
Sombra Raising

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: A little craziness..... Okay a lot.

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Sombra Raising

Chapter 4

Jed ran out of the room trying his best not to slide around or fall on his face as he raced across the wood flooring in his socks. Unfortunately... That is also why he crashed head first into the wall. He went limp for a moment before standing up groaning.

“Ooooooowww...” He whined standing up before leaning against the wall.

"Normally I would laugh at that but since we have a hyperactive unicorn in the house I'll cut you some slack." DJ said with a serious look on his face. They continued to look around everywhere he could be.

Upstairs, downstairs, in the basement, in the attic, and the garage. After about 20 minutes of continuous searching DJ finally spotted something.

"LOOK OVER THERE!" DJ shouted while pointing to the kitchen.

“Huh! Wha?” Jed said looking to the kitchen. “Five bucks says he is looking for the Oreos.”

“Five bucks says hes holding knives in his magic.” DJ said while he’s hoping he’s wrong.

“Ten bucks on both?” Jed said looking to DJ.

“Yeah I can deal with that.” DJ says while shaking Jed’s hand.

“Alright..... On three?” Jed said walking over and standing on the left side of the doorway.

“Ok three....two....one...GO!” DJ shouted as he and Jed charged into the kitchen. As they entered the kitchen.... Well let’s just say they were right.. .And he was crawling on the ceiling while doing so. Jed just lifted his glasses and rubbed his eyes while DJ facepalmed.

“I am too tired for this shit.” He said. “Okay... I have two ideas. One: We somehow get him down while avoiding the knifes and holding him in place while the sugar and caffeine wears off.... Or two: I can do what my mom does to me when I get in trouble.”

“Uhhh can I hear what your mom does to you before I make my choice?” DJ asked with a worried expression. Before Jed could answer a knife was flung into the wall in between them.

“Yeeeeeah.... I don’t think we have time.” Jed said tapping the blade with his finger.

“Agreed lets just get a plastic container and pray for the best.” DJ says while looking at the knife with a ‘OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO DIE!’ look, Jed shared a similar expression as well..

“How about we just go with this....” Jed grabbed the knife and grunted while he pulled it out and set it on the counter. “.. Okay... I am gonna start to do something... And I need you to NOT bitch out and run kay?” He said half jokingly.

“If we didn’t have a sugar high unicorn running on the ceiling I would..... Sit here and take the verbal assault.” DJ said with a deadpanned look.

“Right... Time for all those ‘talks’ mom told me about parenthood to pay off.” Jed mumbled before walking, shakily, closer to Sombra. He stood and yelled. “Sombra! Get your little rump down here and stop playing with those knives!!”

Sombra simply stopped and stared at Jed. “Is it working?” Jed asked not taking his eyes off Sombra.

Sombra continues to stare at Jed for a few more uncomfortable seconds before he turns off his magic and jumps into Jed’s arms with a small pack of Oreos in this mouth. “Wow I can’t believe that worked!” DJ said with a surprised look on his face.

That’s when the knives all fell down making both of them jump. “Jesus!” Jed yelled out clutching Sombra, who was just munching on a Oreo.

“Man that was too close.” DJ said as he looks to his right and sees a big kitchen knife impaled right next to his right arm. “Yeah way to close.” He says breathing a sigh of relief as he moves his arm away from the deadly object.

“Should I scold him?” Jed said glaring slightly at the pony in his arms.

“Nah because it really wasn’t his fault that he acted that way.” DJ says.

“And when did you become the caring and loving father?” Jed said snickering.

“I have a little brother that I look after cause my parents are always busy.” DJ says with a smirk. “Any more questions smartass?” He says with a shit eating grin.

Instead of Jed asking one, Sombra actually raised his little hoof with a Oreo still stuck in his mouth. Both Jed and DJ just looked to each other before back to Sombra.

“Uhhhh why is he pointing atat the ceiling?” DJ asks as he takes cover under the counter fearing the Sombra is going to use his magic to literally bring the house down.

“Has... I question? I think.” Jed said looking to Sombra. “Is that it?” Sombra just nodded before lowering his hoof and nibbling on the cookie some more.

“Well what is it Sombra?” DJ asks expecting the worst to happen.

Sombra just finished the cookie before looking to DJ and.. Well more like babbled. “Mmlpgh...”

“Well said!” Jed stated smiling.

DJ just looks at them confused, “What? What did he say?”

Jed just shrugged and looked to Sombra. “I am guessing on either sorry or who the hell is he?” Jed said pointing to himself.

“Makes sense.” DJ said with a nonchalant shrug. He then looks at the time. “Oh crap I got to head home! I promised my mom I’d be home before eight!” He grabs his backpack from the living room and throws it on.

“Ok I’ll see you and Sombra tomorrow. Later Jed, Later Sombra!” He yells as he runs out the door.

“Oh wha!” Jed says as he watches DJ run out the door. “Great.... Left alone with a unicorn eating Oreos.... Best. Day .Ever.” He said with a bit of sarcasm at the end. “Well.... DJ is gone. Mom’s asleep.....”

He grins a somewhat crazed smile before looking back down to Sombra. “Hey Sombra? Want to see videogames?”

Just right down the street DJ suddenly shudders. “I have a feeling something isn’t going to go right.” He says with a worried look as he continues towards his house.

Author's Notes:

A little short.... But I think it gets the point across. ^_^

Next Chapter: Chapter 5: Why me? Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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