed away just slightly as Spirit seemed to stare into her soul.

"Go away." Spirit said with no emotion what so ever. Diamond backed up only to have a look of confidence spread across her face.

"You think you are scary? HA! My coltfriend is way cooler than you!" Diamond shouted.

"First, I'm not trying to scare you. If I was, you would be in a mental institute. Second, I don't know how you could ever get a coltfriend with that shitty attitude of yours. Third, you aren't anything special. Just some snob who thinks that she is above everypony else.Fourth, goodbye." Spirit turned to the chariot and left Diamond standing in the field, furious. As they left, Sweetie Belle had a large smile spread across her face.

"Thanks Spirit. That was just great." Sweetie said.

"No problem, I just don't like it when children act like that." Spirit replied. He looked around to finally notice that none of their friends were with them. "Did the others already head back to base?"

"Yeah, they already left. They had to go set up game night."

"Maybe I could be apart of game night." Sweetie Belle laughed at the statement.

"But you've never played a video game yet! How can you play one when you are competing against master game players?"

"I'll learn." Spirit stated with a simple, relaxed tone.

"If you say so."

This is going to be VERY fun. Spirit thought. After figuring out that they were close to the base, Spirit began to look back at his life when he was in a coma. His life was all despair, but it fixed itself before he found out what he truly was. His sister was murdered, someone burned his house down four days later, someone killed his dog. At that point, he hated almost everyone. They all picked on him, beat him up, and threw stuff at him. His life was horrible before he woke up. He didn't have much to look forward to, but if there was on thing, it would have to be the few friends that he did have.

"Spirit, we've arrived!" Sweetie Belle shouted. Spirit broke out of his trance and followed Sweetie Belle inside after they had landed. They quickly ran to the mess hall to deliver the food they bought and and to get some food for themselves. They got some food, ate together, and went about there own business. Sweetie Belle went to her room and Spirit went to find Rainbow Dash. He quickly found her moving a small box of snacks into a room that was fairly close to her room.

"Hey Rainbow, when is game night?" Spirit asked.

"Tonight, why do ask?"

"I wanted to play with you guys." Rainbow laughed at Spirit's statement, but tried to keep cool.

"Why? You don't even know how to play a video game."

"Just give me a chance." Spirit pleaded. "You may be surprised." Rainbow Dash merely groaned.

"Fine, just prepare to get your flank handed to you!" Rainbow shouted as she left him standing outside what he assumed to be the game room. Spirit was on his way back to his room when he happened to meet up with Applebloom.

"Howdy Spirit!" She called.

"Hi Applbloom, did you find any info on the locations of Chrysalis or Sombra?" Spirit asked.

"We discovered that Queen Chrysalis has taken refuge in the Badlands that lay behind Macintosh Mountains. That is should be South West of Canterlot."

"Good, how long until we should go there?"

"Maybe two days or tomorrow. Its up to you." She said as she walked away. Spirit thought for a moment. He decided to go tomorrow. He knew everypony's skills with what they are doing now are limited, but it was worth the risk. Spirit noticed that it was already five o clock PM. So he went to that room that Rainbow Dash was at earlier and discovered that it was indeed the game night room. He was welcomed, he assumed that they were treating him so nice because they thought he knew nothing of video games.

"So, are you ready to play some Minecraft?" Rainbow Dash asked. This caught Spirit off guard because he thought it would have some pony pun in it's name.

"Sure, but don't help me. I'll figure it out." Spirit said with confidence. Spirit actually looked around the room to see who was there. There was Rainbow Dash, Luna, Sweetie Belle, Gunner, Twilight, and him.

"Okay, so this will be a hunger games type of thing. No team ups, there will be chests through out the map that have items, when somepony dies he or she can give another player items, and no breaking blocks. Got it?" They all nodded. Spirit picked up the spare controller and noticed that it was very similar to the one that he imagined in his coma. He joined the game with a skin of a bear and saddlebags.

Sweet, I'm Banjo. Spirit thought and let out an unintentional smile. They all set there spawns, got into a piston hole, and began the round. Right as the piston pushed everypony up, Spirit felt a helmet land on his head.

"These helmets make it feel like you are actually there, but you actually don't need the controller." Rainbow said as she pointed to the others. Spirit stumbled around at first, but then he ran for a chest. He found four arrows, a bow, a leather chest plate, and a stone sword. Gunner had an iron chest plate, and a wooden sword. Spirit quickly ran after him, and shot him with two arrows. He only had two left.

"Oh no, I can't die already!" Gunner shouted. Spirit put the fact that there were other ponies in the room out of his mind and let out a maniacal laughter. He loved it when others panicked like this over a game. He rushed up to Gunner with his sword and began to swing at him. Gunner blocked and parried his attacks, but Spirit kicked him and swiftly stabbed Gunner in the face. "FUCK!" Is what Gunner shouted as he saw a giant piece of stone ram into his face.

"Gunners out!" Spirit called. Everypony groaned.

"Already!?" Twilight yelled.

"Yeah, Spirit just raped me." Everypony laughed at Gunner's choice of words.

"Don't worry Gunner, you did good." Spirit said.

"How so?"

"You gave me better armor." Was the reply. There was a lot of screaming and fighting. Sweetie Belle ended up killing Twilight who proceeded to pour buckets of lava on Sweetie Belle, but failed to actually kill her. Luna was nearly killed by a creeper several times, Sweetie Belle was scared of Twilight, and Spirit continued to raid any chests in his sight. At this point Sweetie had diamond pants and boots, an iron sword, a bow, fourteen arrows, five pieces of bread, and a bucket of water. Luna had full iron armor, a stone sword, one arrow, and an enchanted bow with infinity. Spirit had a diamond chest plate, pants, and boots while also having thirty arrows, and fire aspect bow, and a stone sword. At one point Spirit was running by a cave, Sweetie Belle jumped out and attacked. Spirit blocked and countered several arrows. He then shot his own arrows at her, she caught fire after getting hit by one of them. She then used her bucket of water and put out the fire. As she picked the water up again, she was stabbed in the foreleg. Spirit finished her off with a vertical strike that broke through Sweetie's weakened iron sword and cut her head in two. "Twilight, I avenged you!" Spirit shouted.

"Awesome, stay still. I'll give you some food." Twilight dropped four pieces of bread on Spirit, after that he hunted Luna. They upgraded their armor and weapons as well. Luna still had full iron armor, a diamond sword, her bow and arrow, and some TNT and redstone torches. Spirit had the same armor as earlier, but now he had a fresh iron sword, more arrows, more food, and an ender pearl.

"Shall we meet in the middle?" Luna asked.

"Sure, an epic duel shall commence!" Spirit shouted.

"Go Luna!" Gunner shouted.

"Gunner shut up or I'll kill you again." Spirit said with a strangely calm voice. Both Spirit and Luna ran from several mobs as they raced to the center. They killed several creepers and nearly died in the process. But they finally reached the center. No mobs, full health, and many obstacles. Luna started by running straight at Spirit who drew his bow and shot three fire arrows at Luna. She dodged them and slashed him with her diamond sword. Spirit threw his ender pearl and landed about twenty five blocks away from her. He began to climb up the jungle gym-like forest that was around the center. As he did this he shot many arrows at her. Luna dodged them all again and set some TNT under his tree and blew it up. Spirit heard the TNT going off and jumped to the next tree just before the last one exploded. Spirit shot five of his last ten arrows at Luna, only two hit her. She was now on fire and taking a lot of damage. Spirit jumped from his perch and slashed off her head with his iron sword only for him to collapse and note he only had a single heart remaining.. "YES!!!"

"NOOOO!!" Luna screamed. Everypony cheered for Spirit's first victory. Spirit glanced over at Luna's desk to see the Pony of Pimps.


"You know what, we won the Olympics so we don't care." Luna stated simply.

"I don't give a shit!" Spirit screamed back. He snatched the Pony of Pimps from Luna's desk and put it on his new desk. After the happiness faded a little, Spirit remembered something. "Wait." He said. "We need to get ready tomorrow, we're going after Chrysalis." They were surprised by this. "We need to get ready. So pack light and be prepared." Spirit ordered. They all nodded, packed up and left. "Hey Rainbow, how come you didn't play?"

"I had to make room for you, since you wanted to play so much. I still can't believe that you beat Luna!" Rainbow shouted.

"We can't believe this either!" Luna shouted back. Spirit chuckled as Sweetie Belle gave him a big hug as they went to prepare.

"Spirit, I need to tell you something. Can you come with me for a minute?" Sweetie asked.

"Sure, will it be quick?"

"Yeah, it should be."

"Okay then, lead the way!" Spirit exclaimed as he followed her to her room. As they entered, Sweetie motioned for him to take a seat. After they both sat down, they began to talk.

Fighting the queen part 1

Her room, it looked much different. There were blood bags and animal parts scattered everywhere. It was very messy compared to the last time he came in here, but he liked it like this. Sweetie Belle grabbed one of the many packs of blood with her magic and threw it to Spirit.

"Catch!" She shouted. Spirit had no intention of catching this, but he caught it. It felt odd to him that he wasn't even going to react to it., but he caught it instead. "Now toss it back." she commanded. Spirit tossed it back, despite not wanting to. "Now, catch!" She shouted as she hurled the blood pack at Spirit. He caught it again, as if something forced him to. "Yes! It worked!" Sweetie yelled out of excitement.

"What worked?" Spirit asked.

"I can't believe I forgot about this!" She shouted.

"Sweetie, what are you talking about?" Spirit asked again as he drank some of the blood.

"When vampires turn somepony, that pony becomes the servant! I turned you so you are my servant!" Sweetie Belle yelled as she jumped around the room. Spirit groaned.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier!?" He yelled

"I never thought that I would turn somepony, so I just put it out of my mind." She said as she opened a bag of blood. "Besides, there is a way to get out of it. But I'm not telling you!"

"Of course you wouldn't. If you had someone who would do anything you said, would you honestly want to release them?" Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, but agreed. Spirit finished the pack of blood and bit down on a piece of hanging meat. "Does anypony know that you did some redecorating?"

"No, I don't let anypony in here any more. No pony keeps their room this messy."

"Well, should I take this and leave?" Spirit asked as he held up the large piece of meat.

"Sure, you can go." Sweetie Belle said happily.

"Wait, what meat is this?" Spirit asked as the door opened.

"Manticore meat. Why do you ask?" Spirit shrugged and left the room. He continued to eat as he walked through the now empty halls. He was nearing his room, but was stopped by Vinyl.

"Where'd you get the meat? Octavia has been craving it and I don't want to kill Fluttershy's animals." She stated bluntly.

"Sweetie Belle gave it to me, but I don't know if she'll even let you into her room." Spirit said as he walked into his bedroom and finished the meat. When he entered, he noticed that his bed was gone. In its place, was a coffin with a note on it.

"Dear Spirit,

I got rid of your bed since you are a vampire now. You will be sleeping in a coffin like a true vampire from now on.

From, Sweetie Belle"

Spirit placed the note on the floor and opened the coffin to find that it had several blood packets in side of it. He inspected the coffin for a little longer before climbing into it. It was, to his surprise, very comforting. He found the inside to be very soft and relaxing, but the overall design of the outside made it look intimidating. Spirit quickly fell asleep, and had no dream. It was only darkness. Just like the dreams in his coma. He decided to think about his coma. He played out scenarios that would lead to his coma, but none of them seemed logical. He also remembered that he didn't know much about friendship, despite him having many friends now. He actually enjoyed his solitude, but didn't mind interacting with other ponies. He continued to trek through the darkness that was apparently his dream, only to find more darkness. He didn't even find his other forms. As he walked, he started to see grass, a few trees, and the moon. More trees began to appear, it became so thick and dense that he had trouble seeing. He couldn't feel his powers so much. He eventually came upon a very tall figure wearing incredible armor, an enormous scythe clinging to his armor, eyes that could pierce anypony's soul, had patches of fur, bat wings, long teeth, a silver mane and tail, and purple wisps flowing from his eyes.

"Hello?" Spirit said in a somewhat worried tone. The pony turned and gave Spirit a stare that would have killed him on the spot if it wasn't a dream.

"Hello. Do you know who we are?" He asked. Spirit felt he knew this pony, but he was almost certain that he didn't exist. This was only a dream to him.

"No, I don't know who you are. Should I?" He questioned.

"Yes, you should. We are your powers." he said. Spirit stepped back out of surprise.

This pony can't really be the source of all of my powers, can he? Last I checked, there were three separate forms... Spirit began to play out several scenarios in his head.

"How are you the source? I thought the sources were in three different forms?" Spirit asked.

"All we did was merge. We will soon die out into your subconscious. Then you will be the source of your power instead of us being the source."

"Define 'soon'."

"A week. Time for you to wake up now."

As his new form finished his sentence, a flash of light blinded Spirit and brought him back to reality. His coffin swung open. He was panting, and sweating.

Spirit slowly exited his coffin and immediately began gathering his supplies. He grabbed his sword, he got some knives so he could use the trick that he used on Celestia on Chrysalis, he did some last minute experimentation with his powers, and he got a glass of lemonade. He left his room to find everypony else only half ready for the fight. He swiftly made his way to the Mess Hall, he was able to find Gunner polishing one of his many guns, Lightning who was sharpening pieces of his armor, and Blade who was reading what appeared to be a spell book.

"Hey, hows it going Spirit?" Lightning called. Spirit quickly searched for a false answer.

"Yeah, you guys prepping for the battle?" Spirit asked.

"Yes, we are. We have been working on our combat skills for this battle specifically." Blade answered.

"So, you ready?" Gunner asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Spirit replied. "I'm gonna go check on everypony, I'll probably meet you all back here." He said as he made his way to the door. He entered the hall and saw that most of the others were now ready. He didn't see Sweetie Belle, so he went to find her. Everypony was very active, as they should be, but they seemed unnaturally calm about going into battle. He quickly came up on Sweetie Belle's room and found that she had just finished prepping. They had decided to talk on their way back to the others. "Hey, Sweetie Belle."


"Is there anything else I should know about my powers?"

"The only other thing I know is that blood keeps vampires going along with sleeping in a coffin, but I don't know much on Lycans. Despite being one."

"Well, that was disappointing." Spirit said.

"How so?"

"I thought that there would be more, you know?"

"Well, Luna thought it would be best for me to learn how to use my powers on my own. So I don't know a lot about these powers." Sweetie said. They both fell silent, but Spirit was rapidly searching for a way to keep the conversation going.

"So, did you do any kind of special preparation for the fight?" Spirit asked. That was a probably a really bad way to keep the conversation going... He thought to himself.

"Yeah, I've been trying to connect with my other forms so that we are just as capable as any other pony here. What about you?" She asked.

"I haven't really done much training since that fight with Celestia, so I am still around that level of power. I just hope that Chrysalis isn't much stronger than Celestia, or we will all be in trouble." Spirit stated grimly. "I think we should hurry, we need to make a plan." They both ran through the halls and made it to the conference room. Everypony else was already there. They were all talking, but quickly grew silent as Sweetie Belle and Spirit entered the room. Sweetie Belle sat next to Scootaloo and Applebloom, and Brawny Spirit sat next to Luna and Twilight.


"So, let us begin." Luna said as she motioned for Twilight to speak.

"We will first talk about what we know of the enemy's forces. Applbloom and Scootaloo, do you two know anything?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, we do. We have discovered that Queen Chrysalis is emitting power greater than Celestia's, but it is just barely greater than Celestia's power. So we may have a chance if we get to her in good shape. We also suspect that there are at least four thousand changeling warriors guarding the perimeter of Chrysalis' castle. We have also detected a spell that guards her and her minions from Discord's magic."Scootaloo said as she let Applebloom talk.

"We think that if we were sendin' everypony in there, we would need ta hit'em hard with one of Gunner's cannons." Upon hearing this, Gunner had a maniacal smile spread across his face.

"Now, Applebloom and I think that it would be a good idea to strike from the north and strike from the south. It would catch them off guard and we could also spread her forces a little thinner." Scootaloo said.

"It sounds good." Spirit said. "Now, lets get the teams together. Princess Twilight, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash will strike from the South. Sweetie Belle, Luna, Gunner, Blade, Lightning, Vinyl, Octavia, and I will strike from the North."

"No." Twilight said. "We will take Vinyl Scratch with us, we need our own heavy hitter you know." Spirit thought for a moment, but nodded in agreement.

"Fine. I don't know how she is a heavy hitter, but whatever. So, what do we have for medical supplies?"

"We have several emergency blood packs for you, pain killers, medical herbs, many bandages, syringes, scalpels, emergency body fluid, and some extra food and water." Doctor Pill said as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Belle all grabbed some emergency kits.

"Good, that will help greatly. What will everypony else do?" Spirit asked.

"We will send you messages with my magic when we have an update on the battle." Discord replied. Spirit smiled and nodded to him.

"Good. Now, do we know anything else on Chrysalis? Like, attacks or something?" Spirit asked.

"Moves similar to Celestia's, but that is all we know. Obviously they can transform, but we already knew that..." Scootaloo said.

"So, now that we have finished that, shall we go?" Luna asked. They all nodded, got their things, and left for the battle. They all flew to the Badlands, where Chrysalis sits, waiting for the enemy. They didn't use chariots. Luna, Twilight, Spirit, and anypony else who could fly lifted the others to their destination. They had to be slow and quiet, they couldn't afford to have any changelings see them, despite being only half way to the objective. As they got closer to the changeling hive, the sky began to darken. It was only 9 in the morning. They decided to double their pace. The views of the towns they flew over, the animals, the overall landscape was very impressive. It made him feel calmer. They then arrived at the Macintosh Hills, which acted as a wall that protected the hive that lay beyond it. They then split of into their specafied groups, and prepared for their attack.

Author's Notes:

Yeah, I know the letter from Sweetie Belle was horribly made. Just try to cut me some slack on that one. I will also try to do better on my grammar, mainly the "Your and You're" thing. I really messed up there. I am not going back to fix the problems in previous chapters. I want to focus on the new ones. When I finish, I might go back and change it. Despite it not really being important at that point. Also, Cades the Sharkbear is like, the second person to really say how my story should improve. I will say this, most of the problems that you guys see were intended. I will fix some of them. The one that I get a lot is "He is a Gary Stu." He really is, I will show why he isn't in future chapters. I hope you enjoyed it, sorry for the long wait, and sorry for this long message.

Fighting the queen part 2

The hive was surrounded in changelings, it was going to be difficult to set up before they had noticed. They would have to work fast and communicate well if they were supposed to pull off this ambush. Luckily, through one of Discord's spells, the group of ponies were able to talk with one another. Spirit had just discovered that Vinyl had brought this odd looking machine. He didn't question it, he needed to focus.

"So, how long will it take for everypony to be ready for the first wave of changelings?" He asked. Spirit had to wait a moment for a response, the connection was surprisingly weak.

"Soon, Vinyl is almost ready. How is Gunner?" Twilight replied. Spirit looked over to Gunner to see him setting up his cannon.

"Hey, how much longer?"

"Almost done. This beauty is gonna destroy them..." Gunner said as he continued putting up the legs that held up the cannon.

"He is almost done. Are there any changelings around the hive that we should worry about?" Spirit asked.

"Yes, there are two groups heading your way. Better get ready Brawny, or we might not be able to set up the cannons." Twilight replied. Then, as if on cue, the two groups of changelings that Twilight spoke of had appeared before Spirit and his group.

Seriously?! Spirit yelled in his mind. "Guys, we have a problem!" Spirit shouted. Octavia reacted quickly, she activated her powers and slashed open the throat of one of the many changelings. Spirit threw himself into one of them and slashed another. Lightning flew through two more changelings, thanks to his armored wings. With only three remaining, Blade shot a magic blast that killed two of the changelings, but one still lived. With the last of his breathe, the changeling let out a long screech. It was quickly silenced by Sweetie Belle. As she smashed it's head, they all turned to the hive to see hundreds of changelings rocketing from the hive.

"Well, dammit." Lightning said.

"Twilight, they're coming. Are you ready?" Spirit shouted as he made use of Discord's spell.

"Yes! We are ready, how about you?" She asked. Spirit turned to see Gunner nod as he started up his cannon.

"Yeah, we're ready. Lets make sure none of them get you by surprise, okay?" Spirit shouted. They all nodded.

The First Battle

"Good, now everypony move!" Gunner shouted, everypony moved behind the cannon. His cannon began to charge. It was filtering raw magic from the environment, through Gunner's body, and into the cannon. They could even see Vinyl's odd machine from a couple miles away, her "cannon" was also charging. Then, in an instant, Vinyl and Gunner shot their cannons. The blast of energy that came from each was incredible, many of the changelings in the path of either laser were killed instantly, but some died slowly. As both magical blasts met the hive, there was a huge explosion, making an enormous hole in the top of it.

"GO!!" Spirit and Twilight shouted as everypony rushed down the hills. They all jumped into the air and struck down many changelings. Spirit ran in and began slashing each changeling into pieces. Shining Armor was strangling several changelings as Applejack and Big Mac continued to kick them half a mile away. Rainbow Dash flew up into the sky until she was no longer visible. Princess Cadence began to form shields around the defenseless medics, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Doctor Pill. As the changelings surrounded them, thin, barely visible strings were sent through each changeling and then removed in an instant. Spirit looked up to see Rarity sending sewing needles through any approaching changeling. As she landed, she began to parry attacks into other changelings. As she focused her attention on one changeling, another attacked from behind. Only to be struck down by Spirit. "Why didn't you say anything about this earlier?" he asked.

"A lady must always have her fair share of secrets." She stated simply as she looked up. Spirit looked up and saw Rainbow Dash flying down at incredible speeds. As she flew towards the ground, a mach cone formed around her, and she zoomed out of sight once more. Spirit was able to see her right before she crashed into the hive, leaving a giant rainbow colored explosion. The shock-wave sent many changelings spiraling out of the air. Rainbow Dash flew out of the hive only to reveal that she was being chased by a small group of changelings, but something was off. They were gaining on her, and they were emitting greater power than the others. As Rainbow flew over Luna, she impaled the small group with magic spears. Gunner was shooting down the enemy, along with Blade slicing them all into bits. Lightning had a wicked grin as he sliced through dozens of changelings with his electrically charged armored wings. Spirit smiled at the situation. He then activated his power. He let it fly from his body as he twirled in the air, causing many of the changelings to obtain deep gashes. He then flew towards each one he struck and ripped them apart with his hooves and sword. As most of the normal changelings died, larger and stronger ones flew from what was left of the hive. They activated a spell and flew towards Twilight, Luna and Spirit. They all dodged the attacks and forced each changeling into the ground, which suffocated some of them. Spirit turned to face the remaining changelings and swung his sword. A large wave of magic energy flew at them so fast that they didn't even see it coming. They all just fell to the ground, dead.

It can't be that easy, can it? Spirit thought to himself. After a few moments, several griffin sized changelings leaped from the hive and landed before Spirit and the others.

"Spirit! Be careful! They are all very powerful!" Luna shouted.

"We cannot let you pass." One of them hissed.

"We must destroy you, now." Another one had said. Spirit and Twilight stopped for a moment, and then nodded at one another.

"Gunner, Blade, Lightning, Luna, Sweetie Bell and Spirit! Follow me!" Twilight yelled. Soon, everypony who had their name called followed Twilight into hive. A changeling tried to stop them, but it was struck down by Rainbow Dash. Soon, Twilight and her new group jumped into the hive. Leaving the stronger changelings to their allies. They all made a mad dash through the complex "halls" made up of what appeared to be deceased changelings, they could feel something snapping below them as they ran. Soon, they came upon the throne room. Where the real Queen Chrysalis had been waiting.

"Well, it is about time you got here. I was getting so bored." She said. "I was wondering why it took so long for you to take down those changelings I sent out."

"Well, are we going to talk? Or are we going to fight?" Spirit asked. Chrysalis only smiled.

"Eager to die, are you? Well, I will try to end this quickly." Chrysalis said as she flew into the air and unleashed her power. Armor formed around her, it was similar to Celestia's, but it was a dark green and it looked like it wasn't heavy.

The Queen Rises

"Let us begin!" She shouted as she flew towards Twilight, only to be knocked away by Spirit. Spirit and Luna flew at her and threw a large volley of magic blasts at her. Chrysalis blocked all of them and struck Luna to the ground with one hoof strike. Spirit swung his sword at the Queen, but he was sent flying before he could harm her. Gunner shot several paralysis blasts at the Queen, she then got tackled into the wall by Lightning. She shot several magic blasts at Lightning, they were countered by Blade. Sweetie Belle jumped up and ax kicked her into the floor and shot an amazing magic spear from her horn, but it was blocked. Chrysalis rose to her hooves and laughed. "Is that all you can do?" She asked in a calm and mocking tone. She lunged at Gunner and knocked him into the wall, breaking his fore legs and destroying his mechanical arms. Blade shot a ball of energy into the ground and had it erupt under Chrysalis. The Queen walked out of the blast and simply smacked him to the other side of the room. Lightning flew at around her at such great speeds that he formed a tornado almost instantly. Even then, she simply caught him with her hoof and threw him in Blade. They were both knocked out.

"No.. How could this have happened so quickly?" Spirit mumbled to himself.

"Simple, I am just to strong. Oh, and by the way. Your friends above ground have lost." Chrysalis said.

"BULLSHIT!" Spirit shouted as he flew towards her. His speed caught her by surprise and she was embedded into the wall.

"That actually hurt." She said calmly as she removed herself from the hole. Spirit stabbed her in the leg with his sword, his speed once again surprised her. "Shit!" She shouted as she smashed Spirit into the floor, along with his sword. Twilight walked up to Chrysalis and launched a powerful blast of magic into her ear. The blast left her dazed, but she recovered quickly. She looked up to see Princess Luna plant her hoof firmly in her cheek. Chrysalis didn't even budge. Chrysalis swung her hoof at Luna, but she missed. Spirit launched himself out of the ground and threw an uppercut at her. She only stepped back before smashing him into Sweetie Belle. "Not bad, but I want this to end. You see, after I heard you beat Celestia I learned two spells. The first can steal a pony's vampire and lycan powers. The second is a spell that can only be used once. It is a spell that instantly drains the life of any target within the blast. I will get the hard part out of the way, and kill you with the second spell. Oh, and one last thing. I heard that it is VERY painful."

A Warrior's Death

She began to charge up an incredible amount of magic in her horn. Spirit could hardly move. When he was thrown, it did much more damage then he could have ever expected. He saw that the spell was nearly complete. Twilight and Luna could only helplessly watch as Chrysalis charged up her ultimate spell. Spirit needed to evade this somehow. When he tried to move, he found that he was being held down by magic tendrils. It was like he was in Celestia's place when they fought, but this time, he wouldn't get back up. He used his magic to throw Sweetie Belle out of the way, just as Chrysalis fired the spell at him. As it made contact with him, he felt an unimaginable pain. Something that he couldn't endure. He could fell his muscles and organs ripping themselves apart. He couldn't breath, his throat eventually burst. This allowed his jugular to fall from his neck. He could feel each individual bone in his body breaking, snapping, twisting, and exploding. After so much pain, he had slowly and painfully vaporized. The last feeling that went through his body, was his body shriveling up, his eyes, heart, brain, skin, and everything else that was apart of his being had shriveled into dust, and disappeared. Brawny Spirit, was now dead.

Author's Notes:

Yeah, I gave away some pretty obvious hints as to who would die. Also, if you wonder why Chrysalis was kicking everyone's ass, it was because she didn't just hit them. This might be explained later, but I will say it now. She puts an incredible amount of magic in her hooves. When they touch you, they steal magic and weaken the muscles. This isn't the end (Obviously.) I will have all characters become extremely powerful. Hope you enjoy the new chapter. Also, I know that it is still being rushed. I'm just not good at having it go at a slow pace. Yet there are stories that have a much faster pace than this story. Oh, and I also found some music thanks to "Pony Vegeta" and his story "Pony Ball Z." It is a good story, so go check it out. There is also a sequel, but that isn't finished yet. Again, I hope you liked the new chapter.

Welcome back

Luna, Twilight, and Sweetie Belle stood frozen at what they had just witnessed. Spirit was now dead. They couldn't have done anything to save him. They would have died as well. Chrysalis only looked down at her kill with a large frown.

"Honestly, that wasn't as fun as I had planned." She said. Sweetie Belle could barely stand due to sadness, but stood anyways thanks to her anger. She had activated her powers to their fullest extent and charged at Chrysalis. She went for a blunt hoof strike, but swiftly switched to sweeping her. Chrysalis fell to the ground and received a heavy ax kick to the neck. Sweetie Belle jumped back, and Chrysalis stood up and coughed. "Good, kick." She managed to choke out. "However, I want this to be fun. So I think I will render you useless for now." Chrysalis began to absorb magic, and then shot it at Sweetie Belle. Luna shot her own magic blast to counter her enemy's, but it seemed to have no effect. Twilight shot a powerful magic blast at Chrysalis, sending her into the wall. The magic stream launched by Chrysalis however, still ended up hitting Sweetie Belle. Luna and Twilight feared that this was just a powerful blast of magic, but they were wrong. There was a large cloud of dust that had been kicked up by the attack. When it cleared, Sweetie Belle was back to normal. Sweetie Belle looked at her hoofs and tried to summon her power, but she couldn't feel them.

"What did you do!?" Sweetie Belle yelled to Chrysalis as she tried to activate her powers. Chrysalis laughed at the young filly.

"Do you not remember?!" The queen cried. "I told you I learned two spells after Celestia's defeat! I used one on your friend, and I have used the other on you! I took your powers away! Now DIE!!" Chrysalis screamed as she shot a strong blast at Sweetie Belle. Right before the blast of magic made contact, a large blast of magic counted it. Chrysalis looked over at the source only to find an odd surprise. The earth pony who was wedged into the wall, Strong Gunner, had removed himself and shot down her magic with a gun he held in his mouth. Gunner, while standing on his hind-legs due to having both forelegs broken, shot a large volley of magic blasts. Gunner was eventually hit back into the wall and had Chrysalis' hoof push down on his chest. Gunner dropped the gun and laughed. "Tell me, what do you find so funny?" The queen asked.

"Oh, not much." Gunner replied. "Just happy you failed to notice something." Gunner continued to laugh and cough up blood while Chrysalis slowly revealed a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Mines." Gunner said before jerking his head to the left, revealing a hidden string tied to his tooth. As he pulled his head, an explosive went off above them and fell down on Chrysalis. Whom unintentionally shielded Gunner from the rocks. Gunner then used his mouth to pull out an odd electronic object with a button on it. He jammed the button into Chrysalis and somehow kicked her off of him. She then felt an incredible amount of pain. She shrieked in agony and felt small explosives going of inside of her body. Luna and Twilight saw an opportunity and blasted Chrysalis with as much magic as they could muster. She was slammed into the wall and was taking heavy damage. After a few moments, the pain stopped and Chrysalis fell to the floor. She looked up to see Gunner chuckling to himself.

"W-what did y-you do!?" She shouted. Gunner began to laugh.

"Before we got here, I set a mobile mine with a string set as the trigger just above the room for a moment like now. I also mixed some super-mini explosives into the magic blasts I shot you with at the start of the fight. I chose those bullets because those are the only ones that actually enter the body. They enter the body to temporarily intercept messages from the brain to your nerves. I was only able to connect one of them to that trigger," Gunner said as he looked at the trigger. "but that was all I needed. When one goes off, they all go off!"

"That is very impressive, young one. To bad I must kill you. You would have been a great ally." Chrysalis said as she shot magic blasts at him. Luna and Twilight countered them as Sweetie Belle watched. Sweetie Belle began to feel an odd presence. Something was ringing in the back of her mind.Sweetie Belle tried to dismiss it, but she couldn't. The feeling was familiar. The world around her began to blur, twist and turn. She soon fell unconscious, and heard a familiar voice.

"Yes, I did it" The voice shouted. "I can use the Ras-" The voice had abruptly stopped. It was indeed familiar, but slightly warped. Sweetie Belle then heard somepony she didn't know, but the voice was clearer.

"Thirty seconds left. I just want to say good luck, my bo-" The voice also stopped. Sweetie Belle could hear a countdown, but she couldn't tell who was saying it. She soon began to countdown as well.

"Twenty five." She said. She turned back to see Chrysalis knocking Gunner back and knocking Luna out.

"Twenty four."

"Well, this was quite boring." Chrysalis said.

"Twenty three."

"Y-y-you won't win!" Twilight yelled.

"Twenty two."

"Oh, and how will I fail? I already killed your best fighter."

"Twenty one."

"I already knocked out everypony else and your friends above ground are barely holding up!"

"Twenty." Sweetie Belle said as she stopped counting down.

"I will not let this go, I must win!" Twilight said as she shot a large volley of magic at Chrysalis who effortlessly blocked it.

"Nice try, but I will still win. I haven't even activated a fourth of my power!" Chrysalis said as she just activated a fourth of her power. "Now, must I finish this?" She questioned.

"Ten, nine, eight," Sweetie Belle continued. Chrysalis looked over at Sweetie Belle.

"You, what are you doing!?" She yelled.

"seven, six, five, four, three," Sweetie Belle ignored her and finished the countdown. "two, one."

The Return

As Sweetie Belle finished her countdown, the ground began to shake. All of the small fragments of rock floated up, and the ground exploded. The hive was completely gone, yet everypony was safe thanks to Twilight's teleportation. Chrysalis was now floating in the air without a mark on her. She just stared at the ground as it erupted, letting fire and lava loose into the sky. The blast of this was so great that Chrysalis was actually blown back. When she recovered, she saw an odd figure with armor covering every inch of his body, his mane and tail were a silver shade and he held an ominous scythe. He was taller than Chrysalis, and looked much more threatening. He stood on his hind legs and showed all sense of authority. He was emitting a large amount of power. In this instant, he removed his helmet to reveal one they had all thought to be dead. Brawny Spirit. When he had removed the helmet, they all saw his smile. He didn't waste any time. He rushed Chrysalis swung his scythe at her. She was able to dodge the swing, but she felt a trickle of blood roll down her face.

"Hi!" Spirit shouted as he flung her to the ground. Chrysalis flew into the air to reveal her own magic armor. It was almost an exact replica of Celestia's. She flew at Spirit and struck him in the face. He was completely unfazed. "Now, I know that you're powerful. So let loose!" Spirit shouted in delight. Chrysalis felt a large amount of force on her stomach, Spirit had slammed his hoof into her so hard that she fell to the ground puking. Spirit lowered himself and walked up to her. Chrysalis activated all of her power and struck him in the face. Spirit was sent flying into the distant hills.

"How did you, of all ponies, get so strong!?" Chrysalis yelled. "You were only dead for five fucking minutes!!"

"Silly queen, one minute here is a week in Hell. As you will soon discover." Spirit said as he formed magic around his hoof in the shape of fingers. Energy left his "fingers" and formed a ball of purple and red energy. It was spinning at an incredible rate. "When I was in a coma, I dreamed up a lot of things. One thing was called 'anime'. This technique, is something I got from an anime." Spirit said. Chrysalis used her magic to search Spirit's heart for a weakness, but found that there was nothing. There was no emotion whatsoever. The only thing there was a thirst for blood. Chrysalis extracted herself from his heart and blasted him with all of her might. Spirit took the blast with almost no problems. Spirit rushed towards Chrysalis, easily doubling the speed he attained during the end of his fight with Celestia. He rammed the ball of magic and energy into Chrysalis. "RASENGAN!" He shouted as the ball tore through Chrysalis. Her power seeped into the air, but was absorbed by Spirit. As Chrysalis' body had been completely destroyed, leaving no remains, Spirit turned to everyone else and wiped out the remaining changelings. His comrades all looked at him with awe, and Sweetie Belle was on the verge of death. Spirit walked over to her and sat next to her. He then leaned in and bit her. Giving Sweetie Belle her powers once more.

"Spirit, is that really you?" Twilight asked. Spirit turned to her with a smile.

"Yeah, its me! When everypony gets stronger, go to the crystal empire. Sombra is there and I want to fight him! Besides, I found out many things when I had died." Spirit said as he flew off, heading to the far north. Everypony stared at him, their only hope for victory. He was planing on tanking the rest of the war on his own, but Twilight knew she wouldn't be left out.

Author's Notes:

Yeah. I bet you all saw this coming. This will be Spirit's "overpowered" mode. He will meet his match soon enough. The next chapter or two will be about Spirit training in hell. I hope you all like it! Also, try to guess what video game character he is somewhat representing in this chapter. Oh, and his speed in this fight is double what it was when he fought Celestia. However this isn't his max speed. He is also heartless now, the only thing he really cares for is his comrades, war, and bloodshed.

Welcome to Hell part 1

Spirit could feel the world slipping from him as he fell into an abyss that seemed to darken, and grow hotter as he dropped deeper into the seemingly endless pit. Spirit couldn't recall what happened. He remembered seeing Chrysalis, and appeared inside this pit. Spirit could not tell where he was facing. Was he facing upwards, or downwards? Where was the wind? What had brought him to this life of hardship? All of these questions, are ones that he could not answer. Spirit than began to feel a sensation, not one of relief of fear, anger, happiness, or sadness. What he felt was tranquility. Spirit then saw what appeared to be red, but as he got closer he saw gold, black, and brown. Before he knew it, he slammed into what he assumed was the ground. When he lifted his head, he saw a large, bulky pony with a book in front of him.

"Name." He said in a deep and raspy voice. Spirit only stood and kept silent.

"Why?" He asked.

"NAME. NOW." The pony said in an angry voice. Spirit saw no reason to keep questioning.

"Brawny Spirit." He stated simply. The giant pony narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. He chuckled to himself and sat back. He took a pen in his mouth, since he was an "Earth Pony", and wrote something down in his book.

"Brawny Spirit. He will be sent to Hell. Do you have a question?" He asked. Spirit was actually surprised, yet at the same time, he wasn't.

"Why will I be sent to Hell? What will happen to me there? What will I be able to eat?" Spirit asked. The last question made the pony chuckle, but he regained composure quickly.

"You are going there because you only killed for the pleasure of it. You didn't do it for anypony else. You will either eat nothing or you will eat the limbs of other ponies in Hell. Lord Beelzebub will think of something for you. Goodbye." Before Spirit could ask anything else, the pony slammed his hoof into his desk, and Spirit continued to fall. He could feel the temperature rising, and it was beginning to bother him. Spirit decided to use his powers to speed things up. His energy blasted out of his body and shot him down into the red-hot ground that was unfortunately very close to him. Spirit didn't seem to care, he just got up, brushed himself off, and continued to walk. He looked around to see zombie ponies, skeletons, and a colossal red pony with two horns sticking out of his head. His cutie mark was a pitchfork engulfed in fire. He had a tail with spikes at the tip and a toothy grin. Before Spirit could leave, the giant looked over at him and smiled. It got up from it's throne and walked over to Spirit.

"So, are you that 'Brawny Spirit' fellow I just got word of?" He asked in an unbelievably deep voice. Spirit felt himself shrinking under his gaze, but tried to stay calm.

"Yes, I am." He responded. The blood red giant looked down at him and grinned. He slowly began to shrink and eventually reached Spirit's size. His toothy grin was gone, and only a small grin with pointed teeth sat in it's place.

"Well, I just want to show you around." He said in a much different tone.


Spirit followed the pony as it began to point out everything that happened. He pointed to a Minotaur in a suit, a Cyclops taking care of rags from dead ponies. There was a centaur that immediately started to drag them to a street literally made out of bones after Spirit and the red pony got on the chariot.Then Spirit was chased by dozens of zombies and skeletons while next to a river made of fire. The red pony began to sing and chant about what he was and what he had. Spirit thought he could hear somepony in the background getting hurt, but ignored it. He whistled and had a giant three headed dog jump up to him, then his bed appeared and disappeared. Next he threw Spirit into a a Jacuzzi that had blood instead of water. Then he saw three snake-like ponies rise from the blood, but Spirit quickly left before looking at them because he knew what they were. As the red pony finished his song, he stopped and asked Spirit a question.

"So, what do you think?" He asked with a devious tone. Spirit looked around again and back to the red pony.

"I think the brochure lied to me." He joked. The pony before him began to laugh.

"Finally! Somepony with a sense of humor! I already like you, kid. I would take off maybe three thousand years of torment off of your time here, but you won't go through any." Spirit stopped smiling at his small joke and replaced his face of relaxation with curiosity.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Death wants to talk to you." The pony began to walk away, and Brawny Spirit followed. Hell only showed him the damned, the greedy, the evil, the malicious, and the worst of the worst. Despite what he went through, Spirit felt shaken by everything around him. As they made their way to what seemed like an arena, Spirit looked at the crowd. He noticed who they were. The were the ponies, griffins, and changelings he had killed. They all looked to him and yelled. They mocked him, threw things at him, cursed at him. Then seven ponies jumped out of the crowd.

"Well, look who finally died." A unicorn said. They all walked up to him, and surrounded him.

"So, you must be the criminals that I killed. How are things going for you now that you're in Hell?" Spirit asked, only to mock them. The unicorn threw a hoof strike at Brawny. When his hoof made contact with his face, it broke. Not just the hoof, but his entire foreleg. The unicorn fell to the ground and yelled in pain. Spirit walked straight forward and crushed the unicorn's head with his hoof while walking by. The other ponies jumped back in shock. The griffins and changelings all jumped for him, but Spirit moved so swiftly that he killed most of them before they even touched the ground. He left the others alone, and only ripped the others apart to set an example. When the remaining ponies, griffins and changelings saw what had happened, they all ran. When Spirit turned around, he saw a pony skeleton of a pegasus in a black rob holding a scythe. He was rubbing his chin, as if trying to analyze what he just saw.

"Lord Beelzebub, is this the one?" Death asked while gesturing to Spirit. Spirit turned to the red pony who was apparently this "Lord Beelzebub" that he had heard of.

"Yes, he is indeed Brawny Spirit. I will leave you two to talk, and train." Beelzebub said. With that, he just vanished. Spirit turned back to Death who was now growing skin, and flesh. When he generated a full body of flesh and skin, he had a blue coat with a short gray mane and tail. Spirit couldn't see his cutie mark because Death was wearing a robe. Death seemed to be smiling.

"Why're you so happy?" Spirit questioned. Death's smile grew.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you again." He said before taking a stance.

"We never met before, and I think I would remember seeing you." Spirit said.

"How about this. If you hit me, then I will explain how I know you. Deal?" Death stared at Spirit. Spirit grinned and nodded slightly. He activated his powers and readied himself. Spirit lunged at Death. who parried his attack with his scythe. Death tried to cut Spirit's gut open, but he just barely missed. Death's smile grew even larger. "This might actually be interesting." Death said before rushing Spirit.


Spirit saw him coming and narrowly dodged, but felt something on his back. As Death flew past Spirit he slashed at him and blasted dark magic at him. Spirit had barely escaped the attack. He raised a barrier and jumped to the side in order to dodge. Spirit shot magic from his hind-legs into the ground and made them into tendrils. The tendrils shot out at Death so they could impale him, but Death sliced through them. Spirit used his tendrils to rip a hole in the ground and sank into it. Death swung, but missed. He looked down and saw a magic blast heading towards him, yet he was still able to dodge. Spirit closed the hole and scanned the room with his magic.

I didn't even think I could do that. Spirit thought to himself. He saw sixteen pillars in the room, and noticed that most of them were already damaged. Spirit smiled and sent his magic into these pillars. Brawny sent himself out of the ground and threw a hoof strike at Death who seemed to dodge it with extreme ease. He flipped back and landed next to some of the pillars. Spirit then shot his magic out of the pillars near Death and grabbed him. Death looked at them in surprise and felt his limbs stretched out and rendered nearly useless. Spirit jumped at him and filled his hind-legs with his Lycan magic. He then smashed into Death with great force, sending him into the ground. Spirit began to rise from the smoke cloud he had kicked up and walked away.

"You really are who I think you are." Death said. Spirit stopped and turned around to see Death walking out of the smoke cloud.

"Oh yeah, our bet. So, will you tell me how you know me now?" Spirit asked. Death chuckled to himself.

"Of course, just follow me and I will explain everything." Death said as he walked off in a random direction. Spirit decided to follow. otherwise he would most likely end up not getting the truth. As they trekked through Hell, Spirit began to see structures that somewhat resembled buildings. Soon, they arrived at a large palace with a gigantic door. It slowly opened, and then they made their way inside. The halls were gold, red and black in color. Each door had some kind of skull in it. Each door seemed to have a different kind of skull. The door leading into the palace was big enough to hold a dragon skull. Death led Brawny up a large stairwell, and they soon came to a door that had no skull in it. The design of this door was much more complex than the others, it had small carvings on the red parts and the black parts bulged out. Death stopped at this door and knocked. Spirit waited a moment, but there was only silence. Spirit was about to ask why he came hear, but then a soothing voice had come from inside of the room that this door protected.

"Hello? Honey, is that you?" It called. Spirit was able to tell that this was a mare just by hearing the voice.

"Yes, Sweetheart, it is me. Can you open the door? I have a very special surprise for you!" Death said. There was a small pause, but then the door unlocked. Just as Spirit thought, the voice had come from a mare. Her mane and tail were a light brown color and her coat was her coat was a perfect tan. Her cutie mark was a a purple fire, which resembled the wisps of mist that Sombra seemed to conjure.

"What is it? What's the surpri-" She stopped abruptly and stared at Spirit. The moment felt like an hour, but then she burst into tears and hugged Spirit. Brawny was taken aback by this, but did not push her away. Instead he mouthed something to Death.

"What is happening?" He asked. Death only laughed and tapped the mare on the shoulder.

"Sweetheart, he doesn't know yet." He said to her. The mare turned to him and blushed.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! P-please, come in!" She said as she wiped the tears away. Spirit walked into the room to see that it was completely different from the rest of the castle. Instead of it being red, gold and black, the colors were blue and orange. The walls were a light blue and the furniture was a standard orange color. This combo made the room look alive, and caused the furniture to really pop out.

This looks nice, to bad nopony will see it... Spirit thought.

"P-p-please, sit down." The mare said. Spirit did so and saw the other her sit next to Death. They both looked at Spirit, and he looked at them. The three of them were silent, then Death spoke.

"Do you know what happened to your family? Did anypony tell you?" He asked. Spirit already felt uncomfortable.

"I don't know, and nopony had ever told me what truly happened." Spirit said with a grim tone of voice.

"Have you ever wondered? What happened to them, I mean..." The mare asked.

"Of course, it was always one of my goals. I just couldn't pursue it because of the war." Spirit said without emotion.

The Truth

"Well, allow me to shed some light on this subject." Death said. "There was once a criminal that went by your name, and his two brothers went by the names of your brothers. He had a purple coat, and a black mane and tail. He was very tall. He had a son at one point, and stopped being a criminal because of it. He went into hiding and never went into public, in fear that somepony would find out who he was. After a long while, the son got married to a beautiful mare. The eldest brother died when your eldest brother was born. They didn't look alike, but they acted the same and had the same name. the second eldest brother died when your second eldest brother was born. Though they acted differently, they looked the same and took the same name. After many years, you mother was expecting a third child. only a few days before your birth, there was an explosion of energy that came from the youngest brother. after three days, your mother was rushed to the hospital to give birth to you.The youngest brother was on the verge of death. he lay in the hospital bed next to your mothers, right before she began giving birth to you. He confessed everything. He confessed that he was the renowned criminal that ponies everywhere refereed to as 'Jack The Ripper'. He said that he had stolen a fragment of King Sombra's magic." Death paused to take a breathe. Spirit was in awe. He had no idea how Death would know what happened to him, but that would come later. Death nudged his wife is if to tell her to continue the story.

"He said that though was to die, he would live on in the newest child of his son. He also mentioned that his brothers had been granted Sombra's powers by the evil king himself. When he finished his confession, he began to chant something. Nopony could tell what he was saying, but when he finished, he died. His body seemed to crumble into dust. Then, the dust vanished. As the last trace of him left, the mare began to give birth. Originally, you were supposed to be a unicorn filly. Yet you came out as an Earth pony colt. The nurses, doctors, and your parents were all shocked. Yet, when you were born, you looked, and acted like him. You also took his name. Like your brothers, though. When they were cleaning you up, you had a look in your eyes. Your brothers did to, the look meant purpose. What you had was different, it was a fear inducing gaze. It said showed many things. Fury, anger, cleverness, and insanity. Just like the first Brawny Spirit." The mare began to choke up again as she went on with the story. Spirit was on the verge of tears as well. Though there was no credible proof this was the truth, he felt that deep down it was the truth. At this point Death saw his wife about to burst into tears, so he took over.

The Truth (second song)

"You were a strong child. You never cried, you never begged for food, you never woke your parents up, and you always ate what you were given. Your brothers felt jealous, and wanted the attention of their parents. One night, they snuck into your room and took you away. They tried to bury you out in the yard, but they didn't count on one thing. For the first time since you had come into the world, you screamed. The parents woke up immediately and raced to the back yard, where they found your brothers trying to bury you. They explained their side of the story, and the parents told them it was wrong and that they were disappointed. The two colts got angry and unintentionally used Sombra's magic. Then, the magic backlash of their magic had killed the parents. You survived thanks to your powers. Your grandfather ended up with more power than his brothers, he had magic three times stronger then their's. With that power in you, you managed to live. Your brothers got scared and ran, later meeting up with Sombra. police and paramedics came by and found you. You fell into a coma, and that is how everything started." Death exhaled, letting go of a breathe that he didn't know he had. Spirit was crying now. He tried to keep a straight face, but all he did was weep silently. The mare was crying as well. Death had one last thing to say. "You have something you want to ask us, don't you?" Spirit looked up, and had been thinking of what to ask when they finished talking about his past.

"What made me so strong that I never cried, never begged for food, and never woke my parents at night?" Spirit asked. Death let a single tear roll, but answered anyway.

"You are the reincarnation of the master criminal Brawny Spirit. The coma must have shaken some of that strength from you, but you are definitely his grandson. His strength, intelligence, and everything else went to you." Death said.

"Why didn't Sombra try to gain control over my mind when I was in a coma?" Spirit asked as his second question.

"He did try." The mare said. "Brawny Spirit the first made a seal that would protect you, but it would make you experience a tragic life so you would become strong, and used to everything."

"How did 'Jack the Ripper' steal so much magic from Sombra?" Spirit asked as he felt more tears trickle down his face and plop onto the cold, red floor.

"He discovered what his brothers did, and thought that he needed to protect you. He learned how to tug magic from another pony, even if they are much stronger than you. He was able to do this without being caught for a short time." Death said. Death and his wife stared at Spirit, and he stared back. He knew they were awaiting one last question. Spirit knew what the question was.

"How..." Spirit mumbled.

"Hmm?" Death had a confused expression on his face.

"How did you know everything, and who are you two!?! How do you know my past?! How can I truly tell if that whole thing was the TRUTH!? Spirit yelled. He hadn't realized he had gotten up from his seat, he also failed to notice that he was breathing quite heavily. The mare flinched at Spirit's sudden outburst and Death seemed to become more protective.

"You want to know how we know everything?" Death asked, almost calming down instantly. "Well, I will tell you. Brawny Spirit, we are your parents." Death said trying to force tears of sheer happiness. Spirit, was crying harder now, but kept strong.

"Can you prove it?" He choked out. "I do think that it would explain why you know this, but I need more proof." Spirit began to cry even harder now. The mare, who was now apparently his mother, stood up and walked to him. Death did the same as well.

"When we fought, I made sure to have your blood tested. I was able to get a sample from your back and teleported it to some other higher ups that are also here. They had sent me the results of comparing you to me, you are our son." Death said as he watched his son crying at his hooves. Spirit began to rise, though. He looked at Death who was now somehow holding a paper. It was the results. Spirit looked them over, and saw that it was the truth. Death was his father, and this mare was his mother. Spirit placed the paper down and faced his parents with teary eyes. He then stepped forward and embraced them in a hug. They were surprised at first, but they soon returned the hug. It felt like it lasted so long, but had only lasted half a minute.

"I'm so happy Mom, Dad. I'm so happy to finally see who you are." Spirit said before releasing them from his loving hold. They then all sat down and comforted each other as they began to calm themselves.

Author's Notes:

Yeah, I am expecting some more criticism and dislikes. I still hope you liked it though. If you have questions, just post a comment. If you see something in the comments that I said and it doesn't match up with what I say, just say so. However, this is my answer. I decided to change it the original idea. I had planned on something similar to this, but I changed it so that I could add more to Spirit's power and increase the strength of his foes for future fights. Hope you all don't leave hate comments!

P.S. Sorry if I tried to hard with the whole theme of being sad.

Welcome to Hell part 2

Spirit and his parents sat down, and waited for everypony to calm themselves. Spirit had stopped crying first, than his father, and finally his mother. They were all silent at first, bu Spirit wanted to break that silence. He still had questions, but he couldn't speak. He just wanted to spend time with his parents, and get to know them. While Spirit was trying desperately to break the silence that seemed to possessed the room, his father broke it.

"You still have questions, right? Well you can ask us anything." Death said as he put on a smile of genuine happiness. Spirit sat silently for a moment in order to pull himself together.

"Yes, I want to know how my friends are doing. Can you tell me?" He asked. Death took a deep breathe, and then exhaled.

"They are fine, they are still fighting Queen Chrysalis." Death said in the calmest tone he could muster.

"Really? They're still lasting?" Spirit said, obviously surprised.

"No, it actually hasn't been more then a minute since you've been gone. A minute for them at least."

"What do you mean 'for them at least'?"

"One minute up on the surface is a week here in Hell. So to them, you literally just died."

"Why is it a week here for a minute up there? Why not have the lengths of time be the same?" Spirit asked.

"The reason behind this is so that bad ponies stay here longer and get more punishment." Spirit's mother said as she walked to the window.

"Well, that does make sense." Spirit said as he thought for a moment. "Can I somehow get back there and help them!?" Spirit yelled as the thought entered his mind.

"Yes, you can actually." Death said. "However, it would be difficult. We would have to manipulate the time flow of Hell in order to do that, and that hasn't been done in thousands of years." Spirit fell silent and thought about his father's words. It stung him to know that even though it was possible to get back to the world of the living, he might not be able to get back anyways. "If I could convince Lord Beelzebub, he could help you out."

"Or we could just power our son up so much that he could do it himself." Death and Spirit both averted all of their attention. "The only pony in Hell who had the strength to change the time flow here was Lord Beelzebub. However, I think that with enough training here, you could do it to."

"Honey, it is t-"

"I'm in!" Spirit shouted with excitement. Death whipped his head around to face Spirit.

"Are you sure Spirit? Even though you are in Hell, the training could kill you in a way that it would keep you from leaving." Death said in what appeared to be a concerned voice. "Your friends are really that important?"

"Yeah, Some of them really are." Spirit said with complete certainty. Death sighed and glanced back at his wife and son.

"Very well. When shall we begin training?" Death asked.

"How about now?" His son asked. Death really didn't want that answer.

"Fine, I know where to start first, so just tell me when you're ready to go."

"Okay, let's go." Spirit said, obviously getting impatient. Death facehoofed at this, but decided to help his son with his special training. Death had opened the door and began to lead his son out, but one thing crossed his mind. How would Brawny Spirit begin his training? There were five segments, but he didn't know what to begin with. Then, it struck him. He knew what he would have his son start with.

"Son, follow me. We'll begin training soon, just follow me." He said as he flew through the halls. Spirit sighed, not wanting to use up his energy, but he to took to the air. They quickly burst through the entrance and zoomed across Hell, staring at the horrible landscape. Body parts were covering the ground, keeping anypony from seeing the actual ground unless they actually dig through the corpses. Among the bodies there were many thin, paled, and greedy ponies all fighting to eat the corpses just to live through all of this. They all did this just so they could survive, and keep a fragment of hope for themselves. If they died in Hell, there was no way that they would come back to life. As Spirit turned his head forwards, he could see a large pit of lava. He had seen dozens of lava pits, but this one seemed worse. As he and his father got closer, the heat began to rise, Spirit began to sweat, and the weaker beings near the pit were burning. They weren't even close. They were very far away. "Here, this is the place." Death said as he landed next to the pit. Spirit followed.

"So, why here?" He asked.

"This is where you shall gain one of twp 'Spawn' abilities."

"Wait.'Spawn' abilities? What are those." Spirit asked.

"Spawn abilities are abilities that are used by Hell-spawns. Either that, or somepony with a bleak, cold heart. Though I know that you are not entirely heartless, you are for the most part. With that, I think you could learn how to use them."

"Okay, so what do those abilities have to do with this lava pit?" Spirit asked while pointing his hoof at the pit. "Also, if there are Hell-spawns, why don'y you just get them to help me? I mean, you're Death himself!"

"There are no more Hell-spawns." Death said. "They all died fighting holy beings or something, I never really looked into it myself." They were silent.

"You suck at taking care of your subordinates."

"Eat me. Now what you have to do is get to the bottom of the pit and press your hoof against the center of the giant symbol that sits there. After that, you will get the first ability." Death said calmly.

"That sounds way to easy." Spirit said while narrowing his eyes.

"Well, the lava there is twice as hot as the Sun's core." Death said, again, in a very calm manor. Again, silence.

"NO." Spirit shouted as he backed away quickly.

"Just do it! If you don't do it, you will never be able to beat Sombra!" Death shouted.

"Dad? Do you even know how strong he actually is?" Spirit called from a few feet away.

"Well, he can destroy the planet. But that isn't the point! Just do this and a few other things and you can beat him!" Spirit sat in silence, staring at his father. He stood up, walked over to him, stared him in the eyes, and smacked him in the face.

"The readers are gonna rage so fucking hard because of you." Spirit turned, and jumped into the lava head first. His dad just stood there, and looked at the point where his son jumped at.

"What just happened?" He asked, but got no answer. He stared harder at the lava in hopes to see his son, and he could just barely do so. His son was blasting his way through the lava, trying desperately to reach the bottom. The heat was rising greatly with every inch closer. He even tried to part the lava so it wouldn't touch him, but it radiated such heat that it almost didn't matter. For what seemed like hours to Spirit, who was using all of his strength, he could not yet see the bottom. Spirit's magic was starting to fade. His magic coating couldn't handle such heat. Spirit was even using his Lycan power to speed through the lava. Though this would seem like it was his last resort, this wasn't.


Spirit spun around to face the surface, and blasted a strong beam of magic. With this blast of incredible power, Spirit began to speed through the lava and blast through any rock that happened to be in his way. He smashed everything away, all for one goal. To reach the bottom. However, even though he could feel himself pushing through the lava even harder, he could not even see the bottom. Spirit began to slow, he began to lose hope, but realized something. If he failed now, he would also fail his grandfather. He had given his life to stop Sombra, and he put his hope in one thing. Brawny Spirit. He once more spun around and began to blast energy waves out of the lava and felt himself speed up even more so. He knew that he exceeded his speed from his fight with Celestia, and he loved it.

Son, can you hear me?! Spirit was surprised, but tried to reply back.

Yes, I can hear you. What's up? He asked.

I forgot to tell you something important, and I hate myself for it. I forgot to tell you that with each ability gained, you will lose your sanity. I can pull you out if you want! Death called.

No, Dad. I can see it. Spirit said before sticking his hoof out to meet the bottom that he longed for. He could see it, and he felt it. As his hoof made contact, the heat vanished. With one thing leaving, one thing took it's place. A burning sensation in his mouth appeared from nowhere, but vanished quickly. Spirit looked up to see that he could see everything. Though he wanted to see it all, he knew he had a job to do. He launched himself back up with a new found strength that he didn't understand, but as he went flying through the lava, a piece of mind had slipped from him. He knew what it was, but he didn't hate it. He loved it. He saw the surface, and burst out. His father looked up at him and smiled. Spirit slowly descended to the ground, and had met his father with a hug. This would have lasted, but Spirit could feel something. He let go of his father and began to vomit large amounts of lava, but he only saw his father smile.

"Good job, son. Let's get going, we have more work to do."

Author's Notes:

Wow, it took me a while to get to it, but I finally did this chapter. I hope you like it, and I also redid most of the other chapters. So check those if you want. I'll get started on the next part soon!

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