
What Will Make You Happy

by ladyanaconda

Chapter 1: Breaking News

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It all started with a letter.
Three long years had passed since the Wedding between Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, and the Changeling Invasion. Then there was the re-appearance of the Crystal Empire, the resurgence of King Sombra, and many other adventures that the ponies had, including Discord's reform. Nobody had thought the Draconequus could really change his chaotic ways, but he did. At first, the only one who was willing to befriend him was Fluttershy, and somehow she wormed her way into his previously stone-cold heart. How she did it? Nobody knew.
But to Shining Armor, nothing of that was compared to what he just found out just a few hours ago.
Twilight was getting married.
At first, he was very happy for her, and was eager to meet the lucky stallion. But his sister wanted it to be a surprise, so she invited all of her family and friends to the library for her to announce who she would be marrying. It had been a couple of hours ago, he and Cadence meet up with the Mane Six at the library, but they were both surprised to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in there as well; apparently, the future groom had insisted on inviting them, according to Spike. For half-an-hour, most ponies were trying to guess who Twilight was marrying.
"I think BigMacintosh is the lucky stallion," Rarity spoke, earning a slight frown from Applejack.
"Of course not!" she twitched her tail, "If he was, he wouldn't have hidden it for us!"
"Really? Because I recall he is not precisely the most talkative pony around here,"
"Oh, oh! Perhaps she is marrying Caramel! He is a sweetie pie!" Pinkie was hopping of excitement, with a ear-to-ear grin on her face.
Rainbow Dash was flying above the Mane Six, looking for something interesting in the bookshelves, "I can't believe Twi is actually getting married. I mean, it's not like she is precisely a coquette mare. She always grows nervous around stallions,"
Cadence entered the conversation, "Actually, I'm really happy for her. I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle in her wedding dress, like Shining and I did three years ago,"
"Yeah, It looks like yesterday," Shining Armor nuzzled against his wife's cheek, and she giggled in response before nuzzling against him.
Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were having an almost similar conversation of their own.
"The groom wanted us to come?" Luna was saying, "Why would he do that? Unless we already know him,"
Celestia just smiled, "I think I know who the groom is..."
After five more minutes to 'Trying-to-Guess-Who-the-Groom-is', Spike walked in from the kitchen, holding a spoon in his hand. Just then, he held the spoon close to his mouth in the manner of a microphone.
"Mares and..." he stopped for a few moments upon noticing that Shining Armor was the only stallion in there, "...Gentlecolt, thanks for coming! And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!"
Before he was even finished, the group had already rushed at the table and took their seats, waiting for both Twilight Sparkle and her mysterious groom. Just then, Fluttershy noticed that it was a little too... peaceful.
"Excuse me, girls, have any of you seen Discord?" she inquired softly, trying to look for a sign of the Draconequus. The other ponies quickly realized what she meant, but neither of them knew where he was.
"The last time I saw him, he said he had an errand in Everfree Forest,"
Shining Armor frowned slightly slightly, "Sure..."
Despite the signs that Discord had actually changed, Shining Armor was convinced that he hadn't really abandoned his ways of chaos; he was sure that Discord was turning the trees into carnivore plants, or making chocolate rain in Everfree Forest, or who knows what he did when he was completely alone.
Spike continued, "and now, here comes the future bride, Twilight Sparkle!"
Spike pointed at the top of the stairs where Twilight's room was, and there everyone saw Twilight walking down the steps, and her cheeks became a shade of pink when her friends started to congratulate her. Celestia and Luna were the only ones who were silent, although they were giving Twilight congratulating smiles.
"Congratulations, Twi!" Rainbow Dash cheered
"I can't wait to meet your future husband so that I can throw a party! Tell us who is he!" Pinkie Pie was shouting over the others' voices.
"Congratulations, sis!" Shining Armor called, although she didn't apparently hear him at all.
"Excuse me! Girls!" Twilight tried to settle her friends down, but to no avail," Everyone! WOULD YOU PLEASE LET ME SPEAK?!"
This made the rest of the ponies calm down, but they were still inquiring about her groom.
"Sorry, darling, but we want to know who is your groom already? We're dying to know!"
Twilight smiled playfully, "He'll be here at any moment,"
"Where?! Where?!" Pinkie Pie started looking around the library, under the table, couch and even in the books, "Groom, where are you?!"
The rest of the Mande six laughed, but Applejack spoke next, "Come on, Twilight! At least give us a clue!"
"Oh, alright." Twilight giggled, "Let's see... You already know him, he is charming and a very, very charismatic."
The rest of the Mane Six started to think thoroughly, but Rainbow Dash almost immediately asked:
"Nope," Twilight replied, "He's a nice guy, but he's... not a pony of many words,"
Applejack sneered at Rainbow Dash, "I told ya,"
"Caramel?" Pinkie inquired
"Prince Blueblood?!" Rarity practically yelled in excitement, but Twilight shook her head.
"Not close,"
Fluttershy timidly lifted her hoof, "would it be... I don' know..." She hoped her friends would not get mad if she said it, "... Discord?"
Before anyone could react to that or Twilight could answer, suddenly pink colds appeared inside the library and soon everyone was soaked in chocolate rain. Well, actually, Celestia and Luna had brought umbrellas because they had a feeling this would happen, and they were safe from the chocolate milk.
"And we have a winner!" the familiar voice of the Draconequus spoke, and he slithered from the pink clouds, landing next to Twilight. He snapped his fingers and soon flowers started to rain on Fluttershy. He noticed Celestia and Luna were being protected from his rain by umbrellas, and soon made a 'hurt' expression, "oh, come on! I practiced this for about a week to annoy you two and turns out you brought umbrellas? It's not fair!"
Celestia simply grinned, "you should try something new, Discord. You've become quite predictable,"
Shining Armor frowned and stood up, "Excuse me, but some of us here don't like it raining indoors! Would you be so kind of taking it away?"
Discord frowned, "oh, alright, Mr. Grumpy Armor," he snapped his eagle talons, and the rain disappeared... but there was still one pink cloud above Shining Armor. Cadence couldn't contain a small laugh, but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie burst out laughing when they saw Shining Armor's face.
"Discord..." Twilight playfully scolded the Draconequus.
"Alright," He made the could disappear, although Shining Armor was soaked in chocolate milk, even his pure white coat had now a brownish shadow to it. Shining Armor twitched his tail in irritation and drooped his ears; he always became on that mood when Discord was near.
"Now, Twilight, now that Discord is here, will you tell us who the groom is?" Cadence inquired, and received a teasing look in return.
"Girls, the groom is already here," Twilight laughed
"Where?!" they started to look around for the stallion, but Shining Armor had understood what Twilight meant. HE stared first at discord, then at Twilight, his eyes open as plates, a hint of shock in his face.
"Discord... is the groom?" his voice was shaky
Just then, everypony turned to look expectantly at Twilight, who nodded happily.
"Yep! Discord and I are getting married!
The room was silent for a couple of minutes, before the both of them were attacked by another round of congratulations and happy comments. Even Celestia and Luna walked over to the engaged couple to give them their blessings.

But Shining Armor just stood there, frozen in shock like a statue.

His sister.... Twilight Sparkle... marrying to Discord... the Spirit of Chaos.

After a few minutes, his eyes looked up and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Author's Notes:

The story is set after Keep Calm and Flutter on, and i think Discord did change, even though the episode hasn't even aired yet. And he and Twilight Sparkle secretly started dating without anypony knowing about it, because they wanted it to be a surprise. (and what a surprise for certain ponies). This is my first MLP fanfic, so if I could improve, please tell me... just not too harsh, i'm quite sensible.

Next Chapter: Seriously?! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
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