
What Will Make You Happy

by ladyanaconda

First published

Twilight Sparkle is marrying Discord, but Shining Armor doesn't like the idea in the least, which can endanger his relationship with his LSBFF. Will he accept Discord as a brother-in-law?

She was his little sister, he just couldn't stand the thought of her being with another stallion, least the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. She must be under some type of mind control! How could Twilight Sparkle even think of marrying Discord? Shining Armor would not stand with his hooves crossed while his sister ruined her life, he would do anything to break her free of the "spell". But is she really being controlled, or he is simply jealous?

Breaking News

It all started with a letter.
Three long years had passed since the Wedding between Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, and the Changeling Invasion. Then there was the re-appearance of the Crystal Empire, the resurgence of King Sombra, and many other adventures that the ponies had, including Discord's reform. Nobody had thought the Draconequus could really change his chaotic ways, but he did. At first, the only one who was willing to befriend him was Fluttershy, and somehow she wormed her way into his previously stone-cold heart. How she did it? Nobody knew.
But to Shining Armor, nothing of that was compared to what he just found out just a few hours ago.
Twilight was getting married.
At first, he was very happy for her, and was eager to meet the lucky stallion. But his sister wanted it to be a surprise, so she invited all of her family and friends to the library for her to announce who she would be marrying. It had been a couple of hours ago, he and Cadence meet up with the Mane Six at the library, but they were both surprised to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in there as well; apparently, the future groom had insisted on inviting them, according to Spike. For half-an-hour, most ponies were trying to guess who Twilight was marrying.
"I think BigMacintosh is the lucky stallion," Rarity spoke, earning a slight frown from Applejack.
"Of course not!" she twitched her tail, "If he was, he wouldn't have hidden it for us!"
"Really? Because I recall he is not precisely the most talkative pony around here,"
"Oh, oh! Perhaps she is marrying Caramel! He is a sweetie pie!" Pinkie was hopping of excitement, with a ear-to-ear grin on her face.
Rainbow Dash was flying above the Mane Six, looking for something interesting in the bookshelves, "I can't believe Twi is actually getting married. I mean, it's not like she is precisely a coquette mare. She always grows nervous around stallions,"
Cadence entered the conversation, "Actually, I'm really happy for her. I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle in her wedding dress, like Shining and I did three years ago,"
"Yeah, It looks like yesterday," Shining Armor nuzzled against his wife's cheek, and she giggled in response before nuzzling against him.
Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were having an almost similar conversation of their own.
"The groom wanted us to come?" Luna was saying, "Why would he do that? Unless we already know him,"
Celestia just smiled, "I think I know who the groom is..."
After five more minutes to 'Trying-to-Guess-Who-the-Groom-is', Spike walked in from the kitchen, holding a spoon in his hand. Just then, he held the spoon close to his mouth in the manner of a microphone.
"Mares and..." he stopped for a few moments upon noticing that Shining Armor was the only stallion in there, "...Gentlecolt, thanks for coming! And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!"
Before he was even finished, the group had already rushed at the table and took their seats, waiting for both Twilight Sparkle and her mysterious groom. Just then, Fluttershy noticed that it was a little too... peaceful.
"Excuse me, girls, have any of you seen Discord?" she inquired softly, trying to look for a sign of the Draconequus. The other ponies quickly realized what she meant, but neither of them knew where he was.
"The last time I saw him, he said he had an errand in Everfree Forest,"
Shining Armor frowned slightly slightly, "Sure..."
Despite the signs that Discord had actually changed, Shining Armor was convinced that he hadn't really abandoned his ways of chaos; he was sure that Discord was turning the trees into carnivore plants, or making chocolate rain in Everfree Forest, or who knows what he did when he was completely alone.
Spike continued, "and now, here comes the future bride, Twilight Sparkle!"
Spike pointed at the top of the stairs where Twilight's room was, and there everyone saw Twilight walking down the steps, and her cheeks became a shade of pink when her friends started to congratulate her. Celestia and Luna were the only ones who were silent, although they were giving Twilight congratulating smiles.
"Congratulations, Twi!" Rainbow Dash cheered
"I can't wait to meet your future husband so that I can throw a party! Tell us who is he!" Pinkie Pie was shouting over the others' voices.
"Congratulations, sis!" Shining Armor called, although she didn't apparently hear him at all.
"Excuse me! Girls!" Twilight tried to settle her friends down, but to no avail," Everyone! WOULD YOU PLEASE LET ME SPEAK?!"
This made the rest of the ponies calm down, but they were still inquiring about her groom.
"Sorry, darling, but we want to know who is your groom already? We're dying to know!"
Twilight smiled playfully, "He'll be here at any moment,"
"Where?! Where?!" Pinkie Pie started looking around the library, under the table, couch and even in the books, "Groom, where are you?!"
The rest of the Mande six laughed, but Applejack spoke next, "Come on, Twilight! At least give us a clue!"
"Oh, alright." Twilight giggled, "Let's see... You already know him, he is charming and a very, very charismatic."
The rest of the Mane Six started to think thoroughly, but Rainbow Dash almost immediately asked:
"Nope," Twilight replied, "He's a nice guy, but he's... not a pony of many words,"
Applejack sneered at Rainbow Dash, "I told ya,"
"Caramel?" Pinkie inquired
"Prince Blueblood?!" Rarity practically yelled in excitement, but Twilight shook her head.
"Not close,"
Fluttershy timidly lifted her hoof, "would it be... I don' know..." She hoped her friends would not get mad if she said it, "... Discord?"
Before anyone could react to that or Twilight could answer, suddenly pink colds appeared inside the library and soon everyone was soaked in chocolate rain. Well, actually, Celestia and Luna had brought umbrellas because they had a feeling this would happen, and they were safe from the chocolate milk.
"And we have a winner!" the familiar voice of the Draconequus spoke, and he slithered from the pink clouds, landing next to Twilight. He snapped his fingers and soon flowers started to rain on Fluttershy. He noticed Celestia and Luna were being protected from his rain by umbrellas, and soon made a 'hurt' expression, "oh, come on! I practiced this for about a week to annoy you two and turns out you brought umbrellas? It's not fair!"
Celestia simply grinned, "you should try something new, Discord. You've become quite predictable,"
Shining Armor frowned and stood up, "Excuse me, but some of us here don't like it raining indoors! Would you be so kind of taking it away?"
Discord frowned, "oh, alright, Mr. Grumpy Armor," he snapped his eagle talons, and the rain disappeared... but there was still one pink cloud above Shining Armor. Cadence couldn't contain a small laugh, but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie burst out laughing when they saw Shining Armor's face.
"Discord..." Twilight playfully scolded the Draconequus.
"Alright," He made the could disappear, although Shining Armor was soaked in chocolate milk, even his pure white coat had now a brownish shadow to it. Shining Armor twitched his tail in irritation and drooped his ears; he always became on that mood when Discord was near.
"Now, Twilight, now that Discord is here, will you tell us who the groom is?" Cadence inquired, and received a teasing look in return.
"Girls, the groom is already here," Twilight laughed
"Where?!" they started to look around for the stallion, but Shining Armor had understood what Twilight meant. HE stared first at discord, then at Twilight, his eyes open as plates, a hint of shock in his face.
"Discord... is the groom?" his voice was shaky
Just then, everypony turned to look expectantly at Twilight, who nodded happily.
"Yep! Discord and I are getting married!
The room was silent for a couple of minutes, before the both of them were attacked by another round of congratulations and happy comments. Even Celestia and Luna walked over to the engaged couple to give them their blessings.

But Shining Armor just stood there, frozen in shock like a statue.

His sister.... Twilight Sparkle... marrying to Discord... the Spirit of Chaos.

After a few minutes, his eyes looked up and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Author's Notes:

The story is set after Keep Calm and Flutter on, and i think Discord did change, even though the episode hasn't even aired yet. And he and Twilight Sparkle secretly started dating without anypony knowing about it, because they wanted it to be a surprise. (and what a surprise for certain ponies). This is my first MLP fanfic, so if I could improve, please tell me... just not too harsh, i'm quite sensible.


The next time he woke up, Shining Armor was lying on the couch, and he was met by a fan which was moving on its own, ventilating his face. Another work of Discord, no doubt... Then all the memories went back to his head. Twilight was getting married, he and Cadence, the Princesses and Twilight's friends went to the library, Discord made chocolate rain indoors, and fianlly Twilight had told everyone her groom was...
No! He couldn't believe it! it had to be some kind of nightmare, or perhaps he misunderstood something! Twilight would never marry a... Draconequus, or whatever he was! When his vision cleared, he saw Cadence was sitting next to him, worriedly caressing his mane and was happy when he completely regained consciousnes.
"Oh, Candy..." he muttered, "I had a horrible nightmare, Twilight said she was marrying Discord..."
Cadence looked down in a nervous way, "Uh, Shiny... that wasn't a nightmare, that was twenty minutes ago,"
Just then, Ranbow Dash and Applejack brought ice bags, in case Shining Armor had a headache or something,
"Man, you fainted like Granny Smith when she doesn't take her pill," Applejack commented, passing the iceback to Shining Armor, then heading upstairs.
"What happened after that?"
"Well, Discord wanted to wake you up with a lighting, but Celestia and Twilight convinced him not to," Rainbow Dash explained, "After that, we put you here and waited for you to wake up, but some of the girls went up to discuss the wedding-"
"WHAT?!" Shining Armor almost immediately stood up nefore Rainbow Dash could finish her sentence and was about to rush upstairs when Cadence stopped him.
"What's wrong, Shiny?"
"I have to do something!" he replied, "I can't let Twiley ruin her life!"
"What are you talking about?"
Shining Armor looked down, "Just imagine her married to the Spirit of Chaos! Her life will become a living hell!"
"What are you talking about? Twilight is very happy, and so is Discord!"}
"That's the point! I don't trust him!"
"Why not? He's changed-!"
"how do we know that?! He could be faking!"
"Shiny!" Cadence stated firmly, "You realize it's not only about you? It's about Twilight being happy!"
"Exactly!" Shining Armor replied firmly, "She won't be happy if she marries him!"
"If you tell her you don't want her to marry Discord, you're going to break her heart! She loves him and he loves her! Besides, you would be doing exactly what she did in the reception or our wedding three years ago!"
"that's different! That wasn't you, that was Chrysalis! And she saved our lives! Now I must do the same for her!"
"whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a sec!" Rainbow Dash snapped, "You don't even know Discord at all! How do you know he is that bad?"
"I have heard of what he did in the past! When he ruled Equestria everything was a complete mess!"
Rainbow argued back, "That's in the past! What matters is the present!!"
Before Shining Armor could reply, he heard Twilight and the others coming downstairs, all laughing. He almost immediately ran towards his sister.
"Twiley, we must talk..."
"Can we save it for later, Shining Armor?" Twilight apologized, "The girls insist that we start preparing the wedding and-"
"Come on, sweetie! We have much to do!" Discord flew down from upstairs and gently pushed his marefriend towards the door.
"Besides, I want to start working on your outifts! You'll look so cute!" Rarity was saying as the group walked out of the library
"And I must see what kind of snacks would you both like, no offense, Dissy, but 'm not a especialist in Draconequus tastes," he heard Applejack
"No problem!" Discord simply stated.
"Wait for me!" just then, Spike ran after the group, trying to catch up with them. Soon, Rainbow Dash joined them.
At last, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked downstairs; Shining Armor decided to speak with them.
"Princess, I'm not sure the wedding is a good idea!" he spoke, just as Cadence walked next to him.
"I'm sorry, Aunt Celestia, I've tried to explain him that it is Twilight's decision, but..."
"It's alright," Celestia turned to look at her Captain of the Guard, "Shining, I understand yo're worried about your sister, but she is old enough to take her own decisions,"
"Besides, Discord really changed," Luna added, "He stil makes some of his 'jokes' every now and then, but he's different now,"
"But... But we can't be sure of that! What if she-?!" Celestia lifted a hoof, signaling him to stop.
"You can't judge a book for its cover if you don't even see its content," she said, "You should at least get to know Discord a bit before you judge him. If you still don't like him , you may talk to Twilight Sparkle about it, and she will have the final decision. But please, do not make harsh decisions that might hurt her,"
Shining armor sighed in defeat and looked down, "alright, I guess I could at least get to know Discord..."
This said, she and Luna walked out of the library and took off into the sky, which soon would give pass to the light of day.
Cadence put a hoof on her husband's, "It will be for the best, I'm sure that once you know Discord a little, you two will be great friends!"
"Not in a million years..." Shining Armor thought bitterly as he and Cadence decided to join the rest of the Mane six for the preparations of the wedding.
On Rarity's boutique, most ponies that were hanging out could hear painful yelps coming from inside, but most didn't mind what was going on in there; surely Rarity must have asked one of her friends to help her with one ofher dresses.
"OW! Be careful-OW!" Discord was often interrupted by jolts of pain going through his body, Rarity needed to practice her aim with those damn needles, "I swear I'll have my payback for this- OW!"
"If you stopped complaining, I wouldn't be putting the needle in the wrong place! Now stand still!"
Twilight was giggling uncontrollably, watching as her future husband was between pranking Rarity in revenge or not, but apparently the first one was winning,"Calm down, Dissy!"
"Seriously, Twi, why can't I make my own outfit-? OW!"
"the last time you did that, we had giant spiders running running aroud Ponyville,"
Rainbow Dash trembled at the memory, "Don't remind me of that..."
After a few more minutes, Shining Armor and Cadence walked into the boutique, and Cadence giggled at the sight of Discord being used as a manequin.
"Help..." he muttered in an almost unaudible tone.
Twilight walked next to her brother, "What did you want to tell me earlier, Shining Armor?"
"Well... congratulations on your wedding, Twiley. I hope you two are very happy!"
"oh, thank you very much!" Twilight wrapped her hooves around her brother's neck, "I wanted to tell you! Would you and Cadence like to be my Best Mare and Colt?"
Cadence smiled, "or course, Twilight! We'll be there for you!"
"I'm done!"
"Thank heaven! I think you would be great at acupulture, my dear!" Discord was trying to rub where Rarity had put the needles.
"What are you doing, anyway?" Shining Armor inquired when he saw Discord had various pieces of cloth joined together by needles. It looked like a tuxedo long like Discord's body, but he was not wearing pants. the cloth was black, but Discord momentarily changed it to a combination of various colors, before changing it back to black when Rarity set his eyes on him again.
"I'm working on his outfit, but he won't stop moving!" Rarity replied while giving Disccord a slight glare
"How can you expect me not to move if you're puncturing me?!" The Draconequus defended himself
"Well, girls, what do you think?"
"It has a nice ring to it..." Rainbow eyed the outfit, "But black is definitively not his style,"
"Where did Spike go by the way?" Cadence noticed the absence of the baby dragon, but before anyone could reply, Spike rushed from upstairs, carrying a heavy load of cloth.
"Here are the cloths you asked for- WHOA!" before anyone could do something, Spike tripped and rolled down the steps, dropping the cloths in the process; he tried to hang onto something, but to no avail, and he ended up crahsing into Discord, puncturing the needles on his rear.
Everypony thought that maybe all of Equestria had heard that scream; Discord took a look at his rear, and was horrified to see Spike had apparently stuck to him.
Spike started to sweat nervouslyl "uh... Oops?"
"Seriously?! What's next? A porcupine?!"
"Dissy, calm down! It's not that bad!" Twilight tried to calm him down, and received a small glare in return.
"I'll remember something similar when you get stuck with somepony!"
"Twilight, why don't you and the others go and see the invitations and the guest list while I find a way to separate these two?" Rarity was trying to find a way to separate Spike and Discord without hurting the latter, "This might take a while,"
"Rarity, I swear, if you dare putting one more needle on me, you'll wake up next to a porcupine!"
Shining Armor narrowed his eyes; although everypony knew Discord was talking metaphorically, he was sure that Discord was capable of actually putting a porcupine in Rarity's bed. He didn't remove his eyes off Discord until he and the rest of the Mane Six were walking out of the boutique.
"DIscord, stop moving!" they heard Rarity snap
"It's not me! It's Spike!" Discord defended himself
"Oh, sure! Blame me for everything!" Spike added in annoyance, "But my back is itching, an I can't reach!"
"Oh, for goodness sake!"
Everyone laughed. Everyone but Shining Armor, who sitll had a serious look on his face.
He couldn't get the idea of Discord hurting his sister out of his head, but on the other hand, he would hurt Twilight if he said something about that to her. He just wished he could figure out what was causing her supposed 'mind control' -he couldn't forget about that, neither- so that he could snap her out of it and she could regain her common sense. Until then, he had to pretend he actually was happy for her and Discord
On the other hand, perhaps Cadence and the Princesses were right and he simply neede to give Discord a chance. But the simply thought of the Draconequus being tied to his sister was unbearable, not only for the difference in species, but the Spirit's past. And he couldn't imagine how their children would look like- NO! it would not happen! He would save his little sister! He would, no matter the cost!

Suspicions and Reencounters

Cadence had insisted on staying in Ponyville with Twilight to oversee the weddind with her, but unfortunately, Shining Armor had to return to Canterlot to make sure everything was doing fine. And secretly, he was hoping that he could learn more about Discord in the library, although there was not much information about him on history books, and there was not a book about Draconequues neither. However, before departing to the train station, Discord suggested to transport him to Canterlot.
"No way! The least I want is to reappear in the Frozen North!" Shining Armor declined the offer nervously
"oh, come on, Shiny!" Discord wrapped an arm aroud the stallion's shoulders, "Do you think I would be capable of sending you all the way there?"
"Yes, i do..." Shining thought, "Not really, but I would feel more comfortable if I go by train, that's all,"
"Come on, Shining Armor!" Twilight insisted, "It's not like that! I have done it before, and it's much more convenient than the train,"
"But I'm not used to those kinds of spells, I would just like to walk, that's all,"
"Why do you have to be so bad?" she teased, and Discord simply shrugged
"Don't worry, I can't send him to the Frozen North. Between us, I don't even know where it is."
Both of them laughed, then Shining Armor humorlessly walked out of the library. However, when he thought nopony was seeing, he hid in one of the bushes in front of the window.
Twilight headed outside to meet up with the other girls, failing to see her brother, and leaving Discord alone. When Spike was about to follow her, Discord grabbed him with his tail and lifted him at the level of his face.
"Discord, if you're still mad about what happened with Rarity, I'm sorry-!"
"Don't worry about that,I only wanted to ask you something," Discord looked around to make sure there was no one that could hear,"... What does Twilight like?"
Spike gave him a confused look, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"We're supposed to give each other wedding gifts, so I wanted to give her something special, but what can I give her?"
"Why don't you give her a book? She loves them,"
"... Spike, would you take a look around?"
Spike did as he was told, but all he saw was the bookshelves filled with...
"oh... I get it,"
"This is a library, Einstein. There thousands of books in there, I want to give her something she doesn't have!"
"well, then... You could also make her something, she loves that kind of gifts,"
"Yes, good idea! I'll just have to figure out what to make her. Thanks, Spiky, if you need me,I'll be in Canterlot!"
"Yeah! Perhaps I can get an idea there. If Twi wonders where I am, tell her I went to take a walk."
Discord then narrowed his eyes, "And do what you do, do not tell [ianyone]about this, especially Twilight!"
"I have an idea, why don't you hypnotize me to forget what you just told me?" Spike suggested, "I'm not exactly good at keeping secrets,"
"Are you sure? I'm kinda out of practice, the least I need is you getting amnesia,"
"It is reversible, right?"
"Now that you mention it, I could snap you out of the trance with a click of my fingers... Alright, but I'm not responsible for baby dragons behaving like kittens,"
Spike laughed, but the both of them didn't see Shining Armor peeking through the window. However, he couldn't hear what they were saying, but by the way Discord was holding Spike, it as surely not pretty. Suddenly, he saw swirls in Discord's eyes, and soon Spike had the same swirls in his own. Shining Armor gasped in horror.
"I knew it!" he growled, "I knew he hadn't really changed!"
Saying this, he immediately rushed to the train station. Back inside, Discord let Spike down, and the baby dragon looked quite dizzy.
"So, did it work, Spiky?" the Draconequus inquired, "Do you remember anything about what we just talked about?"
Spike scratched his head, "what did we talk about, again?"
"Ha! Perfect! Just tell Twi I have a surprise for her, and that I went for a walk!"
Saying this, Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared in the blink of an eye; Spike simply shrugged and walked out of the library.


Shining Armor had decided that he didn't have time to use the train at the last moment, so he used a transportation spell of his own. He appeared right in the middle of the Royal Canterlot Library, which was empty, except for the librarian, just perfect. The old unicorn with olive green coat and dark brown mane noticed the Captain of the Guard had entered, but was confused about what he was doing there.
"Captain? I thought you had an errand in Ponyville," she whispered, but was assaulted with requests.
"I need some books about the History of Equestria and the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony!" he estates firmly, although he also knew the librarian was old and could take a while.
"Why would you want those books, captain-?"
"Just... curiosity,"
The librarian shrugged and ran as fast as her old legs allowed her to search for those books, Shining Armor decided he would find everything he could about Discord.
And speaking of the Spirit, he had reappeared in the Canterlot Gardens and was taking a long walk. What could he give Twilight? Quills? too easy to get. Clothes? Rarity would sure give her that. Flowers? That's the oldest gift that existed! He need something original, special, and... perhaps he could make something for her? He just needed to think what.
Just as he was walking, he realized he was passing through the Canterlot Statue Gardens. Memories started flowing through his mind, to when he escaped for the first time, to when he was sealed again... Even the first time he saw Twilight, he had found her attractive. Then, he was changed back from stone with a chance for redemption, and he saw his chance to court Twilight. Initially, she didn't even want to be near him, but as time passed, and he showed progress with Fluttershy, the Mane Six started to like him quite a bit. After he was declared officially reformer, he had asked Twilight out on a date... and it couldn't have gone any better.
Then it hit him.
"That's it! I know what I can give her!" But then his mood drooped drastically, "But I'll have to ask Rarity for help..."
Just then, he heard a little voice he thought he would never hear again.


Shining Armor had literally stomped out of the library.
He hadn't found any useful information about Discord. HE read the copies of History of Equestira and a book titled THe Spirit of Chaos, but none of them had information about how to dispel his hypnosis. There wasn't much he could do but try and find a way on his own. Just as he was passing through the Canterlot Statue Garden, he spotted the familiar Draconequus his sister had fallen for; however, he noticed Discord was holding... a mare in his arms? The mare had a pink coat which reminded him of cotton candy, and her mane and tail, fluffy like clouds, were a bright purple, with a few white strains white on them. Shining Armor growled at the thought of Discord cheating on his sister. He was far from them, however, and couldn't hear what they were saying.
"Daddy! You're back!" the mare nuzzled into the Spirit's chest, and Discord was holding her close to him in return.
"My little Screwball! Where have you been?" Discord was close to crying, "I thought I would never see you again!"
"When they turned you back to stone, I always came here to visit you! But one night I came and you were gone! I thought they had taken you away, and I went to look for you!" Screwball sobbed, "Promise me you'll never go away again!"
"There, there, my little abomination. I Promise I'll never leave you again. But hey! There's exciting news! You'll have a mommy soon!"
Screwball looked up at her father, "a mommy?"
DIscord nodded, "Yep! In fact, I think now would be a good time to introduce you to her!"
"Really? Yay!"
"Hang on tight, my little abomination!"
Shining Armor was about to go and ask Discord who that mare was, but the Spirit snapped his fingers and the two were gone. He stomped his hoof in frustration.
"I have to talk to Twiley about this!" he snapped, before using the same transportation spell to return to Ponyville.
Unfortunately, he was so angry that he didn't concentrate as well as before and instead of appearing in the library, he appeared in the middle of Everfree Forest. The white stallion let out a frustrated groan, and used his horn to light up the way, careful not to call the attention of the animals that lived there.
On the library, Twilight, Cadence and the Mane Six had already returned from printing the invitations and from Sugarcube Corner to do the catering. Spike had told them Discord had gone for a walk, and that he had a surprise for Twilight. He also said the Shining Armor had already left for Canterlot, and probably wouldn't be back until the next day.
"Do you think Discord will like chocolate cupcakes?" Twilight inquired
"Twi, he makes chocolate rain, why wouldn't he like chocolate cupcakes?" Rarity pointed out
Cadence added, "I just hope he doesn't start making cupcake rain,"
Everyone laughed at the comment. Suddenly, Discord appeared floating in the middle of them, holding a mare in his arms.
"Everyone, there's somepony I want you to meet," he placed his daughter in floor, "This is my daughter, Screwball!"
Everyone byt Pinkie Pie was silent; the pink mare stood and went to shake hooves with Screwball.
"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Do you want to be my friend?"
Screwball giggled, "Let's be best friends!"
the both of them started hopping around the room.
Twilight was both confused and a little angry to why Discord hadn't told her he already had a foal, but before she could berate him, he lifted up his eagle talon.
"And before you ask me 'Why didn't you tell me you had a daughter, or that you had married before?', I want to tell you, Screwball doesn't have a mother at all. She was created when I was experimenting with cotton candy clouds,"
The group seemed to accept the explanation, although Twilight was still a little mad.
"And why didn't you tell me?" she crossed her hooves, a little hurt that he had kept the secret.
Discord landed next to her with an apologetic expression, "Sorry, sweetie, I hadn't seen her in these three years and I thought she had moved away. I didn't think I would see her again, but I admit, I should have told you guys about it,"
The group took a look at Screwball, and all emitted adorable laughs when they saw Pinkie Pie and Screwball playing "book fortress". Twilight had to admit it, she was rather cute and seemed friendly.
"Well, I guess I don't mind having a stepdaughter at all, I just wish you had told me about her,"
Fluttershy, "Speaking of which, was that the surprise Spike said you wanted to give to Twilight?"
Discord grinned, "Nope, but I can't tell you. It's not called a surprise for nothing!"


Shining Armor finally arrived at Ponyville, although Luna had already lifted the moon into the sky, and headed straight for the library, hoping he would be able to speak with Twilight before Discord returned. But when he got to the library and was about to open the door, he heard laughing from inside. He peeked through the window and was astonished to find the same mare from the Statue Gardens inside the library, on Discord's lap. Twilight, Cadence and the other Mane six were all sitting around them on the floor, laughing. Pinkie Pie and Screwball apparently got along very well, it seemed.
"What's going on in there?" he whispered.
"Shining Armor?" he heard Spike's voice, and twirled his head around in fright, seeing the baby dragon a few steps away from him, "I thought you would not be back until tomorrow,"
"Well, I decided to use teleportation spells of my own," Shining Armor grew nervous, "But before I left, I noticed you and Discord had a chat. What did you two talk about?"
Spike tried to remember, but something inside his mind blocked that information, "I don't seem to remember... All I recall is a surprise for Twilight..."
"Maybe Spike heard something about his plans and he hypnotized Spike to make him forget..." Shining thought, "What surprise?"
"I don't know! I don't remember!"
"Did he do something to you? I don't know, hypnotized you?
"I..." Spike narrowed his eyes, "I think he did-"
"give me a small headache,"
Shining Armor sighed in frustration once again, "If I don't do something fast, he'll do something horrible to Twilight,"
"How do you know? They're happy!"
"No! She thinks she is happy, but in reality she is under his control! I'm sure! I just need a way to snap her ot of the trance!"
He wouldn't give up so easily, which soon would cause him deep trouble with his little sister.


The very next day, Princess Celestia has asked to see Twilight, and she decided that it was a perfect chance for Shining Armor to get along with Discord; there were still more things to be done until the big day, and she had tasked Discord with it. Cadence had offered to help as well, although she secretly wanted to see how well Shining Armor behaved with Discord.

1-The Catering

The first thing to do in the list was to finish the catering, which took place in Sugarcube Corner; Applejack, of course, was in charge of the food, the cake and the snacks, but she and Cadence were having a big time trying to prevent Discord from eating anymore apple friters. Screwball had gone with Pinkie Pie to plan the reception, so they would be busy all day. The kitchen was very busy, Mr. and Mrs. Cupcake were helping applejack with the snacks, and right then they were not paying attention at the argument about the apple friters.
"One more! Please!" he was begging
"If you keep like this, you're going to eat everyhting and the wedding is not even ready!" Applejack took the tray of friters away, to which he simply looked down in disappointment.
"Here, have an apple," Cadence made an apple float in front of the Draconequus face; he shrugged and took it all into his mouth, and started chewing.
"Not bad... but I think something's missing," He made the apple reappear, complete, in his hand, and with a snap of his lion fingers, made some of his famous cotton candy clouds appear, and put the apple inside. After a while, the cloud started to shook violently before gaining a more redish color.
"There! Cotton apples!" Discord took a bite of the cloud, and offered a bit to Cadence, "Here, try a bit,"
Shining Armor was about to try and stop his wife, but it was too late; she had already taken a bit, and a smile appeared on her lips.
"This is delicious!" she said, taking another bite.
When Applejack returned, Discord immediately embraced his cotton cloud, "you're not taking my cloud away too, are you?"
Applejack grinned, "not really, I just wanted to taste it,"
Shining Armor saw as Applejack took a bite of the cloud, and stiffened when Discord offered a bit of the cloud to him.
"Want some, Shiny?" he spoke softly,
Shining Armor did a great effort into not throwing the cloud into the Draconequus's face, "Err... I'm not hungry, thanks..."
he whispered
Discord shrugged as he started eating the rest of the apple-flavoured cotton candy.
"He offered that candy cloud to us, maybe that is what he used on Twilight..." Shining Armor thought narrowing his eyes, "If he offers it to everyone else, that's what he used...

2-The Dress and the Suit

The next step took place in the Boutique, where Rarity had already had confectionated a beautiful dress for Twilight, which was similar in design to the one she had made for the Grand Galloping Gala, except this one was right. Discord's suit was mostly a black tuxedo, with a red bowtie.
"What do you guys think?" she inquired when the three walked through the door
"They're..." Cadence gapped in wonder, "... so beautiful,"
"Unfortunately, I promised Twi I wouldn't do anything to her dress," Discord crossed his arms, disappointed.
Shining Armor looked away in relief, "That's good," he whispered
"But..." the Spirit grinned evilly, "she didn't say anything about my suit," he looked at Rarity, "If you don't mind,"
Rarity smiled, "Of course, it's for you, after all,"
As Discord started inspecting the suit, Shining Armor whispered to Cadence,
"Hey, Candy, what did that cloud he gave you taste like?"
"Too bad you didn't taste it, it was delicious," she licked her lips at the memory.
"Didn't you feel something weird?"
"If you define weird, I might know,"
They turned their attention to the suit when they heard Discord snap his fingers, and the suit was no longer black, but a cobinastion of various shades of orange, green, purple and blue. The sleeves had red and yellow tiger striped, while the pants was completely full of black spots.
"Now, that's much better!"
Shining Armor thought the suit looked more for a circus than a wedding, but Rarity apparently seemed to like it.
"Not bad, I think you would be good at designing disguises,"
"oh, really?" Discord snapped his fingers, and changed into Rarity, imitating her voice, "I think you woud be good at designing disguises,"
They both started to laugh, and were soon being joine by Cadence when Discord also changed into her, but Shining Armor didn't find it funny when Discord turned into him and started making angry faces.
"I'm Mr. Grumpy Armor!" he was saying, imitating Shining's voice, "I would rather be polishing my armor than be here!"
Rarity and Cadence giggled even louder after that, to whish Shining Armor reacted by sadly walking out of the boutique, not before noticing Discord offering Rarity a glass of water.
"You must be thirsty from all that work, my dear," he said
"Why, I am! I worked all morning on the dress! Thanks, Dissy!" she gently lifted the glass from Discord's talon and took a sip. Shining Armor narrowed his eyes once again. Once he was gone, Discord whispered somehting into Rarity's ear.
"I need your help with something..."

3-The Reception

Pinkie Pie laughed as she, Screwball, Cadence and Discord made the conga dance. Shining Armor didn't feel like joining them, however, he was trying to connect the dots.
"Alright, he hypnotized Spike, he brought the mare from before to Ponyville, and now he's giving everyone a snack or a drink that he summoned," he whispered to himself, "Perhaps there's something in those things.."
"Come on, Shiny!" he heard Discord's voice, "Don't be a party pooper! Let's make the conga!"
"Actually, I remember there's something I have to do!" he quickly ran away, "I'll see you later!


After an hour of walking around Ponyville, Shining Armor returne to the library to see if Twilight had returned, and found Cadence inside. Thankfully, Discord was not there.
"Candy, I have to tell you something," he stated softly, looking aroudn to make sure they were around.
"Too bad you left, Shiny! Pinkie Pie and Discord made a not-blinking competition, and Pinkie won! You should've seen Discord's face!" Cadence laughed, but then noticed her husband's serious expression, "Is something wrong?"
"It's about Discord-"
"Please tell me it's not another accusation of him being still evil!"
"But it's the truth! I saw him doing something to Spike before going to Canterlot! And then I noticed he offered you and the others drinks and snacks! Why else would he be doing that?"
Cadence rolled her eyes,"Because he is being nice? And perhaps you misunderstood what happened between spike and Discord,"
"And I think the 'surprise' he is preparing for Twilight is not pleasant neither,"
"You know, I think you're jealous,"
"Jealous? of Discord? That's ridiculous!"
"Then why don't leave him alone?"
Just then, Twilight walked into the library, and Shining Armor decided it was then, or never.
"Hey, Shining Armor, what did you think of my dress?" she told him excitedly, "beautiful, isn't it? I can't wait for the wedding!
"Twiley, we need to talk, I think you're making a big-"
"Twi, honey, I'm home!" Discord suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, "Hello there, Grumpy Armor,"
Shining Armor stiffened when he heard the nickname Discord was calling him
"Hello there, Dizzy," Twilight smiled at her future groom, "You should try to use the door more often,"
"Can I speak with you for a minute, honey?"
Twilight Sparkle and Discord went to her room upstairs, but Shining Armor decided to hear what Discord was up to.
"Shiny!" Cadence called out to him, "What are you doing? It's a private conversation!"
"I just want to make sure everything's alright," Shining Armor replied as he peeked through the door
Twilight was resting on her bed, and Discord curled up around her.
"Rarity told me you made a few changed to your outfit," Twilight giggled
Discord chuckled, "What? You said I couldn't modify your dress, you didn't say anything about mine!"
"Just don't eat too many apple fritters, or you won't fit into it in the wedding,"
"So? I can make it bigger,"
"I hope everything turns out- ACHOO!" Suddenly, Twilight let out a big sneeze
"Seems like you're getting the cold, honey," Discord chuckled again, "Did Celestia and you have your conversation in a freezer?"
Shining Armor watched as Discord snapped his eagle talons, and made a glass of what seemed to be hot chocolate appeared, "Here, it'll make you feel better,"
Shining Armor saw in horror as his sister accepted the cup and started drinking; that was when he deduces it was the chocolate what had given Discord control over her.
"Not only is he a lying, hypocritical clown, but he is completely evil!" he snapped as he ran downstairs and out of the library.
"Shiny!" Cadence called out for him, but her voice fell on deaf ears.
"What's happening?" Twilight and Discord walked downstairs, and the purple unicorn caught the glimpse of her brother running off into the night, "I thought Shining Armor wanted to tell me something..."
Discord just kept staring at where Shining had run into; seriously, what was wrong with that stallion? Since he found out about the wedding, he had been trying to avoid the others, him in particular, and would often act a little hostile as well.
"I wonder if it is my breath,"


The white stallion rushed into the Boutique once again, where the assumed Twilight's friends would be, and he was right; when he rushed inside, he noticed they were all wearing fancy dresses... with a 'chaotic' touch to them. They didn't seem to notice him.
"Hey, girls!" he called, "I need your help-!"
But he was interrupted by Rainbow Dash, "Can you believe it? Twilight wants us to be her bridesmaids!"
"We're her friends, that's what friends are for!" Applejack laughed, "I can't wait for the wedding!"
Shining Armor inquired, "What did Discord say about it?"
Fluttershy blushed, "He was thrilled about the idea,"
"but he put on condition that we let him do changes to our outfits as well," Rarity was examining herself on a mirror, "Don't I look gorgeous? Discord might not be good at sewing, but he does have a good taste!"
That caught Shining Armor's attention.
"Sewing? WHat's that supposed to mean?"
Suddenly, Rarity grew agitated, "err... nothing! nothing of importance!
Screwball giggled, "I'm going to be the flower girl!" she hopped around the room happily, soon being joined by Pinkie.
"And I'm going to throw flowers with you!"
Applejack muttered, "hehe, those two like each other as sisters already,"
Shining Armor sighed and walked out of the Boutique, deducing they would not even listen to him at all.
Yep, he would have to deal with this on his own.

Losing You

All I Have is you (it is all that I'm breathing for)

All I Need is you (Now I can't make it trough)

Finally, the rehearsal of the wedding was to take place. Princess Celestia arrived at Ponyville when Luna took over at night, and everyone decided the rehearsal would be held at Apple Acres, upon insistence of Discord. However, Shining Armor was missing, nobody had seen him for the past two days, which started to worry Twilight and Cadence. After all, Shining Armor was the Best Colt, but apparently, they would have to do the rehearsal without him.

The first in entering the barn, where Celestia and Discord were already waiting, were Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack, holding up their heads in the air with pride.

"Excellent work, girls," Celestia drew a smile on her lips and glanced at the entrance doors of the barn while the ponies giggled excitedly, "You know what to do next, everypony."

Cadence walked in next, taking her place as Twilight's Best Mare, but Spike had to occupy Shining Armor's place while he arrived, if he arrived at all. The next ponies in coming in were Pinkie Pie and Screwball, hopping happily as if it was them getting married. And finally, Big Macintosh and Apple bloom had offered to open the doors of the barn when it was time for Twilight to walk in.

They opened the door (before going back to bed, for it was late and they were tired), and Twilight was outside, waiting for her turn. Discord didn't take his eyes off his bride-to-be, smiling as she slowly walked to her designated place; he could already imagine her in her wedding dress and town, he just couldn't wait to join his life to this wonderful mare. When Twilight reached her place, Celestia was about to speak when Discord spoke first.

"Yeah, we know what's next, Celestia!" Discord twitched his tail in boredom and let out a big yawn, "Twi enters, you speak, we say the vows, and then you pronounce us colt and mare, and we live happily ever after!"

"Well, in this case, it would be, 'I pronounce you Draconequus and mare,'" Celestia smirked, to which Discord made a pout, like she anticipated.

"Oh, yeah, rub it in my face." he said, crossing his arms and trying to sound as hurt as he could.

"Daddy, can I go with you on the honeymoon?" Screwball inquired innocently

"Depends on what your future stepmother says."

Twilight blushed, "well.. Screwie, honeymoons are supposed to be a special time where a newlywed couple spends time with each other and... do what married couples do."

Screwball tilted her head and drooped her ears, which made her look quite adorable, "What do married couples do, future mommy?"

Everyone present grew nervous at that question, although Celestia kept her cool. She put a hoof on Screwball's shoulder, "I'm sure your parents will explain it to you sometime."

"I just hope we won't have to use dolls again, my little bubble," Discord giggled, remembering the first time he attempted to give her the 'Talk.'

Cadence, however, was still worried about Shining Armor, and feared he would commit a nonsense. After all, it sounded like he was willing to do anything to stop Twilight Sparkle from marrying Discord. Speaking of which, Rarity poked Discord softly.

"Hey, your 'surprise,'" she whispered, to which Discord panicked.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" He snapped his fingers, and a small box with a red ribbon appeared in front of Twilight, "I... made this for you, but I'm not really good at sewing, so...." he was getting redder by the minute, "Please don't laugh at me."

The others, minus Rarity and Spike, got closer to Twilight to see what was in the box; the purple Unicorn used her magic to open the box, and everyone was marveled at what was inside.

It was a lilac-colored scarf, with golden trimming, although it was crudely done, but intention is what mattered. However, what called the attention of everyone were the words on the scarf...


Suddenly, Shining Armor burst into the barn, a determined look on his face. Cadence, Twilight and the present ponies were shocked when the stallion charged into Discord, sending them both plummeting to the ground.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Shining Armor snarled in fury, to which Discord reacted by snapping a finger and lifting Shining Armor of him, and holding him in the air.

"What's wrong with you?!" he snapped, "You're going to ruin my hair!",

"Shining, what in the hay are you doing?!" Cadence snapped

"Why did you just attack my groom?!" Twilight added, incensed at her Best Colt for tackling her future husband.

"Because he doesn't deserve you! In fact, you should not even stand next to him in the altar! I should have told you this from this beginning, Twiley!"

Discord looked at his bride and shrugged, showing he didn't know what Shining Armor was talking about; Shining Armor used his magic to break free of Discord's, and stood between him and Twilight.

"I'm not letting you do any harm to her!" he snarled again, fiery determination in his eyes, "You may have gotten all of the others under your control, but not me! I know what you're trying to do!"

"What's gotten into you, Shiny?" Rainbow looked both confused and angry

Screwball just stood there, frozen like a statue; Pinkie Pie and Applejack rushed to her side to calm her down, at the same time giving Shining Armor fulminating glares. Really, why was he doing this?

"Everyone, he's being lying to you the whole time!"

"Shining-" Celestia attempted to make him stop, but he interrupted.

"No! You'll listen what I have to say!"

Discord narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, "Fine! Then speak, and explain why I have been 'lying to them the whole time!' What did I do, according to you?"

"He never changed! He's still the same evil Spirit, and he'll always be!" Shining Armor continued.

The Mane six started chattering among themselves, and even Cadence was speechless. Twilight kept staring at her brother, frozen in shock and shame. She wished to disappear.

"He hypnotized Spike when he heard something about his plans, he brought his lover here under your noses," he pointed at Screwball, who by then was crying uncontrollably, "and he gave Twilight that blasted chocolate milk of his to control her so that she would marry him! In fact, he offered most of you something to eat or drink! He offered his cotton candy to Cadence and Applejack, then I saw him giving water to Rarity! It's all a fake!"

Discord snarled, "And what would I win if I actually had done what you say I did?"

"You tell me, It's your plan, after all!"

Discord closed his eyes shut in anger, but decided to leave it for other day; he wouldn't hurt his beloved Twilight's brother, even if he deserved. He set his eyes on Twilight, and saw tears were forming into her eyes. It pained him to see his bride like this, and he wished to comfort her, but apparently Shining would not let him a hoof step near Twilight.

"If you'll excuse me, girls, I think I need to punch somepony... Or at least something that looks like certain somepony," he gave Shining Armor a final glare before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

Shining Armor then yelled at the top of his lungs, "And I don't want you near my sister ever again, you hear me?!"

Saying this, he proudly turned his back on where Discord had been, proud of finally telling the truth to everypony. However, he ran into Twilight's much smaller frame; she was giving him a furious glare, and her ears were flat against her skull, he could swear he could see smoke coming out of her nostrils

"... Why...?" she hissed almost inaudibly, but her anger was notable by the stone of her voice.

"Twiley..." Shining felt a shiver running down his spine, and he couldn't even speak clearly, "A-Are you alright?"

He tried putting a hoof on her shoulder, but the the unicorn aggressively pushed it away.


Everypony gasped at Twilight's sudden emotional outburst; they had never seen her so angry before. In fact, it seemed as if she was a completely different pony; yet, they knew she had every right to be furious.

"Twiley, I was trying to save you!" Shining finally said, more firmly this time, "I saw him giving you his chocolate milk to drink! I went to the Canterlot Library and I read his chocolate milk, or anything he produces, can be used for mind control if he wishes to!"

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "And you based your hypothesis on something that you simply saw? Couldn't you have even come and ask me what I was drinking? Do you think I'm foolish enough to not notice if someone is trying to cast a mind-controlling spell on me? You simply drew a conclusion from old books from centuries that might as well be outdated! In case you didn't properly read."

"And in case you didn't read properly, that is not the only thing his magic can do! He was giving me chocolate milk because I had started to get the symptoms of a cold! And his milk can be used as a medicine should he want to!"

Shining Armor was speechless, "M-Medicine? You mean... he was curing you?"

Twilight flicked her tail as she snapped, "Of course he was! But in case this doesn't convince you of his innocence!" Twilight's horn and she cast a detection spell on herself and the rest of the Mane Six, but there was no reaction that showed any sort of mind-controlling or influential spell on any of them. They were all free. "And do you know what his surprise was?!"

Twilight used her magic to extend the scarf Discord had made for her, so that her brother could read the crudely-sewn words.

I love you, Twilight Sparkle

"But-" Shining Armor tried to speak, but was interrupted by Twilight, who by then had started to weep in anguish.

"How could you do this to me?! You knew how important this was to me! I thought you wanted me to be happy, but I see I was completely wrong! Are you getting revenge for your rehearsal?! I did have a reason to act like I did!! I knew Cadence since I was a filly, I knew how she was like, and it tipped me off to see her act out-of-character! But you didn't even know Discord more than one day, and you're already accusing him of things just because you didn't give yourself a chance to actually know him!"

"That's not true, Twiley!!" Shining spoke, "It's not revenge! I was trying to protect you! I tried to talk to you, but Discord always found away to keep me from talking to you! Even your friends and Cadence were manipulated by Discord to keep me form talking to them! There had to be a reason for that!"

Applejack frowned. "Well, how about he was being nice? In case ye forgot, he tried to be friendly with you too, but you never gave him a chance!"

"I can give you a quick-portation to Canterlot, Shiny. That way you'll have more time to prepare for the wedding."

"Want some, Shiny?"

"I'm Mr. Grumpy Armor! I would rather be polishing my armor than being here!"

"Come on, Shiny! Don't be a party-pooper! Let's make the conga!"

Shining Armor felt intimidated by all the hostility in the air, but he still managed to speak. "Twilight, I only wanted to protect you! That's what big brothers do-!"

"What?!" Twilight yelled, furious, "To ruin a sister's most beautiful and important moments?! To break her heart a few days before the most important day of her life?! To embarrass her like this?! If that's the kind of brother you are, then I no longer consider you my brother at all!!"

Twilight attempted to run away, but Shining Armor stopped her.

"Twiley, please..." he begged, but she pushed his hooves away


When she was by the door, she stopped abruptly and gave her former BBBFF a tear-filled glare.


Then she ran away in tears, completely crushed, taking the scarf with her. Her own brother had ruined one of the most beautiful moments in her life; perhaps he was getting revenge because she had done the same at the rehearsal of his wedding, but she had been right that time about 'Cadence'... But in this case, Shining Armor had judged Discord without knowing him, and that was angered her the most.

Shining Armor was frozen in shock and grief; his baby sister had just told him she hated him. She had cut him off her life. She had told him he was no longer her brother. He never thought he would hear those heart-breaking words coming from her. He slowly turned around in great pain, and saw that the Mane Six, Cadence and Celestia were still glaring at him.

Spike stepped to the front, incensed about what just happened, "Do you want to know what happened between Discord and me at the library?!" he hissed, "He wanted to give Twilight a nice wedding gift, and he asked me what things she likes! And I asked him to hypnotize me so that I would not open my mouth!"

Screwball stomped her hoofs as she yelled at the stallion, "What did my daddy ever do to you?! Why did you attack him?!"

Shining opened his eyes wide, "Daddy? You're not his...?"

"She's Discord's daughter!" Applejack growled, her usually calm, emerald eyes were filled with anger, "He had gone to Canterlot statue garden and encountered her by chance! Then they returned to Ponyville, and he introduced her to us!"

Rainbow Dash hovered towards him, coming face-to-face with a glare. "Seriously?! Discord might be cynical, irresponsible, and he might like to cause trouble every now and then, but he is not evil! At the most he'd be a sort of frenemy, but a very cool one!"

Pinkie Pie added, "You are a big meanie! You made Twilight cry, you hurt her feelings, you broke her heart, and now she won't stop crying! And when she cries, we are sad! Now everyone will be sad!"

Fluttershy sighed, "Girls... we should not waste our time trying to argue with him. We should go and check on Twilight, she needs us now."

The others nodded and walked out of the barn, not giving Shining a single glance. Spike passed by him with an angry look of his face, he hated when Twilight was hurt. When Screwball passed by Shining Armor, she stuck her tongue at him and left indignantly and hurt. When Cadence was passing by her husband, she gave him a sad and disappointed look.

"Are you happy now?" was all she said before going after the others.

"Princess, I-" Shining Armor tried to speak, but Celestia cut him off.

"I asked you not to take decisions that would hurt Twilight," she coldly told him, disappointment notable in her tone, "Not only did you hurt her feelings, but you made Discord really angry. I agree with Twilight, don't even bother in going to the wedding."

"Are you..." Shining Armor was close to crying, "... dismissing me from the wedding too?"

"I'm afraid you have brought this upon yourself. Not only you are forbidden from attending to the wedding and dismissed from being the Best Colt , but you will not see Twilight until she decides to talk to you. Until then, you shouldn't even try to speak to her, she won't want to see you."

Celestia walked out of the barn, closing the doors of the barn behind. Shining just stood there, alone and miserable. He fell to his knees in complete regret.

"Perhaps I was jealous..." he lamented in a very low tone, "Perhaps I did misjudge Discord..."

He remained all alone, and eventually fell on his knees. He had really messed up this time; he hadn't meant to hurt Twilight's feelings, yet everypony thought that was his intention. Now he was truly alone.

The stallion wept silently, not only because of his blunder, but because he had just lost his little sister, perhaps forever...

I'm losing you forever
(I'm lost in pain without you)
I am leaving ground forever

Discord launched lightings at a cloud with the shape of Shining Armor he had summoned, and when it was destroyed, the smaller clouds that formed merged together again and took the shape of the Captain of the Guard. He had ruined the moment, accusing him of being evil and not having changed at all! He couldn't even hear if Twilight liked her gift or not!

"Damn you!" he roared, throwing another lighting at the Shining-shaped cloud, "How could you to that to Twilight?! To us?!"

After while, the spirit stopped to regain his breath, and the cloud dissipated. He had the feeling that Shining Armor would not like him form the start, but he never thought the stallion would be capable of interrupting the rehearsal and complete ruin it.

But he had the feeling it was not the fact he was a Draconequus or his past what was bothering Shining Armor...

"We'll have to talk about this..."

All I have is you (It is all that I'm breathing for)

In the library, Twilight was crying her eyes out; she and her friends were in her room, but she was in her bed. Cadence was next to her, caressing her mane compassionately, like when she was a foal. Applejack got closer to the bed.

"There, it's alright, Twi," she whispered softly

"I-I can't believe my b-brother did this!" Twilight was sobbing uncontrollably, "I think he did it on payback!"

"Don't say that, he was just being jealous," Cadence spoke softly, "He'll get over it."

"Perhaps, but I still don't want him in the wedding anymore! I don't even want to see him!"

"Don't worry! We'll make sure he is not 50 meters neat the wedding!!" Rainbow Dash offered herself, but it didn't make Twilight feel any better.

The rest of the night seemed like an eternity.

All I need is you (Now I can't make it through)

Author's Notes:

I've revised the chapter and made it a few changes so that it won't sound so much like a Canterlot wedding.


The next few days were not better.
Shining Armor had attempted to speak with his sister, but the Mane Six didn't let him near the library. He asked Cadence to try to convince them to let him go in, but she had told him that there was nothing she could do, since Twilight did not want to see him. Discord didn't seem to hold a grudge against him, but that didn't mean the Draconequus would not give him the occasional glare. Princess Celestia had been very clear when she told him he was no longer invited to the wedding; in fact, she warned him that if he tried to intervene again, she would send the guards to kick him out.
In other words, he was completely alone.
The next week, the date of the wedding had been set, and the preparations continued. Twilight had finally set a hoof out of her room, and she was met by a bouquet of flowers, given to her by Discord. The flowers were fire lyries, and those could only be found in certain, isolated parts of Equestria. Discord said that it was great trouble obtaining those flowers, but there was nothing he wouldn't do for his bride. That had put Twilight in a much better mood.
Shining Armor could only watch from afar as his little sister, Discord and the Mane Six walked around Ponyville, either hanging around or checking what was left before the wedding. Even Cadence and Screwball would often join them, but he couldn't get a meter near Twilight.
"Stupid..." he thought miserably as he drank about his thirteenth cup of honey beer, "I could at least have spoke with Twiley about it first, or even ask Screwball if she knew Discord in any way, but noo... I had to simply go and crash the rehearsal!"
Cadence was getting worried about her husband; he would often go to Sugarcube Corner and drink nonstop, and then he'd tumble back to the home they had been staying while preparing the wedding. Twilight would no longer pay them visits... well, she would visit Cadence, but she didn't want to see her brother yet.
In one of those nights, Shining Armor was stumbling home when he was encountered by Discord, who had gone to do some things for Twilight, including giving a retouch to Fluttershy's garden, where the wedding would take place. Fluttershy had offered it generously, although her animals didn't seem to like the idea at all.
"Shiny?" Discord became worried when he noticed the white stallion had over-drank, "Are you alright? Did you spend the entire night in the Corner again?"
"What do you -*HICK*- care?" Shining snapped, almost losing his balance in the process, "At least you still -*HICK*- get to se Twiley-*HICK*- and I'm not even allowed to put a-*HICK*- hoof in the wedding!"
"Stop it! I'm taking you home before somebody takes an embarrassing picture of us." Discord attempted to put his lion paw on Shining Armor, but the stallion pushed it away.
"Oh, no! You-*HICK*- don't! You'll only get me if you can-*HICK*- put those slimy fingers of you on me!"
Saying this, his horn started to glow, and in a burst of light, he disappeared. Discord smacked his forehead with his eagle talon and groaned in frustration.
"I can't believe it!" he muttered, "He had the guts to say my fingers are slimy! They're not slimy!" he waved his fingers in front of his eyes, and snapped his eagle talons disappearing as well.
He reappeared in the middle of Everfree Forest, deducing that was the place Shining would have ported to in his drunk state. However, he had the feeling it would take a while to put Shining under control, he didn't want to worry Twilight; he made a pen and paper appear, and started writing something. When he was done, he snapped his fingers and made the paper disappear.
"I'm the biggest-*HICK*- jerk in the world!" he heard Shining's voice echo through the forest and perhaps the mountain range.
"That idiot!" the spirit muttered before flying towards the source of the voice, and soon spotted a speck of white in the darkness.
Shining Armor looked up from his spot on the grass, "What do you-*HICK*- want?!"
"Stop yelling! We're near the mountain range! If you yell like that, you'll bring all the mountain down!"
"So what?! I don't have-*HICK*-anything to live for!"
"Perhaps you don't, but I do! You realize that I can't leave her at the altar by herself."
Suddenly, everything started to tremble, making Shining Armor fall again. Discord looked up, and much to his horror, he saw the the rocks in the cliffs above them were starting to crumble and would crush them if they didn't move. He quickly looked around, and managed to spot a cave a few meters from them.
"Get into the cave! Now!" Discord practically screamed-it didn't really matter now, since the Shining Armor had already trigger the avalanche- but the stallion didn't move.
Discord growled as he picked Shining up and flew into the cavern; just as the both of them landed in he rocky ground, the rocks collapsed in the entrance of the cave, blocking the way out, to which Discord reacted by sighing in frustration.
"Great, Shiny!" he growled, "we're stuck in here! Are you happy now?"
"More than ever!" Shining muttered, "At least you won't be marrying Twilight... you won't take her away from me..."
After saying this, the stallion lost consciousness. Discord attempted to look around, but it was way too dark, except for a small stream of moonlight that filtered through the which rocks blocking the exit. However, when he snapped his fingers to make a flashlight appear, nothing happened. The spirit snapped his fingers various times, with no results; apparently, the cave had some kind of properties which cancelled magic.
Discord huffed in the silence that followed, "Marvelous! I'm stuck in a giant rock with my bride's drunk brother and with no magic. Great, just great." With nothing else to do, he started to think about what Shining Armor just told him.

You won't take her away from me...

That's what was bother Shining Armor all along, he was actually jealous of Discord. However, in the stallion's current condition, there was not much he could do, so he guessed the only thing to do was wait until he woke up. After five minutes passed, however, the Draconequus felt his eyes heavy, and eventually he joined Shining into slumber.


Twilight was walking around her room, worried about Discord, he had gone out about two hours ago and he still wasn't back. She had asked Fluttershy, but she said he had left her cottage already. Cadence was there as well, and she was worried not only about Discord, but Shining Armor as well.
"Where could he be?" Twilight whispered in worry, "I don't think he is making chaos somewhere, is he?"
Cadence put a hoof on Twilight's flank, "Don't worry, I'm sure there's an explanation for this."
Suddenly, a piece of paper appeared out of nowhere and floated to the ground. Cadence and Twilight were at first startled, but the pink Alicorn used her magic to pick it up, and then she started reading.

My dearest Twi:
I'm afraid I might be a little late, because your brother is... how to explain it... drunk, and he has teleported to Everfree Forest. I guess you'd imagine what I'm talking about; I'll try to make sure he doesn't commit a stupidity -well, 'another' stupidity- and see if I can calm him down.

Yours truly, Discord.

P.D: If we're not back by morning, I'd thank you if you came to look for us. Who knows what can happen in these crazy woods.

Twilight's worry changed into anger, "Shining Armor did something again?! I can't believe it!"
"Well, the letter says he was drunk, so I guess it's not his fault at all, he doesn't know what he is doing." Cadence tried to explain.
But Twilight was still sore about Shining Armor's ruckus at the rehearsal, "If he does something to Discord, I'll never forgive him!"


Hours pass rather quickly when you're asleep; when Shining Armor finally opened his eyes, he noticed he was inside a cave, but he couldn't remember how he had gotten there. His head was hurting terribly, and almost everything was darkness. However, through the rocks blocking the exit filtered a small stream of light -now sunlight, for morning had already arrived- and he barely managed to see Discord's figure curled up a few steps away.
"D-Discord?" he whispered, still sleepy.
"You're finally awake," the Spirit said, standing up and stretching himself, "i thought it would take you a little more time to wake up."
"Where are we?"
"Well, since your little sideshow yesterday night, we ended up trapped in here with no magic."
Shining was caught by surprise by that sentence.
"Sideshow? No magic? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, please! Don't you remember anything?" Discord huffed in irritation, "You were drunk, I tried to take you back but you transported here, I followed you, you were yelling like crazy and caused an avalanche, and I pushed you into the cavern to save your drunk butt! But when I tried to use magic to illuminate in here, I found my magic didn't work."
"That can't be!" Shining tried to use magic, but his horn only let out a few sparks, "Why can't we use magic?"
"I guess the cave doesn't want us to use magic. How am I supposed to know?"
"You mean we'll be trapped in here until somepony passes by?"
"I guess so,"
"Great! Just great!" Shining Armor started pacing around the small cavern, "What are we supposed to do now?!"
"What else can we do? We'll have to wait until something happens," Discord simply replied, and received a glare in return.
"You're the supposed Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony and you tell me you can't use magic in a simple cave?!"
Discord narrowed his eyes, offended, "Can you use magic, Mr. Captain of the royal guard?"
"..." Shining looked down, "No."
"Then stop acting as if this whole mess was my fault!"
"It is your fault!"
"My-?!" Discord was completely caught off guard, and gave the white stallion an incensed glare, "My fault?! If you hadn't screamed like a madcolt, we wouldn't be trapped in here! Oh, no, wait a second! If you hadn't been so drunk, none of this would have ever happened!"
"Oh, yeah, as if!" Shining growled, "But if you had not arrived in Twiley's life to destroy all that was important to me-!"
"Excuse me? I didn't crash the rehearsal by making rash accusations about me!" The spirit then narrowed his eyes again, "And you can't deceive me any longer! You're not doing all of that because I'm a Draconequus or because how I used to rule Equestria!"
"What are you talking about?!"
"You're doing this because you're afraid that I'll steal your sister from you!"
Shining Armor was silent for a while, before he snapped, "That's not it! I know you're a complete trickster and a malevolent creature!"
"And how do you know that?! Do you even know me personally? Or did you base that in what you simply saw?"
The white stallion had nothing to say against that; indeed, he had simply deduced things instead of asking somepony about it, he drew conclusions from what he assumed was seeing. And he had to admit, he realized he had been jealous all the time, of how Twilight Sparkle now spent more and more time with Discord and she barely had time to speak with her brother. So there was no point in denying it any longer.
"... you're right, okay?! I was afraid that I would not see Twiley again, or that she would forget about me! All she spoke about was Discord, Discord, Discord! When I tried to speak to her after finding out about the wedding, she didn't have time because she and you went to see all of the stuff! She could not spare time for me!"
Discord's anger cooled down when he heard the stallion's emotional breakdown -literally, the white stallion was now back on tears- and decided not to interrupt him.
Shining continued, "So I thought you were controlling her because she didn't even listen to me, and my sister had always listened when I had something to say! She would always stop something she did, no matter how important it was, just to spend some time with me! We had never fought for something! We... We..."
He couldn't finish his sentence, for he had gotten on his knees and was sobbing uncontrollably; despite this, he felt he had taken a great weight off his shoulders. Speaking of shoulders, Shining felt something over his right shoulder. He looked up, and saw Discord had placed his talon on his shoulder, and was giving him a compassionate look.
"Look, Shiny... I know how do you feel, but I'd never steal Twi from you. She is your little sister, she'll always love you, but she is no longer a filly. Do you have any idea of how much you hurt her when you arrived at the rehearsal to try and convince her not to marry me, instead of arriving to stand by her side in one of the most important moments of her life, like she would like her brother to do? She was angry because of that. You have to understand that your feelings and her feelings are not the same; Twilight needs what will make her happy..."
"... not what will make me happy..." Shining finished, getting the message, "But... she doesn't want me in the wedding anymore..."
"We'll see about that later, what we must do right now is to find a way to escape from here and then you can apologize to her,"
the Draconequus gave the stallion a smile, " But first I must ask you: Shining Armor, would you like to be my brother-on-law?"
Shining Armor was silent for a long time, processing everything on his brain. After a while, he gave the spirit a small smile as they shook their hoof/talon, "I do."
Suddenly, the both of them heard faint voices coming from outside. Discord peeked through the hole the light was filtering through, and was overjoyed when he saw his beloved lavender unicorn, along with Cadence, his little Screwball and some of the Mane Six; they were looking around, calling their names. However, his joy started to evaporate when he saw them walking away
"Shiny, I have good and bad news," he spoke, "The good news, Twi and the others are out there looking for us."
"And the bad news?"
"They're walking away..."
Shining Armor and Discord looked at each other for a while, and then...


"Discord! Shining Armor!" Twilight was calling out at the top of her lungs, looking for any sign of her brother and her groom. Cadence and the others had offered their help as well, but until then they were not having much luck. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were inspecting the area by air, and the rest were looking by ground. Spike and Screwball had gone to search in another area of the forest, but there were still no news from them.
After dawn had broken, and Discord had not returned with Shining Armor, the Mane Six decided to go and look for them. Twilight was afraid Shining Armor had done something to Discord or worse, but Cadence kept saying that he was incapable of doing such a thing; however, the others were not so sure. After all, Shining had ruined the rehearsal, so they thought he had something to do with this.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy returned to the group with worried looks.
"No sign of them?" Fluttershy inquired, although she was more worried about Discord than Shining Armor.
"Nope," Applejack replied, "they're not around here neither."
"what should we do?" Cadence wondered out loud, "It's not like them to just disappear... Well, actually, it's more like Discord, but this time it's very serious. I mean, he always returns to the library to sleep, doesn't he?"
Pinkie nodded, "Yep! I always see him go back to the library, and I wave 'hi' to him, and he says 'good night Pinkie' and then he enters through the library!"
"What are we going to do?"
Suddenly, Rarity perked up her ears, "Girls! Do you hear that?"
Applejack looked at her, "Hear what?"
"I thought I heard something..."
The ponies were silent for a while, and they did start hearing what seemed like voices.
"I can hear it too..." whispered Rainbow Dash
Cadence tried to concentrate on the sound, "But... where do they come from?"
After a while, they figured out what does voices were saying..
"HELP!" they heard, and soon Twilight recognized those voices.
"Discord! Shining! Where are you?!" she yelled, and wafter a few second, the voices replied.
Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked around for the source of the voices, and they spotted a rocky cliff near them, and in front of that cliff, there was a pile of rocks. They assumed that was the entrance of the cave.
"Over there!" Rainbow flew towards the pile of rocks, and was soon followed by the rest, except for Fluttershy who had flown away to tell Screwball and Spike that they had found them.
Discord and Shining Armor were struggling to see through the small hole at the same time, but both were overjoyed when the Mane Six ran towards the pile of rocks which kept them trapped in the cave.
"Guys! What happened?" Applejack inquired, to which Shining and Discord looked eat each over in embarrassment.
"A long story..." Shining blushed, "one that includes avalanches and epiphanies,"
"Would you get us out of here? I have to go to the bathroom!" Discord cried out, to which Shining rolled his eyes.
Cadence and Twilight used their magic to remove some of the rocks, but they realized that would it take too long, so Twilight carefully removed one of the bottom stones, and the entire pile collapsed, unblocking the cave's entrance. Shining and Discord rushed out of the cave, and Discord disappeared in the blink of an eye; after a while, the Draconequus was back, with some toilet paper stuck to his lizard foot.
"ah, that feels so much better," he stretched, and then wrapped his arms around his mare friend, "Twi! I've never been so happy to see you in these three years!"
The unicorn wrapped her hooves around Discord's neck, "Dissy! I've been so worried about you two!"
The spirit gave Shining a small nudge with the tip of his tail, and he understood. The stallion walked over to his sister.
"Twiley... I know you're maybe still mad at me, but... I'd like to apologize about the rehearsal..."
Twilight thought for a moment, and decided to listen what he had to say; Discord knew they would need to be alone for a second, so he started gently pushing everyone away, Shining gave him a thankful look as the spirit took Cadence and the others away. Also, he wanted to check how Screwball was, his filly had already returned with Spike and Fluttershy.
Shining looked at the ground in shame, "Twiley... I'm sorry about what I did at the rehearsal, I was trying to protect you.... but now I was jealous of Discord, like everyone was saying..." he blushed a bit, "I was afraid of losing you, but I guess that's how life is, you have all right to make your life with Discord if you want. I now realize that you two are made for each other..."
The stallion looked into his sister's eyes, "And Twiley, I want what will make you happy, not what will make me happy."
Twilight narrowed her eyes a bit, "Why did you change your mind?"
"Well, let's say that spending one night trapped with Discord changed my perspective of things. I understand if you don't want me in the wedding, I did screw it up, after all... I hope you can forgive me one day."
By then, Twilight was starting to tear up, and she wrapped her hooves around her brother's neck, "Of course I forgive you! You're my BBBFF! I'm happy that you accept Discord now!"
"Well, I admit, he's not precisely what I had in mind for a brother-in-law, but I'll get used to it,"
The two siblings held each other for a long time, before Rarity called out to them.
"Hey, guys!" She said, "We should go home! I think Discord needs a bath!"
Discord gulped at the thought of being inside a bathtub, with all the water and soap, "If I have to get a bath, Shining will have to! He smells worse than Angel's poop!" he quickly whispered at Fluttershy, "No offense, Fluttershy."
Fluttershy giggled, "no problem."
Screwball hopped into her father's arms, "Daddy, can we have a chocolate bath?"
The whole stoup started to laugh.

*A week later*

The big day had arrived.
Fluttershy's garden was boiling with movement: the ponies had already gathered there, and some of them were still taking their seats. Cadence was next to the spot Twilight would be, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had already taken their places as bridesmaids, Pinkie Pie and Screwball were still waiting for Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, and finally, Fluttershy was next to her birds, waiting for the moment. Celestia was waiting for the bride to walk to the altar, eyeing the groom in amusement; Discord was very nervous, he was sweating and often played with the collar of his suit. Spike noticed this, and patted Discord's leg softly.
"Don't worry, everything will turn out alright," he assured, making the Draconequus gulp.
"I know that a, but... Marrying only happens once in a lifetime, for some ponies, what if something does wrong?"
"Come on! what could possibly go wro-?" The Draconequus wrapped his tail around Spike's mouth.
"Spike, rule number one! Never say that phrase!"
Meanwhile, in the entrance of the garden, Twilight looked so beautiful in her wedding dress and gown, and Shining armor would have looked very handsome to many of the mares present in the wedding, but he was already married. Shining noticed Twilight's gown was falling without her noticed, so he used his magic to put it back in place; Twilight smiled at her brother.
"You ready for this?" he inquired, and Twilight blushed.
"Of course I am! I'm a big girl now, I'm sure I can handle it."
After a few minutes, Fluttershy motioned her birds to start singing, and Screwball and Pinkie Pie hopped down the corridor while throwing flower petals. Soon, Twilight and Shining Armor walked down the corridor as well, and all eyes were on the bride; their parents were crying of joy. Were, their mother was crying of joy, their father was looking at his daughter joyfully.
Before arriving to the altar, Shining Armor whispered to Twilight, "Seriously, Twiley, how did Discord convince you to marry him?"
Twilight giggled, "Well, he said I would not only gain a husband, you would also gain an incredibly cool brother-in-law."
Shining blushed as he and Twilight finally arrived at the altar, and he whispered to Discord:
"Take good care of her, or I'll send you to the dungeon." he joked, to which the spirit laughed.
"Just try it, Mr. Grumpy Armor."
Shining Armor no longer minded about the nickname, and he took his place next to Spike.
"Mares and Gentlecolts," Celestia spoke, "We have gathered here today to join Twilight Sparkle, and Discord, former spirit of chaos and disharmony in matrimony."
The Draconequus blushed when she called him 'former' spirit of chaos and disharmony, Twilight held his eagle talons.
Celestia first turned to the spirit, "Do you, Discord, accept Twilight as your legitimate wife, to love and care for her for the rest of your days?"
Discord grinned as he held Twilight's hoof tightly, "Do you need to ask? Of course I do!"
The white alicorn then turned to her student, "And do you, Twilight Sparkle, accept Discord as your legitimate husband and eternal companion until death does you apart?"
Shining Armor felt his heart clench with happiness when Twilight spoke, "I do."
The Sun Princess looked first at Cadence and then at Shining Armor, "May I have the rings, please?
They held out the cushions in which the rings had been resting; Celestia used her magic to slip the rings into Twilight's horn and Discord's blue horn respectively.
"And now, I pronounce you, mare and draconequus," she grinned at the both of them, "You may kiss the bride."
Discord immediately wrapped his arms around Twilight and gave her a passionate kiss as all the ponies around cheered for them.
Shining Armor cheered for his little sister as well, wishing with all his heart that she was very happy with Discord.

Author's Notes:

This is the last chapter, plus the epilogue which i will work on later.
I'm thinking of writing two sequels: one based on the disney game Nasira's Revenge, and another which will be a surprise...

Epilogue- A month later...

After the wedding party, Discord and Twilight left for their honeymoon, although Discord hadn't told Twilight where they would go, he wanted it to be a surprise. Before leaving, Twilight threw her bouquet of flowers, and the bridesmaids all fought to catch to, but Screwball hopped and caught the bouquet in her mouth. Discord was both surprised and horrified when his daughter caught the bouquet.
"My little bubble, remember the little talk we had a few days ago?" he whispered in her ear in worry, making his daughter laugh.
"Yep!" she cried cheerfully, "No colts until you die and three days after that!"
Most of the guests giggled adorably; apparently she didn't know Discord was immortal and would never die, which meant she would never get a coltfriend in her entire lifetime. Celestia had suggested in using a carriage, but Discord had insisted to go flying to their honeymoon, he didn't want to tell anypony the location of his "private place."
A few moments before the newlyweds left, Twilight and Shining embraced each other for a long time.
"Good luck, Twiley," Shining whispered at his sister, "Don't forget to write."
"I won't, I promise," Twilight replied, before Discord tapped shining Armor's flank with the tip of this tail.
"Excuse me, can I take my wife now?" he chuckled.
Twilight giggled as she jumped into Discord's arms, and he held her close to him.
"Hold closer, sweetie pie," he purred, "Sometimes I can get naughty in flight,"
Saying this, the Draconequus took off and he flew into the night sky, taking his beloved lavender unicorn to their 'special place', while their friends watched them go from the ground.
Cadence leaned against her husband lovingly, "I hope they're very happy."
"Me too, Candy," Shining Armor whispered as he watched Discord and Twilight become a tiny spot in the sky, "Me too."


Twilight and Discord returned a month later, and the both of them were warmly received by the rest of the Mane Six, Spike and Screwball. Screwball had jumped to her father's arms and didn't get off them until it was time to go to bed, since she couldn't see what her father and stepmother did at night. The next day, Shining Armor and Cadence arrived, having gone all the way from the Crystal Empire just to receive Twilight and Discord; also, Cadence had great news from everyone. Coincidentally, Twilight also had news she wanted to share, so they decided they would announce it at the same time.
Meanwhile, the group was looking at a photo album of Twilight and Discord's honeymoon, and were having a good time.
"Is Twiley wearing a bikini?" Shining laughed, "Mom and dad could never convince her to wear one!"
"How about that? Look at Discord! He looks like a shark..." Rarity rolled her eyes with a grin, "... literally."
In fact, in the picture they were looking at, Discord had taken the form of a great white, and Twilight was resting on his back, above the surface.
Screwball pointed at a picture in which Discord was smearing chocolate cream on his wife's cheeks, with a playful grin, "Take at look at that! Daddy is pranking mommy!"
Discord laughed heartily, not only because of the memory, but also because Screwball referred to Twilight as mommy already, he had thought it would take her a little more time to do so. However, his grin vanished when the group spotted a very embarrassing picture of him.
"Wow!" Applejack exclaimed in amazement, "Now that is something!"
"AWW! So cute!" Pinkie giggled adorably
Fluttershy looked away, her yellow cheeks now of a bright red tone, "Can we skip that picture, please?"
"No way! This is historical!" Rainbow cried in excitement.
Discord couldn't stand the shame any longer and quickly snatched the album from them, "Alright, stop seeing that immediately!"
"No fair!" Rarity snapped, "I didn't get to see that picture!"
She lunged at Discord, who didn't bother to disappear, this was quite funny, after all. In a few seconds, everyone but Fluttershy was over him, trying to get the album back.
"Give it back!" Shining Armor was laughing like crazy.
Discord stretched his arm so that they couldn't snatch the album from him, "Over my corpse!"
"Then we'll do it the bad way!" Rainbow smirked, taking and snatching the album before taking a peek, "Wow! I didn't know you sleep in that position, Dissy!"
Discord snapped his fingers, and disappeared, making all the ponies over him fall over to the floor, before appearing above them and going after Rainbow Dash.
"Come back here with those pictures!" he growled
"Only if you can catch me, Dizzy!"
The rest of the group was laughing at how the two played cat-chases-mouse all around the library, until they heard hoofsteps behind them; the entire group sat in their places, and Discord and Rainbow stopped abruptly when they noticed Twilight and Cadence had returned to the room. The Draconequus snapped his fingers and made the album disappear, and took his seat, soon followed by a pouting Rainbow Dash.
"So, what's the so important news?" Discord stretched over the sofa, let out a yawn, and put his hand behind his head.
Cadence and Twilight looked at each other with smiled at each other and then simultaneously said:
"We're pregnant."

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Other Titles in this Series:

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