

by Kody910

Chapter 7: Chapter Six: Memory

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The longest trek of your life was coming to a close.

After having spoke with Applejack, you made your way to Fluttershy's treehouse. Much like the walk to Sweet Apple Acres, nopony had spoke to you on your way.

Your face still ached from the strike from Applejack, but this didn't concern you. You had more troubling things to think about.

The ominous air surrounding the home was incredibly unnerving. The clouds filling the sky had only grown darker as time passed. Though they had yet to drop their inevitable loads of rain, they had the courtesy to give off a few strikes of lightning. Perhaps a sort of metaphor for the upcoming situation, you thought.

Approaching the house, you immediately notice something is off. Generally, the outside of the house is swarming with critters of all kinds. However, the area around was devoid of any animal. You could usually pick out creatures from select locations among the trees, bushes, and tunnels, but where you would normally find them, absolutely no life was present.

An eerie silence loomed. The flapping of wings and the growls of woodland creatures normally filled the air. All of that was gone now, and the only sound to ever break the quiet was the occasional boom of thunder.

Stepping up to the front door, you notice the inside of the house was strangely still. Even the inside seemed to harbor no life. You knock on the door.

"Fluttershy? You in there?" You call out, only to be answered with silence.

Taking a peek into the window, you notice none of the lights are on. In the time you spent with Fluttershy, you knew this could only mean she was not home. She never left all the lights off when she was home. Even at night, she would always leave a lamp on downstairs, just in case she needed to go get something from the kitchen.

Where could she be then? You think to yourself. Applejack had told you she should be home. Did she lie to you? No, no, Applejack would have no reason to lie to you. Sure, you hurt one of her closest friends, but Applejack would have respected Fluttershy's wishes towards you, right?

You decide to take a look around, figuring Fluttershy must be somewhere around. Stepping back from the door, you begin to walk around to the backside of her home, taking care not to damage her flora.

Rounding the corner, you're met with a familiar, small face. A certain rabbit, who looked very displeased with your presence.

"Angel!" You start. "Do you know where Fluttershy is?"

The bunny gave no reply, and continued to glare daggers into you.

"Angel, please, I really need to talk with her."

He simply folds his arms and turns away, refusing to even look at you anymore.

Sighing, you continue pleading. "Look, I know you hate me, as do a lot of ponies right now, but I need to set this right. At least give me a chance to fix this, please?"

After a long period of silence, Angel finally gave you another glance. Rolling his eyes, he began hopping away. Just when you think he wasn't going to be of any help, he turns around and gives you a gesture to follow.

Breathing a sigh of relief, you begin to follow your tiny guide. He led you around behind the house, to a large field of rolling hills. Angel never glanced back to see if you were following. Traversing up and down several small hills, you arrived at a bit of a dip in the landscape.

Looking down from the cress of the hill, you find all the animals that had supposedly gone missing. Birds, rabbits, ferrets, squirrels, and many other critters were all centered around something. You couldn't see what it was through the mass of bodies.

Looking down to the bunny at your side, he simply looks up to you and nods toward the mass of animals. Giving him your thanks, he simply nods and waits where he stood.

You begin to walk down the slope toward the swarm. Some of the animals took note of your approach, and they all started to give you looks. Some gave pleading stares, some looked surprise, but the majority gave you horrid glares. You ignored them, determined to find the pegasus you were looking for.

As you got closer, the creatures began to part, making a pathway to the object of their attention. As the mass of bodies began to peel away, you find both what they had been interested in, and what you were looking for.

Fluttershy, sitting in the middle of the crowd.

Her back was turned toward you, and her head was hanging low. You merely stood there in silence, taking in the sight of the poor, dejected pegasus.

The animals around began to disperse, leaving you alone with her. Once again, the eerie silence had returned, only to be broken with another bolt of lightning. While you flinched, you were amazed to find Fluttershy hadn't budged. Normally, she would be seeking shelter in a bush or something, cowering in fear.

This must be way worse than I thought... You think to yourself. You sat down on your haunches several feet behind her.

"Fluttershy...?" You begin.

She gives no response.


Again, no response.

"Fluttershy..." At this point, you decided you might as well lay your cards out on the table. "I, I'm sorry, okay?"

You notice her head perk up ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I was an idiot, I should never have accused you of anything...It was a stupid, stupid thing to do! I wasn't thinking, I jumped to some ridiculous conclusion, and I'm sorry! I know I'll never be able to make up for what I did, but..."

At last she turned around. You cringed at the sight you saw. Her eyes swollen and red, tear-stains on her face, and her mane unkempt, she looked downright pitiful. The worst part was that you knew you were responsible for this.

"Fluttershy, I'm so, so sorry..." You lower your head, knowing that you were at her mercy.

"...Why..." At last, she finally spoke.

"Huh?" You respond, looking back up to her.

"Why did you think I would ever do that to you...?" She pleaded. Her lower lip started to quiver.

"Because I'm a downright foal, okay!? I wasn't thinking clearly, and I just, I..." Lowering your voice, you continue. "I got some stupid idea in my head that you were using me...I realize it was a very stupid conclusion...I should have known better than to think you would do something like that, I should have thought better of you...I should have trusted you."

"I...I would never do that to anypony.." She replies somewhat sullenly.

"Yes, I know you wouldn't...And it was wrong of me to think you would..."

"I just don't understand...why you think I would use you like that..." She turns her head away, no longer looking at you.

"It's because I..."

It's only fair...

"Well, I..."

Isn't it...



"Oh Celestia, I'm so sorry! It's just that I've been used and tricked before! I...I got into this mindset that everypony was that way, that everypony was like him, but I should have known better than to think that..." Your eyes began to tear up as you poured your heart out for the mare in front of you. "It doesn't matter...that doesn't excuse my behavior..."

"...You really hurt me..." She responds, turning to look at you again.

"I know...and I'm so, so sorry..." A single tear began rolling down your cheek. "...And if you can't forgive me, if you never want to see me again, I promise, I will get up and walk away right now and I will ensure that you never do..."

The two of you simply sat in silence. The longest and most painful silence you had ever known. This was the moment. She could make or break you right now. All it would take is one sentence, no, one word, and your whole future would be decided.

But no words came as you sat there, tears rolling down your cheeks. You figure she must hate you to the point where she won't even grace you with a response. You begin to contemplate walking away. Surely she never wants to see you again. Not that you deserve it. Your foalishness cost you the friendship of the kindest, most beautiful creature in Equestria and beyond. Had you not stormed away that night, this might have all been avoided. You lost the greatest friend you had ever known, and it was all your fault.

Just when you think it's over, you are surrounded by an incredible warmth. The most delightful warmth you've ever known.

Fluttershy was actually hugging you.

"F-Fluttershy?" You asked, slightly startled.

"Shh...it's okay..." She whispered into your ear, her hoof gently stroking your mane. "It's okay..."

"Fluttershy...I'm so sorry." You whisper back, still crying.

"It's okay...I believe you."

"Do you...Can you forgive me?"

"Well...I don't know if I can...not yet, at least..."

"I understand...thank you..."

"For what?" She asked.

"For not completely hating me, even after what I did..."

"I...I could never hate anypony...including you..."

Very, very cautiously, you begin to move your hooves to return the hug. Upon making contact, you feel her tighten her grip. You take this as a sign of approval, and move your hooves onto her back, putting your whole heart into the embrace.

The silence once again returned, but this time, it was much more welcome. You and the canary pegasus sat in silence, wrapped up in each other's arms. There are times when a pony may ask for something to never end, merely because of the initial excitement of the moment. But right now, you truly never wanted to leave her embrace. Her soft hooves gently wrapped around your back, pulling you ever closer. Her head gently rested on your shoulder, letting her long, beautiful mane slightly wrap around you. The warmness of her body pressed against yours was unfathomable. It was a moment where you truly felt at peace.

However, all good things must come to an end. After what felt like forever, you finally, and regrettably, parted from Fluttershy's arms. Fluttershy decided to break the silence.

"I...I want to know..."

"Want to know what?" You ask.

"Who is he?" She looks at you with pleading eyes.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You said you thought everypony was like 'him.' Who were you talking about?"

You froze. Did you really let that slip out? It didn't matter. You knew that at some point, if she forgave you that is, you would have to explain.

"Oh, uh, well...Do you remember yesterday when Russ said something about Manehattan High School?"

"Yes..." She replied, sounding slightly confused.

"This what he meant. It started then, years ago..."

You begin to recall that event. The years of High School. The day you met Russ.

The day your sense of trust was crushed.


You hated winter. Cold, dreary, and none too forgiving on your health.

The clouded, gloomy skies above your home blotted out the sun and bathed the land in a bone-chilling cold. You hated days like this. You didn’t mind winter as long as there was snow around and school was cancelled, but with the ground as dry as ever, you couldn’t help but loathe this day. Being as sick as a dog didn’t help much either.

Having been home sick for the last two days, you began to wonder just how much make-up work you were accumulating. The teachers had been forgiving for the first few weeks of you being here, having moved to Manehattan during the middle of the semester, but had grown to trust that you had a grasp on the workings of the school as the year progressed. You'd probably be working late into the night finishing up all the homework you would have when you got back.

Generally a friend would bring you the assignments you had whilst you were out to you. With the temperature steadily dropping and the air becoming more and more frigid, however, students were reluctant to make the trip to their own houses, much less to your home on the outskirts of the city. It didn't surprise or bother you. It DID feel like a refrigerator out there, after all.

At least you had friends. Having a connection with one of the most popular students in the school, you were able to make friends rather quickly. Back in your hometown, you weren’t exactly the most popular or extroverted colt, so friends were a hard thing to come by for you.

Lying in bed, you rubbed your temples to fight off a somewhat pesky headache that never seemed to go away. The skies outside the window were the same they had been since you had gotten sick; dark, filled with clouds, and none too exciting. Even with that, you had been dying to go outside. Having been cooped up inside for three days, you were getting restless. Your bed had become insufferably itchy, and the air around was getting stale. Of course, with your nostrils having been backed up with phlegm, this was more of an annoyance than a prevalent issue.

Finally deciding you needed to get out of your room, you stand up somewhat unsteadily, and begin to shuffle to the door. You seldom left your room during your period of illness, as you generally couldn't move very well on account of your light-headedness, but you had recovered to the point where it wasn't much of an issue.

You were incredibly parched, and immediately set course for the kitchen. Being sick was thirsty work, after all. Making your way through the halls and living room, you find yourself stepping on the tiled floor of your destination. Without second thought, you went to the cupboard and grabbed a glass out.

Walking over to the fridge to begin to fill up the glass, you notice a small note on the door. Taking it down with a hoof, you scan over the note.

Hi Sweetie! Dad and I ran out to get a few things from the store. We'll be back in an hour or two by the time you read this!

Make sure to take some aspirin, I left the bottle on the counter. Make sure you get right back to bed too!

Love, Mom

Yeah, you thought to yourself. That's just like her. Always worrying.

Filling up your glass, you trot over to the counter to find the aspirin bottle resting on the edge. Leave it to Mom to not trust your observational skills.

Just as you were about to open the container, a knock comes to your door. Were your parents back already? No, your mother knows you too well, she wouldn't have incorrectly predicted your sleep pattern. It must have been a student bringing you your work. Odd, considering no one had stopped by over the last few days.

Setting your glass onto the counter, you trot over to the door. You didn't know who exactly to expect. When you reached the door, you took a second to check your mane and breath. Y'know, just in case it was one of them mares from math class.

But when you open the door, it most certainly was not a mare from math class.

Standing before you were two rather heavy-set stallions, one brown and one blue, adorned in a uniforms. The kind of uniforms police officers wear.

"Uh, h-hello officers..." You begin shakily. "W-what can I do for you?"

"Do you attend Manehattan High School, son?" The blue officer replies. Oh great, he's one of those cops, the kind who waste no time prying for details.

"Uh, yes...why do you ask?"

"Well son," The other steps in. "I'm afraid we're going to have to take you down to the station for some questions."

"W-w-why is that!?" You ask incredulously. "I mean, surely we could have some questions here...?"

"This isn't a game son. You were in possession of illegal substances."

"W-what!?" Illegal substances? Did he mean.... "You mean like, drugs!?"

"Yes, there was a random search conducted at your school today. And certain substances were found in YOUR locker." The brown one replies. "Several bags worth, at that."

"N-no, that's impossible!" You had never done a single dose of ANY drug in your life. Hell, you had never even smoked a cigarette.

"Look son, we-"

"You have to believe me, I swear they aren't mine!" How could you afford drugs anyway? From what you knew, they weren't exactly cheap, and you didn't have a job to pay for them.

"They were found in your locker, son, now-"

"That isn't true, there's no way..." How could this happen? You seldom used your locker at the school, and when you did, it certainly wasn't for THIS purpose.

"On top of that, your hoofmarks were on them."

"...Wh....What!?" Now you were getting scared. How could some drugs, which you had never done in your life, somehow have traces on them that led to you? "How, I mean, I've never even-"

"I'm sorry, son, but you are under arrest." The brown stallion pulls out a pair of hoofcuffs, preparing to lock you in their embrace.

"What!? No! Please, you have to believe me, I never-"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you."

This is...impossible... How could this be happening, to you, of all colts? You were a good pony, you stayed out of trouble. You hated confrontations, why would you want to start trouble? You didn't like to hang out with "that crowd," so you tried to avoid associating yourself with them. Surely this is some kind of mistake, right? Perhaps they got the wrong guy...But then again, they looked pretty sure of themselves as your hooves were locked up. Perhaps this was a prank? No, no one would have any reason to do something this harsh to you as a joke. You couldn't think of a reason for someone to do this. For all intents and purposes, this was a real arrest. How could this even...

There's no way this was really happening. You were being arrested for the possession of illegal substances, which were found in YOUR locker, with YOUR hoofmarks no less. This is some sick, twisted joke. You wanted to tell yourself that, but you knew it wasn't true. By some twisted manipulation, this was really occurring.

You had so many questions and so many things to think about. And where you were going, there would be plenty of time to think.


The trial proceeded slowly.

It had been three days since your arrest. Prison was easily the most dreary and boring place you had ever been. Okay, so it wasn't really prison, it was the Manehattan Detention Center, but it felt like prison nonetheless. You spent the last several days contemplating the case, being drilled with questions from investigators, and the like. You consistently told the officers you had nothing to do with this. Your efforts were somewhat in vain. You knew they wouldn't believe anything you would say, and you knew they didn't believe anything you had said.

Your parents had come to visit you virtually any chance they had. Your mother believed every word you said. She knew her son would never do something like this. That's how she had raised you, to be a good little colt who followed the rules. Her natural reaction is to disregard what all others said. Your father, however, was another story. While he didn't want to believe you had anything to do with this, he couldn't help but doubt. That's how it had always been. He had a way of making you feel like you were nothing but a disappointment to him.

A few of your classmates came to visit as well. None of them believed you, however. You were nothing but a petty drug-dealer to them. Even if you were announced innocent, it wouldn't matter. The stigmas these ponies had of you were too powerful to be overturned, it seemed.

When not getting drilled by investigators, officers, or your parents, you spent all your time locked up in a small cell. There was very little in the way of entertainment. Other than a bunk bed and a lot of dust, there was nothing to see. You mulled over every detail during this downtime. What drugs were found? Why were they in your locker? How did they get there? Did someone put them there? If so, who? These were all questions you couldn't get answers to.

At least, not until today.

All it took was one testimony. The testimony of a dark blue colt with an even darker mane to render all the other information that had been stated invalid. This was easily the testimony that saved you.

"So you saw what had happened on that day?" Your defense attorney asked. Your parents had hired the best one they could find. He had spoke with you several times before the trial had started, but even then, you couldn't remember his name. Mr. Write, or something like that.

"Yes sir." The colt on the stand replied. You had seen this colt around school before, and you remembered him as Russ. He didn't speak to you often, and you only thought of him as an acquaintance.

"Could you describe what you saw that led to the substances in question to be in my client's locker?" He spoke calmly and confidently.

"Yes sir." Russ had remained calm, unlike many of the other witnesses that had been called in up to this point. "It was around 10:30 AM that day. There was a random search that was going to be conducted at around 11:00 AM from what I had heard."

"Where exactly did you hear this information?"

"It's really not that hard. When one teacher let's it slip, the entire school knows about it within minutes."

"Can't argue with that." This elicited a few laughs among the room. "Please, continue."

"I was heading to the bathroom, when I saw a colt messing with a locker. There was something odd about him. He had gloves on, and was pretty frantically messing with the lock on it. After a few minutes, he managed to get it open. When he did, he started taking these plastic bags of...something, looked like some kinda powder, and started tossing them inside."

"So this colt," your attorney inquired, "what did he look like?"

"To tell you the truth?" Russ leaned forward in his chair. "I know exactly who it was."

"Do you now?" It seems Mr. Blight or whatever his name was wasn't expecting this. "Who was it?"

"His name is Cole." Wait...did he really just say...?

"Cole? And who is this Cole?"

"He's one of the most popular students in school." No...this had to be some mistake....

"And are you sure the colt you saw was him?"

"I'm certain. I know his black mane and cold, grey eyes anywhere."

No...No, it couldn't be true. He was perfectly describing Cole. THE Cole. The same Cole who had came to you when you first moved here. The same Cole who had brought you to your status in the school. The same Cole who you thought of as a best friend.

The same Cole who was your cousin.

"That, and, I can prove it!" Wait, what did he just say?

"And how is that?"

"I'm in the photography class, you see." Now you remember. You always did see him with a camera around his neck. "So when I caught sight of this guy breakin' into that locker, I knew he was up to no good. So I snapped a pic!" With that, he pulled out a photograph from his jacket. He proceeded to hand it to the judge, who scanned over it.

"Hmm...Yes, this is a very clear photo. The time stamp is accurate, the colt in question is clear as day, everything is exactly as has been described." His honor commented. "You have a knack for photography, it seems."

"Why thank ya, Your Honor." Russ replied, looking boastful about his work.

"Thank you, Mr. Russ." Your attorney stepped back a bit. "Your Honor, I think it would be best if we spoke with this Cole."

You were afraid of what you what this would lead to.


The time had come for Cole to take the stand.

The judge had called for a recess so that Cole could be prepared for his testimony. During that time, you silently mulled over what was happening.

Cole...did he really do this? Had he really planted drugs in your locker? There's no way this was true. He cared about you, right? When you first moved to Manehattan, he immediately took you under his care. He taught you the workings of the school, introduced you to his crew, and brought you up to a popularity status that nearly rivaled his. He was your closest friend. Would he really use you like this...?

The recess had ended faster than you expected. Soon enough, everyone filed back into the room. Once everyone was seated, Cole was called to the stand. An eerie silence accompanied his entrance. Looking around, you saw some glaring daggers into him. Some gave looks of sympathy. Some gave looks of disbelief. A few mares, however, gave rather suggestive looks.

He slowly, silently approached the stand, his eyes focused on nothing in particular. He had always been an odd colt. He generally kept to himself during gatherings like the Hearth's Warming celebration your family held every year. It wasn't that he was shy, he just never was one to talk with the family, much less those he was resentful towards. However, he seemed to have a soft spot for you. Of all those at such gatherings, you were the one he seemed to talk to the most. Perhaps being the only male teenager other than him, you had some connection with him. He always had an air of calm around him. He never spoke excessively loud, and his voice seemed to have only one volume, as if the switch was broken.

You look right at Cole. His dark black mane hung low over his shoulders. Cole felt it was rude to cover one's face, so he made it a point to always make sure his mane never obscured his features. His grey coat lacked any sort of unique hue. But his most striking feature was his eyes. Though they were only a shade of grey sightly darker than his coat, they had an odd feel about them. They seemed hollow, devoid of any feeling or emotion. It almost seemed like they didn't even reflect light either, giving them a sort of haunted feel. They were seldom more than half open at any time. It felt as though they could see right into the soul.

Without any form of gusto, he calmly takes his place in the witness' chair. Mr. Trite (you still couldn't remember his name) immediately began questioning.

"You attend Manehattan High School, correct?"

"That would be correct, sir." Cole answers, his voice as calm as ever. You always found it weird how he talked with such sophistication. It was very unlike any teenager you knew.

"And do you understand the situation at hoof?"

"Yes, I've been informed of all that has happened in this case up to this point."

"So you understand that you are being accused of planting illegal substances in my client's locker, with photographic evidence to prove it?"

"Yes, good sir. I believe that Russ fellow claimed to have seen me."

"And how do you respond to that?"

"..." Cole simply sat in silence, looking towards nothing in particular. You could only wonder what was going through his mind. Was he coming up with some elaborate tale to prove his innocence? Perhaps he was battling with himself on what to say, going through his options. He was very difficult to predict. At last, he spoke in his regular, monotone voice. "I would say...I must be getting sloppy."

"I'm sorry?"

"I hadn't planned that day out very well at all, to be honest. It merely slipped my mind a random search was to be conducted."

"Wait, so are you saying...?

"That I did plant the substances in question in the locker?" You were praying the answer that was about to come out of his mouth wouldn't be the one you thought it would be. You had so much faith and trust in this colt, after all he had done for you. You didn't want to believe he had done this.

"Yes. Yes I did. I admit it."

"W...What!?" You could remain silent no longer. This wasn't happening, there was no way.

"Yes, cousin, I did. Seeing as I have no other options here, I might as well come clean." His monotone voice had begun to sound almost teasing to you.

"But....How? How could you even get into my locker!? I never told you the code!"

"Oh, please. Those lockers are so cheap a butterfly could break them open with a flap of its wings. On top of that, you don't cover your lock so well when you open it. It wasn't that difficult, really." Was he serious? He was basically calling you stupid.

"Why my locker!? There are hundreds of others in the school!"

"Well, you see, your locker is quite strategically placed." He refused to get flustered in the slightest, which only added on to your frustration. "It just so happens that your locker is one of the few that is not in view of a security camera. Of all the ones in the school like this, yours was the closest one that I could open at that moment. Of course, I didn't count on a certain colt to find me with a camera in tow."

"What about my hoofprints, explain those!"

"That would be the disadvantage of bringing your lunch from home." Before you could question, he continued. "Those little, plastic baggies you bring your sandwiches in are quite convenient, I must say. Why do you think I offered to throw your trash away for you all the time? I was merely borrowing your prints. You know, just in case I needed a scapegoat."

"But...why!? Why would you do this to me!?"

"Oh please, calm down-"

"No! I won't calm down! This is unforgivable!" Your blood was boiling and your voice continued to grow louder. You had never been this angry in your life.

"You're so worked up over this, you need to loosen up."

"How can I!? Everyone is going to think of me as some kinda drug dealer! You ruined my life!" Even with a 'not guilty' verdict, this whole ordeal still wouldn't have helped your image.

"Did I really?"


"Please, you wouldn't be where you are had it not been for me."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be labeled a criminal if not for you, you traitor!"

"I brought you to your status, your popularity, and now I'm the traitor?"

"What are you talking about!?"

"Face it. I helped you, and you owed me a favor. I merely took the chance when I had it." What he said rang true to some degree. You would be nowhere without him, and you knew it. He created the image you had amongst your peers, and he was the one who helped you gain all that you had.

"But, you..."

"It's only fair...isn't it...cousin?"

You wanted to say so many things to him right then. So many different obscenities that would make a sailor cringe, yet you couldn't. You were so dumbstruck that you simply couldn't find the words.

Your closest friend, your greatest ally, your own cousin, had betrayed you. You knew he was manipulative, it's how he got to his status among the school, but you wouldn't think he would attempt to jeopardize the well-being of his own family to keep himself safe.

You collapsed back into your chair. You couldn't process what had just happened. Your cousin openly admitted to pinning his crime on you to save his own back. His voice never faltered, and his being showed no regret in his actions. You were nothing but a pawn to him in this game he was playing. All it took was one slip-up on his part for him to throw the wheels in motion.

The room was in an uproar. Family members shouting at Cole, classmates bickering with one another, the judge attempting to regain control of the room, and so on. Yet you couldn't hear any of it. Your mind was in its own little world.

You had been used as a young colt before, back in your elementary days, but those times were child's play. This was something else entirely. You couldn't trust your acquaintances, you couldn't trust your closest friends, and now, you couldn't even trust your own family. Was this entire world out to get you? Who could you put any faith into?

As your mind battled with itself over what you believed in, you didn't even notice when the judge handed down your verdict.

"Not Guilty."


Silence. It seemed to be a common theme today. The only thing that broke the silence was the pitter-patter of rain.

Oh, wait, it was raining? You hadn't even noticed when you were recalling your tale. When did this happen?

It didn't matter. You had poured your heart out to the pegasus in front of you, and now it was her choice as to how to respond.

Lifting your head, you look right to her face. Her hooves were clamped to her mouth, her eyes were wide open, and her face was wet. Whether it was from tears or rain, you couldn't tell.

"O-oh my goodness..." She starts, seeming as oblivious to the rain as you were. "I had n-no idea...I'm so sorry!"

"You have nothing to be sorry for..." You reply sullenly.

"W...What about Russ?"

"After the trial was over, Russ and I became friends. I kinda felt like I owed it to him after his help exposing Cole. I figured I could trust him...but we know how that turned out..."


"After we graduated, I moved to Ponyville in an attempt to get away from all my classmates. A lot of 'em were still apprehensive about the whole thing, even after a year had passed." You explained. "Russ followed soon after, but for his own reasons."

"I'm so sorry...if I had known I would have..."

"You would have what? Forgiven me for what I did?" You sigh, and avert your eyes from hers again. "I know this will never excuse my behavior. It was stupid for me to have thought that of you, and I'm sorry."

Once again, the unsettling silence filled the air. The droplets of rain on your head and body only added to the gloomy feel.

It had been years since that day. Though you wanted to forget it, it never failed to creep into your subconscious on a regular basis. It was the reason behind your apprehensive nature towards others. You promised yourself you would try to repress the memory, forget all about it. Your attempts were in vain, however, and it never failed to come back to haunt you. And right now, it was doing a pretty good job at that.

"...Fluttershy..." You start.


"I...Where does this leave us?"

"Oh, um..." She suddenly looked very nervous. "I, I'm not sure..."

"I'm right there with you." You reply, managing to elicit a slight giggle. There was a long pause before she started again.

"Maybe..." She started, unsure of herself, "Maybe we should start over?"

"I...Do you think we could? Could we...put all this behind us?" You knew this wouldn't be easy. All it takes is one screw-up for a relationship of any kind to be broken. Your mistake had been a serious one, and forging a new friendship out of it would be no easy task.

Your train of thought crashed and burned when Fluttershy suddenly lurched forward, planting her lips firmly on yours. Your eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. Fluttershy had never been an assertive one, so this was something you were definitely not expecting.

But you didn't object. Losing yourself in a state of bliss as you moved your hooves onto her back, you gradually pushed back into the kiss with as much passion as she had. The moment your hooves made contact, she lifted her arms around your neck, pulling you slightly closer. Her warm lips never left yours, and her tongue prodded slightly, asking for entry. You gladly accepted, and her tongue began to explore the crevices of your mouth. She tasted sweet, almost like cookies. Jolts of pleasure surged throughout your body, and you were completely lost in the moment.

Eventually, the need for oxygen overpowered your state of pleasure, and both of you pulled away, gasping for breath. After a few moments of heavy breathing, she looked into your eyes.

"I...I'm willing to try if you are."

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