
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 7: Issues with Love

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Issues with Love

Ron had seen Hermione leave early and had followed her home to see what was wrong. Her parents weren’t home so Ron had no worry of being scolded by Hermione’s parents.

Hermione in the meantime was up in her room crying.

“I’ve lost him.” she said to herself between sobs.

Ron knocked on her door. It was locked. He looked up to her window.

“Hermione?!” Ron called up to her “Are you alright?!”

Hermione looked towards the half opened window but didn’t get up from bed.

“Go away!” Hermione called out to Ron.

Ron backed away a little to get a better view.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Ron asked.

“Leave me alone!” Hermione cried out.

Ron just sighed in disappointment. He then walked away from the house. Hermione in the meantime ceased crying and now her sorrow turned to hatred. Hatred for Ginny.

“If I can’t have him” Hermione said to herself “neither can she.”


Diagon Hall was a busy place. Madeline had left Ginny to go buy some things with Ron.

“Ron, you go and get the supplies for our study” Ginny said to Ron “and I’ll look for stuff for dinner.”

“I have to look for what?” Ron asked.

Ginny took a look at Ron and felt his forehead. It felt a little warm.

“Are you sure you’re alright, Ron?” Ginny asked.

“I feel fine.” Ron said as he walked off “I’ll go find the stuff you asked for.”

Ginny sighed and headed towards the food market.

“Ginny Weasley!” someone called out from behind her.

Ginny turned to see Hermione with her hand in hand.

“Hello, Hermione.” Ginny said “Do you need anything?”

Hermione smiled wickedly. “Let's settle this matter. You. Me. Right here, right now. Winner gets Draco. Loser doesn't. Agree or disagree?”

With that a crowd of people began to gather. It didn’t take long for the gears to start turning in Ginny’s head. The second she mentioned Draco Ginny could tell something suspicious was up.

“I have to go.” she said.

Ginny turned around and started to walk off.

“Come back here!” Hermione insisted “You….You’re just like your mother! A cowardly self-centered whore!”

Ginny suddenly stopped in her tracks. Hermione had hit a nerve. Ginny then pulled out her wand and her face turned to anger.

“Take…out…your wand…” Ginny said.

Hermione did so. The two suddenly turned and fired spells at each other.

The crowd then started screaming “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

The spells collided with each other but dissipated after a while. Hermione fired a spell but Ginny blocked it. Ginny then started to walk towards Hermione with rage in her eyes and she fired many spells at Hermione but Hermione managed to block or dodge every single one. Ginny then tackled Hermione and started punching the living daylights out of Hermione.

Hermione then retaliated by punching Ginny in the nose and got up and searched for her wand. She found it. But when she turned she was met by Ginny who slashed Hermione with her wand. Hermione backed against a wall in pain and looked at her side. It was a small cut but she was bleeding. She tried to fire a spell but it missed and hit a bench next to Ginny. Ginny fell over but then got back up and resumed punching Hermione.

Exhausted, Hermione wasn’t prepared when Ginny slammed her through a window. Hermione got up just as Ginny walked in. Hermione slashed at Ginny with a piece of glass and cut Ginny’s face. Ginny then socked Hermione and then Hermione fell over unconscious.

The crowd ooohed and ahhed. Ginny then winced as she felt a pain in her knee. One of Hermione’s spells had injured her knee. Ginny then walked out to find Ron or Madeline with a slight limp. She then looked toward the crowd.

“Don’t you people have lives?!” she yelled.

The crowd realized they had to gain valuable time back and places to go and resumed doing crowd things. Acting as if the fight never happened.


Madeline wrapped Hermione’s arm in a sling. She managed to get a shard of glass out of her arm.

“I can’t believe you kids!” Madeline said “I leave one minute and I find you basically killing each other! You’re better then that! Especially you, Hermione.”

“I’m sorry.” Hermione said.

“I’m not the one you should be saying sorry too.” Madeline said pointing to Ginny who was sitting on a nearby chair.

Hermione got up and held out her good hand.

“I’m sorry I called you a whore” Hermione said “and getting us into this. Apology accepted?”

Ginny did some eye-searching and then shook Hermione’s hand.

“Yeah, sure.” Ginny replied.

Suddenly they heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. The three got up and walked (or in Ginny’s case limped) to the kitchen. They opened the door to find Ron on the floor cackling.

“You okay, Ron?” Madeline asked.

“I taste lilacs!” Ron yelled out.

The three looked at each other and then headed for the phone.


It was night by the time Harry and the ponies got to the house. They opened the door and walked in to see Madeline, Ginny and Hermione waiting.

“We got here as soon possible.” Applejack said.

“We didn’t know which of Horace’s potions to bring so we brought all of them.” Twilight said pointing to five potions Harry was holding.

Madeline lead them towards the kitchen.

“He’s been like this for about an hour. It’s totally weird.” Ginny said.

“Oh, come on” Pinkie Pie said “nobody knows weird like you’re old auntie Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie opened the door and peeked inside. Ron was sitting in the center of the room with his legs crossed and laughing like a crazy man.

“Who dat bat, cat? Dat cat-bat’s wiggin’ all reet all right! Guess these cats ain’t hip cats, cat!” Ron yelled out as if he had three different personalities “Can’t be a hip cat if the cat don’t scat when his orbs do pop on the brothers of the bop!”

Pinkie then slammed the door shut and put her back against it.

“Is….is there another word out there that means what?” Pinkie said while trying to comprehend what the heck she just saw “Because somehow…what…just doesn’t quite cover this.”

“We got to do something!” Hermione said.

“Can’t we just give him one of the potions?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll try.” Harry said.

He walked into the kitchen dwelling of the crazed Ron. He prepared to open a vial but then Ron flailed his arms around and knocked the vials out of Harry’s hand. They all broke. Except one that landed on the table. Ron turned towards Harry.

“You can’t fight the love, man!” Ron yelled out in a voice that sounded like George Harrison.

But before Ron could do anything else a loud clang rang out and Ron dropped to his knees.

“Who am I in love with again?” Ron said before he hit the floor and passed out.

Harry looked and it turned out Fluttershy had hit Ron with a frying pan.

“See?” Fluttershy said “That’s how you do it.”

She walked out and Harry with her. They closed the door behind them.

“I took care of him.” Fluttershy said.

“Is he alright?” Ginny asked.

“He’ll be fine.” Harry said “Just needed a good knock on the head.”

After a moment of awkward silence, Madeline got up.

“So, I’ve got some pizza I ordered waiting for Harry in the living room” she said “You want any?”

“Yeah sure!” everybody replied.


Ron woke up with a massive headache. He looked around. He was in his kitchen. He then saw a vial on the table. Without thinking, he grabbed the vial and drank it and then put the empty vile on the table. For a moment his headache lifted but then he began to feel very sick.

He moaned slightly and tried to get up but when he grabbed the table his strength gave way and he fell to the floor.

And then everything went black.

Next Chapter: It Just Keeps Going, Dosen't it? Estimated time remaining: 21 Minutes
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